6ELIJAH KELLOGG CHURCH, CONGREGATIONAL NEWSLETTER Issue #15-06 Elijah Kellogg Church, Congregational Newsletter June 2015 Soundings By Rev. John Carson Are you ready for another special summer? I’m originally from the Midwest, and I’ve served churches all over the country. In most places, summer is “off-season” for the church… But here in Maine, it’s “highseason!” More people and more things to do than any other time of year! Are you ready for another special summer? We’ll have our usual list of great occasions – Public Suppers in June and August, a Barn and Bake Sale at the end of June, our Chicken Barbeque at the end of July and Summer Days / Vacation Bible School the week of August 3rd. We’ll also start our outside work on the church – stripping and repainting our Meeting House, refurbishing our Steeple, and re-guilding our church sign – as part of our three year Preservation Project. (Thanks, again, to all who’ve given their support!) The outside work begins June 5th. It carries on throughout the summer… with a promise to be finished before the fall. This summer, we’ll have ten o’clock Sunday Services, with Coffee Hour, as usual. We’ll have a “Casual (!) Sunday School,” and Nursery Care for children, as we always do. But for the good of all concerned, summer access to our buildings, through the week as well as Sundays, will be through the doors of Fellowship Hall. (Please stop by through the week to see how things are going!) I’m looking forward to another special summer here at Kellogg Church – busy, full of life and full of love. I hope that you are, too. And I hope that you will bring your families, along with all your friends and neighbors, to be part of all the good things happening here. Grace and Peace, John IN THIS ISSUE Faith and Family………………….….........…Page 2 A Letter from Beatrix…………………….....Page 3 Missions Board Update for May……....Page 5 Barn & Bake Sale Information.………....Page 6 6ELIJAH KELLOGG CHURCH, CONGREGATIONAL NEWSLETTER Issue #15-06 Faith & Family Train a child in a way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. Proverbs 22:6 by Denise Perry, Christian Education Director Every Sunday this Summer - CASUAL SUNDAYS June 6th July 19th Visit to Heifer Farm in Rutland, MA Cliff Trail Walk CASUAL SUNDAYS This summer the children will enjoy fellowship as a small group each Sunday. We need YOU to be part of our summer team. Will you take a Sunday and devote it to our children? It could be as simple as reading a book and taking a walk or a more elaborate craft project and/or game. The choice is yours. No need to worry about planning activities – that will be done for you! A collection of games, crafts, books, and activities will be available for you to choose from. Please consider helping – the rewards are plentiful! HEIFER FARM On June 6th a group of twelve will be traveling to Heifer Farm in Rutland, Massachusetts. We will learn about Heifer's mission of working with communities to end hunger and poverty while caring for the earth. We will learn how animals play an essential role in a sustainable farming system. We can’t wait to share our experience with you! Thank you for praying and supporting this mission. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL August 3-7 from 9:00 am – 12:00 noon. With the theme of Animal Crackers we will explore how people, animals, and plants live in harmony as God’s good creation. We will be looking to our generous congregation to help support our camp. There are many ways to help: Donate food and/or craft items (a list will be available in July) Bring an animal in for a visit (chickens, rabbits, sheep, goats, etc.) Share your talent for gardening, music, art, science, etc. Volunteer to supervise SUMMER FAMILY OUTINGS On Sunday, July 19th at 1:00pm we will be hiking the Cliff Trail (behind the Recycling Center on Mountain Road). On Sunday, August 30th join us at Mitchell Field at 11:30am. Bring a picnic lunch and enjoy an afternoon at the beach. ELIJAH KELLOGG CHURCH, CONGREGATIONAL NEWSLETTER A Letter from Beatriz 3 ELIJAH KELLOGG CHURCH, CONGREGATIONAL NEWSLETTER 4 Building Access throughout the summer Due to the removal of lead paint from the outside of the sanctuary this summer, entrance to and from the building will only be possible through the double doors in Fellowship Hall. Building use and Sunday services will take place as usual. Only access is restricted. This notice will stay in effect throughout the summer. Thank you for your cooperation. -The Preservation Committee and Board of Trustees Women’s Fellowship June Meeting The June meeting of Women’s Fellowship will be a picnic held on Tuesday, June 2nd at the home of Ruth Smith at 172 Basin Point Road. The business meeting will begin at 11am, followed by visiting and the picnic (deviled eggs, dessert and drinks will be provided; please bring something such as a salad, sandwiches, or a favorite dish to share.) Please carpool when possible. Ladies living north of or near the church will meet at EKC by 10:45am to drive together from there. All ladies of the church are cordially invited to attend! Don’t forget – Women’s Fellowship Craft Group meets every Tuesday @1pm You are welcome to join in the fun! Sign Up Today! We're looking for someone who would be willing to host the June 21st coffee hour. If you are able to do so, please either sign up on the sheet by the kitchen, or contact Jean Hathaway at 833-5353. Many Thanks! ELIJAH KELLOGG CHURCH, CONGREGATIONAL NEWSLETTER 5 Missions Board Update by Janice Maranda The Board of Missions will be having their Community Supper on Saturday, June 13th. The Harpswell American Legion Post will be the focus of this event and members will be joining us at the dinner to greet and eat. This Post sponsors a Christmas party each year for the residents of Togus Veterans Hospital in Chelsea, ME. The residents look forward to this celebration where they enjoy pizza and get presents in the spirit of the season. We hope the dinner will help with the considerable expense of the endeavor. The menu for the dinner is ham with a special secret sauce, scalloped potatoes, salad and vegetables, all topped off with a piece of pie! Join us for dinner on the 13th! Your Mission Dollars are at work: Thank you letters are posted on the bulletin board in Fellowship Hall. This past month your Mission Board sent $300.00 to the BathBrunswick Hospital Chaplaincy, and sent $200.00 to The Family Crisis Center. May Missions $300 Bath/Brunswick Hospital Chaplaincy $200 The Family Crisis Center We need pies! Anyone who can make a pie, any kind, please sign up on the sheet on the bulletin board in the hallway. We need about 18 pies so, please, get out your rolling pins! We also need help with set-up, serving, cooking and clean-up. That sheet is also on the bulletin board. ELIJAH KELLOGG CHURCH, CONGREGATIONAL NEWSLETTER 6 Furniture featured at Kellogg Barn Sale The annual Kellogg Church Barn Sale will take place Saturday, June 27th, from 9am -2pm. Co-chairmen are Carrie Bubier (729-6267) and Louise Huntington (725-5657). The sale will feature furniture, including antique furniture. Furniture maybe dropped off at the church barn Saturday morning from 9am – Noon through Jun 20th. In addition to furniture, treasures, books and baked goods will be sold. If the barn gets full of furniture before the sale, donors will be encouraged to submit photographs of their items, along with their contact information, to be put on a bulletin board to be displayed during the sale. Buyers may contact donors directly. Members of the community are invited to participate in the event by renting their own sale tables for $25. Please call Blee Horton at 833-6809 to rent a table. The Women’s Fellowship will hold its famous Bake Sale. Hot dogs and lemonade will be available for lunch. The Sale will take place rain or shine. ELIJAH KELLOGG CHURCH, CONGREGATIONAL NEWSLETTER 7 ELIJAH KELLOGG CHURCH, CONGREGATIONAL NEWSLETTER 8
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