TAKING IT HOME 1. If you are in need of a “nap and nutrition,” share this goal with trusted friends or family and ask them to hold you accountable. 2. Spend 30 minutes in silence for 5 out of the next 7 days. Ask God to speak to you during these periods of silence. (OK to read the Bible while you are silent, but nothing else.) 3. If you have given up on a commitment you previously made to serve the Lord, renew that commitment this week, and do what it takes to get back on track. THRONES #5−Throne of Restoration I Kings 19 Pastor Bill Oudemolen Foothills Bible Church May 31, 2015 INTRODUCTION: PHASE 1 - ______________ GOD'S __________- VV. 5-8 1) There is No ____________ in _____________ _______ for God 4. Make plans to join a G2 in the coming year if you are not yet participating in one. (You need to “connect” at FBC, and this is a wonderful way to do it!) 2) There is No __________ in _______________ You're ____________ PHASE 2 - _____________ GOD'S ____________ - VV. 9-14 GROWTH GROUP PRAYER REQUESTS: 1) You May be ____________ Too Much _________ - vv. 10, 14 2) You May Be _____________ Too Much ___________ - vv. 11-13 PHASE 3 - _______________ TO GOD'S _________ - VV. 15-17 1) Any ______________ You Have is Because of God's _______ 2) Any ____________ You Have is Because of God's __________ Today is the last day to sign up for Vacation Bible School! VBS is the week of June 8, 9:00−12:15 p.m. Limited space still available. Sign up in the Lower Lobby. Please note: there will be no new registrations accepted the week of VBS. On Sunday, June 21, Elder Affirmation Ballots will be distributed to the congregation. Absentee ballots will be available at the Sign Up Center on Sunday, June 14 for those unable to attend services on Sunday, June 21. PHASE #4 - ___________________ WITH GOD'S _____________ - VV. 18-21 BIG IDEA: www.FoothillsBibleChurch.org or 303-904-4322 Growth Group Preparation Questions For the week of May 31, 2015 3. How did God take Elijah’s focus off his circumstances? To be ready for your Growth Group Bible Study discussion, take some to go through these Growth Group Questions (G2Qs) and be prepared to share your answers with your group. Have a great time connecting with others and growing in the Word! When you feel like Elijah, how can Psalm 77 help restore your perspective? GETTING TO KNOW YOU What past experiences and Scriptures do you “go to” that help you trust God? How did Elijah display faith in 1 Kings 19? 1. Who is the “Jezebel” in your life? 2. What food do you eat when you need instant energy? 3. Where do you go to get some R & R? 4. What got you going when you were feeling like Elijah or couldn’t go any further? 4. What hinders you from hearing God? GOING DEEPER Look up the following Scripture: Romans 15:1-2; 2 Cor. 7:6-7; Eph. 4:29; Heb. 10:24-25. What do they say is important for believers to do? 1. What was Elijah’s condition (physical, emotional, spiritual, mental and social) Why did he want to die? What were the things that God did to restore him? 2. In verses 9 & 13 God asked Elijah, “What are you doing here?” What happened in between the two questions? Why was Elijah in a place where he couldn’t hear God? Elijah struggled to hear God, to trust God and feel connected. How are they related? How do you identify with Elijah in this way? Who strengthens you when you feel like Elijah? What do you need to put into practice in your own life? What is something you can do to better to encourage/strengthen/support others?
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