The Briarwood Vision May 2015 Rev. Charles N. Bowdler, Senior Pastor Volume 16 Issue 5 Dear Briarwood Family of Faith At our April Session meeting, the Elders voted to participate in a program to raise awareness about the persecution of Christians all around the world, especially in the Middle East. We are all aware of the brutal execution of Christians at the hands of the Islamic State. The victims are videotaped wearing orange jumpsuits as they are led away to be beheaded. It is truly barbaric and heart breaking. I take comfort from the words of Revelation 20:4 which read in part, “I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their testimony to Jesus and for the Word of God. They came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years.” While we may not understand all that these words mean, it is clear that martyrs have a special status in the Kingdom of God. None of us would want to join their numbers, but God has not forgotten or forsaken them. Instead, God reserves a special reward for those who remain faithful even unto death. As Elie Wiesel, the Jewish holocaust survivor wisely said, “We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.” In solidarity with our suffering brothers and sisters in Christ, we are asking the congregation to wear something orange (symbolizing the jumpsuits). We are working to provide orange ribbons or orange bracelets for members and friends of the congregation who would like to participate. The orange item will be a daily reminder to pray for those who are facing martyrdom, their grieving families, and their executioners. We recognize that the actions of a few do not represent the beliefs of the whole. Many Muslims abhor what ISIS is doing. The reality is that far more Shia Muslims are dying at the hands of the Islamic State than other religious groups. Still, we should pray against these wicked and bloodthirsty actions and for the deliverance of the innocent and the helpless. Perhaps this prayer might serve as a model for your personal petitions: “Heavenly Father, strengthen our brothers and sisters who are facing martyrdom for their Christian faith. Give them courage and hope now and at the hour of their death. Grant that their lives may be a powerful testimony to Jesus and to the Word of God. Remind them that death is the beginning of everlasting life. Comfort all who know and love Christian martyrs. Bind up their broken hearts and heal their afflicted spirits. Look mercifully on other religious group who are also dying for their faith. Give them your free grace; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.” Finally, plan to join us on Thursday, May 7 at 12:00 p.m. for our National Day of Prayer observance. We will meet under the Bell tower to pray for our nation, for the world, and for all who are persecuted for their faith, especially our brothers and sisters in Christ in the Middle East. Newsletter 1 Yours with Christ, PW Calendar May 3 –PWCT May 19 – Mary Martha Day Mary Martha Day will be Tuesday May 19 at 10:00. We will be making cookies for the Summer Adventure. Come for a time of fellowship, devotion, and a light lunch. This will be our last meeting until September. Marimae Coleman, Mission Coordinator Circle Lydia Rachel Elizabeth Naomi When 5/12 10:00am 5/5 6:00pm 5/8 9:30am 5/17 11:45am Hostess Potluck lunch Jane Hogue (Salad Supper) Patsy West Salad Lunch Presbyterian Women's Birthday Offering has reached $2519.00 to date. Thank you to all who participated in the Celebration on Sunday, April 19 and who contributed so generously to the Birthday Offering Projects. Special thanks to those who organized, cooked, decorated, set-up, cleaned up and donated time and energy to a great time of fun and fellowship. Newsletter 2 Bible Moderator Linda Hill All Members Betty Simmons Linda Jabour SERVING THIS MONTH ELDERS OF THE WEEK 3 10 17 24 31 Warren Dorsey & Debra Kinser David French & Doris Schneider Sandy French & Jimmy Hulsman Marcia Magee & Clint Lee David Jensen & Susan Sumrall USHERS Carol Alexander (Capt.) Paul Shelton George Forkin (Capt.) Hugh Hogue Lynn Davis Warren Dorsey ( is chair of the Usher Committee. Call him or your usher captain, if you need to change a day. Then inform the office. If you have a birthday this month and don’t see your name, contact the office. Budget Snapshot March Budget Offerings $41,503.19 Budget items spent (36,091.07) Income over (under) $ 5,412.12 FLOWER TEAMS 3 10 17 24 31 3 Hannah Dodson 5 Jenny Naylor 6 Jase Hulsman 8 Crea Shelton 12 Jessica Burrell 13 Steve Puryear 14 Howard Friday Mitzi Bowdler Erik Williamsen 15 Suzanne Stephens Gy Odom 17 Barney McCann John Barron 18 Jimmy Hulsman Grace McElroy 19 Owen Hogue 20 Betty Cooksey 22 Baxter Hogue 24 Michael Cook 15 Leigh Curtis 28 Betty Jameson 30 June Waldrip Cole, Walker, West Carlisle, Naylor, Planch Carlisle, Naylor, Planch Stephens, Harber, Bessonette Stephens, Harber, Bessonette Year to Date $113,953.51 113,060.73 $892.78 One Great Hour of Sharing – $2,110.00 April 2¢ A Meal - $167.24 SANCTUARY PREPARATION 3 10 17 24 31 Amy York Doris Schneider Emily Chandler Joy Clemmer Amy York Come and Worship 4 Emily Chandler is chair of Sanctuary Preparation Committee. If unable to serve, please contact her at 601-398-8481 or Pentecost Sunday is May 24 Come in Red Casual Dress And stay for picnic (see details on page 5) SUMMER ADVENTURE June 15-18th 8:45 AM-12:45 PM “Faithfulness” is the theme this year with great stories of Jonah, Jacob’s Dream, Walls of Jericho, Noah, Moses’ dry feet, Deborah, Ruth and Naomi. Come be a part of this exciting ministry as we partner with the children of Stewpot. Contact Tena Becker for more details. Donald Guild 1165 Quinn Street Jackson, MS 39202 601.331.5358 Newsletter 3 Please Keep Your Eyes on Your Own Paper Rev. M. Catherine Cook WEDNESDAY NIGHT FELLOWSHIP 6 p.m. “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Ephesians 2:10 Catered supper followed by programs for all ages. ($6.00/adult; $3.00/child; $15 family max) May 6th - “The 7 Cardinal Virtues” – Bowdler May 13th – Committees Meet and Devotional May 20th - “The 7 Cardinal Virtues” – Bowdler May 27th – Not scheduled; after Memorial Day EXPLORER’S BIBLE STUDY Monday 5/4 – 9:30 AM & 6 PM We will return in the Fall YOUTH NEWS Briarwood Youth will meet with Pastors Bowdler & Cook at 11:45 on Sunday, May 3 & 31. NO SUNDAY SCHOOL – May 24th Join us for worship at 10:25 AM followed by a church-wide picnic celebrating Memorial Day and the start of summer! THE LITTLE LIGHT HOUSE May 6 Annual Tees for Tots Golf Tournament The Reunion Golf Course. Registration/Lunch 11 am Tee Time 12:30 pm Awards Celebration 5:30 pm VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL June 28-July 1 – 6 PM Catered supper followed by exciting programs for all ages. Rev. Samford Turner, Presbytery Exec of South Alabama Presbytery, is the adult speaker. Our children will be on an adventure to Mount Everest led by Barbie Doty and Heather Williamsen. For more information, contact Susan Sumrall. For generations, in classrooms across the land, teachers have been warning their students to “Keep your eyes on your own paper!” Students come up with some very creative explanations for “wandering eye syndrome.” But even comparing one’s own work with what is going on at the next desk is discouraged. In classrooms, we associate the warning to focus on our own work with the danger of being tempted to cheat. In life, comparing ourselves with others has another danger. When Paul wrote to the Christians in Ephesus, he cautioned them to remember who they had been before God’s grace changed their lives. Notice, he said, the contrast in who you were and who you are now, and remember who is recreating you and why. If we are busy comparing our lives and work, it is harder to concentrate on the work God is doing in our own life. If we are preoccupied with the difference in our churches or lives and those of our neighbors, we may just miss the work God has prepared for us to do. While we were walking in the Cystic Fibrosis 5K, Polly Duggan shared three lessons she had learned from quilting. I think they could help us in our Christian lives as well. • Do not compare your work with that of others. It is your work and unique; • Do not point out the flaws in your own work; • Remember why you made the quilt in the first place. It struck me that in a culture that places so much emphasis on competition and acceptance, it can be hard to appreciate that our great God could be so mindful of our particular makeup and gifts. The quilter’s tips can help us with the temptation to compare God’s work in our lives with what God is doing next door. It is good to appreciate God’s work in one another, but may God give us grace to appreciate the particular workmanship of God in our own lives. May we be able to trust God’s work in us, and be able to see how that fits us for the work he has in mind as he shapes our lives. Newsletter 4 Dear Briarwood Family, Thank you for your prayers, cards, meals and comfort following the death of my mother. Audie and I are very blessed to have such a wonderful church family. Gratefully yours, Monty Dodson + Christian Symbol + Dear Friends, Thank you for your love, prayers and faithful support in 2014. You are an important part of our team, and we appreciate you. We are doing well and seeing many refuges from Syria and Afghanistan coming to us. Blessings, Lisa & Werner Schobesberger A vine symbolizes Christ, the foundation of life and nourishment of all people, who, in turn, are like branches. When separate from the vine, we branches can't survive — at least not spiritually. "Apart from me," says Jesus, "you can do nothing" (John 15:5, NIV). But as God the gardener tends this relationship, we branches grow stronger and more mature in Jesus and alongside one another. Make plans to attend the Annual Memorial Weekend Picnic, Sunday, May 24. Fried or Baked Chicken, Dessert and drinks are furnished Bring your favorite side dish to share. $3.00/each Vine National Day of Prayer Come and Pray Thursday, May 7th at noon Under the Bell Tower “Hear the cry and the prayer that your servant is praying in your presence this day.”.” -1 Kings 8:28 Prayer Walk May 16, 10:a.m. Sunday, May 3 Preparation Team Amy York & Susan Bostwick Please join us, old and young alike, in the Fellowship Hall at 9:45 on Saturday, May 16, where we will divide into groups and walk on the streets in front of the church. Sign-up sheets are in the sanctuary and Fellowship Hall. Join us: there's a place for everyone! Newsletter 5 Sunday 3 Communion Senior Breakfast Sunday School Fellowship Time Morning Worship PWCT Youth 10 Monday 4 Tuesday 5 Congregational Care Mtg 11 Wednesday Thursday 6 WNF - 12 13 7 12pm on the Patio 14 Friday Saturday 1 2 8 9 Elizabeth Circle 15 16 Prayer Walk 10:00 a.m. Sunday School Fellowship Time Morning Worship 17 Sunday School Fellowship Time Morning Worship Session Congregational Care Mtg 18 Lydia & Rachel Circles 19 Congregational Care Mtg WNF – Committees 20 21 22 23 28 29 30 WNF Naomi Circle 24 Pentecost Sunday SS will not meet 25 Jxn Quilters 26 27 WNF begins vacation Office Closed 31 Sunday School Fellowship Time Morning Worship Youth Vacation Schedule Audie Dodson May 8-May 15, May 21-22 Summer Adventure – June 15 – 18 Family Vacation Bible School – June 28 – July 1 Newsletter 6 Recent Letter from one of our Missionaries Newsletter 7 The Briarwood Vision Non Profit Org. US Postage Paid Jackson, MS 39205 Permit No. 452 Briarwood Presbyterian Church 620 Briarwood Drive Jackson, MS 39211 601.956.4553 “If at first you don’t succeed, do it like your mother told you.” —Author unknown Newsletter 8
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