Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost Education Sunday August 24, 2014, 10:00 AM

Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost
*Hymn 522
Education Sunday
August 24, 2014, 10:00 AM
Glorious Things of You Are Spoken
Rev. Venable
Christ’s Church, Built Upon Us !
Matthew 16:13-20 (page 798, LP page 1524)
Watchword of the Week:
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the
renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the
will of God – what is good and acceptable and perfect.
Romans 12:2
Prelude in G
Welcome and Announcements
Rev. Scott Venable
Prayers of the People/Pastoral Prayer
Call to Worship
This Day Is Holy to the Lord
*Liturgy for Education, Page 127
(Following the Liturgy, please greet those around you in the Name of Christ.)
Giving of Tithes and Offerings to the Lord
Prayer of Dedication
You Are the Christ!
Jesus gathered the chosen together. Then He asked this question: “Who
do people say the Son of Man is?” “Who do they say I am? Who do you
say I am?”
You are the Christ, You are Messiah. You are the Christ, the
Son of the Living God. You are the King, You are the Savior.
You are the way, the truth, the life, You are the Christ! O Lord
most high, You are the Christ!
Once unto ev’ry man and nation comes a moment to decide. What will
our answer be to Jesus? Will we in faith reply?
Moravians have a story God’s given us to share;
let’s tell it with conviction that all the world may hear.
God’s many gifts and graces to each were freely giv’n;
that in our earthly living we share a glimpse of Heav’n.
Moravians have a story; we share it for God’s glory;
and tell our old, old story in new exciting ways.
To each God’s grace was given, to each God’s call is plain.
To put our gifts in service; to share and share again;
to be the church God promised to a world divided, torn;
God’s purpose be fulfilled – be reconciled, reborn.
Moravians have a story; we share it for God’s glory;
and tell our old, old story in new exciting ways.
Our guest organist this morning is Anita Long. Anita and her husband,
Wayne, live in Mocksville where she teaches piano. Anita served for many
years as Organist/Choir Director at First Presbyterian Church in Mocksville.
Anita and Wayne have one daughter, Julie. We appreciate Anita sharing her
talent with us this morning! We also thank Linda Mathers for directing the
choir and Betty Ferguson for playing the piano this morning.
would like information about our activities or becoming a member of Fairview,
please indicate your wish in the appropriate space.
Children three years old and under may go to the Nursery.
*Please stand.
Jason Andersen
 Please sign the Friendship Pad at the end of your row and pass it down. If you
“You Are the Christ!” – Words and Music by Joseph M. Martin
Based on Matthew 16:13-16
©2009 Timespann, a division of the Lorenz Corporation
CCLI License #751334
Moravians Have A Story
Tune: I Love to Tell the Story
Kathy King and Morgan Southern
Reading of God’s Word
Isaiah 51:1-6 (page 594, LP page 1141)
Romans 12:1-8 (page 922, LP page 1763)
Dick Joyce
The Chancel Flowers are given in honor of Ruby Gentle’s birthday by
Brenda, Jack, Chris, and Melissa.
Stewards of Service This Week:
Ushers: Hewitt Gilbert, Gary Harrold, Harry Sapp, Bill Shields
Greeters: Jerry and Judy Byerly
Worship Nursery: Heather Hubbard
10:00 AM
11:10 AM
Worship – Education Sunday
Teacher Appreciation Reception and Program
2:00 PM
4:30 PM
10:30 AM
Baby Shower for Amy Hailey (Activity Building)
Band Practice (Blum Chapel)
Women’s Fellowship Executive Board Mtg.
(Fellowship Hall)
(Conference Room)
12:00 PM
8:00 AM
10:00 AM
11:10 AM
4:30 PM
Fairview Friends hot dog lunch, ice cream sundaes,
and a movie (Fellowship Hall)
Men’s Fellowship Community Yard Sale until 1:00
PM (Ball Field) – Gate opens at 7:00 AM
Sunday School
Band Practice (Blum Chapel)
Staff & Ministry Areas of Fairview
Office Phone: 768-5629; Kitchen Phone: 768-1958; Fax: 768-5637
E-mail: fmc@fairviewmoravianchurch.org
Website: http://www.fairviewmoravianchurch.org
Office Hours: Monday–Thursday, 9:00 AM–4:00 PM; Friday, 9:00 AM–Noon
Rev. Scott Venable, Pastor
Lewis Phillips, Music Director/Pastoral Assistant
Janet Robbins, Administrative Assistant
Dena Todd, Treasurer
Amy Mendenhall, Vice-Chair, Elders
Robert Rascoe, Chair, Trustees
Robah Ogburn, Band Director
Everyone is invited to be involved in each of the ministry areas of the congregation. If you
have questions about becoming a participant in our music ministry, children’s ministry, Sunday
School, outreach projects or mission efforts, please speak to an usher.
If you are in need of pastoral assistance, you are invited to contact the Church Office. You
may also call Rev. Scott Venable at 659-4586 or Lewis Phillips at 751-4264.
The Men’s Fellowship Community Yard Sale is this Saturday, August
30th! The gate will open at 7:00 a.m. and the Sale will be from 8:00 a.m.
to 1:00 p.m. Bring a tarp, trailer, table, etc. to set up on. You may also
bring a tent to provide shade. We will do the advertising! Rain or Shine!
Cost is $20 per space. Our youth will be selling breakfast items as well as
hotdogs for lunch.