Christ United Methodist Church Newsletter October 12, 2014 In This Issue Cover Article Around Christ Church Missions Children's Ministry/Youth News Cover Article Worship Topic For Today's Message Looking Back And Looking Ahead Celebrations "Right Here, Right Now" - A Year Later When we received the pledges in the most recent threeyear building fund campaign last August, our remaining building debt was $3.8 million. After just one year of faithful giving and some really good fortune, we have reduced the debt to just over $3.1 million! The good fortune included getting a fair settlement from the State of Tennessee for some right-of-way for the widening of East Brainerd Road, all of which we paid directly on our building debt principal. Our loan was scheduled to mature next spring, and our Finance Committee moved early to negotiate a new loan. With the low interest rates of the past few years, our loan had been based on a floating rate, and this worked extremely well for us. But with the prospects of interest rates beginning to increase, Finance wisely negotiated a fixed rate for the new loan, which is now in effect. Our new loan, still with First Tennessee Bank, is for a term of 13 years, amortized over that period, and at a fixed interest rate of 4.13 percent. Way to go Andy Martin and our Finance Committee! As we stated in our campaign last year, we want very much to pay off the debt in ten years. Giving in the first few months was enough to do that. In fact, after the first four months, our total building fund receipts were $127,000 more than the amount pledged. Today, we are only Rev. Mark blessed 60 animals last Sunday at the Blessing Of The Animals. Our LIFE (Learning Is For Everyone) program began last week and we had 100+ in attendance. Welcome New Members Fran Simmons 3400 Jenkins Rd., Apt.831 Chatt., TN 37421 Callie Collins Wednesday Night Meal October 15 Chicken & Dumplins, Lima Beans, Apples, Biscuits, Salad, Dessert, Beverage or Pizza, Salad, Dessert, Beverage $80,000 ahead of the amount pledged. In other words, our giving to the building fund is beginning to wane a bit. Please help Christ Church pay off our building debt as planned by giving regularly to the building fund without shifting your giving from the operating fund. And if you have any questions about this, please call me at 240-0069. Around Christ Church... $4/adult $2.50/child (10 & under) $12/family max To RSVP, click here. This Week at CUMC To view this week's church calendar, please click here. The Great Escape! We are celebrating on Wednesday evening, October 29, with a huge Stewardship & festival, starting at 5 pm with chili, hot dogs, & Attendance dessert - no charge! Groups and families will go on To view last week's Great Escape scavenger hunts with treats for stewardship and survivors. The grand finale will be a disappearing act attendance, please you cannot miss. Plan now to come and invite click here. someone to join you, 5-7 pm! Special Men's Study - Explore what the conversation might have been if the Pope, Luther, Calvin, and Prayer Concerns Wesley had talked over dinner. Compare their To view our prayer approaches to Christian beliefs. This study is 4 concerns, please Thursday evenings, 7-8 pm, in Room A-12, starting click here. this Thursday, Oct. 16, led by Pastor David Hall. The Women's Ministry "Holiday DIY (Do It Yourself)" is tomorrow, October 13 from 68:00pm. Myra Brown will speak on "The Art Of Contact Info. Gracious Holiday Entertaining". Come early to shop vendors in the Atrium at 5:30. There will also be 8645 East Brainerd Rd. food, holiday decorating ideas and door prizes. Chattanooga, TN 37421 (423)892-9363 Tickets are $15 and will be sold at the door in limited quantity. Contact the Church Office to reserve child care. New WOW (Women of Worth) Study - What happens when the Christian virtues of kindness, patience, and gentleness don't work in your relationships? Dr. Cathy Turner will lead the 6-week study FoolProofing Your Life by Jan Silvious beginning Wednesday, Oct 15, 10:00-11:30, Youth Center. Contact Susan Higgins for more information 3048783. Christ Church and East Brainerd Community Theatre will present The Curious Savage, a comic tale by John Patrick. Show dates are Thursday, Friday and Saturday, October 16 - 18th at 7:30 pm and Sunday, October 19th at 2:00 pm at the church. Tickets are $10 and are available at the Information Desk, the church office, online or at the door. Be Inviting -- When we invite someone to worship, it is good to have something to give them with our address and other information about the church. We have new cards at the Info Desks for this. Please stop by, pick up a few cards, and write a note on the back when you give a card to those you invite. Business Women! Join us for lunch on Tuesday, Oct. 14, Noon, at the Read House. We will continue our discussion of Personalities at Work. Free parking! Lunch will be ordered from the Porter's menu and the cost is $15.60. Contact Suzanne at or Cathy at for more information. iStudy - It is not too late to participate in the study of the next segment, Old Testament. Pick up your paper copy at the Info. Desk. Missions Attention! The Clothes Closet is in need of winter coats for men, women and children of all ages. Donations can be dropped off in the Church Office. Thank you! Pantry Pile-Up items for October will be individually wrapped candy for the Bethlehem Center's children Hallelujah Night. This is the Beth's alternative to Trick-or-Treat. Containers are located in both the Sanctuary and Common Atriums. Mondays At The Beth - This is the highlight for many volunteers' week. Join us for an afternoon of Bible stories, crafts, and snacks with the children at the Bethlehem Center. During the school year the group meets at the church at 3:00 p.m. and return by 5:30 p.m. For more information or to volunteer call Red Dueker at 499-0618. Sack Packs - On September 3rd we began partnering with the Chattanooga Food Bank to assemble 300 Sack Packs weekly to feed local elementary children to curb weekend hunger to food insecure children. The program will be ending November 7th. Please join us Wed. evenings from 4:30 to 6:00 in the connector hall between the Sanctuary and Commons to pack the sacks! East Ridge Cares 4 Kids is an after-school mentoring, tutoring, and feeding program for children living in extended stay hotels. They need your help! Please join them weekly on Tuesdays from 4:30pm to 6:30pm at East Ridge United Methodist Church. If you have any questions, please call Marcy Hall at 706-937-5038. Prayer Shawl Ministry is a way to share the gift of knitting or crocheting with those who are in need of comforting. The group meets the third Thursday of the month in M-6. Join us on October16, 6-8pm. This will be our last meeting until January. For more info., contact Linda Anderson at 892-4323. Baked Blessings is an opportunity to bake cookies or brownies for people who are homeless. The ministry provides 300 home baked treats to Mustard Tree Ministries. Bring 3 dozen cookies or brownies packaged (2 per ziplock bag) to the church office by Tuesday, Oct. 21st. Items need to be baked, not store bought. For info., contact Becky Hall at or 892-9363. Children's Ministry/Youth News Sunday Schedule 3, 4 and 5 year olds - 8:30 and 10:00 Sunday School meets in Room C-8. During Worship Services at 9:30 and 11:00, 3 yr. olds will meet in C-3, and 4 & 5 yr. olds will be in C-14 & C-12. (K - 2nd Grade) - 8:30 and 10:00 Sunday School meets in Room C-5. Christ Town meets in Room C-10 for Kindergartners at 10:00. Power Up meets in the Multi Purpose Room during the 9:30 and 11:00 Worship Services for 1st - 5th Graders. 3rd - 5th Grade - 8:30 Sunday School meets in Room C9. At 10:00, there is a BOYS class that meets in Room C-9 and GIRLS will be in Room C-7. MS & HS Sunday School Class - Meets at 8:30 and 10:00 in the Youth Center. Wednesday Night Activities CUMC has lots for kids to get involved in. Christ Kidz Live is our children's music and worship program and is always looking for more voices for the choir. For more information on Christ Kidz Live, please contact Becky Shull at 8929363. Pre-K (3's, 4's & 5's if not in K) 6-7pm in Children's Building K - 2nd Grade - 6-7pm in Room A-14 3rd-5th Grade - 5:45pm in Multi Purpose Room MS & HS Youth Worship is in the Youth Center from 6-7pm. Parents are also welcome!
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