Salem Evangelical United Church of Christ Seminary Sunday Last Sunday of Epiphany February 15, 2015 Rev. Ken Kramer GATHERING MUSIC Laura Kammerer WELCOME AND JOYS AND CONCERNS OF THE CONGREGATION *GATHERING WORDS (Responsively) Katie Husar Loving God, You have called us into service and worship. You have appointed disciples and equipped prophets from among our communities. As we respond to Your invitation, Be with us and call forth our unique gifts as we worship you today. *SINGING PRAISE TO OUR GOD (Insert) “We Have Come at Christ’s Own Bidding” *THE PRAYER ASKING GOD TO SHARE WORSHIP WITH US (Unison) Colin Courson Spirit of Truth, bless us with Your knowledge. Spirit of Love, pour Your favor into our hearts. And Spirit of Peace, come and be with us in worship today. Open our hearts for Your will for us, so we are called to action in word and deed. We pray in Jesus name, Amen. *THE PASSING OF THE PEACE (Please greet others around you) The peace of God be with you. And also with you! CHILDREN'S MESSAGE THE BELL CHOIR PLAYS Lorin Cope “Echoes” “God’s Train” by Bill Ingram by Valerie Stephenson A SERVICE OF HOLY BAPTISM Pastor Ken Kramer Amber & Lisa Wassenhove Marilynn Ritter, Natalie Ritter, Noah Wassenhove, Maverick Wassenhove INVITATION AND REMEMBERING WHY WE ARE HERE TODAY REMEMBERING OUR FAITH We believe in you, O God, Eternal Spirit, God of our Savior Jesus Christ and our God, and to Your deeds we testify: You call the worlds into being, create persons in Your own image, and set before each one the ways of life and death. You seek in holy love to save all people from aimlessness and sin. You judge people and nations by Your righteous will declared through prophets and apostles. In Jesus Christ, the man of Nazareth, our crucified and risen Savior, You have come to us and shared our common lot, conquering sin and death and reconciling the world to Yourself. You bestow upon us Your Holy Spirit, creating and renewing the church of Jesus Christ, binding in covenant faithful people of all ages, tongues, and races. You call us into Your church to accept the cost and joy of discipleship, to be Your servants in the service of others, to proclaim the gospel to all the world and resist the powers of evil, to share in Christ's baptism and eat at His table, to join Him in His passion and victory. You promise to all who trust You forgiveness of sins and fullness of grace, courage in the struggle for justice and peace, Your presence in trial and rejoicing, and eternal life in Your realm which has no end. Blessing and honor, glory and power be unto you. Amen. THE VOW OF THE ADULTS THE VOWS OF THE PARENTS FOR THE CHILDREN THE VOW OF THE CONGREGATION Brothers and sisters of the household of faith, I commend to your love, this family whom we now accept as a members of the family of God. Will you endeavor to live so that they may grow in the knowledge and love of God, and of our Savior, Jesus Christ? Will you support this family in their effort to grow in the way of the Gospel, and to faithful service in Christ’s Church? We will endeavor to do so and we promise our support. THE HOLY BAPTISMS THE PRAYER OF BLESSING THE INTRODUCTION OF THE FAMILY TO THE CONGREGATION THE GIVING OF THE CERTIFICATE AND CLOSING PRAYER THE CHOIR SINGS “My Savior” by Don Besig SHARING OUR TITHES, TALENTS AND TREASURES Katie Husar THE CALL TO SHARE AN OFFERING TO OUR GOD With a variety of gifts, we come. Ready to serve and ready to grow, we now give back a portion of gifts that we have so freely been given We pray that they are multiplied for Your purpose, dedicating them for the people and places that are building up our Spiritual leaders for tomorrow. Bless these gifts today! OFFERTORY *OFFERTORY RESPONSE DOXOLOGY PRAISE GOD FROM WHOM ALL BLESSINGS FLOW, PRAISE HIM, ALL CREATURES HERE BELOW, PRAISE HIM ABOVE YE HEAVENLY HOST, PRAISE FATHER, SON AND HOLY GHOST. AMEN *OFFERING DEDICATION PRAYER (Responsively) Giver of every good gift, we offer You these blessings. Let our gifts be used to further the work of Your church in the building up of those called to serve in Your divine name. Investing in Your servants multiplies our own gifts, for they bless our communities of faith. Blessings abound! Amen. *MEDITATING ON OUR GOD IN SONG (Insert) “O Jesus I Have Promised” SCRIPTURE READINGS II Corinthians 4:3-6 and Mark 9: 2-9 TODAY’S MESSAGE Courtney Courson “Belong To God” (Includes Video) Lorin Cope *SINGING RESPONSE TO OUR GOD (Insert) “Called As Partners In Christ” *CLOSING PRAYER (Unison) Pastor Ken On this Seminary Sunday, we pray for the future of our church. Bless those women and men who have heard Your call and are responding; may their journeys be filled with Your richest blessings as they strive to how to live into their calling. Bless also the churches, seminaries, and institutions that hold these servants in Your loving care, nurturing, and mentoring them until they are called into the service of Your Church. Bless them with courage to lead and hearts to serve, and in blessing them, we will be blessed as well. May we all go and serve you in honor, love and Peace. Amen *SUNG PRAYER RESPONSE (Insert) I Am the Light of the World *POSTLUDE Mission of the Month for Feb., 2015 Our U. C. C. Seminaries As Salem’s mission focus for February, we want to highlight the C. U. E. seminaries of the United Church of Christ (Chicago, United and Eden), with special emphasis on Eden Theological Seminary in St. Louis, MO. Founded in 1850, Eden is a graduate school which prepares women and men for ordained Christian ministry. One of the seven seminaries of the U. C. C., it is a community that seeks God’s justice and peace in the world. Eden is welcoming, inclusive, and ecumenically diverse. From its roots in the Evangelical Synod of North America, and through its ongoing relationship with the United Church of Christ, Eden has learned to value: the authority of the Gospel as mediated through Scripture, a personal piety that acknowledges the sovereignty of Christ, the church’s ministry of social justice and the promise of the church ecumenical, and community with people of all faiths. Salem helps support Eden Seminary through Our Church’s Wider Mission contributions throughout the year. To read more about Eden Seminary, visit on the internet. You can donate through Salem, directly through their website, or by mail to: Eden Theological Seminary, 475 East Lockwood Ave., St. Louis, MO 63119. We have a new family joining Salem today! Lisa and Amber Wassenhove and their four children will be baptized and become our newest members. Lisa and Amber were married on March 7, 2014. Their children are Marilynn (7), Natalie (5), Noah and Maverick (10-month-old twins). Amber is a nail tech and enjoys arts and crafts. She heard about Salem through the internet and likes the fact that they can be welcomed as a same-sex married couple. Lisa is a psych tech and enjoys basketball and playing with the kids. She also likes how welcoming Salem has been. The children’s God Parent will be Gena Cramer Lorin W. Cope is the Director for Advancement for UCC Church Giving at Eden Theological Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri. A native of northeast Ohio, Lorin has been active in the United Church of Christ in a variety of settings: as Consistory President at Bethel United Church of Christ in Beloit, Ohio; as program staff at First Congregational United Church of Christ in Greeley Colorado; as a member of the Western Reserve (Ohio) Association staff; and as the Minister for Conference Relations at the national setting of the church in Cleveland. Lorin has also served on the development staffs for Hope Homes in Ohio and for the Crossroad-Fort Wayne (Indiana) Children’s Home. In addition to his work at Eden Seminary, Lorin is the Church Secretary at St. Paul United Church of Christ in St. Louis, where he is a member; is the Wedding Coordinator at St. Johns Evangelical Church of Christ in Mehlville; is the Clerk of the St. Louis Association; and is serving on the Conference Minister Search Committee in the Missouri Mid-South Conference. GREETINGS! GREETINGS! GREETINGS! February 17th 4:30 p.m.- 6:30 p.m. $7.00 Tickets available at the door! This is a reminder we have greeting cards for your personal use. A church member donates the cards. The card rack is in Fellowship Hall or the Library. For example, when someone is added to the Prayer List, pick up a card and mail it. It's that easy to show you care. Ash Wednesday will be celebrated in a special worship service in the Sanctuary at 7:00 p.m., on February 18. The service will include the “Imposition of Ashes.” Each Wednesday following on February 25, March 4, 11, 18, and 25 we will hold 45-minute services beginning at 6:00 p.m. in the Lounge. On Maundy Thursday at 7:00 pm we will once again recreate the Last Supper of Christ and remember our Lord’s agony in the Garden. The service will be in the Sanctuary. On Good Friday at 7:00 pm we will gather to remember our Lord’s agony on the cross in a Tennebrae Service. This service will be in the Sanctuary. This year our theme for the Lenten Services will be seven dramas titled “Seven Steps To The Cross,” written by Ray Weigland. The Church at Work February 15 – February 22 Janet Adair Devon Baxter Jayne Brown Isabelle Cahill Karen Cookson Lynn Davis David Fox Maizee Gower Jean Hamann Carl Johnson Jim Kosowski Gary McEwen Kent Nelson Charlene Pflum Teal Raney Marvin Speckhart Jeanette Swayzer Timothy Swayzer Karen Wright Letha Althoff Steve Booher Bill Buss Sarah Campbell Gary Clapper Denise Eastman Austin Gower Steven Gragg Helen Hardy Jeannie Kammerer Ariell Kuriger Ron Morrison Valerie Ortbal Millie Predmore Matt Rucker Mary Stormer John Swayzer Raina Tappe Please submit changes to the church office! Please keep Rev. Carole Hoke, Fondulac Cong. UCC, East Peoria, in your prayers this week in support of her work and ministry. Sunday, February 15 9:00am Sunday Worship 10:00am Coffee Hour/Salem Choristers 10:30am Adult Bible Study 10:30am Bell Choir Rehearsal 10:30am Confirmation Class Monday, February 16 7:00pm Qcy Symphony Chorus Tuesday, February 17 9:00am Staff Meeting 7:00pm Choir Practice Wednesday, February 18 8:30am Quilters 7:00pm Ash Wednesday Service Friday, February 20 8:00am Deadline for Newsletter Saturday, February 21 11:30am Saturday Meals 4:30pm Saturday Worship Sunday, February 22 9:00am Sunday Worship 10:00am Coffee Hour/Worship Ministry 10:30am Adult Bible Study 10:30am Bell Choir Rehearsal 10:30am Confirmation Class 11:30am Youth Fellowship 4:00pm Organ Concert Acolytes Sunday, February 15 Hannah Brice A reminder...we continue to collect the Hy-Vee brand UPC labels. Each one is worth five cents and starts with the numbers 75450---. You can deposit the labels in the box across from the church office or give them to me. Thanks, Letha Althoff, The Label Counter Sunday, February 22 Lindsey Fuller Saturday Meals Saturday, February 21 Trinity-Hagoods Lindsey Fuller Saturday, February 28 Zion UCC-Rev. Keela Neumann Ushers Sunday, February 15 Youth Sunday Salem Church is a Gun Free Zone! Sunday, February 22 Kathy Willing, Ralph Baxter, Chuck McMullen, Denise Eastman Nursery Volunteers Join us for Coffee Hour immediately following the worship service in the Fellowship Hall (located across the Interlink and downstairs). Coffee & donuts are provided. This is a great way to get to know others in our Salem family! Sunday, February 15 Sunday, February 22 Sta ff of Sa lem Eva ngelica l United Church of Christ Members & Friends of Salem Rev. Ken Kramer Rev. Lynn Bohlmann Steve Disseler Kay Whitfield Dr. Phyllis Robertson Jeannie Kanauss Dolores Wemhoener Laura Kammerer Jody Messmer Amy Mueller Amy Mueller Salem Web Site Ministers Interim Pastor Calling Minister Saturday Worship Leader Service Coordinator Adult Choir Director Bell Choir Director Pianist Organist Secretary Custodian Wedding Coordinator Salem Facebook Salem Evangelical UCC 435 S. 9th Street Quincy, IL 62301 (217) 222-0601 Please sign the Ritual of Friendship pad in the pew & place it in the offering plate! We are excited to have a nursery available for your young ones! Newborn children to three-year-olds may attend the nursery. Older children are encouraged to take part in the Sunday children’s activities. If you need to locate the nursery, please ask any usher for assistance. Salem Evangelical United Church of Christ is an ‘Open and Affirming’ congregation. We believe that… MISSION STATEMENT “No m a t t e r w h o y ou a r e Or w h e r e y ou a r e on l ife ’s jou r n e y You a r e w e l c om e h e r e ” Called to share God’s grace and abundance with all. VISION STATEMENT Building character through Christian virtue.
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