May 17, 2015 – 11.15 - Boulevard Presbyterian Church

Boulevard Presbyterian Church
1235 Northwest Boulevard
Columbus, OH 43212
614-486-0267 Fax: 614-486-2342
Prayers for Healing and Strength
Mary Harris, Arlington Court
Kathie Bailey, recuperating at home
Jim Parks, recuperating at home
Sandy Zigler, recuperating at home
Sara Beaber, recuperating at home
Abbi Menke, recuperating at home
Debbie Ferguson, prayers for healing and comfort
(Bruce Smith’s friend)
Becky Metzler, recuperating after a fall
Norman Knapp, prayers for healing
Rob Williams’ Mother (lives in South Carolina)
Rose Marie Tate, receiving chemotherapy and radiation
treatment (Linda Wilton’s friend)
Ray Sanzo, at home
Julie DuSablon, receiving treatment for cancer
Jerry Braun, Mike McKinney’s brother-in-law
Mark Nicholson, prayers for healing
Prayers for Our Special Care List
Martha Agler, at home
Brita Knapp, for continued remission
Barbara Frautschi, for continued remission
Connie Freeman, at home
Marty Grimm, prayers for remission
Kay Jones, at home
Please call the Church Office to include someone on this
Prayer List.
If you would like to receive a visit from the pastor, a calendar
is kept in the church office. Please call 486-0267 to
schedule your visit.
If you have particular concerns that you wish to share, please
speak to any of the elders serving on Session. They can be
identified by their distinctive nametags which say “Elder” on
Music Director:
Office Manager:
Preschool Admin:
Preston Shealy
Brandon Moss
Mary Ann Stephens
Linda Johnson
Mark Key
Mikie Bowles
Seventh Sunday of Easter
9:00 am
Worship: Chapel
10:00 am Christian Education
10:00 am Property Team: 300
11:15 am Worship: Chapel
4:30 pm
YWCA Dinner Host
Monday, May 18
10:00 am Staff: 300
7:00 pm
Christian Education: 308
7:00 pm
Boy Scouts: Fellowship Hall
Tuesday, May 19
6:30 pm
Cub Den 3: 111
7:00 pm
Scout Troop Committee: 308
Wednesday, May 20
7:00 pm
Tiger Den 1: 111
Thursday, May 21
6:15 pm
Music Team
7:30 pm
Choir Rehearsal
Saturday, May 23
11:00 am Wedding: Chapel
Sunday, May 24
The Day of Pentecost
Food Mission Sunday
9:00 am
Worship: Chapel
10:00 am Christian Education
11:15 am Worship: Chapel
Boulevard Presbyterian Church
Worship On The Lord’s Day
May 17, 2015
Seventh Sunday of Easter
Today’s congregation continues strong traditions of:
Living faith through worship, mission, education and fellowship with the vision of
“Reaching Out to Make Disciples.”
Following the path laid out by God through his son, Jesus Christ, and the power of
the Holy Spirit;
Sharing the inclusive love of God to all of God’s children and God’s creation;
Exposing the light of Christ to the world through music, words, prayer and actions.
Please sign the friendship pad and pass it to those near you.
“Brethren We Have Met to Worship”
STEWARDSHIP IS . . . Having a will and
keeping it up to date!
We Rejoice and Give Thanks
Sunday, May 10, 2015
General Sunday Offering: $3,020.25
God’s People Gathered: 149
Arr. by Mark Hayes
Christian Sympathies To . . .
Susan and George Ells and family on the death of
Susan’s father, Doyle Stoner, on May 12, 2015.
11:15 a.m.
Celebrate with Joy and Singing
(from Psalm 1)
Leader: Happy are those who do not ridicule and scoff but who delight in God’s teachings and
meditate on them day and night.
People: They are like trees planted by streams of water.
Leader: They yield fruit in due season, and their leaves do not wither.
Let us worship God!
I Greet Thee, Who My Sure Redeemer Art
Lord God, you call us to delight in your teachings, yet we easily become cynical and full of
doubt. Do not judge us, we pray, but heal us, strengthen us and guide us as your children.
In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
Silent Confession and Sung Response
Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.
John Weaver
Leader: The peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
People: And also with you.
Please share the peace of Christ with those around you.
Leader: Loving God;
People: Hear our Prayer
*SING GLORY TO GOD (Hymn No. 579)
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost;
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be,
World without end. Amen, Amen.
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be
done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our
debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.
Gloria Patri
Children K-3rd grade are invited to attend Wee Worship, a children’s worship-education program. Children go to Room 107 after
the Children’s Message, and should be picked up there directly after worship. Children 3, 4, and 5 years old (who are not yet in
Kindergarten) are invited to Toddlerland in Room 202. All children 10 years and older should return to their seats in the Sanctuary.
Always By Our Side
(Mark Burrows/arr. Mary McDonald)
Father, hear the prayer we offer: Not for ease our prayer shall be,
But for strength that we may ever live our lives courageously.
John 17:6-19
Be our strength in times of weakness, in our wand’rings, be our guide;
Through each danger and endeavor, be always by our side.
Psalm 1
Not for ever in green pastures do we ask our way to be,
But the steep and rugged pathway, may we walk rejoicingly.
Not for ever by still waters would we idly rest and stay,
But would draw the living fountains from the rocks along our way.
Acts 1:15-17, 21-26
“Being the Church”
Preston Shealy
*HYMN NO. 442
The Church’s One Foundation
(from The Confession of 1967)
The life, death, resurrection, and promised coming of Jesus Christ has set the pattern for
the church’s mission. Christ’s life on earth involves the church in the common life of all
people. Christ’s service to humanity commits the church to work for every form of
human well-being. Christ’s suffering makes the church sensitive to all the suffering of
humankind so that it sees the face of Christ in the faces of all people in every kind of need.
Christ’s crucifixion discloses to the church God’s judgment on our inhumanity to others
and the awful consequences of the church’s own complicity in injustice. In the power of
the risen Christ and the hope of Christ’s coming, the church sees the promise of God’s
renewal of our life in society and God’s victory over all wrong.
The church follows this pattern in the form of its life and in the method of its action. So to
live and serve is to confess Christ as Lord.
*Offertory Response (Hymn No. 592)
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise God, all creatures here below;
Praise God above, ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.
*HYMN NO. 263
Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise
“How Firm a Foundation”
Arr. by Craig Courtney
*Please stand if you are able where indicated by the asterisk.
Worship Leader: Barbara Frautschi
Acolyte: Kit Stephens
Greeters: Evelyn Clark and Louise Conner
Wee Worship Teacher: Grace Parks
Childcare Volunteers: Adam and Lindsey Anderson
Elder of the Month: Steve Hills
The flower arrangement this morning is given to the glory of God by
Mary Ann Christman in memory of Richard Christman.
The Lord’s Supper is celebrated the first Sunday of the month at the 11:15 service and
weekly at the 9:00 service.
Large print bulletins, hymnals, and Bibles are available from the ushers.
Next Sunday, May 24th is Pentecost and Confirmation Sunday
Next Sunday we will receive and welcome the 2015 Confirmation Class.
Also, red is the symbolic color for Pentecost and reminds us of the flames of the spirit.
Be sure to wear red next Sunday!
Reception for Brandon Moss ~ Today in Fellowship Hall
Following both services today, please join us in Fellowship Hall for a reception to welcome
Brandon Moss, our new Director of Music. We are delighted that Brandon has joined our
Boulevard family!
YWCA Family Center Dinner Hosting ~ Today at 4:30 PM
We will be preparing and serving dinner at the YWCA Family Center on today. Please plan to
join us and let us know how you will be able to help!
On Sunday, May 17th, we will meet at the church at 4:30 pm to carpool to the Center.
Youth Group ~ Today at 4:30 PM
We will help serve dinner at the YWCA Family Center.
Calling all Graduates!
Are you graduating this spring, or know someone in our Boulevard family who is graduating? If
so, please contact Sandy Ferguson ( or 486-3692) or Martha Hills
( or 261-1919), or the church office (486-0267) to let us know. You
could also make a note on the Friendship Pad as it is passed to you. The Christian Education
Committee will recognize all graduates in worship on Sunday, June 7th. Thanks for your help!
Come Join the Parade! ~ Grandview Memorial Day Parade
On Saturday, May 23rd, Boulevard will have a float in Grandview’s Memorial Day parade. The
theme will be “construction” to share the renewal and renovation of our church with the
community. How can you help? Join us Friday around 6:00 PM at Wiley and Becky Elliott’s
house (1967 Village Court) to decorate the float and/or the morning of the parade no later than 9:00
AM to take your places and join the parade. Plan to dress in construction clothing  jeans, tee shirts,
utility belts, and bring a tool to carry  a hammer, paint brush, screwdriver… you get the idea…
and we will have the hard hats. We will be passing out balloons with a piece of candy and a
message from Boulevard along the route. If you have questions or to let us know of your interest so
we won’t be marching alone contact Kyme Rennick (893-1740), Debbie Shealy (219-1054 ) or
Grace Parks (488-2814). Hope to see you there!
Open Shelter Lunch Packing ~ Thursday, May 28th 6:00 PM and /or 6:30 PM
On Thursday, May 28th, we will be packing 200 brown bag lunches for the Open Shelter. We will
have sign-up times for people to arrive at 6:00 PM and 6:30 PM. If possible, please sign up ahead of
time on the list in the hallway leading to the chapel, but last minute volunteers are always
welcome! Ideally we would like to have 10-15 people signed up to participate. Thanks you for
your help! For more information, please contact: Amy Creighton at 614-209-9600 or
Scioto Valley Presbytery Mission Trip ~ October 18-24, 2015
2015 Presbytery-wide Mission Work Trip
Long-term Disaster Recovery Work in New Jersey
Application forms to participate in Scioto Valley's October 18-24, 2015 mission work team are now
available on the presbytery website: This work project, in partnership with
the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) recovery work, is supported by the PSV Commission
for Nurture and Outreach. For questions or further information, email Jeannie Harsh:
Sunday School Classes
Preschool ~ Ages 3-5
Grades K-3
Grades 4-7
Grades 8-12
Animate: Faith
Presbyterian 101
ANIMATE: FAITH ~ Adult Class through May 31st
Continue the Animate journey with ANIMATE: FAITH led by Jim Savage in Room 111.
Sessions include:
 God: Faith is a Quest
 Religion: Spirituality is Not Enough
 Jesus: The Revolution of Love
 Salvation: Abundant Life Now
 The Cross: Where God Is
 Bible: A Book like No Other
 Church: An Imperfect Family
Each session starts with a short video followed by discussion.
PRESBYTERIAN 101 ~ Adult Class through May 31st
What does it mean to say you are Presbyterian? This class taught by Pastor Shealy will give old
and new members alike a chance to delve into this question and find some answers. These classes,
during the Sunday Education hour in May will cover issues of Church (Boulevard) history,
theology and polity.
Are You On Facebook?
To learn all the latest news, go to Boulevard’s Facebook page and
become a follower by clicking on notifications!
“Glory Be to the Father” Presbyterian Hymnal No. 579, Henry W. Greatorex
“Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow” Presbyterian Hymnal No. 592, Thomas Ken
Psalm 1: Reproducible Congregational Part; Refrain Text and Music: Hal H. Hopson ©
2008 Birnamwood/MorningStar Music Publishers. All Rights Reserved.