Activities for the Week SUNDAY, APRIL 12 9:00 am and 10:45 am Worship Services, Sanctuary 9:00 am Guatemala Sale, Founders Hall 10:05 am Children’s Choir, Room 5 10:15 am Canticle Choir, Music Room 11:30 am Trinity Bells Rehearsal, Music Room 6:15 pm OA Meeting, Rooms 9/10 MONDAY, APRIL 13 10:00 am SDUMC Knitters, (Call 760-753-3807) 4:00 pm Book Group, Conference Room 6:30 pm Divorce Care, Lounge 6:30 pm Adult Children of Alcoholics, Room 6 6:30 pm Centering Prayer, (Contact Church Office) 7:00 pm Laubach Literacy, Founders Hall 7:00 pm Strategic Planning Meeting, Room 5 8:00 pm AA Big Book Study, Rooms 9/10 TUESDAY, APRIL 14 7:00 am AA, Room 6 9:00 am Laubach Literacy, Founders Hall 4:00 pm Jubilee Meeting, Room 6 6:00 pm Joyful Bells, Music Room 6:30 pm Boy Scouts, Founders Hall, Room 9/10 7:00 pm Board of Trustees, Conference Room WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15 9:00 am Mary Magdalene Circle, Lounge 9:30 am Dorcas Sewing Circle, Rooms 9/10 4:45 pm UMYF “WNL” Rooms 9/10, Youth Room, Founders Hall 7:00 pm SPRC Meeting, Conference Room 7:00 pm Bible Study, Home of Jay & Wanda Williams 8:00 pm AA, Basement THURSDAY, APRIL 16 7:00 am AA, Room 6 7:00 pm Centering Prayer, Home of Mike & Ann King 7:00 pm Chancel Choir, Music Room, Sanctuary & Lounge FRIDAY, APRIL 17 1:00 pm Bridge Group, Lounge 6:00 pm Cub Scouts/Blue & Gold Banquet, Founders Hall SATURDAY, APRIL 18 7:00 am Los Siervos, Conference Room 10:00 am AA, Lounge 6:00 pm Boy Scouts Pacific Coast Annual Banquet Founders Hall SUNDAY, APRIL 19 9:00 am and 10:30 am Worship Services, Sanctuary 9:00 am Guatemala Sale, Founders Hall 10:05 am Children’s Choir, Room 5 10:15 am Canticle Choir, Music Room 11:30 am Trinity Bells Rehearsal, Music Room 6:15 pm OA Meeting, Rooms 9/10 Welcome to Worship at DURING TODAY’S WORSHIP: Hearing aids, large print bulletins, children’s bulletins, and back supports are available in the back of the Sanctuary. Hand sanitizers are available in the narthex for your use each Sunday before and after worship. Please turn off cell phones when in the Sanctuary. Sermons are available to listen to on our website: Manuscripts and CDs and DVDs are available upon request. IF YOU ARE NEW TO SAN DIEGUITO UNITED METHODIST CHURCH If you are a guest to our church, we WELCOME you! Please introduce yourself to one of our Welcome Team members (they are wearing “WELCOME” buttons). Please stop by the Information Cart to pick up a gift bag that is “just for you.” YOU ARE INVITED TO JOIN US EACH SUNDAY FOR COFFEE AND DONUTS BETWEEN SERVICES. Join us in Founders Hall immediately after the 9:00 am service or come early if you attend the 10:30 am service. LISTEN ASSISTANCE PROGRAM If you are a regular user of the Listen Assistance System, please ask an usher for a headset that you can put your name on, and it will be ready for you each Sunday. REMEMBER IN PRAYER: Allie Andahazy & family, Mike Bottoms, Shirley Callan, Marie Helen, Eric Johnson, David Judge, Melita Krstulovic, Sonia Marshall, Jane Masick & family, Karen Mason , Susan Mikesell, Sally Mosher, Gabriela Hamilton Riva, Kristen Robb, Victoria S., Dave Salter, Jerry Steiner, Laurel Taylor, Claire Van Winden, Beth Ward & Family, and Lester Werling. ADDITIONAL PRAYERS: The Family of Adrian Arancibia (Jerry & Evelina Hamilton), Mimi Berry (Linda Berry), Rich Johnson (Rich & Donna Johnson, in gratitude for his recovery), Ron Kolstad (Rich & Donna Johnson), The Masick and Andahazy families (Rich & Donna Johnson). MILITARY PERSONNEL from our church, deployed overseas, and their families; Weston Taylor. PRAYER CONCERNS: If you would like to add someone to our prayer list, please fill out a Prayer Concern Card and place in the offering plate, or contact the church office. 24-HOUR EMERGENCY PASTORAL CARE If you have an after-hours emergency, pastoral care need, you may contact one of our pastors at 800.785.4391. CHANCEL FLOWERS FOR 2015 If you would like to honor a loved one by donating flowers to beautify the chancel for worship, please stop by the church office to fill out the form located next to the chart. The requested donation is $40. You may also sign up by contacting the Church Secretary, Tamara Michel, at ELECTRONIC GIVING is an efficient and convenient way to make your weekly, monthly, annual, or special offering. Many of our members and friends choose to make their offering this way, rather than by traditional means (the offering plate) on Sunday morning. If electronic giving is a more attractive and convenient method of giving for you, please visit the church website at, click on giving, and follow the instructions. If you need assistance, please contact the church office. nnouncements TODAY: April 12, 2015 THE FORUM Join us at 10:30 am in the Lounge for NOVA's “Earth From Space,” to lead in to Earth Day 2015. CHANCEL FLOWERS FOR 2015 You will have an opportunity to honor a loved one by sponsoring flowers to beautify the chancel for worship. There will be a sign-up table in Founders Hall between services today. YOUTH SUNDAY MEETING today, April 12 at 10:00 am, all youth are asked to attend a short meeting regarding Youth Sunday (taking place April 26th). We will discuss the theme of the service, sign-up for various roles and talk about our special youth movie. GUATEMALA PROJECT SALE will be held today. Are you wishing for a new and unique gift for your mother for Mother’s Day? Would you like to support the Guatemala Project but don’t feel you can take a mission trip? Mark your calendars and allow time in your schedule to come to Founders Hall between services and after second service. There will be tables of colorful handwoven items from the Mayan Highlands of Guatemala, hand carved items, jewelry, crèches, ceramics, stuffed animals for grandkids, purses and laptop bags, and more. All proceeds from the sale support the Guatemala Project in building more schools and putting more stoves in Mayan homes to improve their health. In addition, we will have a table where you can learn about and donate to the Guatemala Project scholarship program to help Mayan children attend school. Also, maybe you are interested in going on a mission trip. Carol Conger-Cross, project director, will be at the sale and happy to talk to you about going to Guatemala to install stoves and/or work on a school. NEW SERMON SERIES AND SMALL-GROUP STUDY BEGINNING APRIL 19. Join us in walking with John Wesley (one of the founders of Methodism) on his journey to enlivened faith, as we explore our own spiritual revival in this 5-week series. You can register for a small group using the registration form in your bulletin by leaving it in the offering plate or with the Adult Education team on the patio following worship. They will also be happy to answer any questions you might have regarding the small-groups or registration. The study and series are based on the book Revival: Faith as Wesley Lived it by Adam Hamilton, which can be purchased on the patio as well as in the front office for a suggested donation. We hope you will join us in journeying together toward renewed and deepening faith! Vacation Bible School Registration opens today! Get ready for another fun-packed VBS as we host "Everest: Conquering Challenges with God's Mighty Power!" You may pick up a registration form and flyer in the church office. VBS will take place August 3-7, 9:00am-12:00pm. Optional extended care will again be offered until 2:00pm. Cost is $40 for the first child and $25 for each additional child from the same household. Extended care is $15.00 per day. Volunteers are needed! Please contact Chelsea Simon at for more information. UPCOMIMG EVENTS: SPECIAL CONCERT OF SONGS “AN ENGLISH SPRING” ON SATURDAY APRIL 25, AT 5:00 PM our very own Michael Blinco will present a free concert with pianist Gabriel Arregui and a special guest chorus led by Bill Hatcher. They will be performing The House of Life and Five Mystical Songs by Ralph Vaughan Williams as well as The Songs of the Sea by Charles Villiers Stanford. The House of Life uses the poetry of Dante Gabriel Rossetti and the sweeping tunes of R.V.W. to set forces of nature such as Life, Death and Love as characters in a vision, all being pushed towards a common end. The Songs of the Sea are a wonderful set of songs with a nostalgic and even comic look at life at sea. The Mystical Songs wrap up this Eastertime concert with a boisterous proclamation of the risen Lord and the human desire to praise Him. We hear Michael every week in the choir and as a soloist in services. Outside of SDUMC he has appeared on the Opera stages of San Diego Opera, Los Angeles Opera, Chicago Lyric Opera, Pacific Opera Project and Tuscia Opera Festival in Viterbo Italy. Last June he took the first place vocal prize in the Musical Merit Foundation of Greater San Diego County and has also been a prize-winner in the Virginia Hawk, NATS San Diego and La Jolla Symphony Chorus and Orchestra competitions. Gabriel Arregui holds degrees from the University of Southern California and Loma Linda University. He has appeared in recital with sopranos Julianne Baird and Rosa Lamoreaux, has taught 18th-century counterpoint, and has performed for Queen Elizabeth II, the Duke of Edinburgh, and the Archbishop of Canterbury. Arregui currently serves as Organist -Choirmaster at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church in Encinitas, California. There will be a free-will offering at the intermission to benefit the music ministry of SDUMC. SAN DIEGO NORTH COAST SINGERS YOUTH CHORUS 22ND ANNUAL SPRING CONCERT “I Dream a World” will be on Friday, May 8 and Saturday, May 9 at 7:00 PM at San Dieguito United Methodist Church. On Friday May 8, special guests will be The San Dieguito United Methodist Church Chancel Choir. William Hatcher, Director, Marilou Kratzenstein, Organist. The combined choirs will perform Bradley Nelson’s “How Can I Keep From Singing” for adult chorus, children’s chorus and organ. Tickets at the door are $12.00 and $5.00 CONGREGATIONAL NEWS: THE DIVORCE CARE WEEKLY GROUP is for those who are separated, going through divorce, or those who are divorced. The group meets weekly on Monday evenings from 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm in the Lounge. For additional information please contact group leaders Rich Qualls at 309.351.3773 or; or Joan Qualls at 773.771.1386 or email: VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED every Friday at 10:30 am for approximately one hour to collate Sunday bulletins. For more information, call the church office at 760.753.6582. THE RUMMAGE SALE JEWELRY DEPARTMENT earned almost $3,000 last year due to your kind donations! The proceeds support UMW missions around the world. Since the team organizes and prices all year, receiving your contributions all year, too, will ease the task. We are glad to have Eleanor Armen assisting now. Place Steve Hayes name on unwanted jewelry and take it to the church office. If you would like to help, call 760.634.1498. THIS WEEK: THE BOOK GROUP selection for Monday, April 13 is The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie by Alan Bradley. We meet at 4:00 pm in the Conference Room. Everyone is welcome. LOOKING FOR MORE? Often times, the sermons you hear on Sunday mornings are focused on a scripture or two that are designated for that day by our Common Lectionary. This calendar of scriptures is used around the world by Christian churches to ensure a broad diversity of texts are read and studied each year. You will find here, as well as in many devotional books, the texts for the coming Sunday. We invite you to look to them and pray through them this week in your own study and personal devotion— Acts 3:12-19; Psalm 4 (UMH 741); 1 John 3:1-7; Luke 24:36b-48
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