Tonya Tomasek, Director of Youth And Family Ministry 532-2429 or 530-1697 or Facebook me!! Twitter: ttomasek A HUGE THANK YOU TO THE YOUTH COMMITTEE, YOUTH AND PARENTS FOR ALL OF YOUR HELP WITH THE LENTEN SUPPERS!!!! YOU ARE AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! __________________ LITTLE LEAGUE (GRADES 3-6) Resumes after Easter! It’s a Party! Finally!! You have been patiently waiting through Lent….so JOIN US!! Wednesday April 15th 7-8pm for a little wild and crazy fun games, friends, and faith-filled energy!! Bring a friend! __________________ 4th Grade Acolyte Training will be coming up. Get the “scoop” from Kitsi! Great way for you to help serve in the church! The Installation will be Sunday April 19 “Everest VBS 2015” First Lutheran’s Vacation Bible School 2015 May 18-21, 2015 Early Bird Registration by April 18, 2015: $20/ student ($50 Family Cap) After April 18, 2015: $25/student ($60 Family Cap) Invite your friends! Worship-Crafts-Fun Bible Stories-SingingSnacks-Science-Friends! Questions? Just Ask!! Junior High and Senior high….. Want to help?! Contact Tonya or Kitsi! 6th grade Milestone in April…On Wed, April 15 from 6:15pm to 7:00pm the sixth graders and their parents will gather to learn more about how much God Loves Them. Presentation on Sunday April 19th In our baptism, God named and claimed us, now and forever. GIRLS OF GOD’S GRACE –G3 Hey girls!…..We get to see you all dance one more time this school year on Wednesday April 19 at both 8:30 and 10:45am!! Thanks for helping us see the many ways we can praise God….you all will do an amazing job! 3rd grade Milestone on Stewardship will be on Wed April 8th at the 5:45pm for students and parents! Presentation will be on Sun April 19th. SUMMER CALENDARS INCLUDE SHETEK!!! Make sure that Shetek Bible Camp is on that calendar some where. EARLY BIRD DEADLINE IS APRIL 1ST! Want a friend to come too? Invite them!!! Remember, we provide scholarships for our members. Brochures at the church! Or online with Shetek! TLC WEDNESDAY & WORSHIP April 29 5:15pm & PICNIC! TLC will be wrapping up for the school year on Wed. April 29. Worship will be at the normal 5:15pm time. At 5:45pm, we will celebrate together with supper outside (hopefully!)…..a Whopper Feed !Please come and help us celebrate this amazing Wednesday ministry!! Want to know what it’s like to be a counselor at Shetek?!? Check out the CIT Program this summer… more details in their brochure at the church!! Get a JUMP START on Summer!!! Shetek Day Play for Grades 1 and 2 (completed) will be Tuesday July 14th. This is an amazing full day at Shetek where the kids will get a little taste of what it is like to go to camp. Counselors! Games! Bible Time! Food! Environmental Education!...And Swim time too! Invite your friends to come too!! More details and registration forms will be coming to you soon via email! Questions? Just ask!....Any parents want to come and help chaperone…just volunteer! :) Hey Grades 3-6! It was sooooo much fun this winter...lets do it again!! MARK IT DOWN! Get a Jump on Summer Calendars! First Lutheran’s Day Camp with the Shetek Staff will be July 20-23 from 9am to 2:30pm…..more details and registration forms coming to you via email or paper copies will be at the church. This is for kids going into kindergarten through those who have completed 6th grader. Invite your friends to join you! Mini Lock-In Friday night April 24th from 7-9pm Be looking for the scoop!! KleinRanch Spring Fundraiser! For all Klein Ranch participants…… don’t forget that your orders for your spring fundraiser are due to Tonya by Wednesday April 1! Food will be delivered on April 22. This is an awesome way to be able to earn a lot of your final payment (which will be due on May 3rd). Summer camp will be here before you know it!! Woo Hoo!!! Coming to Marshall!! Newsboys!! April 26th! 7pm at the High School Theater! Tickets available at HyVee, Treasured Times or 507-530-3299 for ticket info / 507-828-6509 for concert info High School Bible Studies will be up and going strong again in the month of April since the Lenten Season is over…… See ya there! Congratulations to our 8th graders who will be re-affirming their baptism on May 3rd with their Confirmation Worship. This is a huge step on your faith journey! I am so proud of you all!!! (Retreat is 4/17-18) Hey! Jr HI ALIVE!!! You never skipped a beat on SR HI ALIVE ON WED. NIGHTS AT 8:00PM Lenten Wednesdays! We are Tons of discussion planned!! Spring could mean excited to continue “our time ice cream too!! It’s easy to get spring fever but let’s end together” after the confirmation the school year full force and committed!!! Plus...there is classes in April. Spread the word!! just “never a dull moment” with you all!!! Ha ha! J and Ron rock! See ya’ll then!!! You are awesome!! April 29 is Perkins!! ADOPT A HIGHWAY!! 7th & 8th graders to be doing our Adopt a Highway Wed, April 29th. Meet at the church at 3:30pm. Bring gloves and don’t wear FLIP FLOPS! Many hands means light work & that means: ….. “show up!!” ha ha! Participants of the Detroit National Youth Gathering!!! The next Getting Ready Meetings will be on Wednesday April 22nd and also on May 13th at 7pm.Thanks for being committed to being at these. The success of a trip is dependent on the prep before hand. :) A Details Meeting for you AND YOUR PARENTS is on June 23 at 7:00pm in the fellowship hall. Important stuff will be shared!! Final payment will be due May 17th “Breakfast Klub” At B.K. Friday mornings 7:11 am Senior high youth!! Have breakfast together with friends….wake up, laugh, visit, and start the day with a Bible Verse or conversation and a prayer!!! Senior Reception and Baccalaureate for this year for Class Of 2015! I wanted to give you all an early “heads up”...The Senior reception for the Class of 2014 and their immediate families will be on Sunday, May 10th at 9am with a breakfast. (this is different than last year) The Baccalaureate Worship Service will follow at the 10:45am. Also….don’t forget to bring in a wallet sized picture of your smiling faces for our class composite…. Hey youth and adults going to Detroit this summer!! It’s DETROITAPALOOZA! Saturday April 18 8:30am to2:30pm Cost is $3.00 Be a part of this amazing day and learn the history of Detroit, their struggles and their new growth….and in a cool interactive way! HERE ARE A FEW SNEAK PEAKS MARK IT ON THE CALENDAR! May 3 May 6 May 10 May 10 May 13 May 18-21 All Summer June 5 June 7-12 June 17 June 24 July 12-20 July 14 July 20-23 8th grade Confirmation Worship Sr High ALIVE (8th grade invited!) Senior Reception for Class of 2015 and their families Baccalaureate Worship for Class of 2015 Detroit Getting Ready Meeting (youth and leaders) Vacation Bible School Shetek Lutheran Ministries Camps!! Date Night for First Lutheran Families Junior High youth to Klein Ranch Day Trip to Valleyfair!! (grades 6-12) Wild Water West (grades 3-6) Detroit National Youth Gathering Day Play at Shetek for Grades 1-2 First Lutheran’s Day Camp with Shetek
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