A MONTHLY PUBLICATION OF ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH The Messenger OCTOBER 2014 INSIDE THIS EDITION 2 >In Community Is Strength >WELCA Circles 3 >Branches News Briefs >Branches T-Shirts 4 >Sampler Saturday At Nachusa 5 >Affirmed >2015 Youth Gathering 6 >160th Anniversary News 7 >Caring Questions 8 >Flu Clinic >October Handbells >Council Highlights >Chili Fundraiser >Free Concert >All Saints Breakfast >Bring Winter Wear >Exploring Worship 9 >Birthdays & Anniversaries 10 >Saying Thanks 11 >Nurse Notes 12 >Finance Report >Direct Deposit 13 >Rock With Seniors 14 >Who’s Who At St. John’s >Mission & Values >Parish Register 15 >September Calendar >160th Anniversary Blessings CONTACT US! 703 Third Avenue Sterling, IL 61081 815.625.2634 office@stjohnsonthird.org stjohnssterling.org facebook.com/SterlingStJohns twitter.com/SterlingStJohns youtube.com/StJohnsSterlingIL “ Jesus answered; “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” ~ Luke 10:27 Thoughts From The Pastor’s Study I f you are reading this as one who is not normally to be found at worship on Sunday or Wednesday, I surely pray that God’s Holy Spirit touches Pastor Mark you this month. Please find on page 2 of this month’s Messenger a wonderful story about a pastor visiting an Oehlert absent parishioner, and how our worship “fire” only burns brightest when we are together. As Pastor Lilian Daniel is fond of saying and reports in her book, “When Spiritual But Not Religious is Not Enough”: “Anyone can find God in nature, in a beautiful sunrise or sunset or in the silence, splendor and beauty of the woods or next to a lake. Do those who do not attend church think that Christians are blind? Christians also enjoy nature and find beauty and meaning in doing as Jesus tells us to do and did; go away by yourself to rest. The truth is, we are meant to come together as Church where we are most human, with all of our human tendencies — frailties, remarkable joys and concerns being shared. Nowhere else does this happen. Here, on the Lord’s day is the body of Christ, gathered in the ancient practice of praising God in worship.” I ask you: “Why would you not respond to God’s incredible grace by showing up in church?” Here is our October schedule for spiritual growth: • Bible study continues as we “grow in God’s grace,” Sunday, October 5th and 12th, immediately following worship. • Sunday, October 19th is the Sunday we respond to what God has given us first: ourselves, our time and our possessions. We will respond at worship that day to God’s grace, through responses that directly deliver Christ’s message of hope and love in the ministries of St. John’s. Pray about your response! continued on page 2 > ST. JOHN’S EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH, STERLING, ILLINOIS In Community Is Strength > continued from page 1 • Affirmation of Faith: Sunday, October 26th is the day we anticipate five of our young members publically professing their faith. • Caring Questions is a four-week study of conversations crucial to everyone’s life. Here is the content: • October 26th: Before the Emergency What Health Decisions Do I Want/Need to Make? The focus will be on determining what medical interventions you would or would not like done to you in the case of your inability to make those decisions. Guest speaker will be Deb Keaschall from CGH. Deb will educate us on how to legally make these decisions. • November 2nd: What is Palliative Care? What is Hospice? Guest Speaker will be Rock River Valley Hospice staff. Content here includes learning about comfort care and resources to allow a “good death.” • November 9th: After I Am Gone Part One - Funerals and memorial services. Guest Speaker will be from Schilling Funeral Home. What happens at a funeral home? What do I have to decide? Why plan a memorial service in advance? • November 16th: After I Am Gone Part 2 Leaving a Legacy. What will my footprint show in terms of the life I lived on earth? What are my passions and how can I make a difference in the faith life of those, (including family and neighbors) who are coming after me? Guest speakers will be provided by the St. John’s Endowment team. > A pastor heard that one of his parishioners was going about announcing to one and all that he would no longer attend church services. This rebellious parishioner was advancing the familiar argument that he could communicate with God just as easily out in the fields with nature as his setting for worship. One winter evening, the pastor called on this reluctant member of his flock for a friendly visit. The two men sat before the fireplace making small talk, but studiously avoiding the issue of church attendance. After a while, the pastor took the tongs from the rack next to the fireplace and pulled a single coal from the fire. He placed the glowing ember on the hearth. As the two watched in silence, the coal quickly ceased burning and turned an ashen gray, while the other coals in the fire continued to burn brightly. The pastor’s silent message was not lost on the parishioner. After a long pause, he turned to the pastor and said, “I’ll be back at services next Sunday.” ~ From The Sower’s Seeds, copyright 1990 by Brian Cavanaugh, T.O.R. I thank each of you for your concerted efforts to live a life of faith in this our day and time. I pray you will take full advantage of our schedule by making every effort to be together as God’s people. If you are here, you know how faith burns so much more brightly because we are together. If you have been absent; this is your invitation to “fire up!” It is never too late to start a new and good habit! n Grace and peace, ~ Pastor Mark ADAM’S RIB 6:30pm Thursday, October 9th MORNING CIRCLE 9am Thursday, October 16th PAGE 2 THE MESSENGER • OCTOBER 2014 Branches News Briefs Youth and Family Ministries of St. John’s and St. Paul Lutheran Churches S eventh- and eighth-grade Confirmation Camp was September 26-28 at Lutheran Outdoor Ministries Center (LOMC) in Oregon. The students who attended had a great weekend! More details to come in next month’s newsletter. Confirmation Class Confirmation class continues meeting from 7 to 8:30 pm Wednesdays at St. John’s Lutheran Church in the Luther Chapel. Freshmen (or third-year students) continue meeting for preparation for Affirmation of Baptism on October 1st, 8th and 15th at St. John’s from 7 to 8:30pm. We will have a Confirmation student and family T-Shirts! T-Shirts! Get Your T-Shirts! W e are selling Branches Youth and Family ministries T-shirts, available in all sizes! Shirts are bright blue with the Branches youth ministries logo representing our partnership in ministry, designed by our youth. Check out the picture. T-shirts are $5 each ($7 for 2X or larger). T-shirt order forms are available in the church office. Checks should be made payable to St. John’s Lutheran Church. dinner in honor of our 2014 confirmands from Immanuel, St. Paul and St. John’s on Sunday, October 19th at 6pm at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Rock Falls. Please return your dinner reservation form and payment to the church office by October 8th. Confirmands attend free of charge; the cost is $10 for each additional family member. Confirmation Sunday is October 26th. All forms and class information are available on the Confirmation class website: http://stjohnssterling. herewestandconfirmation.org. Confirmation families are encouraged to register an account on the website to stay connected to announcements and class content. If you have questions about the website, please contact Gerad. continued on page 4 > BRANCHES T-SHIRT ORDER FORM Name_____________________________ Phone_____________________________ QuantitySubtotal Small __________ x $5 = _ _________ Medium __________ x $5 = _ _________ Large __________ x $5 = _ _________ XL __________ x $5 = _ _________ XXL __________ x $7 = _ _________ XXXL __________ x $7 = _ _________ Totals #_________ $_ ________ T-shirt orders and payment should be turned into the church office. Checks should be made payable to “St. John’s Lutheran Church.” < PAGE 3 ST. JOHN’S EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH, STERLING, ILLINOIS > continued from page 3 The seventh- and eighth-grade class will be visiting Temple Sholom in Sterling on October 22nd and Christmas shopping for LSSI Holiday Hope Chest for the Nachusa Home on November 12th. TGIF High school Teens Gathered In Faith will meet the third Wednesday night of the month (most of the time). In October we will meet on the second Wednesday, October 8th, at St. John’s for some special activities. Tenth- through 12th-grade students will be given special instructions for our activities for the night. In November we will also meet on the second Wednesday of the month, November 12th, to go Christmas shopping for the Nachusa Home Holiday Hope Chest. This is in addition to the families to whom our congregations choose to give. We have special funds to use; however, hopefully our students and families will consider giving money of their own to contribute to our shopping for youth at the Nachusa Home. Youth & Family Ministries Team YFMT will meet on Tuesday, October 14th at 5pm at St. John’s. If anyone would like to come for the meeting, let Gerad know. The team would like to hear your ideas and get to know you! On the team: Paul and Susan Over, Marisa Perales, Teresa Gierhart, Pastor Mark Oehlert from St. John’s, Eileen Wolber, Brian Lobdell, Pastor Brandon Nelson from St. Paul and Gerad Von Holten. The team regularly meets the second Tuesday of the month at 5pm (alternating churches). Junior/Senior High Sunday School Every Sunday is Youth Sunday! Seventh- through 12th-grade students, please know that we are having class every Sunday (except Christmas break and Easter) throughout the school year. When we have a church breakfast or special event, we will not have a lesson, but please come. You are always welcome to our youth rooms! Youth Rooms Wish Lists St. John’s: Coffee machine String lights Paint Walls Big rug St. Paul: Coffee machine String lights Paint Walls WiFi Nursery Assistance We are looking for volunteer high school students to help in both church nurseries. Please check with our Sunday school staff and church offices to find out how you can serve our children! 2015 Wisconsin Dells Quake The 2015 Junior High Quake in Wisconsin Dells is Friday-Sunday, March 20-22, 2015. St. Paul, St. John’s and Immanuel junior high students are invited. If you are a sophomore, junior or senior and are interested in going as a youth leader (Junior Guide), please talk to Gerad Von Holten. Adult chaperones/drivers are needed. More details about registration and cost to come. For more information about Quakes, visit www.youthencounter.org and talk to Gerad. Sampler Saturday At Nachusa Home A re you interested in mission work but would prefer not to travel out of town for a week? You are invited to come to Nachusa Youth Home on Saturday, October 4th at 9am.The Nachusa Home is at 1261 Illinois Route 38 in Nachusa. We will be met my Kevin Wolfe, head keeper of the facility, who will share with us how things work at Nachusa. Come prepared for a half day of work by dressing for outdoor weather and work that day. The follow-up Saturday will be two weeks later, October 18th, with an all-day work camp. All skill levels are needed! Questions? Call Kirsten Cavanaugh at (815) 288-3091 or Pastor Mark. n > PAGE 4 Affirmed Confirmation Sunday Is October 26th S hould I say “Congratulations” to our students who will affirm their baptism on October 26? Or should I be saying something closer to “Thank you for saying ‘YES!’ to Jesus and by doing so glorifying our God!”? If anyone deserves a “congratulations,” it’s our parents who have committed to the baptismal promises they made at their child’s baptism. To you parents I say, “Well done, good and faithful servants of God.” Gerad Confirmation, or Affirmation of Von Holten Baptism, is not to be confused with “graduation,” which tends to have a meaning of “completion” attached to it. Confirmation is more of a stepping stone on your journey to maturing in your faith. Now that you have begun this new journey in faith, continue to say yes to Sunday school on Sunday mornings, say yes to high school youth events and activities. Say yes to praying with and for your family and friends, for the church and all of creation … every day! Say yes to going deeper into God’s word. Say yes to finding Jesus in worship like never before! In closing, you are God’s beloved children. God has created you for the purpose of carrying and sharing his love. Remember to stay connected to God, so that you will be able to fulfill that purpose. What better way to keep that connection than through your family and with your church. Finally, I say “Thank you 2014 Confirmation students! I can’t wait for us to go even higher together in our service to God!” Jacob Beyer, Carter O’Brien, Rebecca Waite, Sarah Gierhart, Madeline LeFevre, Allison Stewart, Noah Tupper and Kyle Winebrenner, and the students from Immanuel: Thank you for teaching me, and for blessing me! ~ Gerad Von Holten, Director of Youth and Family Ministries THE MESSENGER • OCTOBER 2014 Youth Gathering Registration Officially Open! Students in grades 8-12: If you are interested in attending the 2015 Youth Gathering in Detroit, please complete the medical release/ registration forms, and turn them and the $75 deposit in to the church office ASAP! Forms were mailed to all high school families at the end of August. If you need a registration form, call, text or e-mail Gerad or pick one up at church. Sign up for the Gathering updates by e-mail by visiting www. elca.org/gathering. You can also follow the Gathering Facebook page by liking “ELCA Youth Gathering.” So far we have 15 high school students planning to attend. This is a life-changing event and opportunity! I hope you will prayerfully consider participating next July. Fundraisers Youth Selling “KAWOS” Cloths: The high school students attending the 2015 Detroit gathering are selling cleaning cloths that do not require any chemicals for cleaning. KAWOS stands for Kleans Anything WithOut Streaks. They are for sale for $5 each. Cloths are available for purchase at both the St. John’s and St. Paul offices during the week and from any of the youth going to Detroit. Aluminum Can Days: Bring your aluminum cans to worship any Sunday at St. John’s and St. Paul. Marked receptacles will be placed at the church entrances on the first Sunday of each month for your convenience. Cans will be recycled for cash and will help offset costs for the youth gathering. < PAGE 5 ST. JOHN’S EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH, STERLING, ILLINOIS 160th Celebrations & Projects Your Favorite Recipes Needed W e have been asking for your favorite quotes, Bible verses, prayers, etc., and even your favorite food recipes, for our “Recipes for Spiritual Wellness” booklet for several months. We have not had a good response to this, so we want to encourage all of you to participate. The deadline is November 1st. Put your contributions in Carla’s mailbox in the church library, mail them to the church or put them in the offering plate. the event will be available early in October as we will need to have reservations for the event. Please watch bulletin inserts, the projection screen and announcements in worship as plans for this event unfold. Monthly Special Event: Oktoberfest It’s the year of our 160th Anniversary, so let’s celebrate Martin Luther and his German heritage. After church on Sunday, October 19th, the 160th Anniversary Committee will be hosting Oktoberfest. You guessed it: brats, sauerkraut, German potato salad, German chocolate cake and root beer. There will also be Halloween fun for our young folks and those who are young at heart. Special Offering: Home of Hope Commemorative Ornament The Planning Committee has worked with a vendor to design and produce an ornament to commemorate our 160th Anniversary. The ornaments will be available in October, will be a wonderful addition to any Christmas tree and would make wonderful gifts. This is not a fundraiser, so have priced the ornaments at $7 to cover our design, production and shipping costs. Display stands will be available at an additional cost of $3. The front and back of the three inch ceramic disk are decorated as illustrated above. Crosses To Be Blessed By Bishop Bishop Gary Wollersheim will join us for worship of Sunday, November 23rd. Planning is well under way for this day of celebration and sharing. We will gather in the Fellowship Hall for dinner after worship. This time together will include blessing the crosses that have been added to the Wall of Crosses since the wall was initially blessed in February. We also hope to fill the sanctuary and take another congregational photo on that day. Please put this on your calendar and plan to be here for worship and dinner. Sign-ups for > PAGE 6 Home of Hope Cancer Wellness Center is a notfor-profit organization that offers support, wellness, educational and referral services at no cost to cancer patients, survivors and caregivers. The center is located between Sterling and Dixon on Route 2. Quarterly Service Project: Gift Bags Our 160th Anniversary Celebration has included quarterly service projects: painting at Self Help, Nelson roadside cleanup and National Night Out event at Propheter Park. Our project for the fourth quarter will actually be completed around Christmas. We will be putting gift bags together for all of our nursing home and shutin folks. We will be making some of the items, and will purchase small items that will be useful, as well as gift bags and cards. Our intention is to include one of the commemorative ornaments that is being produced for our anniversary celebration. We would like to ask for monetary donations to help support this project. Please place donations in the offering and mark it for Shut-in Christmas Project. As the time approaches, we may be asking for homemade cookies, and we may need help delivering the goodies! n THE MESSENGER • OCTOBER 2014 Caring Questions Sunday Mornings th October 26 , November 2nd, 9th and 16th. An open seminar series to address important health care questions, answering concerns every human being will have at one time or another. With guest speakers and plenty of Q & A time. Get your questions answered! October 26: Deb Keaschall from CGH - Medical care decisions and how to clearly inform doctors and loved ones of our decisions, including legal questions. November 2: What is Palliative Care? Comfort Care? Hospice? When would one call for this type of assistance? November 9: After I Am Gone Part One - Funerals and Memorial Services. Why planning ahead is important. Guest speaker: John Schilling November 16: After I Am Gone Part Two - Leaving a Legacy. What will your “footprint” be from the time you spent on earth. How can you affect those who will come after you in terms of a ministry? St. John Lutheran Church 703 3rd Avenue Seminars begin immediately following worship about 10:30 A.M. www.stjohnssterling.org 815.625.2634 < PAGE 7 ST. JOHN’S EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH, STERLING, ILLINOIS Flu Clinic A flu clinic is planned for 9am-noon Sunday, October 12th. The cost is $20, and Medicare or insurance will be accepted. n October Handbells B ell ringers: October’s session rehearses Tuesdays, the 7th, 14th and 21st. We play for worship October 26th. Please contact Dawn Zeigler by Monday, October 6th and say you’ll ring! Call (815) 632-3366 (home) or (815) 275-3775 (cell). Students in 6th grade and older are invited to learn and grow with the group. Plus, please note that sessions stand alone! We will rehearse only the music we are playing next. n Council Highlights A t their September meeting, the church council voted to add wordage to the Endowment paragraph of the church Constitution, as well as to add Purposes. It was noted that it is time for an annual review and update of the membership roster. Some members of the council will be looking at the house directly across from Pastor Mark’s office. The house is for sale, and council members are curious if it would connect the St. John’s parking lot next to it and the small triangle property we own on the other side of Third Avenue. The next meeting is at 6pm Tuesday, October 21st. n Chili Fundraiser A dam’s Rib will be selling containers of their tasty chili for the third year. Containers in a variety of sizes and prices will be available after worship from 10:30-11:30am November 9th and 16th. Proceeds benefit the Self Help Riverview Haven Group Home. n > PAGE 8 Free Concert C ity of God is hosting a FREE concert, “Restart 2014” on Saturday, October 25th from 5-7pm at City of God, 530 W. Route 30, Rock Falls. The event features Mike Swag, H. Street, Sonia, Miracle Leach, CYIC Dance Team and more. All ages are invited. For more information, contact Michael Harts, Youth Minister, at (563) 9408869 or restartconcerts@gmail.com. You can also reach City of God at (815) 716-8057. n All Saints Breakfast A dam’s Rib Circle will host the annual All Saints Breakfast after service on November 2nd. A free-will offering will be accepted. Join us for great food and fellowship! n Bring Winter Wear T he Social Ministries Team is collecting scarves, hats and mittens for Rocky Boy during October, November and the first week of December. The tree will be up in the East Room for donations until December 7th. Members of the team are willing to do the shopping for you! Monetary donations may be put in an envelope marked Mitten Tree and placed in the offering plate. Thanks to the congregation for their continued support of the Social Ministries Team’s projects! n Exploring Worship O n October 12th and November 2nd, Erik Boehmke and Gerad Von Holten will be coordinating music for worship. Rehearsals will be October 9th and 30th from 6-7pm in the church sanctuary. Music will be available at rehearsal night. For more details, please call or text Gerad Von Holten at (815) 590-0006 or e-mail geradvonholten@gmail.com. n THE MESSENGER • OCTOBER 2014 October Birthdays & Anniversaries SUN MON TUE WED 1 >Tom Breed >Matt & Suzy Stanley 5 6 7 8 THU 2 >Jessica Allen >Janelle Henry 9 FRI 3 SAT 4 >Marcia Keime >Isabella Gaffey >Beverly Kobbeman* >Shawna & Steven Kester 10 11 >Julie McCord >Dianne Sands >James Eshelman >Sarah Geesey* >Walter Arthurs* >Betty Dickinson >Gary & Amanda Smith >Eugene & Sarah LeFevre >Lois Anderson- >Brenda Sisson Rowzee >William & Erica Grim >Pat Mangler* >Linda Geil >Stanley >Sharon Schmitt Rasmussen >Lisa Steinke >Leonard & Marilyn Prew >Virgle & Karen Onnen 12 13 14 15 17 >Treaven Barron >Oris DePuy >Gaea Fielding >Carl Nelson* >Timothy Baer >Edwin Schmitt >Margaret >Orla Rowland* >Kennedie Huber >Charles Steinke Vilmont >Jennifer >Paul & Kristi Vasquez Wolfe >Leonard & Brenda Turner >Michael & Kathleen Schmidt >John & Jeanine Hay* >Jill Leesman >Matthew Miller 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 >Ruth Ramirez >Gerald Baker >Alice Buyers* >Ruth Dietz* >Aislinn O’Connell >Joe Perales >Carla Haubrich >Julie Johnson >Corey Judd >Audrey Maxson >Matthew Stretz >Neil & Julie Cooperrider >Karsyn Goss >Patrice Redfield >Emily Taylor >Jill Norman >Joyce Preston >Shari Baker >Gloria Heuck >Leo Patterson 26 27 28 29 30 31 >Arnold Berzins >Rita Babin* >Melissa >Alyssa Henson >Kelly Granzow Goodwin >Noah Rucker *Indicates 80-plus-year birthdays and 50-plus-year anniversaries. 16 18 >Barbara O’Brien < PAGE 9 ST. JOHN’S EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH, STERLING, ILLINOIS SAYING THANKS We would like to say thank you to Pastor Mark and Pastor Leo for their visits and prayers during our husband/father Charles Eads’ extended illness. We would like to thank the church family for all of your prayers during Chuck’s illness and after his passing. Thank you to the funeral committee for the wonderful meal and to all who helped serve the meal. A special thank you to Pastor Mark, Kerensa, and Tim for the beautiful memorial service. ~ Verna Eads, Dan Eads, Deborah and Norbert Pempe and family Dear Members of St. John’s Lutheran Church, Thank you for your monetary contribution of $573 to the YWCA of the Sauk Valley’s Domestic Violence Program. Over the past several years, domestic violence programs throughout the state have experienced budget cuts. Nevertheless, we are still dedicated to providing quality services to survivors of domestic violence, and your support is very important to us. During fiscal year 2013, the YWCA Domestic Violence Program provided services to 548 survivors and 211 child witnesses of domestic violence. We provided 7,703 hours of service to clients and sheltered 84 victims and children for a total of 2,506 nights of shelter. We took 1,627 calls to our 24-hour hotline and assisted survivors of domestic violence with 246 orders of protection. Your assistance is essential in the work we do, and we are grateful for your continued support of the Domestic Violence Program. Sincerely, ~ Addie G. Chattic, Crisis Services Coordinator, YWCA Domestic Violence Program To Rev. Mark Oehlert & Church Family, Thank you for letting us use your church fellowship hall. We had a beautiful gathering. Dru was such a blessing to our church. ~ City of God > PAGE 10 Dear Friends, Thank you very much for your generous donation of $627 to Self Help. As St. John’s celebrates its 160th anniversary, we at Self Help are celebrating our 50th anniversary. Starting in the basement of the Rock Falls Presbyterian Church with five persons with physical disabilities building bird houses, we now serve 298 individuals with disabilities in our 99,000-square-foot building. Our 50th anniversary motto is “Celebrating Our Past, Shaping our Future.” The members of St. John’s have played a part in our successful past, and you are continuing your support and helping us to shape our future. For the role that you have played and continue to play we give God thanks. Your financial support, attendance at pancake breakfasts, donations to our new resale shop Stage Two, activities provided for our group homes by the Confirmation classes and Adam’s Rib’s involvement with Riverview are all blessings to us, and we send to you heartfelt thanks. Thank you again for including us in your 160th celebration. May God continue to bless you and Self Help as we serve those with disabilities. Sincerely, ~ Carla Haubrich, Executive Director, Self Help Enterprises Thank you for your caring support through the Lutheran Disaster Response. Together we provide immediate support as well as partnership for the long term. In peace, ~ Janet, Lutheran Disaster Response Friends at St. John’s, How can I say thank you enough? Your support of the Project Respond Humanitarian Aid Drive to assist at-risk children in Romania is very much needed and appreciated! I cannot begin to describe to you the IMPACT your support will have on those children God has entrusted to us! Thanks! Together, WE ARE changing the World! God Bless, ~ Tim Oloffson, Another Child Foundation THE MESSENGER • OCTOBER 2014 Good Neighbor Emergency Center gratefully acknowledges your recent contribution of $2,000. We sincerely appreciate your interest and support of Good Neighbor. Your generosity allows us to continue to help those in our community who are in need of a helping hand. May God bless you in all your endeavors. Yours in Christ, ~ Harold P. Dale, Treasurer, Good Neighbor Emergency Center Dear members of St. John’s Lutheran congregation, WeCAN, the Whiteside County Community Action Network, and all its respective park coordinators that helped put on the National Night Out community event, wish to thank you for coming out again and sponsoring National Night Out at Propheter Park. We really appreciate your support. National Night Out is designed to heighten crime and drug prevention awareness, generate support for an participation in local anti-crime programs, strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships, and to send a message to criminals letting them know that neighborhoods are organizing and fighting back. Once again, there were six parks that held the event along with many businesses, other churches and organizations that sponsored National Night Out. We were lucky and privileged to have you join us. Like many other area program, it takes many resources to bring neighborhoods and the community together. Your participation helped make this event possible. Again, thank you for your generosity. St. John’s Lutheran Church ROCKS!!! ~ Maureen Frankfother To St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, The Sauk Valley Foodbank would like to thank you for your generous donation of $410.52. It was very difficult in the year 2013 to keep up with the need because of less money and available food. Year 2014 hasn’t been any easier with the instability of the economy and so few jobs available in this area. Your money along with other donations will help to pay for the last semi that cost $12,963.04 The kind people of these communities have made a considerable difference in the lives of the unfortunate this year. In the year 2013, over 61,000 people have been helped by our area pantries and organizations. This has caused a strain on our area churches and organizations to meet the need of the unfortunate in our communities. Thank you for your kindness, ~ Carol Siefken, Executive Director, Sauk Valley Foodbank NURSENOTES T Cocoa’s Super Powers he cocoa found in some of your favorite desserts contains many super powers that can help improve your health, inside and out. Cocoa contains flavonoids, a chemical found naturally in plants, which help fight a wide array of diseases. Get all the benefits of flavonoids by buying dark chocolate that is at least 70% cocoa. High blood pressure can be combated with a daily dose of cocoa. We now know that the flavonols found in cocoa can thin blood and relax blood vessels. Cocoa contains antioxidants that work toward repairing damaged skin. Next time you are giving yourself a manicure, use a homemade cocoa lotion. When you’re feeling down, sometimes there’s nothing better than eating chocolate. In fact, cocoa contains hundreds of compounds that boost endorphins and serotonin, two of the best-known chemicals that are responsible for making us feel happy. n ~ Dr. Oz; Submitted by Vera McCormick, Parish Nurse < PAGE 11 ST. JOHN’S EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH, STERLING, ILLINOIS Finance Report Through August 31st This report reflects all contributions received and expenses paid from January 1 through August 31, 2014. Gifts Received for General Ministry $161,547.67 General ministry expenses $216,410.28 Net Income $(54,862,61) Endowments, Memorials and Other Designated Gifts (Designated gifts cannot be used for general ministry purposes) Endowment Receipts Behrens Endowment $45,846.96 Memorial Receipts J. Warren (Youth Ministry) $100.00 B. Betts (Undesignated) $50.00 F. Merlak (Undesignated) $350.00 A. Heuck (Designated Other) $2,470.00 J. Hopkins (Undesignated) $60.00 V. Reed (Undesignated) $900.00 B. Carl (Worship & Music) $1,072.00 L. Doty (Altar Linens) $625.00 V. Johnson (Undesignated) $50.00 Bequest Receipts Charles Behrens $66,235.37 J. Harting $50,000.00 Thrivent Choice Receipts $3,119.00 Transfers from Endowments into the General Fund Directory of Ministry Development $4,097.00 Monthly Special Offerings $2,000.00 General Expenses $40,000.00 Benevolence (per Endowment) $2,000.00 Memorial Special Project Payments Kitchen Items (E. Schwab) $418.00 Altar Flowers (D. Duhm) $646.00 Photo Stand (Haverland) $1,095.00 Speakers in Youth Room (Hammer) $272.00 Music Instruments (Hammelman) $614.00 Projector for Youth Room (A. Davis) $1,526.00 Altar Linens (Doty) $387.00 Lawn Items (Hopkins) $61.00 Bequest Distributions Tri-Church Activities $10,000.00 Taste & See $750 Snowplowing $1,000.00 Nicor Gas Expenses for January $2,000 HVAC Work in Basement $9,296.00 LSSI Fundraiser $750 Building Reserve Fund $50,000.00 Benevolence $10,000.00 Sound System $15,028.00 If you have any questions or would like more information about this report, please contact members of the Finance Team or the Church Office. Thank you for your gifts to the Glory of God and St. John’s ministries! n Direct Deposit D irect deposit is simple and flexible. It allows automatic deductions from your checking or savings account to the church general checking account. Deductions > PAGE 12 can be weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly; you decide. All funds will be accounted for on your contribution statement. You can stop or change deductions at any time. You don’t have to change banks or open another account. Interested? Contact the office for the necessary forms. n 1ST MONDAY Rock With Seniors COMMUNITY WORSHIP, TREATS & FELLOWSHIP AT 1:30PM THE FIRST MONDAY OF THE MONTH AT IMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH, ROCK FALLS BY VIDED O R P HE ON RTATI NDS, OR T O P S TRAN AND FRIE Y SENIOR Y T FAMIL IDE COUN ILS, CALL S S! A E WHIT ; FOR DET CHURCHE E ER CENT THE THRE F ANY O IMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH Pastor Henrietta Milner 501 Eighth Avenue Rock Falls, Illinois 61071 815.625.3575 immanuelrockfalls.org ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH Pastor Mark Oehlert 703 Third Avenue Sterling, Illinois 61081 815.625.2634 stjohnssterling.org 2014 SCHE DUL MAY 5 E JUNE 2 JULY 7 AUGUST 4 SEPTEMB ER 8 OCTOBER 6 NOVEMBE R3 DECEMBE R1 Bridging the ROCK TRI-CHURCH MINISTRIES OF THE EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH IN AMERICA NORTHERN ILLINOIS SYNOD ST. PAUL LUTHERAN CHURCH Interim Pastor Vicki Sauter 1701 Sixteenth Avenue Sterling, Illinois 61081 815.625.3069 stpaulsterling.com ST. JOHN’S EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH, STERLING, ILLINOIS Who’s Who At St. John’s PERSONNEL MINISTRY TEAMS Pastor > Rev. Mark Oehlert On Call/ Visitation Pastor > Rev. Leo Patterson Director of Youth & Family Ministries > Gerad Von Holten Director of Ministry Develpment > Brenda Sisson Missionary to Tanzania > Randall & Carol Stubbs Minister of Music > Erik Boehmke Praise Sunday Director > Julie McCord Office Manager > Nina Peters Systems Administrator > Andrew Stutzke Bell Choir Director > Dawn Zeigler Newsletter Editor > Stahr Design Custodians > Alex Ramirez > Diana Wolf Christian Education > Gayle Kellogg CONGREGATIONAL COUNCIL Parish Nurse/Wellness > Vera McCormick > Carla Haubrich, President > Lois Anderson-Rowzee, Vice President > Nancy Breed, Treasurer > Teri Jennings, Secretary > Sandy Feather > Gayle Kellogg > Tom Leesman > Ed Loos > Stan Rasmussen > Ken Smith > Doug Zientara > PAGE 14 Congregational Life > Vacant Endowment > Rhonda Stutzke > Mike Doughty > Larry Cooper > Lois Rowzee > Dwight Oltmanns Evangelism > Vacant Social Ministry > Sandy Wolfe > Barb Smith > Druann Bushman > Vera McCormick > Joyce Preston > Karen Wolfe > Teresa Gierhart > Tammy Stewart > Elaine Winebrenner Stewardship > Tom Leesman > Sandy Feather > Pastor Mark Oehlert Finance > Nancy Breed > Druann Bushman > Mike Doughty > Charles Steinke Our Mission Memorial > Vera McCormick > Carl Nelson > Carla Haubrich > Brian Luebke > Nancy Rasmussen Value Statements Personnel > Lois Rowzee > Doug Zientara > Denise Norman Property > Ken Smith > Doug Zientara > Art Frey > Tom Leesman Worship Arts > Pastor Mark Oehlert > Carla Haubrich > Erik Boehmke WorshipTech > Charlene O’Connell > Aislinn O’Connell > Kellen O’Connell > Devin O’Connell > Anita Carl > Dan Eads > Brice Taylor Members of St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church are CALLED into God’s world, CLAIMED by God and His people, and SENT to share our faith. We will accomplish our Mission and Vision with FAITH. Faith is the foundation of our church. Actions guide our work in the community. Invite all to share in our Family of Faith. Trust in the Lord. Healthy and growing. Parish Register Change of Address > None Deaths > None Weddings > None Members Received > None Members Removed/Transferred > None Upcoming Staff Birthdays > Julie McCord 10/5; Brenda Sisson 10/9; Pastor Leo 10/25 SJLC Activities ~ October 2014 Sun Mon Wednesday night Taste & See Ministry Nights include: 5:15-Meal 6:15-Worship 7:00-Learning SOCIAL MINISTRIES TEAM COLLECTING SCARVES, HATS AND MITTENS THROUGH DECEMBER 7TH. 5 6 ALUMINUM CAN DAY 9:30-Worship 10:45-Sunday School 10:45-Giving study 1:30-Rock with Seniors (Immanuel) 6:00-Menz Group II (Larry Cooper’s) 6:30-Christian Ed mtg Tue Wed Thu 1 2 5:15-Taste & See Ministry Night 7:00-Confirmand prep 7:00-Confirmation 10:00-LSSI meeting 6:00-Disaster Response meeting 7:00-Al-Anon 7 8 9 9:00-Staff meeting 7:00-Bell choir CONFIRMAND DINNER RSVPs DUE 9:00-Central Conf Mtg 5:15-Taste & See Ministry Night 7:00-Confirmand prep 7:00-TGIF 7:00-Confirmation 9:30-160th meeting 12:00-Caregiver Luncheon 6:00-Exploring Worship Through Music Rehearsal 6:30pm-Morning Circle 7:00-Al-Anon Fri 3 Sat 4 9:00-Nachusa Home Work Day 2:00-Grim/Kester wedding 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9:00-Flu Clinic 9:30-Worship 10:45-Sunday School 10:45-Giving study 5:30-Bridging the Rock 6:00-Social Ministries meeting 9:00-Staff meeting 5:00-YFMT meeting 6:45-Worship Arts mtg 7:00-Bell choir 7:00-Finance meeting 7:00-Men in Mission 1:30-Parkway 2:30-Heritage Woods 3:30-Good Neighbors 5:15-Taste & See Ministry Night 7:00-Confirmand prep 7:00-Confirmation 7:00-TGIF 9:00-Morning Circle 2:30-Coventry 3:30-Sterling Pavilion 7:00-Al-Anon 6:30pm-Movie Night 9:00-Sister to Sister Bible Study 9:00-Nachusa Home Work Day 19 20 21 22 23 COMMITMENT DAY FISH COLLECTION 9:30-Worship 10:30-Oktoberfest/ Polka Mass 10:45-Sunday School 6:00-Confirmand Dinner (Immanuel) 5:30-Exec meeting 9:00-Staff meeting 11:30-Book Club (Wagon Wheel) 2:00-Good Neighbors meeting 6:00-Council meeting 6:00-Grief Group 7:00-Bell choir 5:15-Taste & See Ministry Night 7:00-Confirmation (Temple Sholom visit) NEWSLETTER DEADLINE 12:00-Caregiver Luncheon 7:00-Al-Anon 26 27 28 29 30 9:00-Staff meeting 9:00-Newsletter Assembly 5:15-Taste & See Ministry Night 7:00-Confirmation 7:00-Al-Anon 6:00-Exploring Worship Through Music Rehearsal REFORMATION DAY CONFIRMATION DAY 9:30-Worship 10:45-Sunday School 10:45-Life Planning Workshop 24 25 Altar Guild Carla Haubrich (fill); Art & Dottie Frey Assisting Ministers 10/5-Shawn Wolfe 10/12-Marisa Perales 10/19-Chris Rucker 10/26-Denise Carl Blessings for October 10/5-Adam’s Rib 10/12-Police, Police Chaplains, & Firefighters 10/19-Stewardship 10/26-Confirmands Special Offering Home of Hope Cancer Wellness Center (see page 6 for details) Special Event Oktoberfest (see page 6 for details) 31 YOUR SPIRITUAL WELLNESS RECIPES ARE NEEDED BY NOV. 1ST! SEE PAGE 6 FOR DETAILS. Quarterly Special Project Christmas Gift Bags (see page 6 for details) ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH 703 THIRD AVENUE STERLING, IL 61081 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED NONPROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID STERLING, IL PERMIT NO. 218 The Messenger is a monthly publication of St. John’s Lutheran Church, a church of the Northern Illinois Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Join us for worship at 9:30am Sundays and 6:15pm Wednesdays. If you would prefer to receive The Messenger via e-mail, contact the church office at office@stjohnsonthird.org. PLEASE PRAY ABOUT YOUR RESPONSE. OCTOBER 19TH, 2014 IS COMMITMENT SUNDAY
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