A MONTHLY PUBLICATION OF ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH The Messenger NOVEMBER 2014 INSIDE THIS EDITION 2 >Nurse Notes 3 >160th Anniversary News 4 >Add To Your Table Prayer >Leaving A Legacy 5 >I Give You My Thanks! >Branches News Briefs 7 >Branches T-Shirts >2015 Youth Gathering 8 >Birthdays & Anniversaries 9 >Chili Fundraiser >All Saints Breakfast >Bring Winter Wear >Community Day >Festival Of Trees >Bell Choir >Direct Deposit 10 >Saying Thanks 12 >Finance Report 13 >LIRS >Council Highlights >Rock With Seniors 14 >Who’s Who At St. John’s >Purpose & Principles >Parish Register 15 >November Calendar & Blessings CONTACT US! 703 Third Avenue Sterling, IL 61081 815.625.2634 office@stjohnsonthird.org stjohnssterling.org facebook.com/SterlingStJohns twitter.com/SterlingStJohns youtube.com/StJohnsSterlingIL “ Legacies are footprints we leave behind after we are die. They prove that we were here; we lived, we mattered, we made a difference!” ~ Rachel Freed Thoughts From The Pastor’s Study W hat will your legacy be? Many are the faithful and generous persons who have paved the way for the myriad of Pastor Mark improvements we now enjoy at St. John’s: God’s Oehlert worship center, the educational and administrative wing, the fellowship hall and surrounding parking. There are endowments of many types that allow us to experience great music at worship, parish nursing improvements, outreach and administrative expenses that are provided for, as examples. In this our 160th year, it is good to reflect and remember all of the saints now “sleeping with the ancestors” who “lived, mattered and made a difference in our faith lives.” It is said that it is always later than we think in terms of life planning. There are multiple ways to direct resources with which we now are blessed and which are in our possession for the short time we live on earth. Perhaps you have seen information on our four-week series on Caring Questions. Here is the schedule: • Sunday October 26th was about arranging medical power of attorney for decisions we choose to make regarding our health care in extreme situations. • Sunday November 2nd: We’ll be learning about palliative care and hospice. Guest speaker is Sara Cebula from Rock River Hospice. • Sunday November 9th: The topic for the day will be why planning ahead for our funerals is important regarding what we have left at the end of our lives. John Schilling is our guest. • November 16th: We will discuss leaving a legacy. What will your “footprint” be? continued on page 2 > ST. JOHN’S EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH, STERLING, ILLINOIS NURSE NOTES Five Foods To Prevent Your Arteries From Clogging L ike any plumbing system, your arteries can get clogged up. When you have high blood pressure, inflammation causes cholesterol to stick to the walls of your blood vessels, forming a plaque. The following foods are powerful enough to prevent this dangerous clogging. Kiwi and Cantaloupe These antioxidant-rich foods work by reducing toxic LDL cholesterol, which is formed by a rusting process in your arteries. They can help stop the “rust” in its tracks and even prevent it from spreading. Eat 1 cup of cantaloupe or 1 kiwi a day to unclog your arteries. Shrimp Despite being a source of cholesterol, shrimp can be helpful for your heart. They contain taurine, an amino acid, which acts like plastic wrap so fats can’t cross the intestinal wall and get into your arteries. Try having 5 medium-sized steamed or grilled shrimp twice a week. Be sure to avoid the cocktail sauces. Red-Skinned Grapes and Cranberry Juice These foods strain the fat out your arteries. Instead of having fat build up in your blood vessels, these foods improve your cells’ ability to absorb the fat and use it for energy production. Drink a glass of cranberry juice three times a week or eat 1 cup of grapes per day to unclog your arteries. n ~ Dr. Oz; Submitted by Vera McCormick, Parish Nurse > PAGE 2 > continued from page 1 I encourage you to attend the sessions. No one knows the day or the hour when our brief lives on earth are over. Making plans of this type can be of immense value to our physical and spiritual care, ourselves and for our loved ones as well as the medical and social communities. Most of all, it is respectful to God who made us in that we are good stewards of all that God has first given us: our time, ourselves and our possessions, all of which are generous blessings! Our congregation also has available planning for religious services. Please contact me for an appointment when we can discuss your wishes. The planning sheet can be taken home where one can engage in prayerful and thoughtful input for making final plans. There are many decisions to be made. When these decisions are made in advance, this action becomes a wonderful gift to those who will carry out our desires. I have many kept in a private file from those who have already done so. Thank you for considering the matters above! Coming Sunday November 23rd! Bishop Gary Wollersheim will be with us to celebrate our 160th year! Please mark your calendars, bring a friend to worship and make reservations for our celebration meal. The 160th planning team has prepared a commemorative ornament for use in our homes as a keepsake. Truly God has been good! Truly we are blessed! Truly we are here to be blessings to others! n Grace and peace, Pastor Mark THE MESSENGER • NOVEMBER 2014 160th Celebrations & Projects Celebration With The Bishop Special Offering LSSI Holiday Hope Chest is an outreach to LSSI clients at Christmas. Last year, LSSI was able to provide individualized gifts to 242 children, teens and adults, and 27 LSSI Group Home residents. In addition, they provided gift cards and household items to 133 seniors. St. John’s members may help with this project by making donations to the monthly special offering. Another way the congregation may assist is to provide gift cards, which LSSI clients can use to buy items such as groceries, clothing, prescriptions or gas. Great choices for gift cards are County Market, Kroger, Walmart, Walgreens, CVS, Aldi, Dollar General, Shell and BP Amoco. St. John’s will forward gift cards to LSSI along with the special offering check at the end of the month. Gift cards may be dropped in the offering plate; please designate for the LSSI Holiday Hope Chest. Bishop Gary Wollersheim will join us for worship on Sunday, November 23rd. Planning is well under way for this day of celebration and sharing. We will gather in the Fellowship Hall for dinner after worship. This time together will include blessing the crosses that have been added to the Wall of Crosses since the wall was initially blessed in February. We also hope to fill the sanctuary and take another congregational photo on that day. Please put this on your calendar and plan to be here for worship and dinner. Sign-up sheets for the event are posted in the Narthex, East Room, blood pressure area and Luther Chapel. We will need to have reservations for this event to ensure that we have the proper amount of food. Watch bulletin inserts, the projection screen and announcements in worship as planning unfolds. Service Project Our 160th Anniversary Celebration has included quarterly service projects: painting at Self Help, Nelson roadside cleanup and National Night Out event at Propheter Park. Our project for the fourth quarter will actually be completed around Christmas. We will be putting gift bags together for all of our nursing home and shutin folks. We will be making some of the items, and will purchase small items that will be useful, as well as gift bags and cards. Our intention is to include one of the commemorative ornaments that is being produced for our anniversary celebration. We would like to ask for monetary donations to help support this project. Please place donations in the offering and mark it for Shut-in Christmas Project. As the time approaches, we may be asking for homemade cookies, and we may need help delivering the goodies! Commemorative Ornament The Planning Committee has worked with a vendor to design and produce an ornament to commemorate our 160th Anniversary. The ornaments are now available and may be purchased after worship on Sunday; they are also available in the church office. They will be a wonderful addition to any Christmas tree and would make wonderful family gifts. We do not plan to use this as a fundraiser, so we have priced the ornaments at $7, which will cover our design, production, and shipping costs. Ornament stands will also be available to display the ornament at an additional cost of $3. We will also be including an ornament and stand in each of the gift bags that our shut-ins receive in December. The front and back of the three-inch ceramic disk are decorated as illustrated. < PAGE 3 ST. JOHN’S EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH, STERLING, ILLINOIS Add To Your Table Caring Caring Questions Q Sunday Mornings PRAYER th October 26 , November 2nd, 9th and 16th An open seminar series to address importa S health care questions, answering concern o here’s what I want you to do, A God helping you. Take your every human being will have at one time o everyday, ordinary life – your another. sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking around life – and place it before God as an offering. EmbracingWith guest speakers and plenty of Q & A time. Get your questions answere what God does for you is the best thing you can do for Him. Don’t become soOctober 26: Deb Keaschall from CGH - Medical care decisions and how to clearly well-adjusted to your culture that youinform doctors and loved ones of our decisions, including legal questions. With guest speakers and plenty of Q fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be November 2: What is Palliative Care? Comfort Care? Hospice? When would one c any members26: of St.Deb John’sKeaschall Lutheran Church no CGH from October changed from the inside out. Readilyfor this type of assistance? doubt have established an estate plan to ensure that recognize what He wants from you, and doctors and are loved onesServices. of de November 9: After Iinform Am Gone Part and Memorial the assets theyOne leave- Funerals behind used according to ourWhy quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture planning ahead important. Guest speaker:they Johnmay Schilling their iswishes. Among the vehicles employ are wills, around you, always dragging you down November 2: What is trusts, life insurance, real estate, charitable giftPalliative annuities and Care? C to its level of immaturity, God bringsNovember 16: After I Am Gone Part Two - Leaving a Legacy. What will your charitable remainder trusts. Some our members, including for this type ofof assistance? the best out of you, develops well- “footprint” be from the time you spent on earth. How can you affect those who w Glenn Behrens, Paul and Ruth Dusing and Jane Harting, to name formed maturity in you. come aftera you terms of a ministry? few,inhave provided for St. John’s throughI their endowments or November 9: After Am Gone Part One Romans 12, The Message bequests. Would you like to leave a legacy that will benefit your planning important. Guest speak church for many decadesahead after yourisdeath? Grant, O God, that your holy and If you haveSt. determined that you want aChurch portion of your estate John Lutheran life-giving Spirit may move every November 16: Am Part Tw to benefit your church after you areAfter no longerIwith us,Gone but human heart, that the barriers which 703 how, 3rd Avenue maybe don’t know exactly then you’re invited to attend “footprint” be from the time you spent o divide us may crumble, suspicions the fourth and final seminar in our “Caring Questions” series. disappear and hatreds cease, and that Seminars begin immediately following come after youAin terms ofbeapresented ministry? Called “After I’m Gone: Leaving Legacy,” it will with our divisions healed, we might on Sunday, Nov. 16 after worship in the basement worship aboutservice 10:30 A.M. live in justice and peace; through your fellowship hall. Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. n Enrique Rojas of the ELCA will give a presentation on the LBW many different vehicles available to us to remember John’s St.St.John Lut www.stjohnssterling.org 815.625.263 in our estate planning. He also will answer your questions. We invite you to learn about the many opportunities available to 703 3r you. Estate planning – by designating a portion of your assets to the church – is a great way to help St. John’s continue to carry Seminars begin im out its mission to serve. At the same time, you will leave behind a legacy that keeps on giving. We hope to see you on November 16th. n worship ab Leaving A Legacy To Benefit St. John’s M > PAGE 4 “ THE MESSENGER • NOVEMBER 2014 Oh, the Lord is good to me, and so I thank the Lord for giving me the things I need: The sun, and the rain, and the apple seed. The Lord is good to me. Amen.” ~ From the Johnny Appleseed Prayer (anonymous) I Give You My Thanks! F or what have you told God “thank you” lately? No doubt, you’ve heard it said, “I don’t have to worship God by going to church. I can meet God in nature and at the coffeehouse and wherever else.” My answer to that is, “So do/can I.” God didn’t just call the individual, each “child of God,” to be in relationship with Him. God made a covenant through Jesus with His people, the church, to which you and I belong. If you believe that Jesus is the Son of God and died and rose again, then that makes you an important part of the body of Christ that is the church. The church as one body is called to be together in worship. In the New Testament (See the book of Revelation), the church is referred to as the bride of Christ. How can we be in full relationship with Christ if the bride is not all together? We could have a much longer conversation just about that alone when we start broadening the parameters of who is part of Christ’s church. The reason I’ve started this article this way is to say why it is so important that we, the church, do come together on a regular basis to be the “relational bride” that Christ wants us to be. If we become the bride that doesn’t come to the feast with our Lord, Jesus, then what kind of bride does that make us? Sunday has typically been our day of worship. It is still the day that lends itself to be most available for most of us Americans. We are so busy throughout the week Gerad doing so many important (some Von Holten not important) and good things. Then Sunday comes. We have a choice to make. Do we go to church or sleep in or __________ (fill in the blank)? In the very least, we owe it to God as His bride to show up to the feast and say thank you for all of the good things that we had during the week, that time where most of us, myself included at times, failed to give God thanks for the daily blessings in life like our families, friendships, good grades, hard work, fun activities, a good book, an enjoyable and fulfilling hobby … you name it. God is good and wants good things for his church. We can’t forget to come together and tell God thank you for all of these good things! n Gerad Von Holten Youth and Family Ministries Director Branches News Briefs Youth and Family Ministries, St. John’s & St. Paul G od bless you Jacob Beyer, Carter O’Brien, Rebecca Waite, Sarah Gierhart, Madeline LeFevre, Allison Stewart, Noah Tupper and Kyle Winebrenner as you begin this new journey of faith. Confirmation Sunday was October 26th. The junior high confirmation class paid a visit to the Jewish synagogue in Sterling, Temple Sholom, in October. The students continued on page 6 > < PAGE 5 ST. JOHN’S EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH, STERLING, ILLINOIS > continued from page 5 learned about the Jewish roots of Christianity. The class has been studying the Old Testament this first semester. Confirmation Class Confirmation class continues meeting from 7-8:30pm Wednesdays at St. John’s. All forms and class information are available on the confirmation class website: http://stjohnssterling. herewestandconfirmation.org. Confirmation families are encouraged to register an account on the website to stay connected to announcements and class content. If you have questions about the confirmation website, please contact Gerad. The 7th-8th grade class will be Christmas shopping for LSSI Holiday Hope Chest for the Nachusa Home on November 12th. TGIF High school Teens Gathered In Faith (TGIF) will be meeting the third Wednesday night of each month (most of the time). In November we will meet on the second Wednesday of the month, November 12th, from 7-8:30pm. We will be Christmas shopping for LSSI Holiday Hope Chest for the Nachusa Home at Walmart in Sterling. This is in addition to the families to whom our congregations choose to give. We have special funds to use; however, we hope our students and families will consider giving money of their own to contribute to our shopping for the Nachusa Home youth. Parents, we’ll need drivers. Please contact Gerad if you are able to participate. Sunday School For Junior & Senior High Every Sunday is youth Sunday! Students in grades 7-12, please know that we are having class every Sunday (except Christmas break and Easter) throughout the school year. When we have a church breakfast or special event, we will not have a lesson. But please come! You are always welcome to our youth rooms. > PAGE 6 Nursery Assistance We are looking for volunteer high school students to help in both church nurseries. Please check with our Sunday school staff and church offices to find out how you can serve our children! Youth Rooms Wish List St. John’s: St. Paul: Coffee machine Coffee machine String lights String lights Paint walls Paint walls Big rug WiFi Both youth rooms need some “sprucing up” and rearranging. Please let Gerad Von Holten know if you want to do some work on the youth rooms. Youth & Family Ministries Team Youth & Family Ministries Team (YFMT) will meet at 5pm Tuesday, November 11th at St. Paul. If anyone would like to come for the meeting, let Gerad know. The team would like to hear your ideas and get to know you! On the team: Paul and Susan Over, Marisa Perales, Teresa Gierhart, Pastor Mark Oehlert from St. John’s, Eileen Wolber, Brian Lobdell, Pastor Brandon Nelson from St. Paul and Gerad Von Holten. The team regularly meets the second Tuesday of the month at 5pm (alternating churches). 2015 Junior High Quake The 2015 Wisconsin Dells Junior High Quake is Friday, March 20th through Sunday, March 22nd. St. Paul, St. John’s and Immanuel junior high students are invited. If you are a sophomore, junior or senior and are interested in going as a youth leader (junior guide), please talk to Gerad. Adult chaperones/drivers are needed. More details about registration and cost to come. For more information about Quakes visit www.youthencounter.org and talk to Gerad. T-Shirts! T-Shirts! Get Your T-Shirts! W e are selling Branches youth and family ministries T-shirts, available in all sizes. Shirts are bright blue with the Branches youth ministries logo representing our partnership in ministry designed by our youth. T-shirts are $5 each ($7 for XXL or larger). T-shirt order forms are available below and in both of the church offices. Checks should be made payable to St. John’s Lutheran Church. THE MESSENGER • NOVEMBER 2014 Detroit 2015 ELCA Youth Gathering Registration Officially Open! Name_____________________________ Students in grades 8-12, if you are interested in attending the 2015 ELCA Youth Gathering in Detroit, please complete the medical release/ registration forms and turn them and the $75 deposit in to the church office. Forms were mailed to all high school families at the end of August. If you need a registration form, call/text/ e-mail Gerad or pick one up at church. Sign up for the gathering updates by e-mail by visiting www.elca.org/gathering. You can also follow the gathering Facebook page at “ELCA Youth Gathering.” So far, we have 13 high school students registered. This is a life-changing event and opportunity! I hope you will prayerfully consider participating next July. Phone_____________________________ Detroit 2015 Fundraisers BRANCHES T-SHIRT ORDER FORM QuantitySubtotal Small __________ x $5 = _ _________ Medium __________ x $5 = _ _________ Large __________ x $5 = _ _________ XL __________ x $5 = _ _________ XXL __________ x $7 = _ _________ XXXL __________ x $7 = _ _________ Totals #_________ $_ ________ T-shirt orders and payment should be turned into the church office. Checks should be made payable to “St. John’s Lutheran Church.” “KAWOS” Cloths: The high school students attending the 2015 Detroit gathering are selling cleaning cloths that do not require any chemicals. KAWOS stands for Kleans Anything WithOut Streaks. They are for sale for $5 each. Cloths are available at both churches and from any of the youth going to Detroit. You may purchase at either of the church offices during the week. Aluminum Cans: Bring your aluminum cans to worship any Sunday at St. John’s or St. Paul. Marked receptacles will be placed at the church entrances on the first Sunday of each month for your convenience. Cans will be recycled for cash that will help offset costs for the youth gathering. < PAGE 7 ST. JOHN’S EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH, STERLING, ILLINOIS November Birthdays & Anniversaries SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 1 >Hadley Allen >Alexey Wolfe 2 3 >Dylan Goss >Linda >Audrey Janssen Morehead >Adam Schmidt >Barbara Otten 9 4 >Julie Acker >Stephanie Klein 10 11 >Abigayl McFalls >Michele Stretz >Karl Kilberg* >Erica Armstrong >Jordan Henson >Jennifer Latchford 16 17 18 >Susan Miniel >Amy >Betty Schmitt* >Jeremiah & Grevengoed >Mark & Kim Shauna Kramer >Logan Wolfe Sciacero >Glenn & Marcia Keime* 23 24 5 25 12 19 >Johanna Collins 26 30 >Tammy Doughty >Kathryn Douglas >Dennis Redfield *Indicates 80-plus-year birthdays and 50-plus-year anniversaries. PAGE 8 7 >Margaret >Derek Slusser Benson >Nancy Caudillo >Marjorie Long* >Barbara Peugh >Braeden Ruiz >Susan >Michael >Brandi Barron Bertolozzi Bushman >BJ Wolf >Eilene >Angela Johnson* Langley >Ashleigh >Denise Norman Lennon >Diana & Michael Hosler > 6 8 >Lois Cooperrider* >Thomas Marshall 13 14 15 >Greg Bontz >Marisa Perales >Mary Lou Baker >Lois Brottmiller* >Kayla Smith >Mike & Tammy Doughty >Brenda Greer 20 21 22 >Susan Over >Skyler Goodwin >Larry Judd >Brandon Luebke >Clarence Wolf* 27 28 29 >Leroy Baer >Madison Goss >Timothy Schmitt >Nicholas & Laura Barthel THE MESSENGER • NOVEMBER 2014 Chili Fundraiser Festival Of Trees All Saints Breakfast Join Bell Choir – Or Just Try It Out! A dam’s Rib will be selling containers of their tasty chili for the third year. Containers in a variety of sizes and prices will be available after worship from 10:30-11:30am November 9th and 16th. Proceeds benefit the Self Help Riverview Haven Group Home. n A dam’s Rib Circle will host the annual All Saints Breakfast after service on November 2nd. A free-will offering will be accepted. Join us for great food and fellowship! n Bring Winter Wear T he Social Ministries Team is collecting scarves, hats and mittens for Rocky Boy during November and the first week of December. The tree will be up in the East Room for donations until December 7th. Members of the team are willing to do the shopping for you! Monetary donations may be put in an envelope marked Mitten Tree and placed in the offering plate. Thanks to the congregation for their continued support of the Social Ministries Team’s projects! n Community Day C hurch Women United will celebrate World Community Day on Friday, November 7th at 12:30pm in St. Mary Parish Center, 600 Avenue B, Sterling. A dessert bar will be enjoyed with the program to follow. At this meeting, we will collect children’s clothing for school nurses in Rock Falls and Sterling. All are invited. For details, call Doris Cox at (815) 625-0787 or Marianne Hardt at (815) 622-0279. n H ospice of the Rock River Valley has requested from St. John’s a donation of 30 dozen cookies (sugar, cutouts, oatmeal, peanut butter, thumbprints, etc.) for the Festival of Trees. Please leave cookies in the church basement on Thursday, November 20th. For details, call Sharon Zinanni at (815) 508-2585. n T he St. John’s Bell Choir will rehearse from 7-8pm Tuesdays, November 4, 11 and 18, and will play at the November 23rd worship service. This is St. Johns’ 160th Celebration, so let’s have a large bell choir for that day! Sessions stand alone, so only the music being played next will be rehearsed. Come as your schedule allows. New this year: Students in 6th grade and up are invited to ring with the bell choir. Sign-up sheets are posted on the bulletin board across from the church office. For details, contact Dawn Zeigler at (815) 632-3366 (home), (815) 2753775 (cell) or zignlou@comcast.net. n Direct Deposit D irect deposit is simple and flexible. It allows automatic deductions from your checking or savings account to the church general checking account. Deductions can be weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly; you decide. All funds will be accounted for on your contribution statement. You can stop or change deductions at any time. You don’t have to change banks or open another account. Interested? Contact the office for the necessary forms. n < PAGE 9 ST. JOHN’S EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH, STERLING, ILLINOIS SAYING THANKS Dear 160th Anniversary Committee, Thank you for the wonderful letter and beautiful ornament of the St. John’s stained glass window! Linda and I decided to place it on our international wall in our home. What a fantastic reminder that Christ’s LOVE for everyone is ongoing! Thanks be to God! God’s Peace, Pastor Leo and Linda Thank you for the unique ornament! We appreciate your generosity. ~ Herb & Joanne Reed Dear Pastor Mark, Thank you for your recent donation of $125 to Lutheran Outdoor Ministries Center. Your donation will be used to help further the ministries of LOMC. As we wind down from an unforgettable summer, LOMC has some exciting events in store to finish out our year. The Peder Eide Retreat is for adults only and is designed for them to share a weekend here at LOMC with Peder and Sherri Eide. This retreat will take place November 14-16. We count you as part of our many blessings at LOMC and in our daily lives. Thank you and the generous members of St. John’s for y’all’s continued support of LOMC. Love, Russ Senti, Lutheran Outdoor Ministries Center Executive Director Good Neighbor Emergency Center gratefully acknowledges your recent contribution of $500. We sincerely appreciate your interest and support of Good Neighbor. Your generosity allows us to continue to help those in our community who are in need of a helping hand. May God bless you in all your endeavors. Yours in Christ, Harold P. Dale, Good Neighbor Center Treasurer > PAGE 10 Dear St. John’s Lutheran Church, The FISH Food Pantry is grateful for the support of churches in the area, and we thank you for your continued support. Many of you have given to our work of feeding the hungry for more than 35 years. Almost a year ago our numbers increased so that our requests for food were up about 40%. We are serving about 200 families a month or about 700 individuals a month. In the face of increasing demand, we stopped making purchases at Aldi’s and depend almost entirely on the Sauk Valley Food Bank. We were purchasing a few items that we could not get at the food bank and so we are no longer stocking those items at the Fish Pantry. We purchase items for 18 cents a pound an some food we purchase at what they call purchase price at the food bank. It is more than 18 cents a pound but less that what we would pay at the grocery store. We try to be good stewards of contributions so that our dollars will buy the most food at a reasonable price. As you can see, it is a constant challenge to keep our shelves filled. At times we are not as well stocked as we would like to be. As you consider giving for 2015, we hope you will consider the Fish Food Pantry. As our numbers increase, we hope our donations will also increase. We have been blessed in many ways: contributions from churches and individuals, free food that has come our way, volunteers that come regardless of the weather to fill boxes with food, and board members that go to the Sauk Valley Food Bank and the Salvation Army to get food. It also works well that the free breakfast program at First United Methodist operates at the same time as the Fish Food Pantry. Good things are happening; please be a part of what we are doing in 2015. Gratefully, Beth Mathew Thank you to those who helped with the flu clinic or provided cookies. Vera McCormick continued on page 11 > THE MESSENGER • NOVEMBER 2014 > continued from page 10 St. John’s Lutheran Church, Received your check for $500 to support the Caring Center. We will be using the funds to pay for operating costs. So far this year we have had 10,288 families register to shop, gave away 131,160 items and have had 2,261 people drop items off for us to give away. We are truly blessed to have this community service program. Please refer any family to the Caring Center for shopping. All they need to do is register to shop, show a photo ID, can shop two times a month and receive up to 20 items. We are open on Monday and Wednesday from 10:00 to 3:30. Caring Center only has to give away items that are donated to us. So please keep us in mind when you need to get rid of items or are cleaning things out you no longer need or have a use for. We need household items all the time; they go out as fast as we get them in. Thank you again, for your donation of money. God Bless, Irene Nusbaum, Caring Center Manager Thank you for your many expressions of kindness during my last two hospitalizations and subsequent recovery. The cards and notes, phone calls, food and visits were very much appreciated. Especially important were the visits of Pastor Mark and Pastor Leo. I continue to ask for your prayers for they really sustain me as I face some continuing health issues. Thank you again for caring. God’s Blessings, Betty Steinke My sincere thanks to St. John’s members who sent cards and e-mails to me on my 90th birthday. May God bless you. Carl H. Nelson To my St. John’s Family, I would like to thank Pastor Mark, Pastor Leo and Art Frey for their visits and prayers during my hospital stay. Also to all those that sent cards and prayers. God’s Blessings, Jim Eshleman For the kind and caring people who wished me well with beautiful cards on my 100th birthday, I would like to thank you. I have been richly blessed indeed. You all are in my prayers. Sincerely, Ardis (Pat) Mangler On behalf of the Gianna’s House Pregnancy Resource Center, thank you and your congregation for your recent donation of $473 dated September 30, 2014. Your generous donation and continued prayers will enable us to continue our life-affirming ministry to women in need. In the year 2013, Gianna’s House Pregnancy Resource Center had nearly 620 visits from clients throughout Northwestern Illinois. Many of those served were experiencing an unplanned and sometimes unwanted pregnancy. They have various concerns and may feel they need to resolve these issues alone. Because of your thoughtful contribution, we are able to give them peace and support by providing them with not only material resources, but offering sexual integrity education, post-abortion healing and peer counseling from our compassionate volunteers. In addition, you are also assisting in the costly transition of becoming a pregnancy resource medical clinic. Thank you again for your generous support. Sincerely, Colleen Petrosky, Gianna’s House Director < PAGE 11 ST. JOHN’S EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH, STERLING, ILLINOIS Finance Report Through September 30th This report reflects all contributions received and expenses paid from January 1 through September 30, 2014. Gifts Received for General Ministry $177,892.16 General ministry expenses $216,410.28 Net Income $(38,518.12) Endowments, Memorials and Other Designated Gifts (Designated gifts cannot be used for general ministry purposes) Endowment Receipts Behrens Endowment $45,846.96 Memorial Receipts J. Warren (Youth Ministry) $100.00 B. Betts (Undesignated) $50.00 F. Merlak (Undesignated) $350.00 A. Heuck (Designated Other) $2,470.00 J. Hopkins (Undesignated) $60.00 V. Reed (Undesignated) $900.00 B. Carl (Worship & Music) $1,072.00 L. Doty (Altar Linens) $625.00 V. Johnson (Undesignated) $50.00 C. Eads (Youth Programs) $175.00 Bequest Receipts Charles Behrens $66,235.37 J. Harting $50,000.00 Thrivent Choice Receipts $3,271.00 Transfers from Endowments into the General Fund Directory of Ministry Development $4,357.00 Monthly Special Offerings $2,250.00 General Expenses $42,500.00 Benevolence (per Endowment) $6,750.00 Building Repairs $1,285.00 Memorial Special Project Payments Kitchen Items (E. Schwab) $418.00 Altar Flowers (D. Duhm) $646.00 Photo Stand (Haverland) $1,095.00 Speakers in Youth Room (Hammer) $272.00 Music Instruments (Hammelman) $614.00 Projector for Youth Room (A. Davis) $1,526.00 Altar Linens (Doty) $387.00 Lawn Items (Hopkins) $61.00 Basement Flooring (Garrison) $73.00 Sanctuary Painting (Betts) $500.00 Bequest Distributions Tri-Church Activities $10,000.00 Taste & See $750 Snowplowing $1,000.00 Nicor Gas Expenses for January $2,000 HVAC Work in Basement $9,296.00 LSSI Fundraiser $750 Building Reserve Fund $50,000.00 Benevolence $10,000.00 Sound System $15,028.00 If you have any questions or would like more information about this report, please contact members of the Finance Team or the Church Office. Thank you for your gifts to the Glory of God and St. John’s ministries! n > PAGE 12 THE MESSENGER • NOVEMBER 2014 LIRS C hildren are arriving alone in the United States in order to escape violence, hunger and human trafficking in their home countries. Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS) is working to reunite children with family members already living in the United States. In addition, LIRS provides specialized foster care homes and legal services for children who have no relatives in the United States. From LIRS: We fight for laws and policies informed by the expertise of our network and grounded in our faithbased values – compelling us to ensure fair and just treatment of the most vulnerable. Immigration detention has become the default, blindly assuming that all undocumented immigrants are a criminal threat and wastefully costing taxpayers nearly $2 billion a year. Even victims of torture and human trafficking are thrown into jail. We promote fair access to the justice system and compassionate treatment of these children and adults whose very lives are at risk. Our legal services, congregational visitation and community networks provide compassionate support. Never has your support been more important! It is an act of love to welcome and care for these children, to open our hearts and hands, and to speak out for their fair treatment. To contribute, call (877) 291-7061 or visit www. lirs.org. n Council Highlights, October Church Planner visited St. John’s Church on Oct. 7th. His recommendations: • Considered Welcome Center plan an excellent idea! (Meet with ELCA Mission Investment Fund representative Enrique Rojas to present financials year to date 2014 and determine St. John’s capability to handle project. Mr. Rojas receives NO bonus or extra compensation from St. John’s as he is a salaried employee of the ELCA. Finalization requires council and congregational approval.) • Coffee Bar in Narthex — Hold off. (Integrate in Welcome Center if we proceed.) • Nursery — Reconfigure for a bit more welcome upstairs to young members. • Purchase 702 Park Place, Sterling. House Purchase • Asking Price — $33,500 • Siding has asbestos, roof needs to be replaced, windows need to be replaced, foundation needing extensive repair, history of unlawful residents detracts public safety • Removal cost to St. John’s — 8,000-$9,000 bid from Contractor Larry Jennings, includes removal of home, backfill and seeding the lot. Tom Leesman will try to get two more bids. • An offer of $23,500 will be made as the cost of the removal of the home is almost $10,000. All actions pending congregational approval. Rock With seniors WORSHIP & FELLOWSHIP AT 1:30PM NOV. 3RD AT IMMANUEL < PAGE 13 ST. JOHN’S EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH, STERLING, ILLINOIS Who’s Who At St. John’s PERSONNEL MINISTRY TEAMS Pastor > Rev. Mark Oehlert On Call/ Visitation Pastor > Rev. Leo Patterson Director of Youth & Family Ministries > Gerad Von Holten Director of Ministry Develpment > Brenda Sisson Missionary to Tanzania > Randall & Carol Stubbs Minister of Music > Erik Boehmke Praise Sunday Director > Julie McCord Office Manager > Nina Peters Systems Administrator > Andrew Stutzke Bell Choir Director > Dawn Zeigler Newsletter Editor > Stahr Design Custodians > Alex Ramirez > Diana Wolf Christian Education > Gayle Kellogg CONGREGATIONAL COUNCIL Parish Nurse/Wellness > Vera McCormick > Carla Haubrich, President > Lois Anderson-Rowzee, Vice President > Nancy Breed, Treasurer > Teri Jennings, Secretary > Sandy Feather > Gayle Kellogg > Tom Leesman > Ed Loos > Stan Rasmussen > Ken Smith > Doug Zientara > PAGE 14 Congregational Life > Vacant Endowment > Rhonda Stutzke > Mike Doughty > Larry Cooper > Lois Rowzee > Dwight Oltmanns Evangelism > Vacant Finance > Nancy Breed > Druann Bushman > Mike Doughty > Charles Steinke Memorial > Vera McCormick > Carl Nelson > Carla Haubrich > Brian Luebke > Nancy Rasmussen Personnel > Lois Rowzee > Doug Zientara > Denise Norman Property > Ken Smith > Doug Zientara > Art Frey > Tom Leesman Social Ministry > Sandy Wolfe > Barb Smith > Druann Bushman > Vera McCormick > Joyce Preston > Karen Wolfe > Teresa Gierhart > Tammy Stewart > Elaine Winebrenner Stewardship > Tom Leesman > Sandy Feather > Pastor Mark Oehlert Worship Arts > Pastor Mark Oehlert > Carla Haubrich > Erik Boehmke WorshipTech > Charlene O’Connell > Aislinn O’Connell > Kellen O’Connell > Devin O’Connell > Anita Carl > Dan Eads > Brice Taylor Purpose Statement The purpose of St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church is to continue discovering God’s will for us in His kingdom through prayer, bible study and building relationships. Guiding Principles 1. Jesus is our Lord and Savior. 2. We make prayer, bible study and dialog the center of our decision making. 3. We are willing to change as we discover God’s mission for us. 4. We invite everyone. Jesus said, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.” ~ Matthew 28: 19a 5. We recognize and give thanks for our blessings. 6. We act for the discovery and fulfillment of God’s mission. Parish Register Change of Address > None Deaths > Terry Potts 10/18;Verna Eads 10/22 Weddings > Logan Wolfe & Margaret Johnson 9/25; Christine Bontz & Matt Murphy 9/27; Shawna Grim & Steven Kester 10/4 Members Received > None Members Removed/Transferred > None Upcoming Staff Birthdays > None SJLC Activities ~ November 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri SPIRITUAL WELLNESS RECIPES ARE DUE NOW! SOCIAL MINISTRIES TEAM COLLECTING SCARVES, HATS AND MITTENS THROUGH DECEMBER 7TH. Sat 1 10:45-Rotary Youth Exchange 2 ALL SAINTS DAY; ALUMINUM CAN DAY 9:30-Worship 10:30-All Saints Breakfast 10:45-Life Planning Workshop 3 1:30-Rock with Seniors (Immanuel) 6:00-Menz Group II (Gerald Foskitt’s) 6:30-Christian Ed mtg 4 9:00-Staff meeting 6:00-Boy Scouts 7:00-Bell choir 5 6:15-Worship 7:00-Confirmation/ Learning Time 6 10:00-LSSI Meeting 7:00-Al-Anon 7 12:30-Church Women United World Community Day (St. Mary’s Parish) 8 9:30-Prayer Shawl Ministry Coffee 9 9:30-Worship 10:30-Adam’s Rib Chili Fundraiser 10:45-Sunday School 10:45-Life Planning Workshop 10 5:30-Bridging the Rock 6:00-Social Ministry meeting 11 9:00-Staff meeting 5:00-YFMT (St. Paul) 6:45-Worship Arts mtg 7:00-Bell choir 7:00-Men in Mission 7:00-Finance meeting 12 9:00-Central Conf mtg 6:15-Worship 7:00-Confirmation/TGIF Shopping for LSSI Holiday Hope Chest 13 12:00-Caregiver lunch 7:00-Al-Anon 14 6:00-LSSI Appreciation Dinner 15 8:00-Boy Scouts 9:00-Sister to Sister Bible Study 16 FISH COLLECTION 9:30-Worship (Healing) 10:30-Adam’s Rib Chili Fundraiser 10:45-Sunday School 10:45-Life Planning Workshop 17 5:30-Executive meeting 18 9:00-Staff meeting 11:30-Book Club (Wagon Wheel) 2:00-Good Neighb mtg 6:00-Council meeting 6:00-Grief Group for Parents 7:00-Bell choir 19 NEWSLETTER DEADLINE 1:30-Parkway 2:30-Heritage Woods 3:30-Good Neighbors 6:15-Worship 7:00-Confirmation/ Learning Time 20 FESTIVAL OF TREES COOKIE DROP-OFF 2:30-Coventry 3:30-Sterling Pavilion 7:00-Al-Anon 21 6:30-Movie Night 22 23 9:30-Worship with Bishop Wollersheim 10:30-Congregation pic 11:00-Anniversary Dinner 24 25 9:00-Staff meeting 9:00-Newsletter assembly 7:00-Al-Anon 26 6:15-Thanksgiving Eve Worship 27 THANKSGIVING OFFICE CLOSED 30 9:30-Worship 10:45-Sunday School Altar Guild Bev Vandermoon (fill); Denise Norman & Leanne Miller Assisting Ministers 11/2 Dan Bragg 11/9 Nancy Rasmussen 11/16 Mike Doughty 11/23 Carla Haubrich 11/30 Denise Norman Blessings for November 11/2 Grandparents 11/9 Ushers & Greeters 11/16 Music Staff & Volunteers 11/23 ELCA & Northern Illinois Synod 11/30 Worship Assistants, Readers, Sound/Computer Technicians Special Offering LSSI Holiday Hope Chest (see page 3 for details) 28 OFFICE CLOSED 29 Special Event 11/23 Worship with Bishop Wollersheim and dinner following (see page 3 for details) Quarterly Special Project Christmas Gift Bags (see page 3 for details) ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH 703 THIRD AVENUE STERLING, IL 61081 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED NONPROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID STERLING, IL PERMIT NO. 218 The Messenger is a monthly publication of St. John’s Lutheran Church, a church of the Northern Illinois Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Join us for worship at 9:30am Sundays and 6:15pm Wednesdays. If you would prefer to receive The Messenger via e-mail, contact the church office at office@stjohnsonthird.org. ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH EST. 1854, STERLING, ILLINOIS T CHERISHING TH EP AS HE OR T LF FU PE FUTURE 160 years • IN THE PRESEN FUL T• TH I HO FA Details and more 160th Anniversary news & notes on page 3 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23RD Worship at 9:30am with Bishop Gary Wollersheim, followed by a special dinner and Blessing of the Wall of Crosses Join the Celebration!
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