PARISH VISITOR Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Great Falls, MT Permit No. 424 OUR SAVIOR’S LUTHERAN CHURCH Seeking and Serving November 2014 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Sunday, November 23 at 3:00 PM Our Savior’s Lutheran Church 1326 First Avenue North Great Falls, Montana 59401 OUR SAVIOR’S LUTHERAN CHURCH You are invited to attend the installation of Pastor Anna Merritt A reception will follow the service. Clergy are invited to vest in the liturgical color of the day. Ω 16 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE November – How can that be? I remember hearing that time went faster as a person got older, but this fast??? November – It’s the time of year we put special emphasis on thankfulness. As Americans we are thankful for our freedom and our privilege of voting. As Christians we are thankful for the freedom to worship when, where and how we please. As members of Our Savior’s we are thankful for almost 125 years of ministry in Great Falls. We are thankful for Pastor Westby and Pastor Jan, our interim pastors. We are thankful for our call committee. November – It’s time for beginning and that is exciting. On the 17th we welcome Pastor Anna. On the 30th we welcome the new church year with the first Sunday in Advent. As a community of believers we may not always agree on everything – that’s our right as individuals. As a community of believers we are united in our belief in the Risen Christ and that’s what matters! I’m reminded of an email I received again recently --- We could learn a lot from crayons: some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, some have weird names, and all are different colors, but they all exist very nicely in the same box. My prayer is that we, members of Our Savior’s, can all exist very nicely in the same box – our church! Gloria Johnson 2 Our Savior’s Lutheran CONTACT INFO E-mail: Church Secretary, Sally Morss Pastor Telephone: FAX number: Web Site: 727-4304 727-4331 Office Hours: Monday through Friday 9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM STAFF Rev. Anna Merritt Sally Morss Harlan Orham Ellen Forslund Logan Rutten Terry Lee Pastor (Beginning Nov. 17) Church Secretary Treasurer Worship & Music Director Organist Custodian COUNCIL Gloria Johnson Judy Ericksen Stacey Hansen Mike McCoy Fred Martens Bob Fox Holly Molyneaux Sandra Vanni Harold Spilde Connie Tryon Linda Lassila Mike Kunka 453-3764 781-9614 453-1444 868-2651 268-1431 453-2989 727-6884 454-3857 761-5009 453-2508 452-0565 452-1663 15 President Vice-President Secretary Property & Finance Property & Finance Property & Finance Worship & Music Parish Life Stewardship Stewardship Education & Youth Public Relation & Outreach BLESSINGS TO ALL WHO ARE CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS IN November!! If we have missed anyone’s birthday, please call the office and let us know. Sophie Luoma Michele Converse Carol Struck Alyssa DeShaw Steve Childers Wesley Urquhart Haley Milton Sharon Childers Jamie Vestre David Anderson Helen Lower Greg Milton Raelynn Brown 11/01 11/02 11/04 11/05 11/06 11/07 11/09 Teagan Anderson Odetta Arcand Jordi Hansen Petra Lingjerde Larry Turville Edie Schroeder Duane Shumaker Marjorie Hill Beulah Jordan Bob Fox Dick Doughten 11/10 11/12 11/18 11/19 11/24 11/25 11/26 NOVEMBER SERVICE GROUP Steve Clark & Nikki Lewis Wayne & Debra Clark Howard & Jolee Corey Donna Crotty Wende Curry Pennie Curtis Jan Dahle Connie Dawson Jerry Demarco Alyssa & Brock DeShaw Bob/Sue Dickenson *Darla Dillabough Dick/Nancy Doughten Phil & Vicki Dunham Jerry/Lindy Eberl WELCA NEWS WELCA Bible Study Leaders will meet on Tuesday, November 18 at 10:00 a.m. in the Memorial Room with Pastor Anna. The next WELCA Board Meeting will be held Friday, November 21 at 1:30. Please plan to attend as we will be deciding on disbursements for 2014 as well as selecting officers for 2015. Everyone is invited to attend. A planning meeting for the Christmas Tea, which will be December 6, will follow the Board Meeting. The WELCA THANKOFFERING will be November 23. A letter and an offering envelope will be sent out in November. The offerings may be brought to the church that Sunday and checks can be made payable to WELCA. The Thankoffering is a tradition dating back to the 1800’s when Christian women formed “mite” or “cent” societies to fund mission. When others in the church said there was not enough money to carry out these projects, the women believed otherwise. In cent societies, each woman collected offerings at home. They would gather to worship and combine their offerings and offer them up with thanks and praise, dedicating the funds to mission. When Women of the ELCA was formed more than 25 years ago, we committed to continue this tradition of giving in gratitude for blessings. Each year, in thousands of congregations, Thankofferings are collected and sent to support the life-changing ministries of Women of the ELCA. Together, we do more than we could ever do apart. In gratitude for all God has given to us, and with hope for all that is to come, we will once again collect our Thankoffering on November 23. The Annual WELCA Christmas Tea will be held in Lunde Hall, December 6 at 2:00 p.m. More information will be coming as the time draws nearer. * name is the months coordinator 14 3 LUTHERAN WORLD RELIEF TRUCK The Lutheran World Relief Truck will be in the Redeemer parking lot Monday afternoon 11/24 until Wednesday morning 11/26. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ COMMUNITY DAYS 2014 Herberger's Community Days are November 14 and 15. FISH will be selling coupon books for $5 all of which is retained by FISH. All of the proceeds from this sale will be matched by Town Pump. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH GROUP All high school students are invited to Our Savior’s Lutheran Church on Sunday, Nov. 2 for a game night. Meet at 7pm for Games, Prizes and Snacks! THANK YOU! Dear Members and Friends of Our Savior’s I just want to say a heartfelt thanks for the outpouring of love and well wishes on my final Sunday. It has been a delight to be here these past eight months. I want to thank you for the gorgeous prayer shawl. It will be a remembrance of all the warm people that are part of Our Savior’s. Thanks, too, for the lovely flowers and the OSLC mug. The money will come in helpful as I see where God leads. Blessings, Pastor Jan ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Our thanks to everyone for their kind wishes the week-end of our October 10, 50th Wedding Anniversary at the Sunday coffee hour. Also, a special thank you to the Spildes for the beautiful cake and other treats and all they did to make the occasion more memorable. We appreciate all of you and wish you God’s blessings throughout this Fall and the coming Christmas Season. Bob and Betty Fox Change for Change ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ St. Vincent De Paul is collecting Albertson stamps They would like to earn a free set of stainless cookware, so they may raffle it off during their February Cookbook sale. If you have any that you are not using and donate them to St. Vinny’s, it would be appreciated. 4 took in $92.76 in the month of September and $72.47 in October Thank you for supporting this important program. Thank you for not dropping in any Canadian coins. 13 FUND RAISER BOWLING FELLOWSHIP: YOU ARE INVITED Randy Anderson, a member of our church, has been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. To help defray medical and prescription bills, a fund raiser will be held on November 9 in Lunde Hall from 11:30-2:00. Plan to participate in an afternoon of bowling with other Cascade County Thrivent Members Sunday, November 9 from 2:00 PM-5:00 PM Black Eagle Community Center Pizza and beverages will be provided No cost to you! RSVP to John Metcalf at 453-2240 by Thursday 12:00 noon November 6. A spaghetti dinner will be served along with silent auction, a raffle, and 50/50. Please be generous as you enjoy fellowship along with helping Randy. TOWN PUMP/FISH CHALLENGE 2014 If you are unable to attend and wish to help, please send your contribution to the church designated for "Randy Anderson Event". Matching funds have been applied for through Thrivent Financial. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are fortunate that Town Pump has selected FISH as one of the “ Be A Friend, Helping Those In Need “ food bank program fundraising campaigns. Town Pump will “MATCH” up to $15,000.00 contributed between September 1 and November 30. What a wonderful way for FISH to raise $30,000.00 in support of our feeding program!! OUR SAVIOR’S LUTHERAN CHURCH FINANCIAL REPORT September 2014 Beginning Balance Deposits September Disbursements Transfers Ending Balance YEAR TO DATE -9,093.88 Beginning Balance 0 11,760.87 Income YTD 130,728.94 15,926.56 Withdrawals YTD 143,988.51 0 Transfers YTD 0 -13,259.57 Ending Balance -13,259.57 “A checkbook is a theological document; it will tell you who and what you worship.” Billy Graham 12 If you would be willing to help FISH reach this goal, please send your donation to FISH, P.O. Box 662, Great Falls Mt. 59403 FISH Board of Directors 5 5 Reasons We’ll Be Wearing Name Tags Every Sunday Starting November 23rd In John 10:3, Jesus describes the Good Shepherd as one that “…calls his own sheep by name….” That not a random fact… names are important for identifying the story of how God is at work in your life. Helpful to Pastor Anna – seeing people’s names and faces boosts recall. It’s an Invitation to Talk - . Our hope is that when people come to church that they connect with the community … the goal is to get people talking to each other! It’s a Service Opportunity – Perhaps you’d like to help distribute them as people enter for worship. Guest/Member Oriented - It’s critically important that we help our people with this first step of getting to know each other. It’s Not about You … Name tags by definition are about the other people around us and not ourselves. HAS AN OSLC SON OR DAUGHTER GONE OFF TO COLLEGE? WE WANT TO REMEMBER THEM AT CHRISTMASTIME!! Last year with your help the Public Relations and Outreach Committee sent gifts and goodies along with the festival worship schedule to 25 students throughout the United States. It has been a tradition to remember them with Christmas Care Packages. The box of cheer is sent just before semester finals. Therefore, in November a basket will be placed in the narthex to collect contributions. A list of suggested items will be posted. The committee thanks you in advance for assisting us in this project. We want to keep in contact with the young adults of Our Savior's. If you have forgotten to provide the name and address in September, please call or e-mail Sally soon at 727-4304 or with the current address. If you would like to assist the Public Relations and Outreach Committee members in distributing the name tags, please contact Audrey Parkinson, 727-6434. It is hoped that everyone will take the tags home (perhaps keep them in their purse or car) and remember to wear them the following Sundays. This method will lessen congestion in the narthex. If we have missed someone, PLEASE let us know and we will have one ready for you the next Sunday. 6 Give thanks always Full many a blessing wears the guise of worry or of trouble; Far-seeing is the soul, and wise, who knows the mask is double. But he who has the faith and strength to thank his God for sorrow Has found a joy without alloy to gladden every morrow. —Ella Wheeler Wilcox 11 YOUNG AT HEART Join this daytime fellowship group on Veteran’s Day, Nov. 17th, for a timely program by Joyce Ranum and Connie Dawson on the Barry Beach conviction, appeal, and current situation. This man’s trial and attempts for pardon, parole, or clemency has caught the imagination and sympathy of justice-minded individuals all over the country. What can you do now to help?? Find out at Young at Heart, noon, Lunde Hall, 3rd Monday of the month. Bring a dish to share and your own table service. Our “SHOWER” for Family Promise and Opening Doors ( an aftercare program for folks released from jail or prison) will be FEBRUARY……watch those garage and other sales for bedding, towels, bedroom accessories, dishes, silverware, alarm clocks, other household items. We don’t often get to showers these days, so it will be a lot of fun to party together while helping these worthwhile programs. ATTENTION GRADUATES: If you are planning on attending Wittenberg University, an ELCA college, your may be eligible for a scholarship. They are offering scholarships from $500 to $80,000 ($20,000.00) per year. For further information contact Wittenberg's Office of Admission (877) 206-0332 or by email at: FAITH IN ACTION AS WE GIFT SHOP---ELCA Good Gifts and Fair Trade Products On Bread for the World Sunday, we prayed for the hungry and the poor. Now we can take action as we shop for the holidays. Purchase for family Fair Trade Coffee, Chocolate Bars, and/or Hot Spicy Cocoa Mix. Warm their tummies with love. LOVED ONES WHO HAVE EVERYTHING? Or who go out and BUY WHATEVER THEY NEED? How about an ELCA Good Gift? A pig for $30 produces piglets, fertilizer, and meat. A goat for $50 provides milk and young’ens to share with the community. Malaria nets for $10 each give health and a future for a family. Honeybees, chicks, water purification tablets, vaccinations, school fees and supplies. The options are endless and how much these gifts would be appreciated! ELCA Catalogues will be in the narthex starting Nov. 1st. Help yourself and return when you are finished with it. Or go to www. to order online. Fair Trade products will be for sale after church the 1st and 3rd Sundays in November and December. Make this holiday season a testament of your faith and compassion for others. It is soooo easy and you will feel sooooo good. You may also call Marillyn Thomas at 453-1737, with any questions. 10 7 LOVE DAY-QUILT SUNDAY It is November again and the Love Day Ladies will be setting out the quilts and kits to be blessed before shipment overseas to Lutheran World Relief. The ladies will put the quilts and kits out for display on Friday, Nov 14th at 10.00am. They will be blessed during the following Sunday service. Packing all for shipping is scheduled for Monday, Nov 16th in the afternoon beginning at 1:00. All who can help will be welcomed on either day. An offering envelope will be in the pew pockets on that Sunday for donations to help offset the cost of shipping the items and for more supplies for the coming year's work. Transportation to get the quilts to the St Paul warehouse is provided by a local trucking company. A portion of the offering will be sent to LWR to defray some of the cost of shipping overseas. Also, two men with a pick up will be needed again to take the packed boxes to the Lutheran World Relief shipping van in Redeemer's parking lot on November 23rd or 24th. To volunteer or ask questions call Pat Bueling at 453-0647. BETTER COMMUNICATIONS MEET COLTER MCCARTY, TECHNOLOGY GURU 7 p.m., November 18th - Memorial Room "The Montana Synod has a new tech guy--Colter McCarty whose job is two-fold: (1) to help the Montana Synod office improve and (2) enhance our tech capabilities, and to help the congregations and ministries of the Montana Synod, as well. Our goal is to have a synod that is capable of being in communication with one another in a variety of ways-all so that we can more effectively serve God and neighbor. This includes helping every congregation get and use high-speed internet, and have the capacity to livestream events and programs. We are not trying to change anybody's worship space or worship style. We are trying to work on greater communication and greater interdependence. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Because of your generosity, we have received plenty of notebooks for the Cascade County Detention Center. Thank you for your participation! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please consider helping out with the ushering and greeting during the upcoming Christmas services on December 24 and 25. Contact Sally at 727-4304 or Kerrie Ramstead. Thank you! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8 Colter is available to congregations to help you with what you want to accomplish technologically. He can advise, consult and refer. We have a special grant for 18 months, and want to make the best use of Colter's time and expertise." (Extracted from the MT Synod Staff page staff.html.) You are invited to attend a meeting with Colter on Thursday evening, November 18th at 7:00 in the Memorial Room. We will discuss what our technology goals will be and a plan to meet those goals. Feel free to invite anyone else you think may be interested! 9
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