DLSFKJLASKDJF A BIDING S AVIOR Lutheran Church and School APRIL 2015 D ay b y D ay Words that Make the Difference You can always tell who is and who isn’t a Christian at a funeral. It’s hard to know what to say to a person who has lost a loved one when you are talking to them at the funeral. I can’t count the number of times I’ve been there when a well-intentioned person says to the grieving family member, “your mother is in a better place.” The response of the non-Christian is, “How dare she say that to me. I want my Mom here right now, and how does that lady even know there is a heaven?” I’ve heard people with their heart in the right place say to mourners something like, “Well, at least they are out of their misery.” And after they leave the griever says, “They obviously have never lost a loved one or they would never say that. If the doctors would have known what they were doing my Father wouldn’t be in pain and he’d still be alive.” Since my brother passed away on last February 26th, many of you and others have said the very words to me and each word and phrase has been a blessing. Instead of upsetting me, these words have been a comfort to me because they remind me that my brother is completely well and at eternal rest in heaven. The reason these words make me happy and others sad comes down to what they announce. The words that make the difference were spoken on Easter by the angels and the women Jesus instructed to share the good news. The words were: He is Risen!! He, of course, is Jesus, who died on the cross with the sins of the whole world. He was crucified by the Roman overlords, but He proved himself the Lord of everyone and everything when He physically came back to life on the third day. So that the world could understand what His resurrection would accomplish, St. Matthew tells us that the moment Jesus died, “The tombs also were opened. And many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised…” God did that to show the world what Jesus’ death would do, it would raise people’s friends and relatives and give us a glorious reunion to look forward to. “He is Risen” changes the way we get to look at everything in the world. Because He is Risen, we know we will overcome every one of life’s challenges and the words that remind us of that are always a blessing. So, I want to thank you all for the blessing your words have been to me and my family. And let’s keep sharing those words until everyone everywhere receives the peace that passes all understanding when we announce that, “He is Risen.” “He is Risen indeed, Amen, alleluia.” Your Servant in Christ, Pastor Tom Communicating Christ’s Love and Our Love for Him “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8 ASLC Seniors ABIDING SAVIOR Lutheran Church and School 23262 El Toro Road Lake Forest, California 92630 Church ....................949.830.1460 Senior’s will be meeting for our monthly luncheon on Thursday, April 2 Debbie DaPena will speak about her Malawi, Africa trip at our meeting. Church Staff ReReverend ad moreDr. : hTom ttp:Rogers, //wwwSenior .whaPastor tchristianswanttoknow.com/20-great-bible-verses-for-christmas-cards/#ixzz2lbSttjiH” Reverend Glenn Lucas, Associate Pastor salm26 14at7:12:00 7 Kyle Salesky, Youth Director On Sunday, P April p.m. Chris Vick, IT Specialist there will be a Quarterly Congregation Janet Calhoun, Church Secretary Voter’s Meeting in the sanctuary. Robin DeLong-Hanrath, Office Manager Come see where we've been and Karen Galas, Accountant where we are going. Laura Lyons and Jennifer Kranawetter, Admin Assistants to Pastors Lori Beniche, Director of Communications Linda Bo, Editor of “Day by Day” Church Officers Gene Schneider, President Hank Hellfeld, Vice President Steve Wichmann, Secretary Dennis Freund, Treasurer Susan Kaaz, Congregation Liaison School Staff School.....................................949.830.1461 Donna Lucas, School Principal Yesinia Naber, Admissions Director Kevin Smith, International Admissions Keigh Lee Horn, School Secretary Susan Fluegge, School Secretary Extended Care .......................949.837.4289 Deana Gonzales, Extended Care Director Pre-School Staff Pre-School Center .................949.837.4292 Pam Howard, Interim Preschool Director Church Office Hours Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Portals of Prayer Pick up your copy of Portals of Prayer for the April, May, and June months in the Narthex on the counters next to the mailboxes. Newspaper Recycling Drop off your paper products for recycling (newspapers, cardboard – flattened, and junk mail) in the green bins in the Church parking lot to support the purchase of athletic equipment for our school. School Office Hours Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Preschool Office Hours Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Visit us on our website at www.abidingsavior.com April 2015 - Page 2 - We will have coffee fellowship at 11:30 a.m. followed by a catered lunch at 12 noon. All ASLC Seniors and friends are invited. Please call Vi Flum at 949.859.3512 for reservations. The cost of lunch is $8.00 per person. Subscribe to Lutheran Witness The Lutheran Witness is a monthly publication (11 issues per year) that offers synodical news, features, columns, Q&A’s, and more. Members of Abiding Savior can subscribe at the special rate of $16.00 per year. Current subscribers should have received renewal reminders from the church office. If you would like to start a new subscription, please contact Laura Lyons in the church office by April 1, 2015. The Lutheran Witness is also available through the ITunes store for those that prefer an electronic subscription. Visit: https://www.cph.org/witness/ Day by Day “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8 Abiding Savior Bookstore Bookstore Hours: 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. on Sundays; 8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. on Wednesdays Do you wonder what events in our world affect the Christian church today? If so, then check out “Joy in Jesus Today!” Look for it each Thursday in your email and share it with your friends. Go to www.JoyinJesusToday.com. University Irvine. Meet with deans, faculty, and current students. Discover all the wonderful academic majors that are available to you. Gain insight on financial aid and scholarships. Come see what our beautiful campus has to offer you as a future student! This event is open to all high school students and their parents. Lunch will be provided, there is no charge to attend the event and parking is complimentary. MasterWorks Concert Series Celebration of Ministry Thursday, April 9, 2015 7:00 PM CU Center Free Admission- No ticket required Plan now! Spring is here, and with it come events that call for special cards and gifts: Let us help you with your selections. Easter – You still have time to pick up children’s books that tell the real reason we celebrate Easter, and you can also find inspirational reading for your own devotions. Mother’s Day, May 10 Confirmation Graduation Father’s Day, June 21 May your observation of these days be filled with blessings for you and your loved ones. Reminder: The book sale continues with many good books are marked down to $1 each, with more added each week. Concordia University Irvine’s Christ College, the school of theology and church vocations, invites you to their annual Celebration of Ministry on Thursday, April 9th at 7:00 pm in the CU Center. This service recognizes Concordia’s students and alumni who are in transitional points in their ministry preparation: those receiving first calls, internships, vicarages, student teaching assignments, and those continuing in their vocations as students. Students who will be graduating this spring will also be presented with medallions that are worn at graduation. All are welcome to thank God for raising up servants for his church. If you are unable to attend this year the event will be broadcast via a live webcast at livestream.cui.edu. Saturday, April 18 7:30 PM Sunday, April 19 7:30 PM Concordia University Center for Worship and Performing Arts Reserved Seating: $25/$20/$15 Francis Poulenc, GLORIA Maurice Duruflé, REQUIEM Concordia Master Chorale The Concordia Choir MasterWorks Orchestra Dr. Michael Busch, conductor It’s a veritable feast of French favorites! Concordia presents musical masterworks by French composers that are sure to delight. The Requiem of Maurice Duruflé is a beautiful testament of faith, encompassing a prayer-like atmosphere of Gregorian chant melodies and serene impressionistic harmonies. Francis Poulenc’s Gloria provides fitting contrast with its jovial dance-like rhythms that accompany this ancient song of praise. Rounding out the program will be César Franck’s dramatic short anthem of Psalm 150 for chorus and orchestra. Spring Open House Saturday, April 18 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM CU Center This is the perfect opportunity for you to learn more about Concordia Day By Day - Page 3 - April 2015 “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8 Abiding Savior Dr. Walther recognized Loehe for his great efforts and recommended the use of Loehe’s AGENDA, since a good Lutheran Order of Worship was needed? Ladies’ Guild Scholarship The Loehe men, very confessional atlbodds Read more: http://www.whatchristianswanttoknow.com/20-great-bible-verses-fLutherans, or-christmfound as-cathemselves rds/#ixzz2 SttjiH” with the teachings and practices of PsalThat” m 147is:7a history of their church body, the Ohio Synod? “Did You Know the Lutheran Church – Missouri In September 1845, nine Loehe men Aaron Lucas and Sam Fluegge Synod in the form of questions. It is severed their relations with the Ohio are receiving the Ladies Guild written by Bill Biar of Mt. Olive Synod because of lax confessionalism Scholarship for the school year 2015Lutheran Church in Aurora, Colorado. and the use of a Reformed version of 16. Both Aaron and Sam will be We will share this with you every the Words of Institution of the Lord’s attending Concordia, Irvine. month in Day by Day this year. Supper? By the time the Missouri Synod was Three meetings (1845-1846) were organized in 1847 twenty-two Loehe held before the formal organization of trained men had arrived in America? our Synod took place – Cleveland (only Loehe men); St. Louis (first The first 11 students for the new Ft. draft of Synodical constitution) and Wayne seminary established in 1846 Ft. Wayne (resolution passed to meet were sent over from Germany by in Chicago for formal organization of Pastor Loehe under the care of Pastor the Synod)? K. Roebbelen? Fund Aaron is studying theology and plans to be a pastor. Ownership of the Ft. Wayne seminary was transferred to the Missouri Synod in 1847? One condition attached to this gift by Pastors Loehe and Wucherer was “that it serve the Lutheran Church for all time and train pastors and shepherds for it only”? Another condition was “that the German language be and remain inviolably the only medium of instruction? Sam will be a freshman and plans to be a history teacher and author. The Ladies Guild appreciates the congregation’s support of their scholarship fund and thanks everyone for their participation in the Fall Boutique. April 2015 Pastor Loehe continued to send students for the seminary and, as promised, supported it with gifts of money and books? Organizational meeting of the Missouri Synod was held at German Ev. Lutheran (now First St. Paul’s Lutheran) Chicago from April 25 to May 6, 1847? At this meeting, 12 pastors, with the consent of their congregations, organized themselves as Synod on April 26, 1847 and The Lutheraner reported that these pastors represented one French and 14 German Lutheran congregations (three pastors served two congregations each) and that Dr. C.F.W. Walther was elected President? There was a growing bond between the Saxons and the Loehe men which had been initiated by Dr. Walther’s Der Lutheraner? Carl Ferdinand Wilhelm Walther First President of the Missouri Synod - Page 4 - Day by Day “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8 Ladies Guild The Ladies Guild has been very busy making Easter baskets for our shutins. Rock of Aging Tuesday, April 14 at 6:00 p.m. is the next Rock of Aging meeting. We will be having a light dinner, so please RSVP. If you have not attended before, come on out and see what we are all about. Children are welcome as well. For more information on this, please contact Robin Delong-Hanrath in the Church Office at 949.830.1460. Easter Flowers Reserve your plant now for only $8.00! Simply place a check in the offering plate specified, “Easter Lilies.” You may pick up your plant after the 11:00 a.m. Easter Service. Day By Day 50th Anniversary Adult Instruction Celebration Class We are celebrating 50 years at Abiding Savior. We are launching off a year of activities with a unity service and lunch on Sunday, May 3rd at 10:00 a.m. There will be great food, music and fellowship. Don’t miss this event! On Sunday, April 12 at 10:45 a.m. we will begin another Adult Instruction Class that will be taught by Kyle Salesky and if you are unable to attend the Sunday Class we have another one beginning on Monday, April 13 and will be taught by Pastor Tom beginning at 6:30 p.m. Take Me Out Please contact the church office at 949.830.1460 if you have any questions or need more information. To The Ballpark Tai Chi for It’s Abiding Savior night at Angel Stadium on Saturday, May 9. Our seats will be in the View MVP section and include the Big Bang fireworks and a baseball t-shirt with our 50th Anniversary Abiding Savior logo. Tickets are $22 each…because we wanted better seats than the outfield! Tickets are available on the church patio or by calling the church office. Don’t miss this wonderful night at the ball game. Bring the whole family! Small Groups Small Groups are a great way to meet new people, start new friendships, grow in faith, and foster a deeper sense of community in our Abiding Savior Family. Are you interested in joining a small group at Abiding Savior? Please contact Kyle Salesky at ksalesky@abidingsavior. com. New small groups will kick off in late May or early June!” - Page 5 - Seniors On Wednesday, April 15, will begin a FREE six week course in TAI CHI for Strength and Balance. It will take place immediately after Bible Class. This class is specifically designed for older adults to improve posture and balance, maximize natural strength, reduce anxiety around the fear of falling, and strengthen the muscles stabilizing joints. Audrey Henry needs to know how many of you may be interested, so please contact her at 714.832.8585 if you are planning on attending or have any questions regarding the class. April 2015 “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8 Elementary SCHOOL ENROLLMENT High School High School youth will meet Abiding Savior Lutheran School is every Sunday from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 enrolling students now! Please p.m. We will meet in the youth room continue to spread the news about above the gym. High school youth is Donna Lucas, what a fantastic Preschool through 8th for all 9th - 12th grade students. School Principal grade school we have here. We all Adults interested in volunteering with work ReaSCHOOL d more: httSERVICE p://www.PROJECT whatchristi-answaneed nttoktono w.cotogether m/20-gtorefill at-our biblseats e-verses-fHigh or-chSchool ristmayouth s-card s/#ixcontact zz2lbSttjiH” please with students to hear the Gospel Kyle Salesky at ksalesky@ NEGU salm basis 147:7and receive message on aPdaily abidingsavior.com. an excellent education. In the elementary school, we have a group of junior high students that coordinate service projects. They have picked NEGU for their next project. NEGU is an organization founded by Jessie Rees National Youth Gathering while she had brain cancer. Jessie The National Youth Gathering is July created her fun-filled JoyJars® as a 16-20, 2016 in New Orleans, way to send hope and joy to her peers Louisiana. If you are interested in fighting cancer. Jessie knew that going to the NYG, please contact fighting cancer made you feel lonely Kyle Salesky at ksalesky@ and limited. She also knew “love” abidingsavior.com for more stuffed in a jar was a great remedy. information! Jessie personally sent over 3,000 JoyJars to kids during her fight. Over Want a fun night out while helping Son Seekers 80,000 JoyJars have been stuffed and raise funds for our school? This event Son Seekers will meet every sent to courageous kids worldwide. is for you! On Friday, April 24, from Wednesday from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 Each grade has been asked to bring 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. the PTL is p.m. We will meet in the Adult Ed. items to help fill the JoyJars. In proud to host a new fundraiser at The room following confirmation. Son addition, they are asking for knit Wine Artist in Lake Forest for a funSeekers is for all 5th and 6th grade beanies for the children. All items filled evening of silent auction and students. Adults interested in need to be turned in by the week of raffle items, appetizers and drinks and volunteering with Son Seekers please April 13. some live jazz music. contact Kyle Salesky at ksalesky@ abidingsavior.com. All funds will be used to provide school beautification projects as well Jr High as supporting our teachers and some Jr High youth will meet every of their immediate needs. Tickets are Wednesday from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 available in the school office. p.m. We will meet in the Adult Ed. room following confirmation. Jr High youth is for all 7th and 8th grade students. Adults interested in volunteering with Jr High youth please contact Kyle Salesky at ksalesky@abidingsavior.com. School April 2015 - Page 6 - Day by Day “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8 April 2015 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY SATURDAY 1 2 3 Good Friday 4 8a-Preschool Easter Celebration 9a-Large Print Center 9:30a-Senior Bible St 3p-3rd Grade Brownies Troop 3273 6p-Confirmation 7:15p-Chapel Choir 8p-Abiding Praise 9a-Large Print Center 11:30a-ASLC Seniors 3:15p-Bells for Jesus 3:30p-Maundy Thursday Service 7p-Maundy Thursday Service 11:30a-Preschool Dismissal – No Lunch Bunch 11:45a-Day School Early Dismissal 3:30p-Good Friday Service 7p-Tenebrae Service Worship ScheduleSee chart at bottom of Calendar 9a-Altar Guild Prep 10a-Easter Egg Hunt 5p: Easter Eve Service 10 11 5 6 7 8 9 6:30a-Easter Sunrise Service 8a-Easter Sunday Service 9:30a-Easter Sunday Service 11a-Easter Sunday Service Offices Closed 9a-Large Print Center 11a-Birner Christ Care 6p-Leadership Skills 9a-Large Print Center 9a-Large Print Center 9:30a-Senior Bible St 12p-Ladies Guild 6p-Confirmation 7p-Jr. High Youth 7:15p-Chapel Choir 9a-Large Print Center 6p-Elder’s Meeting 7p-Guide Dogs for the Blind 7p-Abiding Praise 12 13 14 15 16 Worship ScheduleSee chart at bottom of Calendar 10a-Meals & Blessings 10:45a – Adult instruction 5p-Senior High Youth Group 8a-School Resumes 9a-Large Print Center 3pGirl Scout Troop 3268 3p-Cub Scout Den Meetings 6p-Leadership Skills 6p-MOPS and Moms 6:30 p – Adult Instruction 9a-Large Print Center 3p-Brownies Troop 3213 3:15p-Kids of the Kingdom 6p-Rock of Aging 6p-Vision Advancement Team 7p-Praises Ring 9a-Large Print Center 9:30a-Senior Bible St 3p-3rd Grade Brownies Troop 3273 6p-Confirmation 7p-Jr. High Youth 7:15p-Chapel Choir 9a-Large Print Center 3:15p-Bells for Jesus 7:p-Abiding Praise 19 20 21 22 23 Worship ScheduleSee chart at bottom of Calendar 10:45a – Adult Instruction 5p-Senior High Youth Group 9a-Large Print Center 11a-Birner Christ Care 6p-Leadership Skills 6:30 p – Adult Instruction 9a-Large Print Center 3:15p-Kids of the Kingdom 6:30p-Leadership Board Meeting 7p-Praises Ring 9a-Large Print Center 9:30a-Senior Bible St 6p-Confirmation 7p-Jr. High Youth 7:15p-Chapel Choir 9a-Large Print Center 3:15p-Bells for Jesus 7:p-Abiding Praise 26 27 28 29 30 Worship ScheduleSee chart at bottom of Calendar 10:45a – Adult Instruction 12p-Voters Assembly 5p-Senior High Youth Group 7:30p-CUI Alumni 9a-Large Print Center 3p-Girl Scout Troop 3268 3p-Cub Scout Den Meetings 6p-Leadership Skills 6p-MOPS and Moms 6:30 p – Adult Instruction 9a-Large Print Center 3p-Brownies Troop 3213 3:15p-Kids of the Kingdom 6p-Vision Advancement Team 7p-Praises Ring 9a-Large Print Center 9:30a-Senior Bible St 3p-3rd Grade Brownies Troop 3273 6p-Confirmation 7p-Jr. High Youth 7:15p-Chapel Choir 7p – Children of the World Concert 9a-Large Print Center 3:15p-Bells for Jesus 7:p-Abiding Praise Worship ScheduleSee chart at bottom of Calendar 9a-Altar Guild Prep No School – Easter Break SUNDAY WORSHIP SCHEDULE Contemporary - Saturday 5:00 PM / Contemporary - Sunday 9:30 AM Traditional - Sunday 8:00 AM / Traditional - Sunday 10:45 AM Sunday School - Sunday 9:15 AM Bible Classes - Sunday 9:15 AM Day By Day FRIDAY - Page 7 - 17 18 Worship ScheduleSee chart at bottom of Calendar 9a-Altar Guild Prep 24 25 Worship ScheduleSee chart at bottom of Calendar 9a-Altar Guild Prep Communion Offered 2nd and 4th Weeks Communion Offered 1st and 3rd Weeks Praise and Nurture – Sundays at 11:00 AM April 2015 Abiding Savior Lutheran Church and School 23262 El Toro Road Lake Forest, CA 92630 Return Service Requested Time Dated Materials Hoppin’ Down the Bunny Trail . . . Bring your camera and kids for the annual Easter egg hunt on Saturday, April 4th at 10:00 a.m. Meet the Easter bunny and hunt for eggs in the gym. Kids can decorate bags and color pictures prior to the hunt. Hunting for eggs will be divided by age group. The egg hunt will be open for children through age 9. Don’t miss the fun!
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