Atonement Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Phone: 262-637-5671 Fax: 262-637-0693 JUNE 2015 • Volume #2, Issue #6 Consolidation (Merger) Advances The Consolidation Team (formerly the merger team) met recently to continue the work of moving Our Savior’s and Atonement to become one congregation. Some concern was expressed about the long time-frame created for the process. It was noted that we need to work to make sure both congregations keep momentum to become one. It is felt to be important to make sure that both congregation have equal opportunity to participate in worship leadership roles. The summer is to be focused on listening to the Spirit by several methods. We will continue to map the congregation’s assets. (Financial, real, people, talents, etc.) We will also spend time trying to better understand the needs of our neighborhood. (Teresa Reinders, Our Saviors member and teacher at Parkside, will be using a fall class she is teaching to help with mapping neighborhood assets.) We are examining our history, our trajectory, our members, our neighbors and more to listen for the mission that God is calling us to now. Several other events are tentatively in planning for summer. We want to take this historic opportunity to let God make our congregation new. In the fall we will start to turn towards the legal aspects of coming together and have already begun to explore our constitutional differences and what the new ELCA model constitution looks like. The goal is to celebrate our coming together the Sunday after Easter, 2016, though we will likely be legally one before that date. Consolidation Team Asking Questions The Consolidation Team (previously the Merger Team) is asking questions as a part of the process to seek God’s vision for the congregation that will emerge in the coming months. Each Sunday there will be a piece of paper in the bulletin asking for worshippers to answer a question. The question can be answered immediately and deposited in a basket by the font, or it can be taken home and returned later. The first week’s question was, “What mission/ministry does Atonement Our Savior’s currently do that really excites you.” The new food pantry was mentioned sev- eral times, along with the prayer shawl ministry, the AIM Now 4k program that is starting this fall, and a number of other missional opportunities. One responder noted that he liked the willingness of leadership at Atonement Our Savior’s to take on extraordinary tasks. Another responder noted that it wasn’t just food at the food pantry that made it a good thing. Relationships are being built and those attending have received prayer, hugs, prayer shawls and much more. Please take the time to answer the questions in the bulletins. Those answers are the grist for the mill which will lead us to a solid vision for our future. A Community of faith, gathered by the Holy Spirit, devoted to proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ and ministering to the person, community & world. Commitment to Continue Some have wondered if Atonement West will continue now that Pastor Dana is no longer at its helm? The answer, if you talk to the folks who worship there, is a resounding yes. Pastor Dana’s departure is indeed a blow, and there are a lot of people grieving her loss. But that departure is also pushing Atonement West members to organize to make sure that the mission of West is accomplished. Currently there is a Transition Team, working to make sure that the bases are being covered and that errors are kept to a minimum. (It must be baseball season.) There is also a new worship team whose role is to develop worship services for West. There is also a hospitality team to help insure that everyone who worships out West feels welcome. Also a continuing Godly Play Team which works on Children’s education issues. In the last month we have celebrated Mother’s and taken time to rededicate ourselves as disciples of Jesus. On Pentecost Sunday, because of the Sportsplex needing our regular space, we moved into the 3 Monkeys area of the building. That building is painted with a jungle theme and there are large “snakes” suspended from the ceiling. That gave our kids an opportunity to present the creation story to the worshippers gathered there. The summer is broadly planned and includes a return of the Godly Play Oscars and a whole congregation picnic at Nathan and Michelle Burton’s home. We are one congregation in two locations. Please keep praying for our West mission. Congratulations Confirmands! Pastor Peters Recognized at Synod Assembly Pastor James Peters (shown with his wife, Elaine) was recognized at Synod Assembly on Friday, May 29 for fifty years of ordained ministry. Pastor Peters was ordained on June 2, 1965. Thank you Pastor Peters, and congratulations! Congratulations to the following, who celebrated the Affirmation of Baptism on Sunday, May 17: Jason Lewis, Natalie Kegel, Matt Clope, Matt Streckenbach and Chad Saliscente. Thank you to our Confirmation teachers, Monica Miller and Judy Cranley, for sharing their time and knowledge and for guiding them in their journey. Maybe the power and love of the Holy Spirit be upon you ! Benefit Concert for the Mt. Meru Tumaini Health Clinic On Friday, June 19 at 7pm in the sanctuary Charles Johnson will be doing a concert of sacred music to benefit the Mt. Meru Tumaini Health Clinic and the projects for the 2015 trip in August. Projects include soffits on the new building, food and live chicken distribution, shelving and text books for the local school, and a medical team. A freewill offering will be taken at the concert. 2 | The Chimes Messenger A publication of Atonement Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Names in the News Anniversaries: Stan & Jan Fornes will celebrate their 61st wedding anniversary on June 5th … George & Delores Hubmann will celebrate their 57th wedding anniversary on June 14th … Del & Phyllis Fritchen will celebrate their 54th wedding anniversary on June 17th … Glenn & Marie Abbott will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary on June 18th … Chet & Marion Andersen will celebrate their 66th wedding anniversary on June 18th … James & Shirley Kimberlain will celebrate their 57th wedding anniversary on June 20th … John & Belinda Zelinger will be celebrate their 35th wedding anniversary on June 22nd … Jerry & Judy Bassinger will celebrate their 59th wedding anniversary on June 23rd … Richard & Carole Thompsen will be celebrate their 67th wedding anniversary on June 26th … Dan & Helen Zelinger will be celebrate their 62nd wedding anniversary on June 26th. Congratulations one and all! Nonagenarian Birthdays: Anne Jaworski will celebrate her 100th birthday on June 10th … Marion Anderson will celebrate her 90th birthday on June 14th … Wilma Witek will celebrate her 91st birthday on June 19th … Jeanette Wright will celebrate her 92nd birthday on June 27th. Best wishes to you all! Baptisms: Samuel Frederick Britten, son of Andrew and Kristine (Neudecker) Britten was baptized at Atonement Our Savior’s on May 22nd, with Aaron Britten & Lisa Smith as sponsors. Welcome! Memorials to Our Saviors Lutheran Church In Loving memory of Bob W. Olson by Rose Rasmussen, Dr. Adam Warber, Furman University Chaplains office, Stan Morris. Kenford & Joanne Nelson, John & Myrna Hutchison, Virginia White, Susan Oertel, Marion Beyer, Tom & Patricia Isaacson, Larry & Judy Larson, Rose Frey, Earl Nelson, Karen Pederson, Elaine & James Giese and Suzaane Wellhoefer. Please remember that the churches are not legally or financially merged and that checks should be written to the churches they are intended for. Condolences Heartfelt love, sympathy and support to: The family of JANET CLUNIE, who passed away on April 30th at Becker-Shoop Center in Racine, WI. Husband Donald; parents, Jeanette (Polzin) & Tom Seefeldt; step-children, Nicholas & Elizabeth Doepke; sisters and brother, Susan Saynay, David Saynay, Janice (fiancé, Tom Wolfe) Lojeski and Roseanne Nelson and family at the death of JODI DOEPKE, who passed away at Wheaton Franciscan-All Saints Medical Center on May 2nd . Daughter Janice Hansen, sons David (Jennifer) Revai and Thomas (Susan) Revai and family at the death of June Revai who passed away on May 20th at her residence. “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.” Psalm 116:15 Known to be Hospitalized Chicago Hospital: Glenn Johnson St. Mary’s: Michael Glines and Donna Nelson Home Again: Lloyd Olsen, Margaret Klingenberg, Vic Howard, Ann Jacoby, Arline Dahlquist, Dana Wozniak, Glenda Harding, Gail Weidner and David Simington Pastoral Hospital Visits Strict rules regarding patient confidentiality may prevent the church from being notified when you or a loved one is hospitalized. This causes the inconvenience of placing the responsibility upon the patient and family of notifying the church of a hospital admission. If you’d like a JUNE 2015 ∙ Volume #2, Issue #6 pastoral visit and/or having your church family praying for you, please let the church know where to find you. If you are at a hospital other than Wheaton Franciscan All Saints (St. Mary’s) the church WILL NOT be notified, so please have your family call us. Thank you. 3 Planning Begins for ‘God’s Work, Our Hands’ Sunday Summer is just beginning, but the FaithWorks Mission Council is already thinking ahead to ‘God’s Work, Our Hands’ Sunday, The goal for this year is to have ELCA congregations from across Racine join in the service projects, worship and meal. A planning meeting has been set for Tuesday, June 9 at St. Andrew Lutheran Church (1015 Four Mile Road). A pizza dinner will be served at 6:30pm, with the meeting at 7:0pm. If you are interested in helping plan this year’s event, contact one of the pastors or mission council members for more information. Human Services Resource Training A small group of people, including Carol Yust of Emmaus and Pastor Michael Mueller of St. Andrew, initiated conversations with a number of Racine residents to listen to their wants, needs and dreams. When asked what was needed most in Racine, many indicated a need to know what resources were available and how they could best be accessed. In response to that need, Jonathan Delagrave of Racine Human Services has offered to co-sponsor a training session for volunteers highlighting 211 and other county resources available to residents. The training will be held on June 27 at the Racine County Human Services Department on Taylor Avenue. A light breakfast will be offered at 8:30am, and the training will run from 9:00am to 1:00pm. Church and community leaders are welcome to attend. Those interested may register by contacting the RIC office at 262-635-9532. Youth Gathering Updates Dates to keep in mind: Youth Gathering Meeting: Sunday, June 28 at 12noon - Don’t forget to read the Gospel of Mark in preparation for our Bible Study! Commissioning/Blessing: We will bless and commission our youth leaving for Detroit on July 14 at the following services: Sunday, July 5 at 10am (Atonement West), Saturday July 11 at 5:30pm (Vespers at Atonement Our Savior’s) and Sunday, July 12 at 9:15am (Atonement Our Savior’s) Youth Gathering Sunday: Saturday, August 1 at 5:30pm (Vespers at Atonement Our Savior’s) and Sunday, August 2 at 9:15am (Atonement Our Savior’s) and 10am (Atonement West). The youth will share some of the music and stories of their experience in Detroit. Youth Gathering Fundraisers - We raised $688.82 at the Bake Sale at Educator’s Credit Union. We are now short only about $120! We now have 14 kids going to Detroit! Our youth continue to fundraise for the upcoming July 2015 National Youth Gathering in Detroit, MI. Ways you can help: If you purchase Scrip cards, you can request that your purchases go towards the Youth Gathering. Use a blue scrip order form or tell the scrip seller that you want it to go to the Youth Gathering. The youth are currently selling Domino’s fundraising cards. These cards are a deal. For $10.00 you get a free pizza right off the bat. And then 3 more free pizzas with the purchase of another one. And then coupons for free bread sides and sandwiches. Domino’s only charges us $1.00 per card, so the youth group makes $9.00 per card! Cards are available from the youth and are available in the church office. THANK YOU! We have now received SEVEN scholarships for the youth gathering. Thank you for supporting our youth. Special thank you to the Our Savior’s Foundation for their contribution to the Detroit Youth Gathering. 4 | The Chimes Messenger A publication of Atonement Our Savior’s Lutheran Church All events are at Atonement Our Savior’s on Wright & Quincy unless otherwise noted. JUNE 2015 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 3 8:30 a.m. - Women’s Breakfast at Denny’s 8:30 Park Transition Group 10:30 Senior Center 11:00 Staff Meeting 4:30 Consolidation Merger Team Group Meeting 6:30 - 8:30 Musical Recital in Sanctuary (Laura Shapovalov) 4 8:30 Park Transition 1 9:00 Quilters 2 9 9:30-3:30 Our 9:00 Garden Club Board Meeting 12 noon - Bible Study 6:00 Dorcas Circle Mtg. at Alma Vacek’s home 7:00 OA Group Harmony Club 9:30 Stitchers of Blessings 1-3:00 Food Pantry 4:00 West Transition Mtg. at Taylor Ave. McDonalds 4:30 Spanish Class 6:30 Cub Scouts 7 COMMUNION, AIM PRESENTATION 9:15 WORSHIP SERVICE 10:00 Sunday Worship at Atonement West & Sunday School at Sturtevant Sportsplex 10:15 Coffee Hour 5:00 Our Savior’s Community Meal 8 9:00 Quilters 9:30 Ruth Circle Mtg 9:30-3:30 Our Harmony Club 12 noon - Bible Study Knapp School 5th Grade Farewell Event (We provide treats) 6:00 Garden Club Mtg in Fell. Hall 6:30 Ladies’ Night 7:00 OA Group 9 1-3:00 Food Pantry 4:30 Spanish Class 7:00 FaithWorks Meeting at St. Andrew 10 8:30 Park Transition Group 9:15 Rebekah Circle Meeting 11:00 Staff Meeting 6:00 Flyer rolling and banding for Neighborhood Picnic 7:30 Belle City Brassworks 14 COMMUNION 9:15 WORSHIP SERVICE 10:00 Sunday Worship at Atonement West & Sunday School at Sturtevant Sportsplex 10:15 Coffee Hour 5:00 Our Savior’s Community Meal 15 9:00 Quilters 9:30-3:30 Our Harmony Club 12 noon - Bible Study 7:00 OA Group 16 9:30 Stitchers of Blessings 1-3:00 Food Pantry 4:30 Spanish Class 21 COMMUNION , 9:15 WORSHIP SERVICE 10:00 Sunday Worship at Atonement West & Sunday School at Sturtevant Sportsplex 10:15 Coffee Hour 5:00 Our Savior’s Community Meal 22 9:00 Quilters 9:30-3:30 Our Harmony Club 7:00 OA Group 23 1-3:00 Food Pantry 4:30 Spanish Class 7:00 Joint Council Mtg. 28 COMMUNION & HEALING SERVICE AT BOTH SERVICES 9:15 WORSHIP SERVICE 10:00 Sunday Worship at Atonement West & Sunday School at Sturtevant Sportsplex 10:15 Coffee Hour 12 noon Youth Gathering Meeting 5:00 Our Savior’s Community Meal 29 9:00 - 3:00 Neighborhood Camp 9:30-3:30 Our Harmony Club 12 noon - Bible Study 7:00 OA Group 30 9:00 - 3:00 Neighborhood Camp 1-3:00 Food Pantry 4:30 Spanish Class FRIDAY SATURDAY 5 6 5:30 Vespers with Communion 11 8:30 Park Transition Group 9:30 Selah Practice Service 7:00 Higher Expectations Meeting 6-8:00 Food Pantry 12 6:00 Wedding Rehearsal 13 10:30 Caregiver Support Group 11:00 Wedding: DePelecyn / Stenzel 2:00 Diakonia Graduation (Sanctuary) 5:30 Vespers with Communion 17 10:30 Senior Center 11:00 Staff Meeting 1:30 Worship Team Meeting 5:30 - 7:30 Neighborhood Picnic 7:30 Belle City Brassworks 18 9:30 Selah Practice 4:00 Wedding Rehearsal 6:00 Caregiver Support Group 6-8:00 Food Pantry 19 7:00 Benefit Concert for Mt. Meru Tumaini Clinic with Charles Johnson 20 2:00 Wedding: Smith/Martinez 5:30 Vespers with Communion 24 11:00 Staff Meeting 7:30 Belle City Brassworks Neighborhood Camp Training in Fell. Hall 25 9:00 - 3:00 Neighborhood Camp Training in Fell. Hall 9:30 Selah Practice Service 6-8:00 Food Pantry 26 9:00 - 3:00 Neighborhood Camp Training in Fell. Hall 6:00 Wedding Rehearsal 27 2:00 Wedding: Haas / Comstock 5:30 Vespers with Communion (Healing Service) Group 9:30 Selah Practice Service 6-8:00 Food Pantry The Lincoln Lutheran Senior Citizen Nutrition Program meets Monday through Friday in Atonement’s Fellowship Hall at noon. JUNE 2015 ∙ Volume #2, Issue #6 5 Our Savior’s Sunday Night Community Meal Hosts June 07: June 14: June 21: June 28: Lutheran Church of Resurrection Racine Assembly of God OPEN Lutheran Church of the Redeemer Hospitality Center FaithWorks Food Pantry Needs While every donation is greatly appreciated, with our new shopping arrangement at Feeding America, monetary donations actually go further than food donations. That said, all food donations are welcomed. Our greatest needs right now are: Canned Meals: Spaghetti, Beef Stew, Ravioli, Beefaroni, etc. Canned Meats: Chicken, Tuna, Salmon, etc. Spaghetti sauce Atonement Our Savior’s, along with Holy Communion, Mt. Pleasant and Resurrection Lutheran churches, will be hosting the breakfast meal at the Hospitality Center Saturday morning, June 6, from 8am to noon. Each church is responsible for bringing the following: 3 egg casseroles/eggbakes 2 gallons of milk 2 gallons of juice Fresh or canned fruit for 25 1 large can of coffee Volunteers to help serve are also needed. Please call Joannie Williams at 930-8257 if you can help. Another opportunity to serve! Feeding those in need at St. Patrick's Church We are in need of volunteers to cook and/or serve a community meal on the third Thursday of every other month. The next month is July and the date would be July 16th. There are five different ways you can help: 1. We need a shopper to purchase the food to prepare. 2. We prepare the casserole and salad at church at1:30 and it usually takes one hour. 3. We need 3-4 people to bake a cake and bring to church. 4. Need one more driver to pick up hot casserole, salad and desserts from church at 4pm and bring to St. Patrick's church. 5. We need 2-3 volunteers to serve the food at 5pm at St. Patrick's church. This takes about 1 1/2 hours. (Volunteers would also bring the two casserole pans back to Atonement.) There is a wonderful crew that handles this mission now! They have been doing this for years and with the summer months coming, it is a good opportunity to let other share in this joy! We will change up the casserole for a cooler summer fare starting with July. This is truly an example of "God's Work, Our Hands" Please call the church and/or Margaret Robinson (262-939-7086) if you would like to join our group or have any questions. We’re Looking for Techers! Atonement Our Saviors has an amazing Tech Team and we invite you to join this great opportunity for service! The responsibilities of a "Techer" involve being in charge of the screen that you see the announcements, hymns, etc. on at the services from a control panel located in the balcony. The Tech Team has their own Google Sign Up Page where they fill in their names for dates that are 6 | The Chimes Messenger available to them. This wonderful opportunity also comes with "Free Training" at your convenience. Please prayerfully consider serving Atonement Our Saviors in this much needed and appreciated ministry. If you have any questions please contact Vicki Siefert at 262-634-4154 or take advantage of the "Long Sheet" in the bulletin to let us know that you would like to join the team! Thanks much! A publication of Atonement Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Knapp School Graduation Knapp School has asked our help to make desserts for the 5th Grade graduation on Monday, June 8 at 1:45 pm. There could be as many as 150 people, so we're going to need around 200 items. Anything works -- cookies, cakes, cupcakes, little bars -- they love it all. Also needed are donations of juice and paper products -plates, napkins, cups, utensils, tablecloths, and a few people to help bring everything over to Knapp on that Monday. If you have any baking skills (or purchasing skills) and would like to help out Knapp School as they celebrate the graduates’ big day, please send June Klingbeil an email at jklingbeil45 telling about how many you can make. If you go to East you can let Alma Vacek know. (You can also sign up on the yellow sheet in the East bulletin or on the sign up sheet at West.) Goodies can be dropped off in room 14/15 (parlor) on Sunday, June 7 or by noon on Monday, June 8. News from the God Squad May's theme for God Squad was "Fun". We played a lot of games and just plain had fun. It's hard to believe that the school year is over already (well almost). We closed the year out with a party at Skate town. We met some of our pen pals and dinner sponsors and had a great time. Many thanks to those who supported us this last year especially our mentors (Monica Miller, Karen Barkow, Steve Blegen, Dale Barke, & Laila Youngman), dinner sponsors - (Jill Steiner, Kim Saunders, Bob Reinders, Jody Pease, Barb Elmer, Joy Webb, & Dale Barke), volunteers - Max Pease & Lisa Peters, craft donator Diane Thygeson, and our Pen Pals - Victoria Roberts, Carole Thompsen, Liz Kegel, Lika Phipps, Janet Venegas, Judy Miller, Theresa Reinders, Jody Pease, & Gayle Engelstad. And last but not least the Pastors of Atonement Our Saviors: Warren, Denise and Dana. ( I am sorry if I forgot anyone.) Take care and have a great Summer! Neighborhood Camp Receives Grants Generous grants and donations help fund the Neighborhood Camps at Emmaus, Atonement Our Savior’s and Redeemer this summer. In addition to a $17,000 Outreach for Hope grant, there is a $37,000 grant from the Siebert Foundation, $10,000 from RUSD, and a grant for meals through the Department of Instruction. We are still awaiting word from the Racine Community Foundation. Each and every donation, no matter the size, helps defray the costs of the #133,00 overall budget for the camps. The cost per week per child is $125, and the five-week camp is free to all who attend. If you’d like to make a donation, visit the camp website at: and click o the Donor Information tab. You can make donations quickly and safely online or you can print out a form and mail in a donation. JUNE 2015 ∙ Volume #2, Issue #6 7 ELCA Neighborhood Camps Partner with Summer Food Service Program Stressing the importance of offering nutritious meals to children during the summer months, Racine ELCA Neighborhood Camps announces the sponsorship of the Summer Food Service Program at Neighborhood Camp at Emmaus Evangelical Lutheran Church and Atonement Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Racine. or private non-profit school program during the regular school year may receive free meals as well. The following locations will be serving the free meals as a part of ELCA Neighborhood Camps this summer: Emmaus Lutheran Church 1925 Summit Avenue, and Atonement-Our Savior's Lutheran Church 2915 Wright Avenue. Meals The Summer Food Service Program will be provided between June 29 and August 6, (SFSP), which is funded by the U.S. Department of Agri2015 to eligible children regardless of race, color, nationculture (USDA) and administered by the Wisconsin Deal origin, age, gender or disability and there will be no dispartment of Public Instruction, provides nutritious meals crimination in the course of meal service. to children during the summer, when free and reduced“This program fills a void created when school lunches price school meals are typically unavailable. Free meals are not available,” said Carol Yust. “Helping parents will be made available to children 18 years of age and unmeet the nutritional needs of their children is the der. Persons over 18 years of age who are determined by strength of this program.” a state or local public educational agency to be mentally or physically disabled and who also participate in a public Neighborhood Camp is Just Around the Corner! Planning for camp is in full swing! Camp will run for five weeks again this summer, from June 29 - August 6 (Monday - Thursday), taking the week of July 13 off. Camper and SALT registration forms are available. Forms can be picked up in the church office, or you can access them online at Themes for this year’s camp include: Lords, Ladies, Knights and Castles; Games, Games, Games!; Space is the Place; Take Flight and CSI: Atonement Our Saviors. Games, science projects, reading, art and other activities will focus around these weekly themes. We need your help! We couldn’t hold a successful camp that positively impacts the youth of our neighborhood without you. We are blessed to have Karin Langlois returning as our kitchen manager again this summer, but she can’t do it alone. Volunteers are needed to help in the kitchen (shifts for breakfast and lunch are available) to help prepare and serve meals. Volunteers are also needed to help transport the SALT kids to their various activities. If you are able to give some of your time in support of Neighborhood Camp, please contact Diane Thygeson at 262-930-3837. Camp is greatly enhanced by congregation members who come in and share their time and talents. If you’d like to come in and lead a project, or read a story to the kids, we’ll find a way to fit you in our schedule. Again, contact Diane if you can help. ELCA World Hunger’s Walk for Water This year, ELCA youth will join together for ELCA World Hunger’s Walk for Water. The goal is to raise $500,000 for ELCA World Hunger-supported water projects around the world. Through these gifts, local communities will be equipped to provide water for drinking and growing crops, sanitation and hygiene, as well as ongoing health education, training and maintenance. And, thanks to a generous family in the ELCA, all gifts toward this goal will be matched – dollar for dollar – up until we hit a grand total of $1 million! Together we make a difference – creating healthier families, stronger economies and a future filled with hope. ( 8 | The Chimes Messenger A publication of Atonement Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Senior Friendship Center June 3: Devotion & Communion “Anne’s 100th Birthday Celebration!” Join us for dinner on Monday, June 8 at 6:30! We’ll eat at Javier’s Cuisine at 2011 Lathrop Ave. Please sign-up on the yellow sheet or contact Pastor Denise. June 17: Bingo! 11:00 a.m. Lunch: Tom’s cooking Johnsonville Brats! Fun ‘n Games Theological Book Study Our book for the Fall and Winter season will be “The Faith Club: A Muslim, A Christian, A Jew – Three Women Search for Understanding” by Ranya Idliby, Suzanne Oliver, and Priscilla Warner. A groundbreaking book about Americans searching for faith and mutual respect, The Faith Club weaves the story of three women, their three religions, and their urgent quest to understand one another. Pioneering, timely, deeply thoughtful, and full of hope, The Faith Club’s caring message will resonate with people of all faiths. ( Our first fall date will be September 26. It's Time For Our Annual Neighborhood Cookout! Mark your calendars for Wednesday, June 17, from 5:30pm 7:30pm for our first picnic of the year! There will be brats, burgers, hot dogs and all the fixings plus lots of other goodies. There will be games and activities for the kids. You won't want to miss it! There are lots of opportunities to help pull this off, so please check the long sheet and let us know how you would like to participate and/or what you would like to donate. You can also call Vicki Siefert at 262-634-4154. You will be contacted to confirm your participation and/or donations. Thank you in advance! Neighborhood Cookout Volunteer Sign-Up (Please turn in with the offering, or drop off in church office.) I _____________________________________ (name) will help with: Flyer Distribution __________, Games & Activities (already planned for you) __________, Set Up at 4:15pm __________, Clean Up at 7:30pm __________, Serving Food __________, Cooking Brats and Dogs __________, I would like to donate: Hot Dogs __________, Hot Dog Buns __________, Baked Beans __________, Large Salads to share (coleslaw, potato salad, fruit salad, tossed salad, etc.) __________, Cookies __________, Individual Bags of Chips __________, Drink Boxes __________, Large Ketchup, Mustard & Pickle Relish _____________, Chopped Onions ____________, Napkins __________, Paper Plates __________, Cups __________, Plastic Forks __________, Plastic Knives __________, Cash to help defray costs __________ JUNE 2015 ∙ Volume #2, Issue #6 9 Focus: E-Waste Brigade® Good News!! TerraCycle® has combined several of its brigades to form the E-Waste Brigade® which will make it easier for us to participate. Countless cell phones, cameras, e-readers, inkjet cartridges, and other e-waste items are needlessly discarded across America every year. We are proud to partner with TerraCycle® to provide a second life for them. In return, TerraCycle® sends us cash that we use to support our ministries. Working devices are worth more than broken ones, but we get money for ALL the devices we send in. Turning in your collections is easy. A silver TerraCycle® collection box is conveniently located inside the south entrance. Or, you can bring your collections to the church office and tell Jill or Kim you have a “gift” for Karin Langlois! E-Waste Brigade accepted waste: Inkjet cartridges, toner cartridges, standard cell phones, smart phones, iPhones, digital cameras, camcorders, graphing calculators, iPod® devices, laptops, notebooks, e-readers, tablets, and iPads. (PLEASE NOTE that ink “tanks” are not accepted at this time. Those are the narrow ones that don’t have a wide copper strip.) ALSO, unfortunately, the Diaper Packaging Brigade is ending at the end of July because the sponsor has decided to focus their efforts in other areas. Please turn in any diaper and wipes packaging by July 15 so our last shipment can be as large as possible. Scrip News You Can Use PLAN AHEAD: We will not be available to sell Scrip from June 26th through July 6th. The last day to order and still get your cards before July 4th will be June 23rd. We can make arrangements to get your Scrip to you by the evening of June 25th. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. It’s graduation season! (I bet you thought it was summer.) Buy that special graduation gift with Scrip, and Atonement Our Savior’s earns rebates. It’s a win – win situation! Summer cookouts and the 4th of July are also upon us. We have Scrip for all your party needs – from brats to lawn furniture. Pick ’n Save, Piggly Wiggly, Shopko, Menard’s, and Lowe’s are just a few of the cards available through our program. Now that you’re in the habit, keep buying. The proceeds from this program continue to fund vital ministries. Need your Scrip right away? We keep the cards listed in the left hand column on the front page of the order form in stock in limited quantities – first come, first served. Need a small gift? We stock a number of cards in denominations of $10 (there are even a few $5 cards available.) Any purchase made by 10am Tuesday can be picked up as early as Thursday evening, by arrangement with Karin Langlois, or they may be picked up on the following Sunday. To get your Scrip see Dick Langlois at the Scrip table before the 9:15 service or at coffee hour. You can also pick up an order form in the narthex and call Karin at 6720635 or email her at to order your Scrip. If you attend Atonement West, you can also Thank you to all those who purchased Scrip to support arrange with June Klingbeil or Lisa Peters to get your our youth going to the National Youth Gathering in July! Scrip there. We Still Need UPC’s & Caps For Our Child Care You may be wondering what will happen once our child care closes. A new child care called A.I.M. Now will be opening in our building on July 6th and we will continue to participate in the Campbell’s Labels for Education Program. Again, thank you to everyone who has been helping us with our collections! Every UPC & cap brings us closer to another $250 Visa card. Besides the usual Campbell’s brands, keep on the lookout for UPCs from these participating partners: Pepperidge Farm, Bic, Dannon Danimals & Danonino yogurt multipacks, Emerald Nuts, Glad Food Storage, Pace (save the caps), Pop Secret, Post cereals, Prego sauces (save the caps), and Wolfgang Puck (save the caps from the sauces). You can still turn in what you’ve collected by reusing an envelope or baggie, marking it “Child Care,” and putting it in the offering plate. If you happen to be going to the church office, you can also turn them in there. 10 | The Chimes Messenger A publication of Atonement Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Mission Forward Due to our extraordinary financial position (having passed a large deficit budget) we started an early summer campaign, asking for members to sacrificially go the extra mile to get us through to a better financial place. We are happy to report that the first two weeks of the campaign have provided around $12,000 in new income. We are hoping that the campaign will raise as much again during June. Thank you for your faithfulness and generosity. Thrivent Action Teams Calling all Thrivent members!! We have a unique opportunity this year. Since the dissolution of the chapter system for Thrivent, monies are now being seeded out for service projects and fundraisers through individual Thrivent members. This could be very helpful for many groups and projects around Atonement and in the community. For example, I received seed money for the youth gathering fundraiser on April 25. Along with promotional materials I will receive $250.00 as seed money for the fundraiser. I also was able to fund a service project at Lutherdale Bible Camp funding life jackets. You could use the seed money to do many things: purchase materials for the Quilters or the Stitchers of Blessings or the Child Care Center. Or you could lead a service project to purchase and sort food for the FaithWorks Food Pantry or purchase light bulbs for the sanctuary. Just think of a fundraiser or small project you might like to do yourself or with a couple other people. Or maybe you are part of something coming up that is already in place, such as the Cookie Walk. Each Thrivent member can apply for 2 projects a year. This is a win-win offer that is not to be missed. The process is very simple and can be done online. If you are tech savvy, just log on to your account with Thrivent and click on ‘make a difference’ and then ‘action teams’ and it will tell you what to do. If you need help I am willing to help you through the process – we can even do it in my office. Thank you, Pastor Denise Thrivent Loan The refinance of the Thrivent Loan, along with an additional $65,000 to replace funds needed for our roof replacement last year, is on track and should close sometime in June. (Probably around the middle of the month.) The congregation approved the loan on May 3rd. The refinance/new money will do two things. First, it will cut our payments by about $2000 a month, easing our deficit. Second, it will provide necessary cash infusion that had been provided by the Church and Community Fund which was depleted to finish paying for the roof. Simply Giving - A simple and convenient way to give Consider signing up for electronic giving through Thrivent Financial. Atonement Church relies on the financial support of the congregation and electronic giving offers an easy way to give on a recurring basis. Direct Debit Giving e.service® Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) is a low-cost payment method used to automatically transfer funds from a member’s checking or savings account to Atonement church’s bank account via the Automated Clearing House (ACH) Network. EFT JUNE 2015 ∙ Volume #2, Issue #6 is also called Direct Debit, Direct Payment or simply, ACH. A majority of people receive payroll or Social Security income via EFT and it is also widely used by households to pay mortgages, utility bills and other monthly obligations. Thousands of churches have minimized summer donation slump and other seasonal weakness by introducing EFT as a way for members to make donations automatically on a recurring basis, uninterrupted by vacations and other commitments. Please contact the church office for details. Thank you! 11 Gentle Worship - Saturday, June 6 at 3:45 p.m. Gentle Worship is a modified, half hour worship service offering radical hospitality. It is designed for anyone who does not feel comfortable in a traditional worship setting - individuals who have been "pushed to the edge or "don't fit in": kids & adults with Autism, Down's Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Multiple Sclerosis, people with Alzheimer's, even awkward teens & single thirty-somethings have found a home at Gentle Worship. Gentle Worship is located at the Holy Communion Northwest Campus (5040 Northwestern Ave, Racine) June’s worship service will be the last one held in this location. Information on the location and time of future services will be posted on the “Gentle Worship Racine” Facebook group page. Lutheran Disaster Response: U.S. Spring Storms The Situation: This spring has delivered several storms and severe weather events around the U.S. One significant event is severe flooding in Texas and Oklahoma as torrential rains wreaked havoc in parts of the two states during Memorial Day weekend. The record rainfall caused flash flooding in normally dry riverbeds, and rivers rose so quickly that whole communities woke up after a night of rain to find themselves surrounded by water. Reports show that Houston alone received 11 inches of rain in one day and the Blanco River is at more than triple its flood stage. The sudden onset of the rains and flooding has proven fatal, as 31 people have died and several more are missing. Streets and interstates are submerged, more than 4,000 homes are damaged or destroyed, and there are piles of wreckage more than 20 feet high. For many cities in the area, this has been the wettest May, or even month, on record, and more rain is in the forecast. Lutheran Disaster Response: Nepal Earthquake The Situation: Sections of the city’s historic center lie in rubble. News reports indicate that more than 3,500 people have died and thousands are injured in the valley surrounding Kathmandu. The death toll is expected to rise as people are believed to be trapped under rubble. Deaths have been reported in neighboring India, Tibet and Bangladesh. The tremor also set off a deadly avalanche on Mount Everest. Our Response: Lutheran Disaster Response is committed to walking with our brothers and sisters in Nepal, as rescue efforts and assessments continue. The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) has launched an immediate large-scale emergency response with its emergency team in Kathmandu at the LWF offices, which have escaped the worst impact of the quake. The ELCA is the only U.S. member church of the LWF. We are also work- 12 | The Chimes Messenger Our Response: Through our congregations, synods and disaster affiliate organizations, Lutheran Disaster Response is working to assist those who are most affected by flooding. We are assessing the immediate and longterm needs of those in the flooded areas, and we will act in coordination with our network of ELCA synods and social ministry organizations. We know that this will be a long road to recovery, and we will be there to assist those who have been affected through every phase of this disaster recovery process. Your gifts are needed to begin relief efforts. What Can You Do? Pray: Pray for people affected by the flooding. Pray for the emergency teams on the ground, who are standing with people and communities affected. Give: Your gifts designated for "U.S. Spring Storms" will be used in full (100 percent) to assist those directly impacted. ing with Lutheran World Relief and church partners from ACT Alliance to coordinate the response, which includes the distribution of immediate life-saving supplies such as water, food, shelter and medication to people injured. What Can You Do? Pray: Pray for people affected by the earthquake and its aftershocks, especially as they grieve the loss of loved ones and property. Pray for the LWF and Lutheran World Relief emergency teams on the ground, who are standing with people and communities affected. Give: Your gifts designated for the “Nepal Area Earthquake” will be used in full (100 percent) to assist those directly impacted. Gifts from people like you allow us to continue our response. For more information go to: Relief-and-Development A publication of Atonement Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Looking for Grace? There’s an App for That! Daily Grace is an on-the-go companion for your journey, offering a faith reflection every day. In these brief writings you’ll encounter God’s extravagant, boundless and often surprising grace. You will be comforted, challenged, inspired, consoled and confronted. The daily reflection will stir you to live out your baptismal calling. Take time to reflect, offer a prayer and prepare for the day. Read the daily message or choose Random Grace. This free app is available on the App Store of Google Play as well as the Apple App Store. See more at: It’s Time to Gather Items for Lutheran World Relief Fabric Kits A Fabric Kit contains the following items: ● Pieces of cotton or cotton-blend fabric (no knits or 100% polyester); fabric should have no stains or holes and be cut into pieces measuring: 2 1/4 yards of 60" wide fabric, or 3 yards of 44" wide fabric, or 4 yards of 36" wide fabric ● Spools of matching general purpose thread, 250-300 yards each To quote the Lutheran World Relief website: “Teach a person to sew and you’ve given them tools they can use to earn an income, support their family, and break out of poverty. Many of the thousands of Fabric Kits Lutheran World Relief distributes are used in vocational training programs to teach young men and women useful and marketable sewing skills.” You can bring any of the needed items on Sunday and leave them in the marked box in the narthex. OR, you can also sponsor a Fabric Kit for $18, and we will purchase the needed items. Please mark any offering given for this purpose “Fabric Kit.” Thank you for your support of people in crisis around the world! JUNE 2015 ∙ Volume #2, Issue #6 Looking to Give a Meaningful Graduation or Father’s Day Gift? The ELCA Good Gifts program has everything you need to give a memorable and meaningful gift to everyone on your gift list this year! Ten little chicks make a big difference! When they are just months old, these chicks begin laying eggs, which make nutritious, protein-rich meals for families who are hungry. The many extra eggs are often enough to allow a family to start a small business by selling them for additional income. What’s the buzz about bees? Beeswax is used to make handcrafted soaps and candles, and honey and pollen can be sold at the market as well. But that’s not all — their mere presence on a farm means they are pollinating plants and boosting crop growth throughout the wider community. Bees, hives and training in beekeeping can go a long way for a family in need. A pig in the pen is like money in the bank. Within months, a tiny piglet grows to weigh over 200 pounds! Should a family have a failed harvest, medical expense or other unexpected financial need, this pig can be sold for much-needed cash at the market. Goats are known for surviving in some of the world’s harshest environments — hot temperatures, rocky terrain — you name it! This makes them especially valuable for families living in dry, drought-prone climates where it’s tough to raise other animals. Fresh milk from a goat provides great nutrition for children who are growing. And as goats multiply in number, families often share the offspring with neighbors in need, helping lift entire communities out of hunger and poverty. For other gifts that make a difference, visit: 13 On the Lighter Side… An exasperated mother, whose son was always getting into mischief, finally asked him, “How do you expect to get into heaven?” The boy thought it over and over and said, “Well, I’ll just run in and out and in and out and keep slamming the door until St. Peter says, “For heaven’s sake, Jimmy, come in or stay out’” 14 | The Chimes Messenger A publication of Atonement Our Savior’s Lutheran Church June Readings June 07: 2nd Sunday after Pentecost 1st Reading: Genesis 3:8–15 Psalm: Psalm 130 2nd Reading: 2 Corinthians 4:13—5:1 Gospel: Mark 3:20–35 June 14: 3rd Sunday after Pentecost 1st Reading: Ezekiel 17:22–24 Psalm: Psalm 92:1–4, 12–15 2nd Reading: 2 Corinthians 5:6–10[11–13] 14–17 Gospel: Mark 4:26–34 June 21: 4th Sunday after Pentecost 1st Reading: Job 38:1–11 Psalm: Psalm 107:1–3, 23–32 2nd Reading: 2 Corinthians 6:1–13 Gospel: Mark 4:35–41 June 28: 5th Sunday after Pentecost 1st Reading: Lamentations 3:22–33 Psalm: Psalm 30 2nd Reading: 2 Corinthians 8:7–15 Gospel: Mark 5:21–43 Service Times Vespers Service (Quincy) ........................................................................ Saturdays at 5:30 p.m. Sunday Service at Atonement (Quincy) ………………………….................................. 9:15 a.m. Sunday Service & Sunday School at Atonement West Sportsplex .....................…. 10:00 a.m. Atonement Our Savior’s Church Office Hours (located at Atonement) Monday - Friday .............................................................. 10:00a.m.-12:00 noon, 1:00-3:00 p.m. Atonement Our Savior’s Staff Ministers ......................................................................... The People of Atonement Our Savior’s Senior Pastor ............................................................................................... Dr. Warren Williams Associate Pastor ................................................................................... Rev. Denise M.H. Mbise Administrative Secretary (Atonement) ......................................................................... Jill Steiner Administrative Secretary (Our Savior’s) ................................................................Cathi Webster Secretary/Child Care Bookkeeper ......................................................................... Kim Saunders Senior Choir Director ..................................................................................... Dimitri Shapavolov Organist /Pianist ....................................................................................................Jill Wanggaard Organist /Pianist ........................................................................................................... Tina Perri Organist Emeritus ................................................................................................... Fred Hermes Pianist................................................................................................................... Tina Tempesta Part time Maintenance (Atonement) ...........................................................................Ron Eckert Part time Maintenance (Our Savior’s) ..................................................................... Mark Heinen Part time Janitorial ................................................................................................... Ollie Nielsen Senior Friendship Center Director ............................................................................ Vicki Siefert Nutrition Site Supervisor .....................................................................................Shirley Johnson Parish Nurse .............................................................................................. Joannie Williams, RN Chimes Messenger Editor ................................................................................. Diane Thygeson JUNE 2015 ∙ Volume #2, Issue #6 Atonement Childcare Center Staff Child Care Ministry Director .................................................................................... Angie Molina 4K Teacher ........................................................................................................ Tammy Groenke 4K Assistant ................................................................................................................Maria Cruz Day Care Teacher ........................................................................................... Julia Witherspoon Day Care Teacher ................................................................................................. Karin Langlois Cook/Breaker .......................................................................................................Dovie Sumerall Custodial ......................................................................................................................Jay Martin Staff E-mail addresses Rev. Denise Mbise ......................................................................... Dr. Warren Williams ................................................................. Jill Steiner .............................................................................................. Kim Saunders ........................................................................... Joannie Williams Angie Molina, Director CCM……………………………………………… General Church E-mail address Atonement Church .................................................................. Atonement Website ............................................................................ Atonement West Website .................................................................... Atonement Facebook Our Savior’s Church ......................................................... Our Savior’s Website ........................................................................ Our Savior’s Facebook....................................................................... 15 Atonement Our Savior’s Lutheran Church 2915 Wright Avenue Racine, WI 53405-5094 Published Once a Month RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED ATONEMENT OUR SAVIOR’S LUTHERAN CHURCH JUNE 2015 VOLUME #2 • ISSUE #6 Consolidation Update Atonement West - Commitment to Continue Youth Gathering Fundraisers Neighborhood Cookout Lutheran Disaster Response Concert to Benefit Mt. Meru Tumaini Clinic
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