THE GRAPEVINE THE NEWSLETTER OF OUR SAVIOUR LUTHERAN CHURCH JANUARY 2015 In This Issue Birthdays/Anniversaries….10 Commemoration Profiles ….6 Council Notes/ Finance/ Attendance ..………….4 Ministries ……………………….3 News ……………………............9 OSLC-WELCA………………...5 Photos ….…………………....2,11 Prayer Requests...…………..10 Thank You ………………….….8 The Grapevine is a monthly newsletter published by the staff & members of Our Saviour Lutheran Church 1500 Sunset Blvd West Columbia, SC 29169 Phone: 803.794.8180 E-mail: Website: The Rev. Lance Henderson—Pastor Brent Holcomb—Organist/Choirmaster Meredith Jones—Handbell Director A Message from the Pastor Grace and Peace to you from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ. The 2015th year of our Lord. YEAH! Let’s rock this thing! The rock/pop song “Closing Time” by the band Semisonic (I realize they are probably not a favorite of many of you all) has a lyric that says “every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end”. And so 2014 which began a year ago is now ending and 2015 begins. It makes sense. It is part of the seasons of life. I suppose I might have found some scripture that spoke about the harvests and planting to make this point, but the song is in my head as I write this letter. We have a beginning that will be coming to an end here in 2015. It’s the mortgage we took out to build our fellowship hall. I going to use round numbers, for now. The remaining debt is around $85,000. In 2014, we averaged payments of $5000 per month. We have about $25,000 in the building fund. The note expires and will need to be re-negotiated in November. This year—2015—is the time to bring this thing to a close. I know the generosity of this congregation and its eagerness to put this debt behind us; this is a very achievable goal. Our campaign will begin on Sunday, January 25th. More details with exact numbers and some plans to end this debt are forthcoming. There will also likely be some decisions to be made that would require a vote from the congregation, so a meeting has been set for that Sunday after church. Details are coming, so please be patient. And prayerfully consider how you might participate in this exciting milestone. And so as we close the debt in 2015, something else will begin. The question is “what will begin after we end our debt?” Something will begin even if we don’t plan for it. For example, let’s say we do not plan for it. Giving to the building fund will drop drastically, and we would begin an era of coziness—satisfied with our paid debts. But you know as well as I do that Jesus does not call us to coziness, but to discipleship. Coziness changes a congregation of Christ’s church into a friendly little social club. Coziness kills churches, and rightfully so. Not planning for a new beginning is not an option at all. cont’d on page 3 —> PHOTOS FROM THE SEASON INSTALLATION OF WELCA & COUNCIL OFFICERS REBEKAH CIRCLE CHRISTMAS PARTY JOYOUS NEWS! December 2, 2014, was the birth of twin babies to Trey & Amy Wallace! Camden Jane weighed 5 lbs. 5 oz. and was 18 inches long Her brother Grey Hilton weighed 6 lbs. 9 oz. and was 19 inches long. Congratulations to the Wallace family on this happy event! 2 LMM CHRISTMAS PARTY Pastor’s Message (cont’d) So here is what we need to do-1) PRAY! Give prayers of thanks for all the gifts that have brought us to this point. Give prayers of thanks for God’s presence in all those events and happenings in our fellowship hall and kitchen over the past years. Pray for the leaders of this congregation, that we might set a faithful plan for this new beginning. Lift us all up by name—Lance, Don, Virginia, Floyd, David, Howard, Pam, Charles, Bill, Ryan, Meredith, Marie, Shirley. Pray that God might make you an instrument of his purpose. 2) Brainstorm—Ask yourself this question: If God would “miracle” Our Saviour Lutheran Church into the church He desired overnight, what would that look like? What would be different that day than this day? Write it down, share your vision with leadership. But do not fall in love with your idea. Remember, there are two gifts mentioned in Scripture—speaking in tongues and interpreting tongues. You might have the start of a great idea, but it also has to be tested and interpreted. Any idea that any of us have will be shaped by God and may look quite differently than our original idea. 3) Don’t worry—It probably was a bit of a disappointment to those Israelites who wandered for 40 years in the wilderness, arrive in the “Promised Land”, and found a bunch of Canaanites already living there. Wherever we start heading, whatever this new beginning is, it will be a challenge. If it is not a challenge, we are probably doing the wrong thing. The answer to worry is faith. God has been with this congregation for 50+ years. We can count that He will remain faithful to us. I’m excited. I don’t know what is going to happen, but I do believe God is with us and we are with God. The year 2015 is the perfect time to see that unfold. Peace in Christ, Pastor Lance JANUARY MINISTRIES FLOWERS Jan. 4 Charles & Ruth Nicholson 11 Don & Patsy Horton 18 Dolores Hopkins GREETERS Gary & Kay Black Albert & Sue Drafts Jim & Teresa Garner 25 Floyd & Shirley Hanna WORSHIP ASSISTANTS NURSERY KEEPERS Rebecca & Claire Jan. 4 Elizabeth Shealy Fingerlin 11 Isma Boland Linda Hill 18 Kathy Rhoden Beth & Isma Boland 25 Virginia Morris Sallie Hutto LAY READERS Jan. 4 Elizabeth Shealy 11 Pam Hanfland 18 Howard Hughes 25 Virginia Morris JANUARY CHAT & SNACK Albert & Sue Drafts Mark & Ann Satterwhite Available Barbara Hunter & Anne Moye FEBRUARY USHERS Howard Hughes, Chief Floyd Hanna, Chief Jason Powell Gary Black Bill Hill NURSERY MONITOR Mary Withrow ALTAR GUILD Isma Boland & Beth Boland Isma Boland Jane Wallace & Kay Black ACOLYTE Claire Fingerlin CRUCIFER Adam Fingerlin OFFERING PICKUP Shirley Hanna Floyd Hanna TELLERS Margaret Jumper & Dot Haltiwanger Horace Meetze & Doris Wessinger PROPERTY COMMITTEE Albert Drafts Floyd Hanna 3 COUNCIL HIGHLIGHTS Ann Satterwhite, Council Secretary December 2014 An Automated External Defibrillator has been purchased using memorials and gifts funds. Training for interested members will be taking place in the near future. The Council approved the purchase of two wooden file folders for the pulpit using memorials and gifts funds. The Council approved the purchase of five crosses to be used by the acolyte, crucifer, Bible and banner bearers, using memorials and gifts funds. The Council ap pro ved the construction project for hand rails in the choir loft. The Council voted to hold a congregational meeting on Sunday, January 25, 2015 to kick off the campaign to pay off the mortgage. Election of Council officers for 2015: President-Don Horton; Vice President - Virginia Morris; Representative to E xe c u t i ve co m m i t t e e - H o wa r d Hughes; Secretary-Marie Lybrand (appointed) AVERAGE ATTENDANCE From November 30 through December 28 Sunday School—31 Sunday Worship—86 Christmas Eve Worship— 101 ATTENDANCE NOTE Make a New Year’s pledge to be more diligent in your attendance to worship. 4 STEWARDSHIP & FINANCE REPORTS David Griffith, Chairperson OCTOBER 2014 Receipts Current Building Fund Loose Sunday School other Interest Bucket Fund Memorial Fund Thrivent Youth God's Helping Hands Synodical Apport. Disbursements $12,736.00 $4,980.00 $214.00 $149.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.91 $10.58 $15,538.92 $4,700.00 $75.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,380.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $18,165.49 $0.00 $0.00 $21,618.92 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 November 2014 Receipts Current Building Fund Loose Sunday School other Sistercare Operation Inasmch Lutheran Family Service Poinsettias Interest Bucket Fund Memorial Fund Thrivent Camp Kemo Habitat Synodical Apport. Disbursements $21,532.67 $8,188.22 $169.00 $119.00 $85.58 $0.00 $12,762.99 $4,980.00 $0.00 $450.00 $0.00 $543.00 $0.91 $17.43 $1,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $280.00 $825.00 $0.00 $0.00 $97.99 $0.00 $250.00 $500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $31,760.81 $5,000.00 $0.00 $25,540.98 $0.00 $500.00 DATES TO REMEMBER: January 29, 2015 - 6 PM – Executive Meeting Opening Prayer: Ann Satterwhite March 6, 2015 – World Day of Prayer March 15, 2015 - 3 PM – Spring 2015 Saxe Gotha Conference Meeting – Faith Lutheran Church President—Pam Hanfland Vice President—Barbara Hunter Secretary—Helen Puckhaber Treasurer—Ann Satterwhite Circles Cameron Lydia Rebekah March – OSLC-Lutheran Seminary Auxiliary Sunday first Tuesday evening Elizabeth Shealy & Isma Boland second Monday evening Caroline Raszewski third Monday evening Linda Hill & Jane Wallace 2014 COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS Action—Cameron (Nursery, OSLC Project, 2015 OSLC-WELCA Retreat) Community—Rebekah (Local Project, Easter Egg Hospitality, Entertainment Serve Hunt, Growth—Lydia (2016 OSLC-WELCA Retreat, Women of the ELCA Sunday, Spiritual Gifts, Seminary Auxiliary Sunday, Newberry College W omen’s League 2015 OSLC-WELCA RETREAT AT LUTHERIDGE Deposit of $50.00 was due June 1, 2014. 2nd payment of $50 was due October 5, 2014 and last payment is due February 1, 2015. Please make your check payable to OSLC WELCA, mark "2015 Retreat" on the memo line and give to Doris Wessinger. April 9, 2015 - 6 PM - Joint WELCA Meeting Devotional/Prayer - Cameron Refreshments - Rebekah April 24-26, 2015- 2015 OSLC-WELCA Retreat at Lutheridge April OSLC-Newberry College Women’s League Sunday June 12-13, 2015 - SC Women of the ELCA Convention at St. Stephens Lutheran Church in Lexington September 20, 2015 - 3 PM Fall 2015 Saxe Gotha Conference Meeting October 8, 2015 - 6 PM - Joint WELCA Meeting Devotional/Prayer - Lydia Refreshments – Cameron December 3, 2015 - 6 PM - Executive Meeting Opening Prayer: Barbara Hunter A special thank you to Caroline Raszewski who has served this past year as WELCA President. 5 COMMEMORATION PROFILES Ruth Nicholson The Lutheran Church, as part of its worship, celebrates the lives of notable Christians of the past. Our hymnal provides a calendar (pp. 15–17) for us to follow which recognizes these individuals on the anniversary of their deaths. January 2 John Konrad Wilhelm Loehe, renewer of the church (1808-1872) Johann Loehe’s life and work proved important to Lutheranism in both his native Germany and foreign lands. Though he never attained a post in any German city, remaining all his working life in a village church, Loehe founded a deaconess house and an organization for helping the needy in Germany and a foreign missions society to spread the Gospel abroad. The latter resulted in pastors being sent to North America, Brazil and Australia. The Missouri Synod and Iowa Synod in North America have their roots in Loehe’s endeavors. January 15 Martin Luther King, Jr., renewer of society, martyr (1929 - 1968) Son of a Baptist minister in Atlanta, Georgia, Martin Luther King, Jr., earned degrees in sociology, religious studies, and philosophy. After a pastorate in Montgomery, Alabama, King became copastor with his father at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta. He studied and accepted wholeheartedly Mahatma Gandhi’s doctrine of nonviolent civil disobedience. It was this idea that Dr. King took with him as he founded the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and led a multitude of marches and demonstrations on behalf of civil rights and against both social and economic 6 discrimination. He is remembered for those efforts and for his eloquent speeches, such as the “I Have a Dream” speech of 1963. Dr. King was assassinated during a visit to assist striking sanitation workers in Memphis, Tennessee. In 1983, his birthday (January 15) was declared a national holiday. January 21 Agnes, martyr (291 - c. 304) Few facts about Agnes’ life can be confirmed. Tradition has it that she was born into a noble Roman family whose members were Christians. During the reign of Emperor Diocletian, it is said, Agnes refused an offer of marriage from a Roman official, knowing full well that she might endanger herself by doing so. At the age of 13, Agnes was put to death by Roman authorities. She is considered the patron saint of young women. ELCA PRESS RELEASES The ELCA issues several news releases every month. Below is a partial listing of the releases issued during the last month. The full story may be read at No web access? Contact the church office if a story interests you. 12/01 ELCA and The Episcopal Church commit to ending AIDS pandemic 12/05 ELCA presiding bishop delivers video message on racial justice 12/08 John I Williams Jr. to become president of ELCA’s Muhlenberg College 12/16 ELCA offers prayers for victims of Pennsylvania shootings 12/18 ELCA leaders welcome renewal of diplomatic relations between U.S., Cuba 12/19 ELCA bishops welcome new bishop of Stockport, Church of England 12/19 ELCA members promote racial justice on Solidarity Sunday 12/22 ELCA presiding bishop delivers Christmas message 12/22 Jody Horner named new president of Midland University GRAPEVINE QUIZ Answers on page 10 There are still a few more holidays to be had! A few days left of Christmas, Epiphany. Let’s quiz about biblical holidays! 1. In Exodus 12, the Lord declares the Passover shall be celebrated every year to remember this event. A. The creation B. The deliverance from the waters of the Flood C. The flight from bondage in Egypt D. The time the Goodyear blimp flew over 2. In Leviticus 23, the Lord establishes a festival to remember the time the Israelites spent in the Wilderness. They are to leave their homes and live in what? A. B. C. D. tents caves the temple RVs 3. In Nehemiah 8, the Israelites began to celebrate their festivals again after returning from the Babylonian captivity. What reminded them to do this? A. An oracle by the prophet Elijah B. Ezra reading from the Book of the Law of Moses C. A dream of Nehemiah D. A pop-up reminder email 5. In John 7, Jesus avoids going to this festival because the Jewish leadership is seeking to kill him. A. B. C. D. The festival of the booths Passover The harvest festival The Okra Strut BONUS: In the Old Testament, the Hebrew word kadosh is used to define holidays. We translate it as “holy”. What does it mean? Hint: _ _ T _ P A _ T 2015 WEEK OF PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY Sunday Jan. 18– Sunday, Jan 25, 6:00 pm. Schedule of Churches: Jan 18: Cayce United Methodist Church Jan 19: Transfiguration Lutheran Jan 20: All Saints’ Episcopal Jan 21: Faith Lutheran Jan 22: Providence Presbyterian Jan 23: Congaree Presbyterian Jan 24: Turner AME Jan 25: Mt. Tabor Lutheran Services are 30 minutes long except for January 25 which will include Holy Communion and a reception. 4. When Jesus had his last supper with his disciples in Matthew 26, what holiday was happening? A. B. C. D. Passover Yom Kippur Rosh Hashanah Christmas 7 Dear Members, What you do for us makes it easier for us to help others. Thank you for your gift of food from your Thanksgiving service. God’s Helping Hands A NOTE OF THANKS We'd like to extend our gratitude to all of the talented people who helped to make the 4th Annual Christmas Extravaganza a success again this year. To all of the performers for sharing their gifts and talents, to the many who worked "behind the scenes" with stage, sound, lighting, and decorations, and the incredibly dedicated folks on our Kitchen and Fellowship Team. Finally, a BIG thanks to all of you who attended and to our many REMARKABLE cooks who prepared so many down-home, delicious offerings for the covered-dish dinner after the program. It is your enthusiasm and support that continue to make our Christmas Extravaganza bigger and more delightful every year. Thanks! Dan Hanfland Dear Members of OSLC, Thank you for the generous Christmas gift! Your thoughtfulness and kindness are so very much appreciated. Mary Havens 8 A very heartfelt “Thank You” to all who have helped make our community lunch a success—and this includes all of our church family. You have donated food (and helped prepare it), money to fund it, participated by acting as hosts to welcome our community, helped in clean-up and spread a good word of welcome to all. During the past year we averaged serving 65 meals each month and enjoyed being entertained by Saluda River Academy of the Arts on two occasions (that you Linda Hill for arranging this). Sue Drafts Thanks so much for the many kind things done for us during the most difficult time we have had to face. It meant a lot to us to know you cared. The Kester Family Dear Church family, Every year we have been overwhelmed by your generosity at Christmas time toward our family. Thank you for the wonderful gift. It was so very kind and will be used well. With Love, The Hendersons MORE OSLC NEWS & NOTES AUTOMATED EXERNAL DEFIBRILLATOR The AED (Automated External Defibrillator) is here! We need volunteers who are willing to be trained and certified in CPR and use of the AED. We are also looking for a health care professional (or professionals) willing to serve as our AED liaison. If you are willing to serve in either capacity, please notify the church office. We will set up a training session asap. ELDERBERRIES COME GO WITH THE ELDERBERRIES TO THE PALMETTO SENIOR SHOW….January 15, 2015. Plans are to attend the show and then go to DOC’S BBQ for lunch. Plans are to carpool. Check the bulletin board for specifics and sign-up. Contact Linda Griffith or Linda Hill if you need to be picked up. We still have a few dates open on our 2015 calendar. If you’re interested in hosting our 3rd Thursday gathering (or date you select), please sign up. Got an idea for a speaker, contact Linda G. or Linda H. 2015 FLOWER CHART The flower chart for 2015 is now posted on the bulletin board near the Fellowship Hall. Please consider signing up to contribute flowers for at least one Sunday during the year. RAZBERRIES January Razberries will be hosted by Steve and Beverly Nivens on January 17th. Further details will be printed in the bulletin. CONFERENCE ROOM TAPESTRY If you have not been in the congregational council room lately, please go by and see The Last Supper wall hanging. We truly appreciate this beautiful art work which was donated by Josephine Younginer. HEALTHY SNACKS We continue to support SRAA's Healthy Snack in Pack Program. This program provides weekend snacks put in backpacks for needy children such as individually packed fruit cups, dried fruit, jello, crackers, Granola bars, and juice boxes. Snacks are collected on the first Sunday of each month at Our Saviour as part of our Community Outreach. A box will be in the Narthex on that Sunday; if you bring them at another time during the month the box is kept in the handbell room against the wall. Just place your items in there and they will be taken the next month. Thank you for your support. GOD’S HELPING HANDS Pantry needs are for men, women, and children’s toiletries Items may be brought to the church and placed in the boxes, which are located in the Cameron Hallway. During this cold months, if you would like to give a monetary donation for heating assistance, please note that on the “memo” line on your check. Checks may be given to Virginia Morris, Anne Moye or sent in directly to God’s Helping Hands. CONGREGATIONAL MEETING A congregational meeting will be held immediately after worship service on January 25. 9 PRAYER REQUESTS Those listed below have special prayers needs at this time. We keep the entire congregation in our prayers at all times, but sometimes special prayers are needed. If your name is on the list or you have added someone’s name and they no longer need to be on the list, please contact the church secretary so the name cam be removed. Ilmars & Faith Birznieks Robin Blocker The family of Julie Corbett Katie Doble Raymond Eargle Margaret Ford (Oakleaf Village, Apt. 335) Mickey Golden (cousin of Linda Yonce) Clara Gregory (Harbor Chase, #203) Kelly Hallman (friend of Steven & Kathy Hutto) Louvenia Hendrix (sister of Jane Wallace) The family of Carroll Kester JANUARY BIRTHDAYS Sara Addy Mark Satterwhite Courtney Adkins Linda Griffith Jean Hopkins Isma Boland Lance Henderson Steve Coppock, Jr. Kelli Powell Albert Drafts Raymond Eargle Floyd Hanna, Jr. Greg Chapman Linda Yonce 01/04 01/05 01/08 01/10 01/11 01/12 01/17 01/20 01/20 01/22 01/22 01/26 01/29 01/30 Evelyn Lybrand (Presbyterian Communities, Room 217) Savannah McRae The family of Patsy Poole (grandmother of Steven Hutto) Bunny Richardson (friend of the Hughes and Tisdale families) Pearl Richardson (The Heritage at Lowman) Janice Satterfield (friend of the Hughes family) Marie Shealy (Morningside Ret Ctr Apt 131) Vera Summer (Oakleaf Village, Room 214) Mae Wicker JANUARY ANNIVERSARIES Charles & Ruth Nicholson Bobby & Wendy Manos, Sr. 01/04 01/21 Please Note: if there are any errors or omissions in birthdays or anniversaries, notify the church office. We want to make sure our records are correct. GRAPEVINE ARTICLES If you have articles, reports and/or pictures that you or your group would like printed in the August Grapevine, please send them to the Church Office on or before Friday January 23. Answers 1. C. The flight from bondage in Egypt; 2.A. tents; 3. B. Ezra reading from the Book of the Law of Moses; 4. A. Passover; 5. A. The festival of the booths BONUS—SET APART 10 CHRISTMAS EXTRAVAGANZA 2014! Special thanks to emcee Dan Hanfland and all the performers that made this year’s Extravaganza…. well… EXTRAVAGANT! 11 Our Saviour Lutheran Church 1500 Sunset Blvd. West Columbia, SC 29169 x Address Service Requested living in the light of our Saviour 12 NON-PROFIT ORG. U. S. POSTAGE P-A-I-D COLUMBIA, SC 29292 PERMIT NO. 160 x x
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