The Friendly Visitor - Christ Lutheran Church

Friendly Visitor
Christ Lutheran Church
1306 Wilcox Street
Menomonie, WI 54751
February @ Christ
Souper Bowl of Caring; Scout Sunday; Worship
with Holy Communion at 9 a.m.; COSMO at 10:10
Spiritual Direction at 10 a.m. [every Tuesday].
Christ Time at 6:15 p.m.
Synod Event at CLC at 10 a.m.; Worship with
Holy Communion in Fellowship Hall at 5 p.m.
[service at 5 p.m. held every Saturday].
8 Worship at 9 a.m.; COSMO at 10:10 a.m.
11 Christ Time at 6:15 p.m.
12 Taizé Service at 7:30 p.m. at United Methodist
Missions Bake Sale; Youth Sunday; Worship
with Holy Comm. at 9 a.m.; COSMO with Mardi
Gras Parent Brunch at 10:10 a.m.
17 Red Cross Blood Drive in Fellowship Hall
from 12 noon to 6 p.m.
ASH WEDNESDAY, Men’s Bible Study at 9
a.m.; Orientation for First Communion at 5:30 p.m.;
Lenten Supper at 6 p.m.; Ash Wednesday Service at
7 p.m.
22 Lutheran Campus Ministry Sunday; Food Pantry Sunday; Worship at 9 a.m.; COSMO at 10:10
Men’s Bible Study at 9 a.m.; First Communion
Class at 5:30 p.m.; Lenten Supper at 6 p.m.; Lenten
Worship at 7 p.m.
Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser for Dunn County
Humane Society in CLC Fellowship Hall from 4
p.m. to 7 p.m.
February 2015
Missions Bake Sale—Feb. 15
The Outreach Committee is having a Missions Bake
Sale in the narthex on Sunday, February 15. Baked
goods are appreciated for the sale. Proceeds help support our missionaries in Japan—Patrick & Jackie
Bencke and family. Thanks for your support!
Blood Drive—Feb. 17
Christ Lutheran will be hosting and supporting a blood
drive for the Red Cross on Tuesday, February 17. Volunteers are needed! In addition, donations of food items
are needed for the canteen. Cheese curds, pretzels,
cookies (no peanuts or peanut butter), crackers, and orange juice are much appreciated! Please have these
items at the church by Monday, February 16. To volunteer and/or donate items, please sign up in the narthex or
contact Doris Faber at 235-4590.
Lent begins February 18
Please join us on Wednesdays beginning Ash Wednesday, February 18, through Wednesday, March 25, for
the Lenten Supper at 6 p.m. in the CLC Fellowship Hall
followed by Lenten worship at 7 p.m. in the sanctuary.
The theme for this year’s Wednesday Lenten Services
will be “Monologues of the Bible.”
Thanks to the Congregational Life Committee for serving the Lenten Supper on Ash Wednesday, and thanks
to Christ Time families and Lutheran Campus Ministry
for serving the Lenten Suppers throughout Lent.
Men’s Bible Study
A new Men’s Bible Study on Galatians begins on
Wednesday, February 18, at 9 a.m. The group will meet
each Wednesday for four or five weeks in the education
Pastor’s Page
ay “Yes!” It's really an easy
thing to do. We say “yes” to
many things each day. Will you
help me? Yes. Would you like
cream with your coffee? Yes. Do
you want fries with that? Yes. Going up? Yes. Can I play outside?
Yes. If it is so simple to say “yes”
to these things every day, why is it
so difficult for so many of us to
say “yes” to God each day?
“yes” to God—you radiate the joy
of God's love. Those around you
can see and feel the awesome
power of your faith. You spread
the word of our Lord in your everyday words and actions, simply
by living your life of faith. Your
family, friends, coworkers and
even the young lady at the coffee
shop benefit from your commitment to God each time you interact with them. What a wonderful
gift to share.
Go ahead and make that commitment and live in His light today.
It's easy—all you have to do is say
Kaye Wurm
Youth Co-Director
Pastoral Act
 Peyton Lee Wayne—January
18, 2015, by Pastor Geoff
Most of our daily choices do not
require much thought or commitment on our part. Once you answer, you move on to the next
task of the day and ready yourself
for the next choice you need to
make. Although saying “yes” to
God each day does require more
consideration and commitment
than deciding whether or not you
want cream in your coffee, it
should actually be the easiest decision of the day. Choose to greet
each day with a renewed commitment to our Lord: “Speak, Lord;
for thy servant heareth” (1 Samuel
3:10). Say “yes” to listening and
following God's plan for you each
and every day. Beginning your
day in this way enables you to
hand your worries and troubles
over to God and opens you up to
receive all the beauty and goodness that a life with faith in our
Lord offers. The possibilities are
Something else happens when you
make the commitment to say
The Friendly Visitor
Page 2
February 2015
For Basin for Baptismal Font in Sanctuary in memory of: 1/18—Hazel
Scharlau from Curt Peterson; Doris Gibson from Dema Sorenson.
For the Building Fund in memory of:
12/31/14—Doris Gibson, Pastor Peterson, and Lyle Finder from Eileen Stark;
1/18—Arlene’s cousin Rosemary Lynch
from Don & Arlene Eiseth.
For the Christ Lutheran Church
Women (CLCW) in memory of: 1/4—
Lyle Finder from Arnie & Arlene Mork.
For the Christ Lutheran Sunday
School (COSMO) in memory of: 1/4—
Lyle Finder from Jeff & Mary Merritt
and family; from Gordy & Molly Lande.
For Current Expenses (General Fund)
in memory of: 1/4—Lyle Finder from
Gladys Klopp; from Louren & Ruby
Schlottman; 1/11—Lyle Finder from the
Wilterdink family; 1/25—Lyle Finder
from David & Ardith Jacobson.
For the Radio Broadcast Fund in
memory of: 12/31/14—Ron’s sister
Laura Bergelin from Ron & Doris Faber
[for broadcast on January 11, 2015].
Undesignated in memory of: 1/4—Ray
Hart from Steven Hart and Helen Hart;
Vi Hawkinson from Richard & Karen
Olson; Lyle Finder from Lisa Crouse;
from Shirley Browning; from Lynn & Jo
Stewart; from Dick Tyson & Dayle Mandelson; from Bill & Sandy Neverdahl;
from Ann Townsend; from Rodger &
Nancy Bourget; from Jerry & Jan Traxler; from Kelly & Diane Stevens; from
Martha Stewart; from Luther & Joyce
Johnson; from Dan & Marilyn Tye; from
Ron & Doris Faber; from Gordy & Molly
Lande; from Roger & Arlene Wieman;
from Cheryl Lowery; from Donald &
Lola Thompson; from Charlene Kiesau;
from Jeff & Amy Wheeler; from Roy &
Deloris Cropp; from Jean Ann Keck;
from Ethel Frank; from Dan Husby; from
Donald & Hazel Hintzman; from David
& Gloria Buss; from John Trainor;
1/11—Vera Johnson from Beth Mares;
from Claudia Mork Kjenslee and Kathleen Kjenslee; from Ann Townsend;
from Cheryl Lowery; from Dan &
Marilyn Tye; from Jerry & Jan Traxler;
from Stan & Joan Labs; from Joan ErickThe Friendly Visitor
son; from Bruce Jungerberg; from Bill &
Shirley Schulman; from from Clyde &
Janet Allison; from Florence Gullickson;
from Harold & Gloria Larson; from
Ernest, Brenda, and Byron Anderson;
from Steve & Jackie McCracken; from
Wayne & Judy Rogge; from Ike &
Ramona North; from Curly & Paula
Christianson; from Larry & Tammy
Johnson; from Steve & Dianna Brantner;
from Jeff & Sue Johnson; from Brian &
Vicki Johnson; Lyle Finder from Claudia
Mork Kjenslee and Kathleen Kjenslee;
from Marlys M. Jones; from Elaine
Hawkinson; from Janice Miller; from
family and friends; from Sally Johnson;
1/25—and honoring all veterans of
World War II and beyond with heartfelt
love and remembrance from Liza Grandstaff (WWII vet).
Our sympathy to . . .
. . . Pat Pernot and family in the loss
of her sister-in-law, Dagny Meisner,
on December 30. A Celebration of
Life was held on January 3 in Altoona.
February Altar
Care Notes
 Sunday, February 1—
Worship service at 9 a.m.
with Holy Communion (kneeling).
 Sunday, February 15—Worship
service at 9 a.m. with Holy Communion (intinction).
 Ash Wednesday, February 18—
Worship service at 7 p.m. with
Holy Communion (intinction).
Safe Harbor Campaign begins Feb. 7
at Christ Lutheran
On February 7, Cherish All Children and
the Lutheran Office for Public Policy in
Wisconsin (LOPPW) are hosting a conference to begin their jointly-sponsored
“Safe Harbor Campaign.”
The “Safe Harbor Campaign” is focused
on raising awareness of child sex trafficking in Wisconsin and how people of
Page 3
faith may advocate on behalf of vulnerable and trafficked children.
The three-hour conference will include a
discussion with local law enforcement
and representatives from Cherish All
Children and LOPPW, with local resources provided. The conference will be
held here at Christ Lutheran from 10 a.m.
to 1 p.m. (Check-in time is at 9:30 a.m.)
Lunch is provided.
The event is open to the public. To preregister by February 3, call 612-2801259, or go to
safeharborkickoff. Cost to attend this
event is $10.00 per person. You may pay
online when you register or by cash/
check at the door.
The fee for this event covers the lunch
and a donation to the Menomonie Police
Department to create a “soft room” for
abused children and their families who
come to the Police Department. Additional support for this event is being provided by Thrivent Financial and Jimmy
John’s of Menomonie.
For more information about Cherish All
Children, visit
Cherish All Children, based in Minneapolis, is a national Lutheran ministry of
prayer, education, relationship-building,
and action to prevent child sexual exploitation.
For more information about LOPPW,
visit LOPPW is based
in Madison and is a ministry of the
ELCA. In faithful response to God’s
love, LOPPW engages people of faith in
the ministry of advocacy for policies that
support peace, justice, and care for all of
God’s creation.
Pastor Diane House and Robbie Joern
were interviewed on WQOW recently.
To view the news clip from this interview, go to
Welcome to our
newest member at
Christ Lutheran!
Barb Frey
420 Heller Road, Apt. 301
Menomonie, WI 54751
February 2015
Christ Lutheran Church
Council Minutes
December 8, 2014
Members Present
Gary Johnson, Tom Meister, Kristy
Binkley, Mary Merritt, Leslie Falkner,
Dick Rank (ex-officio), Jeff Merritt, Jeremy Wilterdink, Nancy Bourget, Arla
Graff, Pastor Geoff Scott (ex-officio).
Members Absent
Heather Lannon, Jim Johnson, Christine
Call to Order
Council President Gary Johnson called
the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. at the
Jeremy Wilterdink presented the devotions.
Vision Statement
Mary Merritt recited our Vision Statement.
Mission Statement
Nancy Bourget recited our Mission Statement.
Council Purpose
All Council members recited our Council
Approval of Minutes
October and November 2014 Council
Minutes were approved:
[12-1] A motion was made and seconded
to accept the minutes of the October
Council meeting. Merritt, M./Meister;
motion carried.
[12-2] A motion was made and seconded
to accept the minutes of the November
Council meeting. Meister/Falkner; motion
Treasurer’s Report
Thanks to five weekends in November,
we ended up with a positive balance. We
are still down $7,162.90 for the year depending on how the December offerings
are. We received a bill in the amount of
$1,249 for Bob Dahm’s ordination reception. The Council had originally approved
$500 to go towards these expenses.
$60,000 has been invested from the Betty
Gesche estate. A new expense beginning
in November is the Youth Director’s position. Memorial gifts totaling $385 have
been received for the ELCA Malaria
Campaign. Due to the fact that we’ve
The Friendly Visitor
more than met our goal for this project,
the Council discussed rescinding an earlier motion for funds to be taken from
Undesignated Memorials for the Malaria
[12-3] A motion was made and seconded
to pay the remaining balance needed to
cover expenses for Bob Dahm’s ordination luncheon from Thrivent Choice
funds. Merritt, M./Falkner; motion carried.
[12-4] A motion was made and seconded
to rescind a prior motion to withdraw $60
from Undesignated Memorials for the
ELCA Malaria Campaign. Falkner/
Merritt, J.; motion carried.
[12-5] A motion was made and seconded
to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Meister/
Graff; motion carried.
Pastor’s Report
November proved to be an extremely
busy month with one interment and four
funerals being held in addition to Thanksgiving Eve service, Bible Study for
CLCW, and Bob Dahm’s ordination service. Additional time was spent on sermons with all the extra activity. Pastor
Geoff participated in the Love Light TreeLighting ceremony on December 1 at the
Mayo Clinic Health System by leading
with an opening prayer. He will be meeting with Marilyn tomorrow to work out a
schedule for Christmas services. Pastor
Geoff is appreciative of the youth directors’ assistance in working with Christ
Time and the confirmands. They are doing a great job.
Items from Committees
Congregational Life: Rehearsals are well
underway for the Christmas program
which will be held on December 14.
Cookie decorating and ALH caroling is
set for December 10. The plan is to meet
for pizza at 5 p.m., decorate cookies at
5:30 p.m. and begin caroling at 6:15 p.m.
Approximately eight Christ Time students
will go as a group to the Menomonie
Theater Guild’s play, “It’s a Wonderful
Life” on December 13.
Outreach Committee: Committee met to
discuss the various possibilities of disseminating money from Betty Gesche’s
estate towards missions. On March 30 we
will be serving food at LCM. Twenty-five
dollars, instead of the $250 originally
discussed, is needed for the Free Health
Day expenses. There will be a meeting to
discuss changes to next year’s schedule
for the Free Health Day. Mission Bake
Sale will be held next Sunday.
Administration: (no report available)
Old Business
A. Covenant Fund--Mission Investment
Fund Money: Renew the Mission
Investment Fund as a demand deposit
to give us time to make a recommendation at the Annual Meeting. ELCA
Foundation Endowment Fund is at 4
percent, or another option could be
for diversification. $22,552 is the
current balance.
B. Comprehensive Ministry Review:
CLC has an opportunity to participate
in a Comprehensive Ministry Review—an effort to revitalize and renew congregations. The Review
(continued on next page)
Council E-Mail Directory
Nancy Bourget (Outreach Committee):
Leslie Falkner (Congregational Life Cmte.):
Arla Graff (Outreach Committee): (no email address)
Gary Johnson (Cong. Life):
Jim Johnson (Administration Committee):
Tom Meister (Council Vice President):
Jeff Merritt (Outreach Committee):
Mary Merritt (Congregational Life Cmte.):
Christine Ness (Administration Cmte.):
Pastor Geoff Scott:
Gordon Smith (Administration Committee): (no email address)
Lori Smith (Council Secretary):
Jeremy Wilterdink (Council President):
Page 4
February 2015
(December Council Minutes continued from previous page)
involves four to five pastors and lay
people from the synod coming to the
congregation for a three-day ministry
review. The final report will give us
an analysis of where we are at and
where we are headed as a congregation. Council members were asked to
share this information with their
committees and ask for feedback on
how to proceed.
New Business
A, Christmas Offering Designation:
[12-6] A motion was made and seconded
to designate the Christmas offering to go
to the General Fund. Graff/Merritt, M.;
motion carried.
B. Annual Meeting Date: The fourth
Sunday of January--January 25,
C. Delegates for the Luther Park Annual
The meeting is scheduled for January
24, 2015, at 10 a.m. Three delegates
may attend from our congregation.
An announcement will be made at
future Sunday services asking for
volunteers interested in attending.
D. Talen Trust Fund check in the
amount of $1,282 needs to be designated. Tabled until next month’s
[12-7] A motion was made and seconded
to adjourn the meeting. Merritt, J./
Falkner; motion carried.
Meeting was adjourned at 8 p.m. The
meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer.
Kristy Binkley, Secretary
Thank you . . .
. . . to all who sent cards or gifts
during this Christmas season. They
were much appreciated and treasured. We are blessed to serve this
community of faith!
- Pastor Geoff & Kathy Scott
The Friendly Visitor
. . . to all of the CLCW for your
generous gift at the Christmas program. It’s always a fun event.
Blessings on all the work you do
for the good of the Gospel!
- Pastor Geoff
. . . to everyone who donated a gift
to our residents to open on Christmas morning. Everyone was
thrilled with their gifts and so
thankful. Thank you for your kindness and willingness to share the
holiday season with us. Happy
New Year!
Deb Haugrose,
ALH Activities Director
. . . for the lovely prayer shawl and
for the get-well card I received.
Your prayers carried me through
surgery and the healing process. I
will continue to draw on the
prayers while I go through all future treatments. Thank you very
much. God bless you.
- Barbara Frey
. . . to the Christ Lutheran Church
Women for your assistance and for
your thoughts, prayers, and kindness during this difficult time.
- The family of Vera E. Johnson
. . . to the CLCW for the quilt and
to everyone for their prayers and
concern. It’s all very much appreciated!
- Gordon Buddy
. . . to Sharon Larson for the donation of a new computer for youth
ministry at CLC!
. . . to Amber and Will Gilbertson
and their family for donating a Wii
for the youth ministry at CLC!
you to everyone who donated to
help send me to Juarez, Mexico,
for my mission trip. I feel truly
blessed to have so much support
from everyone. - Andy Hillestad
Dear Members of the Church,
We are incredibly grateful for
your generous donation of $19.25
to Luther Park’s Annual Fund.
Thank you so much for your
prayers and support of this amazing ministry!
Keith Newman, Executive Director
Luther Park Bible Camp
Luther Park Celebration!
Luther Park Bible Camp had a wonderful Annual Meeting January 24. At the
meeting we were able to announce Luther Park has now paid off the long-term
debt! We owe many thanks to churches, church groups, individuals, volunteers,
and gifts “in kind.” We want to thank all who helped with this last push to
eliminate the debt and all who keep this wonderful ministry in their prayers.
Your prayers and support have not only allowed Luther Park to pay off a 20year loan but also to grow. Camper numbers were up in 2014 by 25 percent.
Guest group usage and non-summer programmed events also increased!
God is good! We are immensely grateful and want the enthusiasm and support
to continue as there is much to do. We can now focus on moving forward
needed projects and renovations the debt has delayed. We pray you keep this
wonderful ministry in your prayers as you are always in ours.
In God’s grace,
The Luther Park Staff
Page 5
February 2015
January sunshine might not
change the snow depth, but
“Sunshine” is changing! Our
dedicated “Sunshine Group” will
not be meeting at American Lutheran Home in January, February, and March as in previous
years. “Sunshine” will resume on
April 22 when residents of Autumn Village and American Lutheran Home come over to the
CLC Fellowship Hall for noon
lunch and entertainment. Volunteers and a dish to pass are always
needed and appreciated for noon
Sunshine Lunch at church the
fourth Wednesday of the month
from April through October.
There is still a need for a Sunshine Coordinator.
The new booklets for the church
women were mailed out on January 15. If you did not receive your
copy in the mail, please let the
church office know so that a copy
may be mailed to you.
All ladies who are members are
included in the booklet and assigned to a Circle. The duties of
these Circles are explained in the
We invite any ladies who are interested in a Bible study to come
and join us at Circle meetings the
third Thursday of the month as
Pastor Scott leads us in the study.
Letters will be sent soon, asking
for donations for the Circles to
help with projects. Thanks for
your support again this year.
Please make checks payable to
The Friendly Visitor
Quilting Ministry
More people are needed to help
make quilts on Mission Work
Days, usually held the second and
fourth Tuesday of the month at 9
a.m. No sewing skills or experience are needed. We can teach
you what you need to do to tie a
quilt in about five minutes.
Large pieces of material are
needed for quilts, and blankets are
needed to be used as filler for
quilts. (We’ve used all the filler
that we had stockpiled!)
If quilting isn’t your “thing,”
stamp cutters are always needed
on Mission Work Days. The canceled postage stamps cut from
envelopes are eventually sent to a
non-profit agency, “Stamps for a
Whether you come to Mission
Work Days to quilt or to cut
stamps, thanks for joining us in
helping others. Added benefits are
friendly conversations, coffee and
Quilt for sale
See the quilt for sale hanging on
the wall in the narthex. The current quilt being displayed for sale
measures 60” x 80” and the asking price is $45.00. Make check
payable to CLCW and indicate
“quilt fund” on the memo line of
the check. This is an ongoing
fundraiser sponsored by the
CLCW to help cover shipping
costs in sending quilts and kits to
Circles meet at church at 9:30
a.m.; Joy and Hope Circles meet
at church at 1:30 p.m.
February 24: Mission Work Day
at 9 a.m.
Looking ahead
The annual CLCW Thrift, Bake,
Plant & Quilt Sale is coming in
May. Please start thinking of
items to donate for the sale. Donations of items are appreciated;
however, please keep in mind that
we do not accept clothing except
for baby items.
Gay Evenson and Ardith Jacobson
CLCW Co-Presidents
Feb. 12
7:30 p.m.
United Methodist
2703 Bongey Dr.
Dates to remember
February 7: Synod Event at CLC
at 10 a.m. (CLCW and Bakers
Guild take care of serving).
February 10: Mission Work Day
at 9 a.m.
February 19: Charity and Peace
Page 6
February 2015
Congratulations to
Derek & Michelle
Evenson on the birth
of Tucker Jerome on
December 23! Congratulations also to
grandparents Terry &
Ruth Evenson and to
Jerome & Gay Evenson!
Happy belated 60th
birthday to Gary Wagner on December 29!
Happy 90th birthday to
Pat Pernot on February
now available
for Luther Park
Bible Camp
Luther Park, your Lutheran camp and conference center, is pleased to announce that registration for the
2015 summer camp program is
now available. Visit to see all the
programs for children and youth in
kindergarten through 12th grade.
Register by creating a new account
through our new registration sys-
tem and making a secure payment
with a credit card. You have the
option of printing out a registration
form from the website and registering by mail. The 2015 summer
camp brochures are available at
the church. Check out the new
camp programs and activities. To
get your first choice of the program offerings, pick up a brochure
or go to today. If you have any questions,
please contact the camp office at or call 715859-2215.
WE NEED SNACKS! Please bring a
non-perishable snack item to share for
COSMO snack time.
We would like to say a HUGE
THANK YOU to Susie, Erin and
Mary Merritt for making and selling
baked goods to benefit the Youth of
CLC! They raised $215!
February 1 is Souper Bowl of Caring
Sunday! Come dressed in your favorite football gear to collect funds and
cans of soup for Stepping Stones
Food Pantry. Let's try to raise more
than last year's $185 and 61 cans of
Fifth Grade Families: We will begin
our First Communion Class with a
brief parent orientation on Ash
Wednesday, February 18, at 5:30 p.m.
First Communion class will then meet
each Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. the five
weeks of Lent (February 25; March 4,
11, 18, and 25.) Lenten Supper will be
served at 6 p.m. followed by the
Lenten Service at 7 p.m.
The Friendly Visitor
Page 7
February 2015
Your Synod
Resource Center
Like the ELCA, your synod resource
center is "deeply rooted and always
being made new."
Deeply rooted
Like other full-service resource centers, it has provided congregations
and leaders with books, curriculum,
DVDs, magazines and other print resources. For the past 14 years Bonnie
Weber and Greg Kaufmann have
been available to come to your congregation to make it easy for leaders
in your congregation to select the appropriate resources to do your ministry.
It was staffed five days a week, and
mailed out resources daily.
Inquiries could be made about resources by phone or email and were
promptly answered. The staff regularly set up displays at congregational, conference and synod events,
including evening meetings for congregational committees.
The staff also served as the contact
persons for our synod's Lay School of
Ministry and certain Malawi events.
Always being made new
Since its inception in 2000, the Synod
Resource Center of the Northwest
Synod of Wisconsin has been an innovator in resourcing congregations
and the entire ELCA.
In addition to being a full-service resource center, it also served as the
website to house "open files" for the
entire Association of Lutheran Resource Centers (http://
With the increased use of social media, resource centers across the ELCA
are adapting. The Association of Lutheran Resource Centers (ALRC) was
challenged by Presiding bishop Liz
Eaton to create a Facebook page that
could serve the entire ELCA (https://
The ALRC has created a number of
Pinterest boards based on the normal
The Friendly Visitor
categories of ministry that a congregation does (
What does this mean for the
Northwest Synod of Wisconsin
Resource Center?
Bonnie Weber, who has served as
assistant director since its inception,
retired December 1, 2014. She will
serve as a volunteer, along with
Delores Harrison, in order to enable
the center to continue serving you and
your congregation.
The center will be open Monday and
Tuesday of most weeks. Hours will
be 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The website remains available 24/7:
You can leave phone messages at 715
-833-1153. You can email the center
anytime with questions
January 16, 2015
Dear Brothers and Sisters of the Northwest Synod of WI,
On January 13, 2015, President Arthur Peter Mutharika of Malawi declared a
state of disaster for Malawi because of flooding. In addition to the flooding, the
situation is more dire because the rains came late, and the survival of the crops is
now in question as well. About 15 districts including Karonga, Rumphi, Thyolo,
Zomba, Machinga, Mangochi, Salima, Mulanje, Phalombe, Nsanje and Chikwawa
have been affected by the heavy rains. As of now 48 Malawian lives have been
lost, and 70,000 are homeless.
Malawi needs more than $500,000 to mitigate the impact and to save lives.
Please be on the lookout for information on or response as a synod. In the meantime, please pray for the people of Malawi and Mozambique. If you are in a
matched congregation or parish, begin your own fundraising projects now. I am
thinking that we will begin with a designated Sunday to bring in special offering.
Above all, please pray for the people of Malawi and that the crops do survive
and that a famine can be averted.
Thank You and God Bless,
Rev. John A. Sutherland, Assistant to the Bishop
Northwest Synod of Wisconsin
January 21, 2015
Dear Brothers and Sisters of the Northwest Synod of WI,
Many of you have been asking how we can help our companions in Malawi due
to the recent devastating floods. Below is the first stage of the synod's outreach.
Planning guide
"A Valentine for Malawi, the Warm Heart of Africa"
1. The response Sunday is planned for February 15, 2015. Please be sure to include this in upcoming bulletins and newsletters and emphasize that this is a
synod-wide event, and our goal is to have 100 percent of congregations participate.
2. In the preceding Sundays, please continue to include Malawi in your intercessions, and present the information that I will be sending.
3. Please have your Sunday Schools or youth decorate Valentine Boxes to be used
for the response. These boxes should be accessible and out for use on Sunday,
February 8.
4. Please emphasize that gifts/checks should be made out to the Northwest Synod
of WI. The line item should be designated as "Flood relief."
5. Please use the litanies and prayers that will be arriving in later correspondences
on February 14 and 15.
Rev. John A. Sutherland, Assistant to the Bishop
Northwest Synod of Wisconsin
Page 8
February 2015
Chippewa Valley
Habitat for Humanity
A Brush With Kindness
A Brush with Kindness is a nationwide effort of Habitat for Humanity International to serve lowincome homeowners who struggle
to maintain the exterior of their
What we do
Chippewa Valley Habitat for
Humanity works with lowincome homeowners to repair
and maintain their homes. A
Brush with Kindness helps insure
families are living in safe and wellmaintained homes, keeps homeowners in their homes, protects
their financial assets, and restores
homeowners' dignity and pride of
The Life Cycle of
Your Donation
Strong families start at
 Your donation to Habitat for
Humanity supports the lumber, roof, and services to build
a new home for a hard working family in need of a decent
 The family puts in 400 hours
of “sweat equity” by building
their home alongside volunteers.
 The family purchases their
home with a 30-year, interest-
free mortgage. They just built
and bought their own HOME!
Loans are repaid and the
money is recycled over and
over again to build many more
strong homes.
A HOME changes everything
 86 percent report being happier than before moving.
 70 percent report improved
 65 percent say children’s confidence has improved.
 58 percent are better off financially.
How we do it
We reach out to families and
neighborhood organizations to
identify homeowners whose
homes are in the greatest need of
repair. These people often tend to
be seniors, people with disabilities,
and single-parent families.
We help homeowners with minor
exterior repairs, painting, and other
maintenance. This typically includes fixing broken windows,
doors, loose siding, rotting soffits,
peeling paint, and overgrown landscaping.
Why we do it
This homeowner-by-homeowner
approach translates into
stronger neighborhoods and
communities. Many low-income
homeowners live in challenging
circumstances which create issues
that are beyond what they can handle alone. A Brush with Kindness
helps to provide home preservation
services that support and
strengthen our applicants.
The Friendly Visitor
Page 9
February 2015
Suggestion Forms
There are Suggestion Forms available in the narthex. Please use the
form to make suggestions or express any concerns you have for
our ministry. All forms should be
submitted to the church office in a
sealed envelope addressed to the
Executive Board. The Executive
Board will be responsible for
bringing your suggestion/concern
to the attention of the Church
Council and reporting back to you
what action was taken.
Audio Ministry
Sunday sermons are broadcast on
local radio station WMEQ 880
AM (and worldwide via iHeartRadio) Sundays at 9:30 a.m.; or listen
to recent Sunday services on-line
Did you know?
If you use Google's Gmail calendar on your computer, you can
keep the Christ Lutheran calendar
a click away by simply adding
to the “add a friend's calendar” box
in your Google calendar. (The
same calendar is available to anyone with web access by simply
clicking the “Calendar” tab on our
web site:
“Friendly Visitor”
To receive monthly emails linking
the latest “Friendly Visitor” web
version, visit
The Friendly Visitor and click
"Go Green." Using instructions
there, you may also elect to stop
receiving the paper version by
U.S. Mail.
The Lutheran
To those who did not subscribe to
The Lutheran magazine, help yourself to one of the issues available on
the end table in the hallway across
from the office.
Here’s a look at the February issue:
 Proud to be ELCA. What
draws people to the ELCA?
Hear from readers from a variety of denominations and faiths
about their journey to membership in the ELCA. For many,
“It’s all about that grace.” To
help your discussion, visit for a
study guide (click on “study
guides” on the left-hand side).
 Let’s talk. In her February column in The Lutheran, ELCA
Presiding Bishop Elizabeth A.
Eaton admits that it’s difficult
to talk about race in this country. But not talking about it
won’t make it go away. She’s
convinced that “not only is the
church the appropriate place
for this conversation, it might
be the only place where the
deep, honest, even painful conversation about race can take
place . . .”
 Think about this. The Lutheran
is a resource for adult forums
and individual study. In the
Page 10
February issue, ponder “Faith;”
columnist Peter Marty says it
is saying yes with one’s heart
to a God worth trusting. Go
deeper into “Immigration”
with an ELCA teaching theologian who helps us come to
terms with our faith tradition
and current affairs. Contemplate spiritual practices for
Lent. Go “Beyond memos”
and think about the lost art of
letter writing. Or see how
families become fluent in the
language of faith. (To help
your discussion, find a study
guide at;
menu is on the left).
We are creative. In the February issue of The Lutheran, see
ELCA members at work in
creative and new ways. Meet
an ELCA pastor who shares
the word in a canvas crusade.
Learn how posters are showing
Wisconsin pastors in a new
light. Discover a Lutheran program that offers companions to
seniors. Travel to Massachusetts where change is the “one
constant” for a lively ministry.
Go dancing in Florida. Visit
the Holy Land, where a ministry opens up Scripture to deaf
Christians. Or plan a Lenten
“Hunger Hunt.”
Online: Visit The Lutheran’s
website at
for your research and study
needs. Find more than 11,000
archived articles and 400 study
February 2015
Thank you for service this month! If you cannot serve at your scheduled day or time, it is your responsibility to
exchange with someone and then notify the church office (235-5573) of the change by 2 p.m. on Wednesday.
Scripture Readers
February 1
Scout Sunday
February 8
Gary Johnson
February 15
Youth Sunday
February 22
Lutheran Campus Ministry Sunday
Ushers (Feb. 1)
Jerry Traxler and Dan Gonstead
Ushers (Feb. 8, 15, and 22)
Kevin & Heather Lannon
Ushers (Ash Wed., Feb. 18;
and Lenten Service, Feb. 25)
Jerry Smith and Bill Neverdahl
February 1
Scout Sunday
February 8
Jerome & Gay Evenson
February 15
Youth Sunday
February 22
Lutheran Campus Ministry Sunday
February 1
Kayla Link
February 8
Dylan Crouse
February 15
Amber Gilbertson
February 22
Trinity Norman
Communion Assistants
February 1 (Kneeling)
February 15 (Intinction)
Joan Labs, Jake & Shirley Bostrom, Kayla Link,
Assisting Lay Minister, Pastor Geoff Scott
Ken Iverson, Kathleen Kjenslee, Dan & Leslie Falkner,
Assisting Lay Minister, Pastor Geoff Scott
Ash Wednesday, February 18, 7 p.m. (intinction): Arla Graff, Ken & Sherry Iverson, Ardith Jacobson,
Assisting Lay Minister, Pastor Geoff Scott
Coffee Servers
February 1: Kayla Link and family
February 8: Dylan Crouse and family
February 15: Amber Gilbertson and family
February 22: Trinity Norman and family
February Altar Care: Deb Johnson and Arlene Mork
February Money Counters: Marlin & Judy Severson
The Friendly Visitor
Page 11
February 2015
CLC Prayer Chain
The Prayer Chain is being updated. Please contact the
church office by February 2 if you would be willing to
serve as a “link” on the chain.
The Prayer Chain is a phone tree (a group of people who
call or email each other). The first “link” will be contacted, usually by the church office, with a specific request for prayers for someone in a critical situation such
as a car accident, cancer diagnosis, etc. The person contacted then calls or emails the next link on the chain, and
then that link calls the next one, etc. The chain of prayer
is complete when the last link, having been notified of the
prayer request, calls the first link to complete the loop.
Prayer Ventures for February
1 Give thanks, especially during Black History Month, for our
sisters and brothers of African descent participating in God’s
work of restoring and reconciling communities in the name of
Jesus Christ throughout the world.
2 Remember the Za’atari Refugee Camp in Jordan, a ministry of
The Lutheran World Federation, that was hit hard by unusually
severe winter storms this past month.
3 We are a church together. Remember in your prayers the congregations, ministries and leaders of the Sierra Pacific, Arkansas
- Oklahoma, and Caribbean Synod of the ELCA.
4 We pray for the warmth and safety of people and communities
facing severe cold, snow and flooding during the winter months.
5 As outdoor ministry leaders seek staff across the country for
their summer programs, pray for young adults to carefully consider their invitations and opportunities to serve.
6 The need for safe, warm shelter for people who are homeless
is particularly critical in the winter months. Send us forth to be
your people in the world, inspiring and sharing resources so that
all may have dependable shelter.
7 We pray that God’s Spirit of justice, peace and reconciliation
will turn the hearts and minds of nations, leaders and factions to
peaceful means of resolving conflicts and wars, and rebuilding
communities and nations.
8 We pray for healing among people suffering in the current flu
epidemic, and we give thanks for the skills and commitment of
the health care professionals who care for us.
9 Gracious God, we ask that wisdom, compassion and justice
will guide the leaders of the United States and Cuba, as they
work toward new diplomatic relationships, reconciliation, healing and the reunification of families.
10 For men, women and young adults considering preparation
for full-time ministry in this church, we pray for their discernment and that they might use their unique skills and life experiences to share the gospel wherever they serve.
11 Remember the work of Lutheran Disaster Response, including our response to floods in Malaysia, continued response to
flood recovery in Serbia and Bosnia, and support to returning
child migrants in Honduras.
12 We pray that the 2015 ELCA Definitely Abled Youth Leadership Event in Detroit will bless and empower young people
with physical, cognitive and emotional differences, so that they
The Friendly Visitor
might grow as faithful, wise and courageous leaders in our
13 We give thanks for the generosity of ELCA members who
provided nearly $400,000 in humanitarian assistance to support
ELCA partners serving the thousands of unaccompanied minors
arriving to the United States from countries in Central America.
14 Continue praying for all those who work to dismantle systems that dehumanize, oppress or divide people by their color,
culture, language, abilities or beliefs.
15 Transfiguration of Our Lord: By the miraculous and simple actions of God in the world, we are moved to offer thanks
and glory for the light that the Son of God, Jesus Christ, shines
in the world.
16 We pray for God’s Spirit to enrich the lives and faith of the
youth, parents and adult leaders preparing for the 2015 ELCA
Youth Gathering in Detroit.
17 Shrove Tuesday: Many of us know the comfort of abundance and feasting. Let us not fear self-contemplation and sacrifice that grounds us in the spirit of Jesus Christ and his compassion for all humankind.
18 Ash Wednesday: As we mark ourselves with ashes and the
sign of the cross, we admit our wrongdoings and our human
weaknesses. Remember the forgiveness and new life we have in
Jesus Christ.
19 During this season of Lent, ask for the Spirit’s guidance to
follow Jesus’ example of humility, sacrifice, service and
strength in the face of life’s challenges.
20 We pray for the eight young adult volunteer missionaries
serving communities, churches and social ministries in Mexico
through the ELCA Young Adult Global Mission program.
21 We are a church together. Let us pray for the congregations,
ministries and leaders of the Southwestern Washington, Northern Great Lakes and Delaware - Maryland Synod of the ELCA.
22 First Sunday in Lent: The water and word in baptism mark
a turning point in life – the beginning of a new life in a community of faith in the world. Remember and give thanks for your
baptism and for where God has led you in the days and years
that followed.
23 Water is a gift, a necessity for life for humanity and creation.
We pray for relief and creative solutions during the drought being experienced in the western part of the United States and in
areas of Central America and Africa.
24 We pray to be willing, trusting and eager-to-learn followers
of Jesus through trials and temptations to the cross and new life.
25 We pray that our Lenten traditions and practices serve to
strengthen our faith, ground our lives in Jesus’ life and sacrifice,
and draw us closer to God.
26 We pray for the African Descent Lutheran Association, people of God rooted in the gospel and redeemed by Jesus Christ,
committed to living out their faith by expressing their love for
one another and affirming themselves and their cultural heritage
as gifts to the church.
27 For some people and families, every day is like a journey in
the wilderness. Pray that they may find direction, sustenance,
hope and the accompaniment of caring faith communities.
28 Lent leads us – invites us – to have conversations about faith,
our humanness, what it means to be Lutheran Christians, and the
good news of Jesus Christ. We pray that God’s Spirit will guide
our discussions and free us to be curious, respectful and attentive to each person, and inspired to action.
Page 12
February 2015
The Friendly Visitor
Christ Lutheran Church
1306 Wilcox Street
Menomonie, WI 54751
Pastoral Ministry
Ministers: All Members of the Congregation.
Pastor: Geoff Scott (home 632-2195; cell 556-3699;
Assisting Minister: Marilyn Tye (
Lutheran Campus Minister: Pastor Kurt Larson (
Lutheran Campus Ministry Director: Katie Wagner (
Music Ministry
Chancel Choir Director: Emily Hansen (
Organist: LuAnn Dohms.
Substitutes: Emily Hansen, Andrew Maki, Mary Merritt.
Choir Accompanist: Emily Hansen.
Youth Ministry
Youth Co-Director: Josie Wilterdink (
Youth Co-Director: Kaye Wurm (
Sunday School (COSMO)
Superintendent: Josie Wilterdink (
Music Director: Emily Hansen.
Accompanist: Mary Merritt.
Custodian: Tom Surdick (cell 715-505-7022).
Missionary Sponsorship
Patrick & Jackie Bencke, Japan (
Office Staff
Church Secretary Office Hours: Monday through Thursday—
8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.; Friday—8:30 a.m. to Noon.
(Please note that the pastor’s day off is Friday.)
Secretary: Jane Amble (home 235-0748;
Treasurer: Dick Rank (
Radio Ministry
Radio Broadcast on 880 AM Sundays at 9:30 a.m.
Internet Ministry
Sunday bulletins, “Friendly Visitor” newsletters, calendar, audio of Sunday
services, and much more may be found at or at
We’re on the Web!
“Where God’s
of love
is for all.”
6:00 PM Exec Board
10:00 AM Spiritual
4:00 PM Worship at
The Neighbors of Dunn
6:15 PM -7:15 PM
Christ Time
10:10 AM COSMO
10:00 AM -1:00 PM
Synod Event at CLC
(CLCW/Bakers Guild
9:00 AM Worship with
Holy Comm.
5:00 PM Worship with
Holy Comm. in
Fellowship Hall
7:15 PM Chancel Choir
10:30 AM Outreach
9:00 AM Worship
6:30 PM Council in FH
10:10 AM COSMO
10:00 AM Spiritual
10:30 AM Worship
9:00 AM Worship with
Holy Comm.
10:10 AM COSMO with
Mardi Gras Parent
9:00 AM Mission
Work Day
5:30 PM Christ Time
serves meal at Lutheran
Campus Ministry
10:00 AM Spiritual
12:00 PM -6:00 PM
Red Cross Blood Drive
in CLC Fellowship Hall
6:15 PM -7:15 PM
Christ Time
9:30 AM Charity & Peace
Circles meet at church
5:30 PM First Communion
orientation meeting
2:00 PM Worship at
American Lutheran Home
7:00 PM Chancel Choir
9:00 AM Mission
Work Day
10:00 AM Spiritual
5:30 PM First
Communion Class
9:00 AM Worship
3:30 PM Communion at
The Neighbors
4:00 PM -7:00 PM Dunn
Co. Humane Society
"Spay-ghetti" Fundraiser
in CLC Fellowship Hall
6:00 PM Lenten Supper
10:10 AM COSMO
7:00 PM Lenten
5:00 PM Worship with
Holy Comm. in
Fellowship Hall with
Lutheran Campus
1:30 PM Joy & Hope
Circles meet at church
9:00 AM VBS planning
meeting at Peace
7:00 PM
Congregational Life
5:00 PM Worship with
Holy Comm. in
Fellowship Hall
9:00 AM Men's Bible Study
at church
7:00 PM Ash Wednesday
9:00 AM Men's Bible
Study at church
7:30 PM Taize Service
at United Methodist
7:15 PM Chancel Choir
6:00 PM Lenten Supper
6:00 PM Administration
7:00 PM Chancel Choir
Are you serving in ministry this month? See page 11 to find out!
5:00 PM Worship with
Holy Comm. in
Fellowship Hall