-3HAPPENING AT BETHEL OFFERING ENVELOPES 2015 are on a table beside the mail folders, and Giving Guides with PAD (PreAuthorized Debit) forms are in mail folders. If you don’t have offering envelopes or a mail folder and would like to have either or both, please contact Leila Vos, Administra ve Assistant, at office@actoncrc.ca or 519-853-2121. December 21, 2014 SUNDAY AT BETHEL WELCOME to our worship celebra on on this final Sunday before Christmas! We will explore the significance of Jesus Christ coming as “the Rock that really rolls.” We’re thankful for the worship leadership of the Sid & Anita Music Team. A warm welcome to guests. We invite you to stay for refreshments we share together a er the worship service. For more informaƟon about our church and its ministries please come to the Welcome Centre or connect with the host or Pastor Ray. We invite you to fill in a Guest Card and place it in the offering bag, or bring it to the Welcome Centre to receive a welcome gi from Bethel. S.M.P.G. (SUNDAY MORNING PRAYER GROUP) meets from 7:45 - 9am Sunday mornings to pray for the worship service, our church and community. Come out and join us on occasion or on a regular basis. We meet downstairs in classroom #7, in the Children & Youth Wing. BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR DECEMBER 28TH: Because of the Christmas holidays, please have any announcements for Sunday December 28th to me no later than 7pm December 22nd. Thank you Leila Vos (bulle n@actoncrc.com) CHRISTMAS OFFICE HOURS: There will be no regular office hours between December 25th and January 1st. If you need to get in touch with a member of staff please contact them directly. On CHRISTMAS DAY we are going to wrap up our sermon series on paying aƩenƟon to dreams. We would like to encourage all the kids to bring their PILLOWS with them on Christmas morning so that we can re-tell the Christmas story together using the pillows. Thanks! UPCOMING WORSHIP AND CELEBRATION OPPORTUNITIES: i TODAY and CHRISTMAS EVE, 7:00 pm. -- unFrozen Christmas Program i CHRISTMAS DAY, 10:00 am. Singing, sharing the Christmas story, and exploring the dreams and journeys of Joseph and of the Wise Men in MaƩhew 1:18-2:23. i NEXT SUNDAY morning we welcome Pastor David Tigchelaar from First CRC in Guelph, on an exchange with Pastor Ray. i NEW YEAR’S EVE, 7:00 PM. A significant opportunity to close 2014 and look towards 2015 in God’s presence with a meaningful “Covenant Renewal Service.” We’ll look to wrap up before 8:00 so you can be on your way to other ways you might share or celebrate New Year’s Eve. If you make oliebollen please bring some along. Thanks! SOUP HOUSE: All young adults are invited for lunch! The date is Sunday December 28th right a er church at the Becker’s house, 15 Ellio Dr. Acton (just off of Tanners). Come out for 20 minutes or an hour, whatever you have me for. This is our second monthly / bi-monthly very informal lunch. We had a great me at the Faber’s and are looking forward to another gathering. Sandra, Ron and I look forward to an opportunity to catch up with all of you as well as give you all an opportunity to catch up with some of the others you maybe haven’t had a chance to see in a while. We really hope you can make it for some food and conversa on! Blessings, Ruth Becker, Sandra Faber and Ron Terpstra TODAY’S OFFERING - Back to God Ministries u lizes radio, television, the internet and the printed page in nine different languages to call men, women and children to faith in Christ. Hundreds of millions of people around the world are able to hear the Back to God Hour broadcast in a language they can speak and understand. Y.O.Y - YOUTH OF YESTERDAY On Monday Dec 29 we will have our last get-together of the year. This will be a potluck luncheon, from 11 a.m. to 1 pm, During this me we will have some games (with prizes!) Please call Jacquie at 519-853-1019 . or Grace at 226-486-1600 as to what you will bring. Remember, ALL are welcome. Dec 25 - World Renew - General Fund Dec 28 - Family Outreach REQUESTED ANNOUNCEMENTS COMMUNITY UNITY PRAYER – SATURDAY, JANUARY 3, 9:00 AM at St. Joseph Catholic Church. Come out and share in praying for our community as we enter 2015. Everyone is welcome to come and pray, either out loud or quietly in your heart. This is a ministry of the churches of Acton, sponsored by the Acton Ministerial.
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