HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH Xt summer (2015) in “A Total Life Caring Ministry” ANCHOR NOTES 2014 Edition No. 34 December 24, 2014 CHRISTMAS WORSHIP SCHEDULE CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICES Family Communion Service 4 p.m. Traditional Candlelight Communion Services 7, 9, and 11 p.m. CHRISTMAS DAY SERVICE 10 a.m. CHRISTMAS SEASON WORSHIP During the 12 Days of Christmas Season this year we have two weekends. On Saturday, DECEMBER 27 no worship service and no Sparklers Group On Sunday, DECEMBER 28 (Christmas I) the current schedule of services starting at 8:15, 9:30 and 11 a.m. Saturday, JANUARY 3 5 p.m. Sparklers Class at 5 p.m. Sunday, JANUARY 4 (Christmas II) our NEW SCHEDULE of services starting at 8:00, 9:30 and 11 a.m. NOTE: OUR SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP SCHEDULE CHANGES ON SUNDAY, JANUARY 4th WORSHIP AND EDUCATION SATURDAY EVENING WORSHIP AND “SPARKLERS” CHILDREN’S PROGRAM at 5 p.m. every weekend SUNDAY WORSHIP (ELW SETTINGS) at 8:00 and 11 a.m. 9:30 (The All-Ages Service) SUNDAY SCHOOL at 9:30 HOPE NOW HAS AN ONLINE GIVING OPTION AVAILABLE Did you know that it is possible now to give donations to Hope using the internet? Thanks to an organization called “Faithstreet,” we are now able to offer people a way to make donations to any of our church funds by using credit cards or bank accounts. Our church pays a small fee and donors can also pay a small fee to offset the cost of the program so donations can be made on a “one-time” basis or on a recurring weekly or monthly basis. Special cards indicating that a donation was made are available from the ushers to be placed in the offering plate. There is even a QR code that users can access to make their donations using Smart phones. We have launched this resources as an experiment. Members are encouraged to make use of it, especially when they are unable to attend services or when a special need arises and an immediate response is required. We also have a resource called “Simply Giving” that allows members to make ongoing offerings to the church using the internet. DO YOU WANT TO LEARN HOW TO WALK ON WATER? A chart is posted for people to sign up to take part in small conversation groups that will meet weekly for six weeks after Christmas. Please sign up for a group that you can attend, and get ready to walk on water! To view the presentations about this exciting new program at Hope, cut and paste this web address into your internet browser: https://www.youtube.com/user/ rohill1047 All of the presentations are now viewable at that place on the internet. T he A nc ho r N o t e s i s p ub l i s he d f o r t h e m e m b e r s a nd f r i e nd s o f HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH 46 Dare Road Selden, NY 11784 E-mail us at: hopelutheran@msn.com Site: www.hopeluth.com Phone: (631) 732-2511 Fax: (631) 732-8369 Pastor’s Cell: (516) 848-5386 OUR MINISTRY TEAM Dr. Richard O. Hill, P astor Laura Laza, Director of Discipleship (& Anchor Nursery School) Joyce Stahl, Director of Music Dianne Browning, Assistant Director of Music Eric Stenswold, Saturday Musician Susan Soper, Pastoral Assistant Heidi Thide, Anchor Nursery School Teacher Melissa Itara Assistant Teacher Barbara Nugent, P arish Secretary Linda Favale, P arish Bookkeeper Donna Haller, Sexton and Assistant Youth Director John Kelly and Rich Hoppe St. Mark’s Bread Food Pantry Ed Gildersleeve, Carol Wolff, and Rich Wolff Congregational Deacons
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