STITTSVILLE UNITED CHURCH December 24th, 2014 9:00 pm Rev. Grant Dillenbeck Director of Music: Allison Houston Board Chair – Doug Hall Office Administrator – Alanna Code Youth Worker – Ruth Richardson Office: 613-836-4962 Fax: 613-836-5778 6255 Fernbank Rd., Stittsville, K2S 1X5 E-mail: Web site: THE LIFE AND MINISTRY OF OUR CHURCH We welcome all who have come to worship with us. Visitors are invited to sign our guest book at the back of the church. Hymns and most other service materials for worship will be projected on the screen. PAR donation cards are at the back of the church. We thank Fern Carpenter and Kate McDonald for greeting this evening. We also thank the Newar family for serving Communion, Alanna Code for reading the scriptures and Allison’s father, Clint Houston, for accompanying Allison during the Offertory. ANNOUNCEMENTS Upcoming Worship Services: December 28 – 11:00 am Worship Service at Fallowfield United Church – 119 Steeple Hill Cres., at Fallowfield Rd. (No worship at Stittsville United.) This is an annual shared service of local United Churches. Lunch will be provided following worship. January 4 – 10:00 am. Sermon, “What’s New?” January 11 – 10:0 am. Epiphany. Sermon, “Beware of Strangers Bearing Gifts.” January 18 – 10:00 am. Sermon, “Do You Hear What I Hear?” January 25 – 10:00 am. Sermon, “Growing Together in Spirit.” 2 CONGREGATIONAL NEWS & EVENTS We thank everyone who purchased items for our Gifts of Love program to help local agencies who assist people in need in our community. Over 85 bags were collected. Offering envelopes for 2015 are now available to be picked up in the Main Hall downstairs for those who presently provide their offering using envelopes. Anyone who does not already have offering envelopes but would like to is invited to go to the church office any Sunday morning following the worship service and speak to our Treasurer, Don Carson. Don is also able to register people on our Pre-Authorized Remittance plan. Thank you for your support. United Church Observer: If you do not presently receive the United magazine “The Observer” but would like to, or if you do receive it and would like to be part of our Observer Family Plan, please call the church office at 613-836-4962. Choir practices will start again on Thursday, January 8 at 7:00 pm. All are welcome! Church Office: The church office will be closed from Wednesday, December 24 to Friday, January 2. The answering machine will be checked daily. Loonie Breakfasts will resume on Tuesday, January 13 at 9:00 am. Bring a toonie and enjoy breakfast and great company! The Prayer Shawl group will not meet in December. They will resume on Thursday, January 15 at 9:30 am. More information to follow. If you know of someone who would appreciate receiving a prayer shawl as a reminder that our prayers and support surround them, please call the church office. So far we have distributed over 120 prayer shawls, which bring comfort to many from knowing they are held in God’s love and ours. 3 Poinsettia Donations Donated By In Loving Memory and in Honour Of Ada, Beth Argue, Frank & Elaine Beach, Larissa George Ada Mr. & Mrs. Bert Argue; Mr. Bert Cathcart Rick Beach and Alexandra Alekov Black, Vera Albert, Janet & Greg Black Buchanan, Joyce & Bliss Our parents Code, Alanna & Ian Frei Lawrence Code and Ernest & Dorothy Frei Hubert Dillenbeck Rev. George Richardson and Keith & Betty Gourlie Rusty Rusk Dillenbeck, Grant & Ruth Richardson Ferguson, Marilyn Finney, Ray Franche, Margaret Joyce Finney and Violet & Matthew Finney (parents) Cec Oliver Gribbon, Heather Lloyd & Alice Norris McCarthy, Mae Sgt. John E.M. McCarthy, O.P.P. MacEachern, Doreen David & Peter MacEachern Moore, Eric & Dianne Merville & Irene Moore, Reginald & Evelyn Faulkner, Our parents and brother O'Connor, Bob & Donna Pretty, Shirley Rattray, Jean Arnold Pretty, Jean & Wesley McCoy (parents); Tom, Lloyd & Allan (brothers), Betty (sister) John Rattray Rhody, Ben Ralph & Eleanor Rhody 4 In Loving Memory and in Honour Of Donated By Robertson, Betty & John Grant Robertson and Mollie & Norman Rea Roe, Mary and Bill, Lianna & Avery McQuirter Seabrook, Lynn Keith Roe Suykens, Deanna Keith Suykens Valentine, Trudy Sandy Valentine (husband) Weaver, Helen Ken & Kevin Weaver Ronald Seabrook We appreciate the donations of those whose names may not appear in this list. We also thank Baback Haleem and his family for their donation of a poinsettia in appreciation of our support in seeking refugee sponsorship of their family members from Afghanistan. Thank you to the Argue Family for the lovely Christmas wreaths and display at the front doors. UPDATE FROM THE FINANCE MINISTRY TEAM We require over $25,000 in donations during December to reach our budgeted income. For the past few years we have received this amount in December, and if we do so again this year, we expect we will be able to balance our budget for 2014. So far in December we have received $13,000 in offering plate donations and another $4,500 in Pre-Authorized Remittance donations. In 2014 fundraising income has been less than last year, however other revenues have been higher, and we anticipate our expenses for the year to be somewhat less than budgeted. We thank you very much for your generous and prayerful support, and we trust that with your help, we can achieve our budget! If you are able to make an additional donation before the end of the year it would be greatly appreciated. Donations for the budget year of 2014 which are dated no later than Decembe 31, 2014 will be received until January 4, 2015. Thank you for your ongoing support.
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