Bulletin - Zion Reformed Church

Zion Reformed
Finding the Way Together
December 28, 2014
9:30AM: Another year is quickly coming to an end. Conversations tend to
center around how fast time goes which is then followed by “I wonder what the
New Year will bring”. At times life seems to fly by and we have a tendency to lose
our focus on the destination. We get caught up in the every day worries and things
that “just need to be done”. What if during 2015 we put our focus on one thing?
What is it that would be most important? As we travel this path called life, we may
encounter many different things but we never travel alone. This morning we find
out what that one thing, that most important thing is.
Ushers: Rog & Teresa Beute, Bob & Barb Zuidema
Next Week: Brett & Shelly Lame family
Greeters: Kyle & Shanda VandePol, Andy & Andrea Boeskool
Next Week: Rog & Teresa Beute, Todd & Rhonda Kempema
Nursery is available during the morning service for infants-3years. Our
nursery is located on the main floor just off the narthex. All children must
be signed in and out of nursery by their parent(s).
Today’s Staff: Boyd & Emma DeVries, Ashley & Kenzie Kooiker !
JOIN US for coffee and fellowship in room 206 following the morning service.
Servers: Don & Marcia Osterink
Next Week: Ken & Linda Hollenbeck
CHILDREN AND WORSHIP: Children are dismissed following the
Children’s Message. 3 yr old - Kindergarden meet in room 207C. (Parents please
find your child's name tag before church.) 1st-3rd Grades meet in room 205.
(Rooms are located on the main floor in the education wing.)
3-K Teachers: Roxie VanderHeide, Nancy Doornbos, Sarah Orme, Kaitlyn Orme
1st-3rd Teachers: Katie Wagner, Mackenzie Wallace
OUR SANCTUARY is equipped with a hearing loop for the hearing
impaired. Turn your hearing aid to the T-Coil position to use this feature.
CONGREGATIONAL CARE NEED: If you have a pastoral care
need or concern we encourage you to contact your elder (assigned by last
Steve Rutledge (A-D)
Roger Beute (E-J)
Rob Melville (K-N)
Pattie Grooters (O-Sc)
Rhonda Kempema (Se-U)
Adam Eriks (V-Z)
Often, we come to church each week and put on our best face. We talk
about plans for the weekend and the kids and grandkids, but some of us
also carry worries about finances or maintaining homes. It is not always
easy to tell who needs an encouraging helping hand. If you know of
someone in our church family, or if you personally need some help, please
contact our Chair of Deacons, Brandon Deiter at 647-7106. Scripture
encourages all of us to carry each others burdens (Galatians 6:2). You
would bless us by letting us walk with you during this time.
WEEKLY PRAYER GROUPS meet on Sunday at 9:00AM in the
Prayer Room, which is located off the East side of the sanctuary and on
Wednesday nights at 6:30PM in room 202. All are welcome to attend.
Also, an elder is available to pray with you by the Prayer Room following
the morning service. Elder: Pattie Grooters Next Week: Steve Rutledge
PRAYER REQUEST: RUTH KUIPERS is at TenderCare in Wyoming
due to frequent fainting spells. YVONNE SMITH underwent open heart
surgery on December 23 and is recovering at Spectrum - Downtown.
Continue to pray for those in our congregation who deal with ongoing
health problems.
! DONATIONS ARE NEEDED for the Personal Care Pantry.
We lost
our supplier that we were purchasing items through for the Personal Care
Pantry. Donations of the following items (full size - not travel size) are
Laundry Soap
Bar Soap
Dish Soap
Men’s Deodorant
Women’s Deodorant
Maxi Pads
Disposable Razors
Paper towels (individually wrapped rolls or 2 pack)
Toilet paper (individually wrapped rolls or 4 pack)
Brown Paper Grocery Bags
Donations can be placed in the box in the narthex marked “pantry
donations”. Thank you! !
GROWING, LEARNING, SERVING: Make sure to check the
bulletin board by the church office as the opportunity postings may
change each week. If you would like to add an opportunity to the board
just give or send Connie (cstegeman@zionrformed.org) the opportunity
you would like posted, including contact information, brief description of
the opportunity and your name as a church contact. !
SUNDAY SCHOOL will not meet today. We will begin classes again
on January 4. WEDNESDAY NIGHT PROGRAMMING is also taking
a break for the holidays. We will begin again on Wednesday evening,
January 7. !
THE CHURCH LIBRARY is located in room 206. Today’s library
host: Kathy VanderWall
THE ADULT men’s and women’s Sunday School Class just completed
the book “Crazy Busy”. Looking ahead to January we will begin a new
book entitled “Satisfied: Discovering Contentment in a World of
Consumption”. This is a great opportunity to join this class (which is now
combined) and join in the conversation and fellowship. We will begin
again on January 4. Sign up now on the bulletin board by the church
office so we know how many books to order.
Youth Ministry Announcements
CHECK THE YOUTH WEBSITE www.zionreformedyouth.org for
announcements, upcoming events, fundraising info, etc. If it’s happening
in Youth Group, this is the place to find details!
NO REGULAR youth group meetings tonight. Regular meetings will
resume on January 4, 2015.
ARE YOU DREAMING of those beautiful summer days? Those days
where you can be outside playing mini golf or bean bag toss? Well,
dream no more! On Saturday, January 10, 2015, from 4 - 8pm, we are
bringing those outdoor games indoors right here at church. That’s right!
Mini golf throughout the church and bean bag toss in the youth room.
We will have plenty to eat in room 205 with barbecues, chips, desserts
and drinks. This is an event for the entire family. Invite your friends!
You know your curiosity is already peaked so come on out and enjoy an
evening of fun and fellowship. A sign up sheet is on the bulletin board
by the church office. !
2015 OFFERTORY ENVELOPES have been placed in your church
mailbox if you were already using the envelope system. If you are not
currently using the envelope system for giving but would like to, please
contact Connie in the church office. PLEASE DO NOT USE THE
WEEKLY OFFERINGS: December 21, 2014
Weekly Budget:
Year to Date Budget:
General Fund:
Year to Date Contribution: $275,536.12
WEEKLY LOVE OFFERING’S will resume in January. Donations
for the Mission of the Month can be placed in the wooden boxes located
at the sanctuary exits. January donations will go to support Trinity
Community Kitchen in Grand Rapids. Trinity serves a hot meal to
over 100 people from the community each Thursday night. !
THE CHURCH OFFICE will be closed this week as Pastors Greg
and Jeremy and Connie Stegeman will all be on vacation during the
week. Because of the nature of Pastor Rick's work, we can't guarantee he
will be available to let people into the building during the day. If you do
need access to the building next week, please contact Pastor Rick to
receive the necessary code to open Door A of our church. Order of Worship
!Call to Worship: !Welcome & Greeting
!Children's Message
!Congregational Prayer
!Message: !Offering
!Parting Blessing
!Parting Song:
Revelation Song
The Stand
Philippians 3:1-14
Staying on the Path
Great I Am
At the Cross (Love Ran Red)
***Worship service led by Pastor Rick VanderWall***
A FEEDING/CRY ROOM for parents to feed their babies or sit with
them during the worship services can be accessed by exiting through the
front door on the west side (piano side) of the sanctuary. The Cry Room
is the first door on your left.
IF YOU ARE INTERESTED in obtaining a copy of this morning’s
service, please contact Tom Verbrugge Jr. at verbrugge.family@att.net or
in the balcony after the service.
4457 36th Street SW, Grandville, MI 49418
Office: 616-534-7533
Rev. Greg Brower, Sr. Pastor gbrower@zionreformed.org
Rick VanderWall, Pastor of Congregational Life rvanderwall@zionreformed.org
Jeremy Zoet, Director of Youth Ministries/Worship jzoet@zionreformed.org
Connie Stegeman, Secretary cstegeman@zionreformed.org
Rachel Brower, Director of Children's’ Ministry rbrower@zionreformed.org
Rachel Verbrugge, Nursery Coordinator verbrugge.family@att.net
Kara Lepley, Student Intern kara.lepley@westernsem.edu
(Meets quarterly)
(meet on the second Tuesday of each month)
Roger Beute ’15
Adam Eriks ’15 (Vice Pres.)
Pattie Grooters ’16 (Clerk)
Rob Melville ’16
Rhonda Kempema ‘17
Steve Rutledge ’17
(meet on the second Tuesday of each month)
Andy Boeskool ’15 Tom MacGraw ’15 (Secretary)
Brandon Deiter ’16 (Chair)
Sean McAnally ’16 (Treasurer)
Ashley Gross ’17 (Asst. Treas.)
Dawn VanderZouwen ’17
Personnel & Admin
Brandon Deiter
Tim Mekkes
Dianne Kooiker
Building & Grounds
Rick VanderWall
Congregational Care
Rick VanderWall
Rachel Brower
Paul & Grace Closius, Wycliff
Harry & Pat Miersma, RCA
Jodie DeBoer, Youth For Christ
The Other Way
Geoff & Tammy Kooistra, HCJB
Western Seminary
Jeremiah & Mary Kuria, Kenya
Dick & Donna Swart, Ethiopia
Keith & Denise Krebs, RCA
Albertha Kuiper,Wycliff
Bethany Refugee Resettlement
Servants Center
Bob Offringa-Activation Int.
Albino & Sandy Rodriguez, RCA
! Lifeline Community Church
WCET Jenison-Grandville & WCET Hudsonville: Fri 12:00PM, Sun 4:00PM
WKTV Wyoming: Thurs 8:00PM; BCTV Byron Center: Sun 2:00PM & 6:30PM