!! ! ! ! ! ! ! Zion Reformed Church Finding the Way Together ZION REFORMED CHURCH March 22, 2015 Worship ! 9:30AM: Susan Scott tells a story of her brother trying to kill the moles in their yard as a child. Every Saturday was filled with a new adventure in mole whacking, but the moles always came back. Each week was filled with new debates about the best way to drive the moles away. Only as an adult did he learn he had been asking the wrong question. Rather than asking how to drive the moles away, he should have been asking what brought the moles to the yard. Then, he could have tackled the much easier job of killing the grubs the moles were coming to eat. We spend much of lives asking all the wrong sorts of questions: What do people think of me? How can I get ahead? How can I be a better person/student/athlete/parent/salesperson? Most of our questions focus on us and meeting our felt needs, but in our text today, Jesus asks the only question that really matters: What do you want from Jesus? ! Ushers: Kraig Kooiker Family, Dianne Kooiker Next Week: Craig & Nancy Doornbos, Carl & Jeanne Norris Greeters: Todd & Rhonda Kempema, Maurie & Lorraine Lemmen Next Week: Ken & Lisa Cook, Tom & Robbi Boeve ! NURSERY is available during the morning service for infants-3years. Our nursery is located on the main floor just off the narthex. All children must be signed in and out of nursery by their parent(s). Today’s Staff: Robbi Boeve, Kathy VanderWall ! JOIN US for coffee and fellowship in room 206 following the morning service. Servers: Maurie & Lorraine Lemmen Next Week: Rick VanderWall ! CHILDREN AND WORSHIP: Children are dismissed following the Children’s Message. 3 yr old - Kindergarden meet in room 207C. (Parents please find your child's name tag before church.) 1st-3rd Grades meet in room 205. (Rooms are located on the main floor in the education wing.) 3-K Teachers: Mackenzie Wallace, Eric Zondervan, Micah Zondervan 1st-3rd Teachers: Steve Mott, Ali Kalsbeek, Chloe Deckrow ! OUR SANCTUARY is equipped with a hearing loop for the hearing impaired. Turn your hearing aid to the T-Coil position to use this feature. ! IF YOU ARE INTERESTED in obtaining a copy of this morning’s service, please contact Tom Verbrugge Jr. at verbrugge.family@att.net or in the balcony after the service. Nurture CONGREGATIONAL CARE NEED: If you have a pastoral care need or concern we encourage you to contact your elder (assigned by last name): Steve Rutledge (A-D) Roger Beute (E-J) Rob Melville (K-N) Pattie Grooters (O-Sc) Rhonda Kempema (Se-U) Adam Eriks (V-Z) Often, we come to church each week and put on our best face. We talk about plans for the weekend and the kids and grandkids, but some of us also carry worries about finances or maintaining homes. It is not always easy to tell who needs an encouraging helping hand. If you know of someone in our church family, or if you personally need some help, please contact our Chair of Deacons, Brandon Deiter at 647-7106. Scripture encourages all of us to carry each others burdens (Galatians 6:2). You would bless us by letting us walk with you during this time. ! WEEKLY PRAYER GROUPS meet on Sunday at 9:00AM in the Prayer Room, which is located off the East side of the sanctuary and on Wednesday nights at 6:00PM (note time change) in room 202. All are welcome to attend. Also, an elder is available to pray with you by the Prayer Room following the morning service. Elder: Pattie Grooters Next Week: Steve Rutledge ! PRAYER REQUEST: for those in our congregation who deal with ongoing health problems. ! ALL-CHURCH FELLOWSHIP POTLUCK: Join us on Sunday, April 26 for an all-church potluck. This event will be held in the sanctuary following Sunday School. Please bring your own table service, a main dish, AND a salad or dessert* (*Singles only need to bring one dish of your choice) Sign up on the Connection Card and indicate the number of people attending. ! IT’S A GIRL! Congratulations to Chris & Courtney Valenzuela on the birth of their daughter, Analeigh Hope, on Sunday, March 15. Analeigh weighed 9lbs. 3oz. and was 21” long. ! BOB BOESKOOL went to be with his Lord on Monday, March 16th. We express our sympathy to his wife, Carol, and their children, Andy and Andrea Boeskool (Harlow and Haven), Cassidy Boeskool, Gretchen Boeskool, and CJ and Maggie Breuker. A memorial service will be held today in our sanctuary at 2:00PM. Please keep the Boeskool family in your prayers during this difficult time. E ! vangelism DONATIONS of the following items (full size - not travel size) are needed for the Personal Care Pantry: Laundry Soap Bar Soap Dish Soap Shampoo Conditioner Toothpaste Men’s Deodorant Women’s Deodorant Tampons Maxi Pads Disposable Razors Paper towels (individually wrapped rolls or 2 pack) Toilet paper (individually wrapped rolls or 4 pack) Brown Paper Grocery Bags Donations can be placed in the box in the narthex marked “pantry donations”. Thank you! ! FAMILY MISSION OPPORTUNITY: Save the Date! We are currently in the process of planning a weekend mission opportunity. Last year we went to CranHill in the spring to get the camp ready for the summer season. This year we are planning to go back to CranHill but in the fall instead. This time we will help to close the camp and prepare it for the winter season. The dates for this event are Friday, September 25 through Sunday, September 27. If you are interested or would like more information please contact Pastor Rick. A sign up sheet and itinerary will be posted on the bulletin board by the office. Check it out. ! HAND2HAND: Donations needed to help complete the school year: 60 boxes of Macaroni & Cheese 90 cans of Ravioli 90 cans of Hormel Chili or Hot Dog Sauce 70 cans of Tuna 18 oz jars of Peanut Butter Fruit Cups. ! TODAY Tim Mekkes will speak briefly during the worship service about his trip to Nepal and the ministry of Good News Nepal. During the Sunday School hour you are invited to attend a special Sunday School class where Tim, joined by Dave Kapteyn, President of Good News share more in-depth about his trip and the ministry. This class will meet in the sanctuary. Scripture SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES meet from 10:50-11:50AM. (Nursery is available during the Sunday School hour.) Room: 3 & 4 year olds: R. Kempema, R. Boeve, M. Wallace Rm. 207 K & 1st Grade: Shelby Zoet, Katie Eling Rm. 205 2nd & 3rd Grade: Tracy Lobbes, Kelly Lepley Rm. 203 4th & 5th Grade: Pat Grooters/Tricia Leistra Rm. 201 6th - 8th Grade Adam Eriks/Matt Eling Rm. 204 High School Kara Lepley Youth Room Adults: Satisfied Prayer Room ! THE CHURCH LIBRARY is located in room 206. Today’s library host: Kathy VanderWall ! PARENTS: On Palm Sunday, March 29, children ages 3 through 3rd grade will be waving Palm branches in church during the song, “Hosanna.” You child will not want to miss out! Please have them meet Rachel Brower in Room 206, the coffee & fellowship room, a few minutes before church starts that morning. There is no Sunday School on April 5 and April 12 during Spring Break. ! ! Youth Ministry Announcements CHECK THE YOUTH WEBSITE www.zionreformedyouth.org for announcements, upcoming events, fundraising info, etc. If it’s happening in Youth Group, this is the place to find details! ! REGULAR WEEKLY YOUTH GROUP MEETINGS are held in the youth room. Times are as follows: ❖HIGH SCHOOL (9-12TH GRADE) meets from 4:00-5:45PM ❖MIDDLE SCHOOL (6-8TH GRADE) meets from 5:45-7:15PM ! REMINDER: Final payments for mission trips are due today: Ø High School Mission Trip $125.00 Ø Middle School Mission Trip $125.00 ! Additional Announcements NOMINATION BALLOTS for elder and deacon have been placed in your church mailbox. Completed forms can be placed in the box marked “nominations” in the narthex and are due by Sunday, March 29th. ! 1ST REFORMED in Grandville will hold their annual Spring Brunch on Saturday, April 18, at 9:30 AM. Our speaker is Mary Kay Hoodhood from the Kids Food Basket. We would like to invite all ladies to come to fellowship with us. Please RSVP on the sign up sheet by the church office. ! WEEKLY LOVE OFFERING donations for the Mission of the Month can be placed in the wooden boxes located at the sanctuary exits. March donations will go to support Julianna Kempema’s summer mission trip to Taiwan. Total received in March to date: $371.00 ! THIS WEEK: TODAY 10:50AM 4:00PM 5:45PM WEDNESDAY 6:00PM 6:30PM THURSDAY 9:30AM ! Sunday School classes High School Youth Group meets Middle School Youth Group meets Prayer Group Meets (note time change) Praise Team Practice Ladies Bible Study WEEKLY OFFERINGS: March 15, 2015 Weekly Budget: $10,214.62 Year to Date Budget: $429,014.04 General Fund: $24,367.00 Year to Date Contribution: $396,196.48 ! ELECTRONIC GIVING to Zion Reformed Church is now an option. If you would like more information or have questions about this form of giving, you can talk with Adam Eriks, Brandon Deiter, Connie, Stegeman, or Pastor Greg. To sign up, (it’s easy, just one form) check “information on electronic giving” on the back of the Connection Card and information will be emailed to you or contact Connie Stegeman in the office (cstegeman@zionreformed.org or 616-534-7533 *3). Order of Worship ! !Call to Worship: HereI Am to Worship !Welcome & Greeting !Song: Me Down !Children's Message/Dismissal toLayChildren & Worship !Song: Whom Shall I Fear !Announcements !Congregational Prayer ending with The Lord’s Prayer !Moment for Missions: Good News Nepal - Tim Mekkes !Scripture: Matthew 20:29-34 !Message: What Do You Want !Offering !Children return from Children & Worship !Communion: Glorious Day/Christ Is Enough !Parting Blessing !Parting Song: Hope of the World ! ***Worship service led by Greg Brower, Senior Pastor*** ! Prelude A FEEDING/CRY ROOM for parents to feed their babies or sit with them during the worship services can be accessed by exiting through the front door on the west side (piano side) of the sanctuary. The Cry Room is the first door on your left. ! COMMUNION, also called The Lord’s Super or the Eucharist, is the family meal of Christians. We invite all committed followers of Jesus Christ to partake of this sacrament: those who are baptized members of a congregation that proclaims the gospel, who are at peace with God and with their neighbor, and who seek strength to live more faithfully for Christ. If you are not a Christian, or if you are not prepared to share in this meal, we encourage you to spend this time in prayer. We hope that this time is helpful to you as you consider your relationship with Jesus Christ and with His people, the church. ! ZION REFORMED CHURCH 4457 36th Street SW, Grandville, MI 49418 Office: 616-534-7533 ! OUR STAFF Rev. Greg Brower, Sr. Pastor gbrower@zionreformed.org Rick VanderWall, Pastor of Congregational Life rvanderwall@zionreformed.org Jeremy Zoet, Director of Youth Ministries/Worship jzoet@zionreformed.org Connie Stegeman, Secretary cstegeman@zionreformed.org Rachel Brower, Director of Children's’ Ministry rbrower@zionreformed.org Rachel Verbrugge, Nursery Coordinator verbrugge.family@att.net Kara Lepley, Student Intern kara.lepley@westernsem.edu ! ! ! CONSISTORY (Meets quarterly) ADMINISTRATIVE ELDERS (meet on the second Tuesday of each month) Roger Beute ’15 Adam Eriks ’15 (Vice Pres.) Pattie Grooters ’16 (Clerk) Rob Melville ’16 Rhonda Kempema ‘17 Steve Rutledge ’17 ! ADMINISTRATIVE DEACONS (meet on the second Tuesday of each month) Andy Boeskool ’15 Tom MacGraw ’15 (Secretary) Brandon Deiter ’16 (Chair) Sean McAnally ’16 (Treasurer) Ashley Gross ’17 (Asst. Treas.) Dawn VanderZouwen ’17 Personnel & Admin Brandon Deiter Evangelism Tim Mekkes COMMITTEE CHAIRS Worship Dianne Kooiker Building & Grounds Rick VanderWall Congregational Care Rick VanderWall Education Rachel Brower MISSIONARIES Paul & Grace Closius, Wycliff Harry & Pat Miersma, RCA Jodie DeBoer, Youth For Christ The Other Way Geoff & Tammy Kooistra, HCJB Western Seminary Jeremiah & Mary Kuria, Kenya Dick & Donna Swart, Ethiopia Keith & Denise Krebs, RCA Albertha Kuiper,Wycliff Bethany Refugee Resettlement Servants Center Bob Offringa-Activation Int. Albino & Sandy Rodriguez, RCA ! Lifeline Community Church TV MINISTRIES WCET Jenison-Grandville & WCET Hudsonville: Fri 12:00PM, Sun 4:00PM WKTV Wyoming: Thurs 8:00PM; BCTV Byron Center: Sun 2:00PM & 6:30PM
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