REPORTS TO THE CONGREGATION AND CORPORATION FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 2910 Central Avenue Middletown, Ohio April 26, 2015 1 AGENDA FOR THE ANNUAL MEETING First Presbyterian Church, Middletown April 26, 2014 Page 3 5 6 6 Minutes of 2013 annual meeting Report of the Clerk of Session Mission statement FPC Staff Staff Reports Pastor Director of Music/Organist Director of Pre-Kindergarten Readiness FPC Boards Committee Reports Administration and Personnel Christian Education Committee Member Development Mission Committee Scouting Committee Board of Deacons Report Board of Trustees Report Endowment Nominating Committee Report Election of Church Officers 2014 – 2015 Budget Comparisons Report on Support Funds Mission gifts and distributions Consolidated Balance Sheet 7 8 9 10 11 11 12 13 14 15 15 16 16 17 18 19 20 2 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE CONGREGATION FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, MIDDLETOWN, OHIO Place: The Sanctuary Time: 11:30 a.m. Date: March 9, 2014 Moderator: Greg Gibson The Annual meeting was called to order with prayer at 11:30 a.m. The call and purpose of the meeting was declared. With over 50 in attendance, a quorum was present. Minutes of the Annual meeting of January 30, 2013 were presented to the Congregation and after a motion to approve, were seconded and the motion passed. The following written reports were noted by the Moderator: From the Staff: Pastor’s report, Greg Gibson Director of Music, Joyce Zigler Pre-Kindergarten Readiness- Paula Fairchild-Elliott From Committees: Administration and Personnel, Marty Hensler Christian Education, Christy Biddle Member Development, Pat Hathaway Mission, Marge Wooley Scouting Ministry, Jennifer Walker Endowment Oversight, Jim Harris Board of Deacons, Rebecca Staley Board of Trustees, Don Burns There was a motion and second to receive these reports, and the motion carried. The Nominating committee presented the following slate of candidates for election to office. Elder- Class of 2016 Diane Gerber Elder-Class of 2017 Anne Frantz Andrew Horton Bill Triick Ann Veith Scott Walker Trustee-Class of 2017 Pat Edwards Marty Hensler Joe Newlin Deacon-Class of 2015 (Youth) Nathaniel Biddle 3 Deacon-Class of 2016 & 2017 Gudrun Seifert Deacon-Class of 2017 Mary Brehm Paula Cohen Linette Curless Diane Norton Darrell Templeton Joyce Triick Lynne Wiley The Nominating Committee for 2014 consisted of Larry Anderson, Carol Burns, LaVerne Hopper, Mike Jenkins, Dolores Malcolm, and Diane Norton. The committee will convene again to select candidates for the Pastor Nominating Committee after the Transition Team Report has been approved by session and the Presbytery. After opening the nominations to the floor, there was a motion to elect the slate of candidates as presented. There was a second, and the motion carried without dissent. There being no further business, or comments, the meeting adjourned with prayer at 11:50. Respectfully Submitted, Mike Jenkins Clerk of Session 4 Report of the Clerk of Session Membership Rolls Church Membership on December 31, 2013 Additions by Confession/Reaffirmation of Faith Additions by Letter of Transfer Additions by Reinstatement Sub-Total Add itions Losses by Dismissal (Letter of Transfer) Losses by Death Losses by Removal from Rolls Losses by Placement on Inactive Roll Sub-Total Losses Church Membership on December 31, 2014 514 15 16 1 32 3 12 0 0 15 531 Infant Baptisms (1) Deaths of Members of the First Presbyterian Church January 1 – December 31, 2014 Alene Key Marianna Fisher Dorothy Sherron Ella Mae Miller David Dirksen Louise Lee Mildred Thomas Steve Croake Virginia Max Janet Perkins Marian Schnedler Helen Ramsdell January 7 January 8 May 9 July 29 August 1 October 14 October 19 November 2 November 5 December 9 December 12 December 23 5 The Mission of First Presbyterian Church We believe that God has called our congregation to SHARE the good news, to NURTURE the spirit, and to SERVE members and neighbors. Staff of First Presbyterian Church “…to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ.” Ephesians 4:12 Staff Member Chris Bailey Amber Boyle Margaret Chambers Paula Fairchild-Elliot Sandy Fisher Kim Flesher Gregory Gibson Kathy Harris Cheryl Jarbo Bob Lawwill Lara Moon Janet Scott Ed Soto Joyce Zigler Position (year began work at First) Pastoral Resident (2015) Director of Christian Education (2014) Worship Pianist (1998) Director of Pre-Kindergarten Readiness (2010) Secretary (2002) Kindergarten Readiness Teacher (2014) Interim Pastor (2013) Administrative Assistant (2006) Custodian (2006) Custodian (2008) Director of Children’s & Youth Choirs (2002) Director of Handbells (2014) Pastoral Resident (2014) Director of Music & Organist (1984) Message from the Pastor 6 This past year has been a time of renewal and transformation for the church. The initial steps we took in 2013 became leaps and bounds in 2014. Let’s first look at a few statistics; not that ministry should be measured in numbers, but from the early church (Acts 2:41) growth of the church and conversions at Pentecost witnessed the dynamic faith of believers. We have added 32 new members, pledges increased at least $100,000, and attendance grew at least 30%. The youth group multiplied in activities, mission, and participation. Our Party on the Lawn welcomed almost 300 members and neighbors on a fall Saturday afternoon. We took 34 adults on an October three day retreat to the mountains of Virginia. The choir added several new members and new worship programs were added. Mission went far beyond writing checks to charities. Our members became involved and, by so doing, they grew in their commitment. Several youth and adults worked on a summer mission project in Pennsylvania, while we undertook a new relationship with Rosa Parks Elementary School to provide children personal hygiene items. We reached out to the community with a series of Lenten noon luncheons which were very well attended. So how did this all come about? It came about because the leadership of the church found new hope and a willingness to invest in ministry. We have employed two Pastoral Residents, a Coordinator of Youth Ministry and Christian Education, and a new Handbell Choir Director. All of the staff have worked extremely hard to provide pastoral care and to lead worship and mission. The session has returned from a winter retreat with a commitment to grow the ministry of the church. In the end it is all about relationships and every day we strive to build greater relationships, with God and between all of us. As we enter the new year of 2015, I have accomplished many of the goals I had envisioned during this interim period. The Pastoral Nominating Committee is now hard at work in calling a new pastor and, God willing, in the next few months you will have a new minister. It has been a privilege to lead you in the preparation for a new pastoral relationship. I believe the church is now much stronger and hopeful. The Holy Spirit is alive and active in the life of the church. It is now time to think about moving from short term to long term goals. Numerous issues face the church in the future. What will worship look like in the years ahead? How do we reach new members to replace our aging congregation? How will the church respond to the changing demographics and the tremendous needs of Middletown? Most importantly where do we see God calling the congregation and where is the Holy Spirit present? As you can well imagine all the questions are far beyond my pay grade and abilities, so I will wisely and faithfully defer to a much more astute successor. Serving the congregation remains one of my life’s greatest joys and professional satisfactions. I can tell you that I have come to love and cherish so much this time together and count every day I drive to the church a blessing. In the end, ministry is not measured as much by numbers as it is by love shared. Memories of being with parishioners in times of need and at death, moments of joy, and celebration all are the inspirations which make this a great calling. In Christ's name, Greg From the Director of Music Ministries (Music and Worship Ministry Team) Sing a new song to the Lord! Let the whole earth sing to the Lord! 7 Psalm 96:1, 2 Sing to the Lord; bless his name. Each day proclaim the good news that he saves. We have been blessed with a year of wonderful and uplifting worship services inspired by the gifts of word and music with which God has blessed us. We are excited to have welcomed a new member to our music staff. Janet Scott came on board this fall as Director of Handbell Choirs. Janet is doing a great job of rebuilding the handbell program which includes teaching handchimes to our CAAMP Choirs. Janet is also a fine pianist and organist so you will occasionally hear her playing one of those instruments. It has been a joy to welcome her to our musical family! We are so grateful for our many volunteer and professional musicians and worship leaders who give so freely of their time and talents each week. These include the CAAMP Choirs, Ambassadors, Sanctuary Choir, Renaissance Ringers, instrumentalists, sound technicians, various volunteers, and the professional music staff. The CAAMP (Christian After-school Art, Music, and Performance Program) Choirs wish to thank Sharon Dowden who has so faithfully provided and coordinated snacks for this group all year. A special thank you goes to the Worship and Music Ministry Team who ensures that all things pertaining to worship are well thought-out and executed. They are also responsible for installing all of the beautiful decorations for every special service. They are Diana McVay (Chair), Carol Burns, Donna Chaney, Ann Frantz, Jim Harris, Dave Jenkins, Norma McVay and Kieron Boyle. A very special weekend of worship and music was created by having the Organ Dinner and Concert on Friday evening and then welcoming the Central State Choir on Sunday morning. The Chef Cover dinner was delicious and the concert brought in the largest audience thus far who generously donated $3000 towards the Organ Support Fund and $550 towards Choralfest 2015. On Sunday we were inspired and lifted up by the beautiful voices of the Central State Choir. A blessed weekend indeed! From the “regular” Sundays in January through the Christmas Eve Candlelight Service, we are blessed and privileged to serve God and this congregation with His gifts of music. As you read the musical highlights listed below, may you remember a moment in a service or a concert that touched your heart and mind in a special way. Musical highlights of the year include: Prepared and shared a dinner for our SHALOM guests Celebrated Scouting with a special worship service Ash Wednesday Service of Blues and Good News Children’s Choralfest 2014 Palm Sunday Maundy Thursday Service Easter Celebration Service Children’s Musical for Mother’s Day Worship Service Choir Recognition Sunday Hamilton Praise Team led worship Gregg Clark’s Band led worship World Communion Sunday Kirkin’ of the Tartans Service “From Classical to Jazz” Organ Dinner/Concert Central State Choir sang for worship Christmas Cantata, “The Voices of Christmas” (Sanctuary Choir, Soloists, Narrators, Chamber Orchestra, Sacred Dancers) Family Christmas Service, “The Christmas Chronicles” (CAAMP Children’s Choirs) 8 Christmas Eve Candlelight Service What a joy it is to serve in a church where the love of music and the arts creates a special place to glorify and praise our risen Lord! Yours in Christ’s name, Joyce Zigler - Director of Music Ministries/Organist From the Director of the Pre-Kindergarten Readiness Program The Pre-Kindergarten Readiness Program has been at the First Presbyterian Church since the mid 60’s. Dee Emmons began the program while her husband, Dr. Irvin Emmons, was the pastor here. Three years ago, I met the Emmons’ daughter as she was here for a visit and came downstairs. I talked to her about the program. She stated that her parents would have been very happy to see that it is still in existence and thriving. The purpose of our program is to provide kindergarten readiness for children whose families do not qualify for federal or state-funded programs, but who cannot afford a private preschool program. There has never been a charge for any child to attend school here. We are regulated by the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services. The State inspects our program once a year and we strictly follow all their guidelines. We currently have 20 children - ten girls and ten boys. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, or national and ethnic origin in administration of all the educational policies or other activities. Kindergarten readiness is held on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in September. Beginning in October, the hours are 9:00 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. The goal of our program is to help prepare each child for kindergarten. We include readiness activities in the fields of reading, numbers, language, art, music, number concepts, finger plays, science, and social studies. We also celebrate many themes and holidays throughout the year. We work with the children on many different skills - social, small and large motor, listening, following directions, sharing, and taking turns. Conferences are held for each child during November/December and late April or early May. Additional conferences for individual children are held if necessary. The staff has been trained in First Aid, CPR, Communicable Diseases, and Child Abuse & Neglect. This training is required every three years, except CPR, which is every two years. We also have in place an emergency plan if the children need to leave the building, and also have a fire drill plan and a tornado drill plan. The director and teachers in the program have many years of teaching and education in their backgrounds. I am very honored to be the Director/lead teacher since July 2010, and look forward to future years. I have BS and MS Degrees in Elementary Education. I also have a Kindergarten Certification. Kim Flesher joined me as my co-teacher this school year. Kim and I look forward to fun in learning every day with our students. It has been a joy, a blessing and very rewarding being with and working with these four and five year-old children. The financial support of the First Presbyterian Church and the wonderful assistance we receive from the office staff, custodial staff, and whomever else we ask for help is outstanding! We are forever thankful for the church in sponsoring this wonderful mission. Paula Fairchild-Elliott, Director/Lead Teacher Kim Flesher, Teacher Boards of First Presbyterian Church 9 THE SESSION 2015 (May) Kieron Boyle Carol Burns Kathy Harris Emily Pheanis Fred Sauer 2016 (May) Linda Bursk Dianne Gerber Tim Rudd Katherine Oellerich Peter Seifert 2017 (May) Anne Frantz Andrew Horton Bill Triick Ann Veith Scott Walker Greg Gibson, Interim Pastor BOARD OF TRUSTEES 2015 (May) Jim Bruner Don Burns Bill Wooley 2016 (May) Larry Anderson Donna Chaney Tricia Neeley 2017 (May) Pat Edwards Marty Hensler Joe Newlin BOARD OF DEACONS 2015 (May) Amber Boyle Bill Bursk Gregg Clark Isabella Develen Judy Karchner Polly Lorenz Lynne Wiley Lisa Wilson 2016 (May) Patti Gage Sue Griffey Pattie Horton Paul Nisbet Barbara Pearce Rebecca Staley Ann Stoutenborough Nancy Strait From the Administration and Personnel Committee 10 2017 (May) Mary Brehm Paula Cohen Linette Curless Diane Norton Gudrun Seifert Darrell Templeton Joyce Triick Lynne Wiley 2014 was a year of continued change and growth at First Church. This was a year of transition and the development of staff relationships. We began the year with Karl Duchmann as resident after which Ed Soto also became a resident on July 1. Karl resigned in October to return to Louisville for further studies. Ed Soto has carried on the duties as Pastoral Resident in an excellent fashion for the remainder of the year. Amber was our Christian Education Director and Youth Director when Amber wanted to limit her duties to directing the youth. Kara Cover was employed to direct Christian Education, after a brief tenure she elected to return to her study of Music Education. Amber then graciously returned to the duties of Christian Education through the remainder of the year. Joyce Zigler presented a proposal to reinstate the Handbell Choir. A budget was submitted and approved. Janet Scott, a graduate of the College-Conservatory of Music was hired. This has been a wonderful addition to our music program. Staff appraisals, including Greg Gibson were completed and reviewed by the Committee. Sincere thanks goes to the members of this committee for the dedicated work they have done this year. Members currently in service are Donna Chaney, Dave Francis, Andrew Horton, Judy Karchner, Eldon Mattick, Tricia Neeley, Paul Nisbet, Katherine Oellerich, Ken Thomas, and Scott Walker. Many thanks also go to the dedicated staff at First Church. Without their hard work, the programming and operations would not happen. Thanks also go to Interim Pastor, Greg Gibson whose leadership has begun the process of teaching us to become a growing church. Marty Hensler Chairman From the Christian Education Committee The Christian Education Committee has been hard at work this past year. The Nursery has been open every Sunday for our infants up to Kindergarten age. Our Sunday School program has been offered each Sunday out of the month except Communion Sunday. This is for kids in grades K through 6. We have an average of eight kids that attend Sunday School. The Youth Group is going strong. Ten wonderful teenagers attend the program every Wednesday evening. They help with different activities in the church including filling the Easter eggs for our egg hunt, adopting a family for our Christmas basket program, helping move our “rummage” for the rummage sale, etc… They went on a mission trip over the summer in Pennsylvania and attended a spring and summer camp at The Kirkmont Center. We have a middle school youth group that is small in numbers but they do a lot around our church. They meet on the second and fourth Sunday of every month. They held a bake sale at our annual rummage sale and raised money to sponsor our Mt. Pleasant tea party in December, gave out Valentines to our church members who reside at Mt. Pleasant, spent an evening with our Shalom guests, adopted a family for our Christmas basket program, etc… We look forward to this group growing in numbers. The Christian Education Committee has also helped with the Easter Egg hunt on Palm Sunday, held the Advent workshop in early December, and helped with a successful Vacation Bible School in June. 11 Thank you to all the wonderful volunteers who helped make all this happen this past year. Respectfully submitted, Amber Boyle From the Member Development and Communications Team Our team’s responsibilities is to identify and welcome visitors, to integrate new members into the church and to encourage and facilitate the involvement of our church family and friends. Visitor information is gathered from the fellowship pads in the pews each Sunday Morning. We also greet and meet our friends at the church services, in the Gathering Area on Sundays and during special events and activities. Visitors are sent welcome cards with a note from the Pastor. They also receive phone calls from a team member or staff. Public communications are a part of the responsibilities of the MDC team. Newsworthy announcements about special events, church services, ongoing activities and special projects are included. News sources include the Middletown Journal, WMUB and Presbytery of the Miami Valley. Ladies at LaRosa’s meet the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. This has been a successful monthly event for the past 13 years. Anyone is welcome and please come and enjoy a fun and casual evening with the gals!! The Annual Party on the Lawn was held Saturday, September 20, and the turn-out was most successful. The children enjoyed playing the games and taking part in the activities. Everyone enjoyed the picnic supper and great music by Gregg Clark and Friends. The highlights for 2014 were as follows: Hosted New Member reception Created new visitor bags Sponsored the Mount Pleasant Bus Transportation Project Hosted a Lenten Luncheon Worked with our SHALOM friends in the evenings with recreation and conversations Advertised church special services and events The Member Development and Communication Team members are: Larry Anderson, Amber Boyle, Sue Griffey, Pat Hathaway, Nancy Peterson, Peter Seifert, and Tom Zigler. Pat Hathaway, Chair From the Mission Committee Your mission committee members are Linda Bursk, Larry Anderson, Chris Beatty, Joyce Christy, Dianne Gerber, Ted Miller, Fay Smillie, Darrell Templeton, and Marge Wooley. The chairmanship has recently moved from Dianne Gerber to our present chairman Linda Bursk. 12 We have spent many hours discussing what the past and current missions of the church have looked like. With that information at hand we have been able to look to the future of the mission of the church with regard to the international, region and local needs of those communities. Our members are a wealth of information. We all have different life, career, community, and church experiences, giving us various perspectives from which to draw, as we continue the mission of our church. We continued to support our international missionaries, with gifts to the Outreach Foundation for the Emergency Medical Care Fund of Dr. and Mrs. John Fowler in Turkey, and Nancy Collins in Zambia. We participated in the Vacation Bible School well projects to help dig wells in a third world country. We contributed to the Heifer Foundation International, which provided farm animals for third world farmers. Regionally, One Way Farm was a recipient of a gift from our Mission Committee. One Way Farm is a facility that houses children who have suffered abuse and neglect at the hands of their parents. The children are placed there through the court system. We also contributed to Mission 85, which is located in Clintonville, Ohio. Through the Church on Como, a ministry for young women and men is available, which includes life coaching and recovery assistance and provides homes for these young people. Locally, funds were disbursed to the Mt. Pleasant Life Care Fund to assist the needs of our members living there, Comprehensive Counseling, which provides counseling for those in need, and Hope House, our local homeless shelter. We continued our support of our Kindergarten Readiness Program. In addition, we provided funding for the SHALOM Program and Young Life. We continue to provide for the FISH Fund as part of our local outreach to the community. Early in the year we made a commitment to discover projects in which we as a congregation can become personally involved in mission. We were pleased to supplement the Youth Mission trip to Pennsylvania and the Men's Mission trip to New Orleans. The congregation continues to be generous supporters of the Giving Tree through their donations of school supplies and monetary giving. This enthusiasm, and the 55 years of support of the Kindergarten Readiness Program, brought to our attention how important educating children is to our congregation. It wasn’t long until we had partnered with Rosa Parks Elementary School to help these students with their physical comforts by providing personal hygiene products through donations by the congregation. It is our hope that knowing they are loved and in a small way comforted, these students can focus on learning and making a good life for themselves, their families and their community. The congregation has responded with great enthusiasm. We have encouraged the social worker at the school to contact us when a need arises. We are helping with the weekly unloading of weekend food backpacks and delivering them to the classrooms. This is an example of the hands-on mission that is important for our congregation. We will continue to open ourselves to new projects as they are brought to our attention. Dianne Gerber, Committee Member From the Scouting Ministry Venture Crew 1 Crew One has been busy this year! We have become the standard by which Crews are measured in our district. We have added five new recruits to our fold. We represented our Chartered Organization by being the only Crew to attend a spring Camp-o-Ree in several years. We took a trip to a college town and gave our young adults a glimpse into the 13 future of college life. We spent several nights camping at Hueston Woods and attended Peterloon 2014 (Peterloon is held every two years and is the largest and longest-running camp out in this area for scouts). We rang in the New Year together at our beloved church as a family and had a great time doing so! We held our first-annual Amazing Race helping 11 Boy Scouts and 13 Girl Scouts advance in rank. We made delicious subs for the super bowl as a fundraiser. We also participated in the Scout Sunday service. Our volunteer commitments included helping extensively with Cub Scout Pack One, aiding with Christmas Basket distribution, and sponsoring a SHALOM dinner and entertaining guests, working a table at the National Night Out, Work Day at the church, and an entire day of helping run the district event “Spook-o-Ree.” This year we look forward to recruiting new faces, spending more time outdoors, and improving our life skills such as cooking, camping, filling out job applications, interviewing, college application and scholarship application, and the tried and true skills the Boy Scouts have taught for over 100 years now. Cub Scout Pack 1 With the switch in leadership, it’s been an eventful year for Pack 1! We currently have seven registered adults, and the boys are looking forward to earning ranks. We are happy to say by the end of April at least 75% of our boys will have earned rank including two boys who have crossed over to Troop One! Our current number of registered scouts will be increasing with Spring Sign Ups. We forecast to have approximately 32 registered scouts after Spring Recruitment. This past year we camped at Chilo Yurts and Twin Creek (Camp Hook) Metropark, learning about hiking, safety in nature, Leave No Trace, and had a lot of fun with campfire songs and games. We enjoyed fun activities throughout the school year so far such as a Halloween Party, cake bake auction, Winterfest International party, Scout Sunday with Blue & Gold Banquet, and last but not least an awesome Pinewood Derby race! We are looking forward to our upcoming Cross Over party that will end the den meetings for the school year, and then we will be set to start our summer fun activities. This year we look forward to a new Scout curriculum that starts in May. We are excited for some of our upcoming events this year such as campouts at Twin Creek, Possum Creek, and Cub World! We also have some day outings and picnics planned for Armco Park and the National Air Force Museum. Starting in the fall we will have tons of activities as we get back to weekly meetings and monthly events such as Cub-o-Ree, Spook-o-Ree, and Pack meetings. May our heavenly Scoutmaster watch over us and all ordinary Scouts, and may we follow the trail that leads to Him. Jennifer Walker - Chartered Organization Representative, Scott Walker - Scoutmaster, Troop 1, Kelly Wilder - Committee Chair, Jeff Wilder - Crew 1 Advisor, Brandi Earls - Cub Master, Pack 1 From the Board of Deacons The Board of Deacons has had a full and rewarding year. We continue our most noticeable work as ushers and greeters for each and every service. We have willing members available for their assigned task and willing to change and fill in as needed. 14 We continue to offer coffee and cookies or snacks for our Fellowship Hour before and after the church Worship Service. Several of these were bountiful for special occasions including our guest choirs. Pattie Horton with hours of work successfully headed up the Christmas Basket Program again this year. Many deacons, past deacons, and scouts helped make this a wonderful ministry. Suppers for Six continues with Bill Bursk inviting new members to join in the home suppers. Christian Education Committee is looking to expand since their services continue to grow. Rebecca Staley kept us on target to send each member a birthday card in a timely manner with Sandy mailing them from the office. Rev. Greg and Mary Beth Gibson started our new Care Givers Group. We individually made a commitment to come to a training session and take one or two members to visit or call once a month. This could include a member who is ill or homebound. We want to be helpful and let them know that we the church care. We had a second training session, which also included others that are not currently deacons. Our visits are to supplement the pastors’ calls and to be sounding board for other needs. We commissioned nine caregivers to carry out this new program on March 8. A number of memorial receptions were planned and carried out for members who had lost a loved one. These range from cookies and coffee to full sit-down lunches. It’s been a good year. Ann Stoutenborough Moderator From the Board of Trustees During 2014, your Board of Trustees worked diligently to oversee the income and expenditures associated with both the General Operating Budget and the Buildings and Grounds Account. Both accounts ended the year in solid financial condition. The Trustees play an important role in the ongoing activities of most of the churches operating committees including: Administration and Personnel, Endowment, Music/Worship Ministry Team, Nominating, Stewardship, and Scholarship. Many volunteers join with the Trustees to accomplish many tasks involving the buildings and grounds. Bill Wooley, our current chair of this committee, works tirelessly to ensure that the buildings are kept in good repair and the entire grounds are beautifully maintained. Please thank all of the Trustees for their service: Larry Anderson, Jim Bruner (Vice Chairman), Donna Chaney, Pat Edwards (Assistant Treasurer/Secretary), Tricia Neeley (Treasurer), Joe Newlin, Marty Hensler, and Bill Wooley. Kathy Harris and Rev. Greg Gibson are much appreciated as regular staff support. Don Burns, Chairman From the Endowment Oversight Committee The committee met 3 times in the past year. Normally, there are 4 meetings but the February 2015 meeting was cancelled due to weather. Each meeting was approximately 45 days following the close of the fiscal quarter. The committee consists of Trish Neeley, Joe Newlin, Jim Bruner, Don Burns, and Jim Harris. 15 Jim Bruner is leaving the committee and being replaced by Carl Fiora. The endowment is currently managed by J.P. Morgan Chase Bank and our personal representative from that institution is Andy Williams. Each meeting consisted of a review of the past quarter’s fund performance by the committee and the Chase representative, along with a review of the current economic situation and the near term outlook. The committee continues to be satisfied with the performance results of this actively managed account. Jim Harris, Chair From the Nominating Committee The following are nominated to serve on the boards: Elders - Class of 2018 Deacons – Class of 2018 Margaret Fiora Nancy Peterson Tom Scott Beth Susco Darrell Templeton Bill Bursk Gregg Clark Carol Croake Denise Dennison Nancy Fraunfelter Judy Karchner Becky Rudd Lisa Wilson Trustees - Class of 2018 Don Pelfrey John Peterson Bill Wooley 2014 Nominating Committee Carol Burns (Elder) Mike Jenkins (Elder) Diane Norton (Deacon) Larry Anderson (Trustee) Dolores Malcom (at-large) Deacons – Class 2017 Chuck Barton 2014 Financial Statements - 2015 Budgets Operating Budget 2014 ACTUAL 2014 BUDGET 16 2015* BUDGET $ CHANGE Income Pledged Contributions Unpledged Contributions 2014 Surplus Loose Offering Per Capita Miscellaneous Income Total $ 318,512 43,648 25,383 6,927 219 1,371 $ 396,060 $ 302,717 27,000 25,383 5,000 4,000 900 $ 365,000 $ 388,400 10,000 6,000 1,000 500 $ 405,900 $ 85,683 (17,000) (25,383) 1,000 (3,000) (400) $ 40,900 Expenses Personnel Church Administration Christian Nurture CAAMP Music/Worship Stephen Ministry Facilities Upkeep Mission Giving Member Development Stewardship Total $ 284,004 23,866 7,234 446 9,691 228 7,401 17,310 3,040 3,082 $ 356,302 $ 300,684 20,500 7,700 500 7,150 200 6,500 17,310 2,200 0 $ 362,744 $ 321,900 28,300 8,600 500 10,150 250 7,700 22,500 3,000 3,000 $ 405,900 $ 21,216 7,800 900 0 3,000 50 1,200 5,190 800 3,000 $ 43,156 $ 97,000 $ 97,000 $ 100,000 $ 3,000 $ 18,939 10,605 5,975 570 2,260 6,976 50,480 95,805 $ 17,000 10,000 6,000 1,000 2,300 8,000 52,700 97,000 18,500 11,500 6,000 1,000 2,300 7,000 53,700 $ 100,000 $ 1,500 1,500 0 0 0 (1,000) 1,000 3,000 Buildings & Grounds Income Endowment Distribution Expenses Building Maintenance Grounds Maintenance Maintenance Contracts Manse Maintenance Manse Taxes Insurance Utilities Total $ $ *2015 Budgets recommended by Trustees & approved by Session - 12/11/2014 SUPPORT FUNDS SUMMARY Established by the Trustees, Support Funds are used for projects and ministry beyond the scope of the operating budget. Income into the funds comes from one or more of the following sources: memorials; bequests; special gifts; fund raising efforts and money market interest. 17 SUPPORT FUND 12/31/2014 BALANCE Christmas Baskets $ Contingency 2,879 157,000 HIGHLIGHTS Food & supplies for Deacons’ Salvation Army program. Staff computers, Financial Audit, Church Van, Kirkmont loan, roof repairs, interior painting. Deacons 1,268 No major expenditures or receipts. Kirkmont Camperships 2,470 Provided camp scholarships to members and friends. Memorial 29,013 Undesignated memorial gifts are received into this fund. Mission 16,316 See “Mission Gifts & Disbursements” Report. Music 2,721 Purchase new banners and microphones. Receipts from member gifts & gift card sale profits. Organ 15,702 Maintenance work on organ. Receipts include gifts from the Organ Concert. Special Projects 17,736 Manse update, Session retreat, Party On the Lawn entertainment, Mt. Pleasant bus service, Youth mission trip support Scholarship/Grants 40,422 Provides scholarships to college students. Old loan repayments deposited into this account. Youth Fellowship 1,486 Funding for Mission trip. Receipts from GFS rebates and paper recycling deposited into this account. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH – 2014 MISSION GIVING HIGHLIGHTS MISSION SUPPORT FUND DISTRIBUTIONS * DESIGNATED CONGREGATIONAL GIFTS 18 Local/International Financial Support Miami Valley Presbytery Outreach Foundation6, Mt. Pleasant Life Care Fund Hope House Heifer Foundation PC(USA) African Well Project Young Life Big Brother & Sisters ILAM Abilities First Foundation One Way Farm Missionary Travel Assistance Church-Sponsored Programs Support Kindergarten Readiness Program FISH Program Funding Youth Mission Trip Prayer Shawls Ministry $12,000 6,000 2,000 1,500 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 500 500 600 $28,100 $ 9,200 4,500 1,000 607 $15,307 Giving Tree – Student Backpacks Christmas Baskets FISH Fund (Gifts/Christmas Memorials) SHALOM (Lenten Lunch proceeds) PC(USA) One Great Hour of Sharing PC(USA) Christmas Joy 30-Hour Famine (Youth) Group Cares (VBS offering) Family Services – Easter memorials PC(USA) Peacemaking SHALOM (member gifts) PC(USA) Pentecost Family Services Food Pantry-Souper Bowl One Way Farm - Pentecost Parachute - Peacemaking Clothing Depot (Women’s Circle) Center of Hope (Women’s Circle) $ 2,975 2,900 1,928 750 720 607 530 525 490 325 302 262 135 110 109 75 59 $12,802 * The Mission Support Fund is funded through specific bequests and member gifts. FISH Fund Distributions $ 5,975 19 First Presbyterian Church Consolidated Balance Sheet December 31, 2014 Assets First Financial Bank – Checking Chase Bank – Building & Grounds Endowment Funds Support Funds Money Market Petty Cash TOTAL $ 87,459 1,545 1,677,940 247,432 200 $2,014,576 Property & Equipment Land, Buildings, Furniture & Equipment 1,420,322 Total Assets $3,434,898 Liabilities Transfer/Escrow Accounts Ongoing & Gift Funds 2015 Prepaid Pledges TOTAL $ 1,812 207 45,750 $ Membership Equity 47,769 $3,387,129 Total Liabilities & Equity 20 $3,434,898
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