CHI RHO The Chi Rho is published monthly by St. John Submissions are requested by the 19th of the month preceding publication. Inside this issue: A Word from the Pastor 1 Important Dates/ 2 Birthdays Stewardship/Council 3 WELCA /NEWS 4-5 Asst. Schedule / Calendar-January Purple Asst. Schedule / Calendar-February Pink January 2015 In December and January of every year, we celebrate our Lord’s birth with the season of Christmas. It can be a special and stress free time where we think nice thoughts, enjoy abundant relaxation, have plenty of excess money to buy all sorts of nice things for family, and where we get everything we want under the Christmas tree. If anyone reading this newsletter has ever had a Christmas like that, please tell the rest of us how you pulled it off. For many, Christmas is a special time of year but it can also be very stressful. In fact, when we look to Scripture, we find that the first Christmas was just that. Mary and Joseph were on a journey to participate in a mandatory census in Joseph’s ancestral home, Bethlehem. Mary was well along in her pregnancy and has to travel well over half of Israel on the back of a donkey. As they arrived, she went into labor. Because of the high volume of travelers for the census there was no room to rent. Mary’s labor and delivery room was likely a dark, damp, and smelly stable which they shared with the owner’s livestock. Now that is the picture of stress. The season can be similarly stressful for our families and our church. Usually, its financial strain that causes the most worries. Christmas is a time when we want to buy gifts for our family. We want them to have nice things and to feel loved and special, but we only have so much to spend. Christmas is also the end of a budget year, when financial shortfalls become evident at church, and we worry how to balance and approve next year’s budget. For this Christmas season, when the financial squeeze starts, and it begins to feel stressful like giving birth in a stable, just remember that God loves us. Jesus laid down all he had, his whole life, for our sake. On the cross he gave us God’s love unconditionally. He redeemed us and made us all the beloved children of God. Jesus shows us that we are already special and loved, and we need not search for those things under a Christmas tree. God will also provide us what we need for our ministry here at St. John Lutheran. Therefore, this Christmas season even if you couldn’t afford to buy every gift your family desired, or are worried about the 2015 budget, remember who you are and remind others of who they are. We are the redeemed children of the Almighty God. We are made so by God’s love and sacrifice for us at the cross. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas, and may your holiday journeys in the New Year be safe and blessed. See you in worship! Pastor Joe Woodward 3rd…WELCA Officers meeting @ 9:30am 4th…Sunday School & Confirmation @ 9:15am Worship @ 10:30am 5th...Will-O-Bell with Communion @ 10am 1 Sharon Randig Jerry Smalley 3 Greyson Huber 5 Sharon Kurtin Myrtle Wood 7 Emily Dague 8 Robert Steglich 9 Lynn Stroud Amanda Thaler 14th…Men’s Bible Study (Lois&Jerrys)@7:15am 10 Rachel Burklow 15th..Piecemakers @ 1pm 16 David Bielss Jane Motl 17 Nathan Dague 20 Earl Marsh 23 Megan Spinn 27 Terri Crum Jason Young 21st..Men’s Bible Study (Lois&Jerrys)@7:15am 29 Amy Young 22nd..Piecemakers @1pm 30 Weston Rafay 25th..Sunday School & Confirmation @ 9:15am 31 Sandra Jones Garrison Rafay Dominoes @12:30am Reports Due into Office 7th…Men’s Bible Study (Lois&Jerrys)@7:15am 8th…..Piecemakers @ 1pm 11th…Sunday School & Confirmation @ 9:15am Worship @ 10:30am 12th..Dominoes @12:30am 13th….American Legion Meeting @7pm 18th...Sunday School & Confirmation @ 9:15am Worship @ 10:30am CONGREGATIONAL MEETING WELCA Meeting & CHILI LUNCH 19th.. Dominoes @ 12:30pm Church Council Meeting @ 6:30pm 20th..Women’s Bible Study @10am-(Esterleen Fischer's Home) Worship @ 10:30am 26th..Dominoes @ 12:30pm 28th..Men’s Bible Study (Lois&Jerrys)@7:15am Crafting @ 9am 29th..Piecemakers @1pm If your birthday is not on the list or if it is on the wrong day please let the office know so that we can correct it. 30650 State Hwy 95 P.O. Box 70 Bartlett, TX 76511 1 mile north of Bartlett on State Highway 95 Phone 254-527-3341 Fax 254-527-4522 Office Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. M-Th Email Web STAFF Pastor Joe Woodward Organist Garland Kneten Secretary Sherry Kell COUNCIL OFFICERS President Vice President/Stewardship Secretary Treasurer Financial Secretary 254-289-4454 (cell) 527-4235 Hm 512-913-5900 (cell) HOME Weldon Kurtz Darrell Marek Rick Fleming Janice Atchison Sharon Koonsen ACTION TEAM LEADERS Property Youth Property Evangelism Worship Public Relations Parish Ed Membership/Fellowship W-ELCA Cemetery 657-2588 527-4521 983-2050 527-3142 657-2568 HOME CELL 231-1082 760-8329 217-3462 721-8477 CELL Steven Wentrcek 718-3106 Kristi Dague 642-0318 913-1072 Lynn Stroud 541-4390 Jay Don Gommert 982-4915 721-0050 Joann Zieschang 527-3948 512-563-3591 Gayle Bielss 527-4424 718-5390 Sharon Randig 527-3287 512-585-9481 Jennifer Starke 718-6215 Pat Stroud 541-4389 Nelwyn Persky 527-4344 231-5296 Walt Saverse 770-8381 OFFERINGS FOR MONTH OF DECEMBER Date Attendance Offering December 7, 2014 90 $4029 December 14, 2014 99 $3078 December 21, 2014 104 $2635 December 24, 2014 250 $1207 December 25, 2014 32 $20 December 28, 2014 72 $1545 647 $12,514 December Totals Just a reminder: WELCA appreciates every member of our congregation and is grateful for your support. Thank you all for reading this information, and for everything you do in the name of Jesus, our Lord. GOD WORKS THROUGH OUR HANDS . . . W-ELCA . . . we are thankful for another successful year and wish everyone every blessing in the coming new year. ***************************************** Coming Up! Thursdays . . . . . . .1:00-3:00 p.m. PieceMakers work on Lutheran World Relief Quilts Jan 20 Tuesday . . 10:00 a.m. Morning Bible Study & Lunch at the home of Esterleen Fischer Annual Chili Lunch . . . . . . January 18 Annual Congregational Chili Luncheon & WELCA Meeting. Everything is set for our delicious annual congregational chili lunch on Sunday, January 18 - y'all come! And we hope as many WELCA members as possible will make plans to stay for our important meeting to set our 2015 calendar and budget. The Lord has blessed us with a fruitful year, but there are many needs, so this is our opportunity to prayerfully consider how we can best serve our Lord in the coming year. Thank you for planning to attend. AT P.S. Thanks to the gentlemen who always stick around to help clean up -- we appreciate you very much! Mark your calendars for January 20! As we begin the New Year, Esterleen Fischer has invited us all to her home on Wednesday, January 20, for the month's WELCA Bible Study, with lunch to follow. NOTE the starting time change to 10:00 a.m. Please plan to bring a salad or dessert, and stay for lunch. Incoming Officers. A joint meeting of the 2014 and 2015 WELCA officers is scheduled for 9:30 a.m. Saturday, January 3, in the TRC. Agenda includes reviewing year-to-date expenses in order to draft a proposed 2015 budget, and developing a proposed 2015 calendar, including ideas for committee chairwomen and quarterly coordinators. MANY THANKS to our 2014 officers for all their prayer, time and energy devoted to our organization: WORK! Co-chair Pat Stroud & Nelwyn Persky Vice President Karen Davis Co-secretary Sue Marsh & Dotty Kneten Treasurer Sharon Koonsen Thanks, as well, to our incoming officers and their promise of leadership for our 2015 year of service: Co-chair Sandra Jones & Nelwyn Persky Vice President Sharon Kurtin Secretary Linda Ferguson Treasurer Judy Gersbach Christmas Ornament Exchange Brunch Recap. Over 30 members and guests shared a joyous morning at the 12th annual Ornament Exchange on December 6. Thank you all for the wonderful ornaments, yummy recipes and special memories! Now: as busy as the holiday season gets, it's not too early to mark your calendar for next year's Exchange, on Saturday, December 5! We would love to have every member attend -- with a guest. Advent Fair Results. Thank you again! Gross Receipts $18,003.25 Expenses Turkey Dinners (501) $400.52 666.09 Total Expenses 1,066.61 Net Income $16,936.64 ***************************************** Letter of Thanks. We recently received this letter of thanks for our Good Gifts contribution. This year (2014) was our first venture into supporting the ELCA Good Gifts program. December 1, 2014 Dear St John Lutheran Church, Thank you for your recent gift of $10.00 to support the mission and ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) through ELCA Good Gifts. With your help, the ELCA is sharing the gospel, starting new congregations, preparing leaders, working to overcome malaria, fighting hunger and so much more. Your gifts are truly transforming lives. Together, we do more than we ever could alone. With our hands, we do God's work of restoring and reconciling communities in Jesus Christ's name throughout the world. Thank you for your partnership. And thanks, again, for your generous support. It is deeply appreciated. In Christ, Christina Jackson-Skelton, W-ELCA AT WORK Cheese Braids Executive Director, Mission Advancement Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Welcome New Members: Courtney Janke, Casey Hernandez, Carl & Brenda Kessler New Church Council Members: Debra Martin, Walt Saverse, Mila Wegner, Duane Kurtin, Dorothy Marwitz, and J.R. Gersbach Please mark your calendar for January 18th @10:30am. The annual report will be given to the congregation and committees will be formed. Address Service Requested Non-Profit Organization US Postage PAID Permit #7 Bartlett TX 76511 St. John Lutheran Church 30650 State Hwy 95 P. O. Box 70 Bartlett, TX 76511 Congregational Meeting with Annual Report January 18, 2015 @ 10:30am WELCA Meeting & Chili Dinner After worship Join Us and Bring a Friend! January 2015 Worship 10:30am Sunday School 9:15am To Share the Gospel as We Serve To Go Empowered by the Holy Spirit To Grow Spiritually To Gather as God’s People OUR MISSION Sunday Mornings You’re Always Welcome at St. John Lutheran Church…
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