DECEMBER 2014 Christmas Worship Christmas Eve December 24, 2014 5:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 10:30 pm Candlelight Services Children’s Message at 5pm and 7pm Special Music by the Adult Choir and Handbell Choir People are more receptive to an invitation to worship on Christmas Eve than at any other time of the year. Pick up a postcard from the welcome center to share with your neighbors, friends and family to invite them to celebrate Jesus’ birth at Messiah. Messiah Lutheran Church, 801 South Green Street, Brownsburg, IN (317) 852-2988 My Dear Brothers and Sisters, It is December already and you know what that brings! From Pastor Miller’s Desk Christmas Season Or really Advent/Christmas Wednesday Advent Worship Christmas Eve candlelight services Shopping season Party time Family time Crazy time Time to decorate the house Food Feasts Sweets Treats And it is a whole lot more than those things. December stirs our hearts. Despite the frigid temperatures, it makes us feel alive again! Anticipation that something great is about to burst onto the scene and into our lives fills us with hope and joyful waiting. On top of all that, there is a real sense of urgency. We feel that we have so much to get done before the big day. And we do. One of the biggest issues that arises in the season of Advent is the question, “it has been so long, 2000 years, when is Christ’s second Advent going to finally arrive?” We see that in our lessons, especially the first two weeks of Advent— “Then they will see ‘the Son of Man coming in clouds’ with great power and glory. Then he will send out the angels, and gather his elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of heaven.” “But about that day or hour no one knows, neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Beware, keep alert; for you do not know when the time will come.” It is hard enough to wait when we actually know the date of the arrival. For example, we know the approximate date a baby will be born, but we wait with baited breath. When we are engaged, we usually know the date of the wedding, but the waiting is difficult at times. We know when Christmas will arrive, but children are not the only ones who can’t wait for it to be here. So how do we wait when the time we wait for is unknown? How do we wait when what was expected long ago, still has not happened? How do we avoid complacency? First of all, there is nothing complacent about our faith! Jesus call and command is one of urgency, “Go and make disciples of all nations….” We are to be active in sharing the gospel with others. There is no (Continued on next page) Messiah Lutheran Church, 801 South Green Street, Brownsburg, IN (317) 852-2988 time like now to do that. You and I do not know how much time we have to make a difference for the kingdom of God. One thing that is certain (if not profound) with each day that passes we have one less day to share the love of God with our neighbors, friends, co-workers and family. Our waiting is an active thing. When Jesus calls, he is calling us to action. The timing of Christ’s return is almost irrelevant. What matters is what we do with whatever time is left. Why miss an opportunity to love God and neighbor? The Christian life is one that we live for the sake of others. Most of my book plates in my library remind me of this: I shall pass through this world but once. Any good therefore that I can do or any kindness that I can show to any human being, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it for I shall not pass this way again. Live the Christian life with a genuine sense of urgency, knowing what you do matters, knowing that any kindness offered will be worth it and knowing that Christ will come again, so watch and make a difference. Love to you, Pastor “COMFORT, COMFORT MY PEOPLE”, SAYS GOD There are many moments in our lives when we need comfort. There are tough times when we yearn for consolation. The suffering people who looked for the long-awaited Messiah were given a hope-filled image of God in the writings of Isaiah. It expresses the belief that no matter what happens to us, God will be there to comfort and support us. Christmas can be a time for many when we are in need of that reassurance and comfort. Perhaps we are grieving over the loss of a loved one, struggling with illness, or have experienced the loss of a job. We wonder how we will get through the holidays. Those looking for comfort, hope, wholeness, and renewal are invited to: MESSIAH’S CHRISTMAS DINNER SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21st 3:00 pm Come for a time of quiet reflection, a delicious meal with others, meaningful words and music. All shared in the good news of “God with us: Immanuel!” RSVP to the church office (317) 852-2988 if you are able to attend. Messiah Lutheran Church, 801 South Green Street, Brownsburg, IN (317) 852-2988 WORSHIP Saturday and Sundays we are focusing on Advent Stirrings in all our worship services. On Wednesdays at 5:15pm and 6:45pm Karl and Lisa Buetow are creating vignettes that inspire us to keep Advent alive, slow down and focus on what’s important during this season. Each Wednesday—Dec. 3, 10, 17—a different group is hosting dinner at 6pm in the Kinney Family Life Center. A great time to get to know others and not have to cook! Devotion booklets are available in the rack just inside the entrance doors that lead to the church office. If you’d like to still make an Advent wreath, supplies are available in the blue tub in room 129. Pausing each day to reflect on the season is so helpful in our hectic world. DECEMBER BIBLE READINGS Sunday December 7 Second Sunday of Advent Isaiah 40:1-11 Psalm 85:1-2, 8-13 2 Peter 3:8-15a Mark 1:1-8 Sunday December 14 Third Sunday of Advent Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11 Psalm 126 Thessalonians 5:16-24 John 1:6-8, 19-28 Sunday December 21 Fourth Sunday of Advent 2 Samuel 7:1-11, 16 Luke 1:46b-55 Romans 16:25-27 Luke 1:26-38 Wednesday, December 24 Christmas Eve Psalm 96 Titus 2: 11—14 Luke 2: 1—20 Sunday December 28 First Sunday of Christmas Isaiah 61:10-62:3 Psalm 148 Galatians 4:4-7 Luke 2:22-40 Messiah Lutheran Church, 801 South Green Street, Brownsburg, IN (317) 852-2988 SOCIAL MINISTRY MISSION OF THE MONTH: FAITH MINISTRY FUND This fund is utilized to assist members in time of financial crisis. Needs and monies that are distributed from the fund are decided at the discretion of the Faith Ministry Committee. SOCIAL MINISTRY NEWS NICARAGUA www. Oliven González proudly shows her vegetable garden and fruit trees saying, “What I used to buy, now I can grow myself. We have enough for ourselves and then some to sell at the market, too.” “The food for our family has changed since we got involved in this project. Our girls are eating better now,” says Oliven, mother of three young daughters. The project Oliven mentions is supported by your gifts to ELCA World Hunger, working with The Lutheran World Federation and local partner ADEES. The project’s workshops helped Oliven’s family and neighbors learn to grow fruit trees and vegetables, make organic fertilizers, raise chickens and set up small irrigation systems. Now, Oliven and many others in her area have become successful fruit and vegetable farmers. Oliven is pleased to report that the whole González family is involved: “My husband and I work as a team and the girls help, too.” Your gifts to ELCA World Hunger support innovative solutions that fight hunger and poverty in nearly 60 countries around the world, including the United States. Will you help with your gift today? Make your check payable to “ELCA World Hunger.” Place your gift in your congregation’s offering plate or mail it to: ELCA World Hunger P.O. Box 71764 Chicago, IL 60694-1764 Give online with a credit card at Messiah Lutheran Church, 801 South Green Street, Brownsburg, IN (317) 852-2988 JUNIOR HIGH ANNOUNCEMENTS Special Confirmation Sessions January 11 January 25 February 8 We'll be gathering on the 11th and 25th to do some theological "heavy lifting" in preparation for a special learning opportunity and service project on February 8th. It's going to be a great time! The themes for our first two sessions are: Righteousness and Holiness. Confirmation Sunday Requirements Many 8th graders and 8th grade parents are anxious about Confirmation Sunday, and you want to know what's expected. A Confirmation Expectations checklist is available from Steve King. It will clearly spell out what you need to do before Confirmation Sunday and will provide a "cheat sheet" of what you need to know before Confirmation Sunday. JUNIOR AND SENIOR HIGH EVENT Christmas Parade and Caroling You're all encouraged to walk with Messiah in the Christmas Parade on December 6th! We'll be meeting at the church at 4 pm to get the float ready and the parade begins at the high school at 6pm. See you there! SENIOR HIGH ANNOUNCEMENTS Gift-Wrapping Service On Sunday December 14th, the Senior High is getting together for lunch after church and to wrap Christmas presents for folks in our church who can't do it themselves. Then, we'll be delivering the gifts to those members with a Christmas carol! Be sure to be there! Lock-Out We're having a Post-Christmas Lock-Out (like a Lock-In, but, you know, out) on December 29th. We'll gather at the church at 8pm and hit the town for a late night of bowling, sledding, and other activities before finally returning to the church to get a little sleep. Cost for the night is $30/person. Ongoing Events Sunday School every Sunday from 9:45-10:45 in the Youth Room. Messiah Lutheran Church, 801 South Green Street, Brownsburg, IN (317) 852-2988 WOMEN’S MINISTRY WOMEN’S CHRISTMAS LUNCHEON Ornaments and Cookbooks ‘Tis the Season - -, well, almost! But it is not too early to plan to attend the annual Christmas Celebration Luncheon. This year we will be dining out at Dawson’s Too in Brownsburg on Saturday, December 6th. We will begin at 11:00am. Lunch will be ordered from the menu. We will have a brief business meeting with election of officers for the 2015 year. The budget will be presented for approval. Our program will be “The Colors of Christmas” and a White Elephant Gift Exchange. All are asked to bring a “white elephant” gift; something you have but are willing to part with for the exchange. Gifts need not be a Christmas item. You do not have to purchase anything new, but all gifts should be festively wrapped. If you attended our Christmas program last year, you will remember how much fun this was! There are no tickets to purchase. There will is a sign-up sheet in the narthex or you may RSVP to Kris Quandt, Lisa Schulenberg, Margie Bregante, Grace Hull or Audre Wilson. Don your gay apparel, get in the Christmas spirit and join the merriment on December 6th Fa la la la la! There are beautiful commemorative ornaments and cookbooks for sale. The holidays are fast approaching and these items make wonderful gifts. Get your now! Ornaments -$12.00 Cookbooks - $10.00 December Circles WOMEN OF MESSIAH…don’t miss out on an opportunity to grow in your faith and affirm your gifts. If you don’t already attend a Circle, we encourage you to visit one…try it on….see if it “fits” for you. Circles are not just Bible study….it’s a group of women…your sisters in Christ….coming together for fellowship. We support and encourage, pray and laugh, and, in most cases, eat (we wouldn’t be women and Lutherans if food wasn’t involved). DECEMBER CIRCLES: Rebekah - Monday, December 8th, at 7:00pm at church. Hostess: Deb Kania. Leader: Patty Carroll. Joanna – Monday, December 8th, at 7:00pm at church. Hostess: Lisa Buetow. Bring 1-2 dozen cookies for our HomeBound Gift Boxes. Mary Martha – Tuesday, December 9th, at 9:30am at church. SALAD LUNCH. Leader: Helen Kays. Esther – Monday, December 15th, at 7:00pm at church. Hostess: Lori Steininger. Leader: Emily Schweitzer. For more information regarding Circles, please contact Kris Quandt or Norma Wehrman. Messiah Lutheran Church, 801 South Green Street, Brownsburg, IN (317) 852-2988 ANNOUNCEMENTS O.W.L.S. O.W.L.S. will not meet in December. The next meeting will be on Friday, January 16, 2015. Enjoy the holidays everyone!!! POINSETTIAS The sanctuary looks so beautiful at Christmas when the poinsettias decorate the area. Place your order by December 21st by filling out the form in the worship folder each week. The cost is $8 each and you may pick them up after the 10:30pm worship service on Christmas Eve or you may donate them to our homebound members. Read up on the poinsettia legend at customs/poinsettia.shtml SYMPATHY Messiah lifts up in prayer for peace and comfort: Jeff Hubbard at the death of his mother on November 19; Steve and Deb Kania at the death of their son Kyle. The memorial service is Saturday, December 6th at 2pm at Messiah; and, Delbert Sendelwick and his family at the death of his wife Dorian. The celebration of life service will be held Saturday, December 13th at 11am with visitation at 10am at Messiah. PROPERTY WORK DAY: Saturday, December 6th at 9:00am is our next property work day. Come join the fun as we prepare the church for the holiday season. DINING OUT: Join Dining Out Saturday evening, December 13th as they enjoy the rustic atmosphere of The Beef House in Covington, IN. Be sure to sign up in the Narthex if you plan to go. Call Norma Wehrman if you have questions. 317-386-8102. INTERMISSION: The first Sunday of every month the fellowship board will hosts an “Intermission” between services with refreshments in the narthex to build community. Stop and stay a bit to get to know others and enjoy some delicious, home baked goods! MUTUAL MINISTRY: Mutual ministry is a mission-oriented enterprise that is characterized by a broad vision of ministry and a healthy practice of mutuality. As we strive to achieve this we have three teams to serve the need. The team that works with Pr. Chuck: Mary Kirchhoff, Debbie Hood and Joe Kempf The team that works with Hope Moran: Kathy Cooper, Julia Schulz and Roy Canfield The team that works with Steve King: Steve Hoersten and Tom Barker (looking to fill two spots at this time) If you have a personal concern with a staff member, please contact that person directly. If you have a general concern or comment, you are encouraged to contact one of the Mutual Ministry members. - Tom Barker, Mutual Ministry Chairperson CHRISTMAS UNDER THE STARS PARADE: Messiah will be having a float in Brownsburg’s Christmas Parade the evening of Saturday, December 6th. Steve King is championing the float building with the youth. Hope Moran is collecting candy, LED lights in white and blue strands and volunteers. There is a box by the office doors for your individually wrapped candy. This was so much fun last year. Meet at the church at 4pm on the 6th if you can join us this year! James Dreesen is thanked for providing the trailer again and driving. Contact Steve or Hope in the church office (852-2988) for more information. Messiah Lutheran Church, 801 South Green Street, Brownsburg, IN (317) 852-2988 Saturday, December 20th from 9am – 1pm Children participating in this year’s Christmas program are invited to stay after Saturday morning’s practice for a movie in the KFLC. If your child will be staying, please bring a sack lunch. *Open only for students age 3-5th grade participating in the program. Messiah Lutheran Church, 801 South Green Street, Brownsburg, IN (317) 852-2988 ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES AND BIBLE STUDIES Messiah’s mission statement calls us to gather, grow and go. In order to make that possible, many opportunities are available for adults to gather and grow together in God’s word so that they may go and tell others. Here are the offerings at this time: Sundays at 9:45am Who Do You Say That I Am? This conversation is led by Pastor Miller in Room 117 delving deep into the four Gospels to discover who Jesus truly is in the Bible and in our lives today. Isaiah Marianne Skarvan leads this class in Room 127 Psalms Pastor Jim Wetzel leads this study in Room 123 which gives background information on the Psalms including the author, audience, occasion and purpose along with exciting and challenging discussions of the verses. Invisible Neighbors Hope Moran leads this group discussion in Room 129 which continues to look at loving our neighbor as ourselves, a Biblical perspective on the poor, Matthew 25, embracing radical hospitality, community then houses, Christ then programs and an invitation for involvement. During the Week Wednesday Bible Study Come join Pastor Miller in room 117 for conversation and study centered on the book of John and how it applies to our daily lives from the book of John each week at 9:30am. Men’s Bible Study Men of all ages are invited to meet Mondays with salty snacks, sweet snacks and their Bibles in Room 117. Great discussions and time of prayer each week. Women’s Bible Study All women are invited to meet every Wednesday at 9:30am in the Kinney Family Life Center where they share breakfast, prayer concerns and are currently looking at Max Lucado’s book Facing Your Giants. First Place for Health This small group begins anew on Wednesday, January 7th and meets each Wednesday at 6:00pm. If one of your new year goals is to live a more balanced life emotionally, physically, spiritually and mentally, you are invited to join this group that looks at healthy living from God’s perspective. A healthy dinner is served as well. Contact Sue Miller or Hope Moran if you have any questions. Messiah Lutheran Church, 801 South Green Street, Brownsburg, IN (317) 852-2988 WITH APPRECIATION Thank you to all who donated to the Stuff the Turkey food drive. Many items were gathered to help serve the people of Hendricks County. Lutheran Child and Family Services thanks Messiah for their generous gift of $233 to continue their programs to heal some of the most broken citizens in our community—the kids and families they serve Messiah’s staff has declared this church year a “Year of Gratitude.” In doing so each week a different ministry will be lifted up in prayer and people will be prayed for the week of their birthdays and anniversaries. We invite the congregation to pray along with us. You will find the birthdays and anniversaries on page 20 in this newsletters. December ministry prayers are for the week of: Dec. 7—Sew Good Quilters; Dec. 14—Ushers; Dec. 21—Greeters; Dec. 28—Nursery Volunteers MESSIAH LUTHERAN CHURCH 801 South Green Street Brownsburg, IN 46112 WWW.MESSIAHELCA.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/MESSIAHELCA Saturday Worship Sunday Worship Sunday School 5:30 pm 8:15 am, 11:00 am & 11:05 am 9:30 am & 9:45 am Nursery Available VISION STATEMENT CREATING CHRIST-CENTERED COMMUNITY MISSION STATEMENT As believers in Jesus Christ, Messiah Lutheran Church is a fellowship of Christian faith called by God to gather, grow and go as disciples of Christ. STAFF Charles Miller Hope Moran Steve King Cathy Canfield David Webb Tracey Shaw Christie Hoaglin Rachel Nemeth Laurie Zaicow Pastor Director of Ministries Youth & Family Life Minister Music Coordinator Organist Administrative Assistant Finance Administrator Communication Coordinator Nursery Attendant CONTACT INFORMATION Phone Fax Office Hours Email Prayer Chain Email (317) 852-2988 (317) 852-9022 M—F 9:00—3:00 pm Messiah Lutheran Church, 801 South Green Street, Brownsburg, IN (317) 852-2988 DECEMBER BIRTHDAYS Banks, Darlene 1 McIntyre, Dottie 19 Best, Steve 2 Phillips, Judy Ann 19 Higgins, Kristine 2 Fox, Susan M. 19 Kester, Charles Ash 3 Braun, Caroline 19 Stempson, Thomas (Tom) D 4 Ballard, Lorna Marie 20 Ahrens, Iver (David) David, Sr. 5 Cook, Quinn Allen 21 Willman, Eric C 5 Steininger, Andrew R. 21 Hartmann, Richard (Dick) K. 6 Willman, Christopher Matthew 21 Bregante, Margaret (Margie) Suzanne 6 Cooper, Gary (Coop) L. 22 Jeffries, Vivian Elise 7 Straber, Noah (Butch) C. 23 Sweeney, Geraldine (Gerri) 8 Canada, Garry 23 Wehrman, William 8 Schmidt, Janine Marie 23 Hoersten, Tamara Susan 9 Cox, Timothy (Tim) Alan 23 Schweitzer, Emily Katherine 9 Pahl, Randall (Randy) Dennis 24 Sexton, Mariah 9 Hutton, Steven 25 Collins, Brian Philip 14 DeClercq, Dennis 26 Lauritsen, Joshua (Josh) Louis 15 Freese, Nancy 27 Schulenberg, Greg Allen 16 Shepard, Jill Daria 28 Schubert, Levi Jacob 16 Johnson, Tracy Michelle 28 Hass, Sophia Grace 17 Buetow, William (Will) Riley 28 Smith, Vicki Sue 18 Hood, Deborah (Debbie) Ann 31 Hass, Nathaniel Hunter 31 DECEMBER ANNIVERSARIES Keith & Judy Hetzel 2 John & Dottie McIntyre 11 Jerry & Sandra Grace 14 Randy & Susan Fox 27 Tom & Shirley Stempson 29 Daniel & Bonita Braun 30 Messiah Lutheran Church, 801 South Green Street, Brownsburg, IN (317) 852-2988 DECEMBER 2014 WORSHIP VOLUNTEERS ACOLYTES DEACONS NURSERY DOORSTEP VISITATION CARE MINISTRY Gordon & Cristina Ehm Kayleigh Swanson TJ Knotek Tom Stempson Laura Roberts Kester Randy & Donna Effner Sue Mehringer David Bedard Todd Zaicow Anna Ritchotte Noah Williams Lisa Schulenberg Kaj Brown Keith & Judy Hetzel Teresa Rader Butch Straber December 14 8:15am Jim & Pat Lusk LeAnn Bruns Joe & Phyllis Bridwell Jenny Dreessen Dylan Bradley Holly Wanzer Emily Schweitzer December 14 11:00am Jenni & Dave Wilcoxson Charlie Kester Joe & Sandra Sims Morgan Bodie Daniel Guernsey Jenni Wilcoxson Kristin Faletic Kara Zaicow December 20 5:30pm Steve &Linda Hutton Audre Wilson Teresa Rader December 21 8:15am Jeff & Nicole Corder Joe Kempf Randy & Donna Effner Hannah Wanzer Lauren Kirchhoff Kris Quandt Teresa Grant Ann Knotek Karl & Robby Buetow Ariel Swisher Nick Schulenberg Margie Bregante Mary & Jack Guernsey Jeanine Carr SERVICE GREETERS LECTORS USHERS December 6 5:30pm Mike Ford Deb Kania Mike Ford December 7 8:15am Linda & Gene Schwartzkopf Shirley Stempson December 7 11:00am Lori & Matt Steininger December 13 5:30pm December 21 Ann, TJ & Andrew 11:00am Knotek Carolyn Sharp Alisha Swinehart Heberer Kris Grant Joy Stadtmiller Chris, Kaj & Nathan Brown Moran Leon & Mary Kirchhoff December 24 5:00pm Randy & Donna Effner Mike Ford Mike Ford Steve Hutton Teresa Rader December 24 7:00pm The Straber Family Myra Ahrens Butch & Jacob Straber Steve Twait Hannah Wanzer Jeff Hubbard December 24 10:30pm Sue Miller Lois Klubens Jenni Wilcoxson Steve Best Matt Saupe Ashley Schwartzkopf TJ Knotek Karl Buetow December 27 5:30pm Audre Wilson Carole Barnaby-Boyle Teresa Rader December 28 8:15am Sandy & Bill Self Joe Roberts Nicole & Tyler Corder Emma Zaicow Evan Grothen Kris Quandt Dottie McIntyre Julia Schulz Judy Phillips December 28 11:00am Lorna Ballard Meghan Saupe Dwight Heberer Sue Miller Sarah Pahl Annika Eggen Lisa Schulenberg Bonita Braun Madison Mehringer Tim & Sue Ritchotte December Counters: John & Julia Schulz November Average Offering: $8,470.99 Randy Effner December Altar Guild: Linda Schwartzkopf & Karen Best November Average Attendance: 202 Messiah Lutheran Church, 801 South Green Street, Brownsburg, IN (317) 852-2988 DECEMBER 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 10:00 AM Sew Good Quilters 6:30 PM Christmas Dinner Planning Mtg. 7:00 PM Communication Board 7:00 PM Men's Bible Study 2 6:30 PM Girl Scouts 1248 7:15 PM Handbell Choir 3 Advent 9:30 AM Adult Bible Study 9:30 AM Women's Morning Bible Study 5:15 PM Advent Worship Service 6:15 PM Advent Meal 6:45 PM Advent Worship Service 7:00 PM Adult Choir Practice 4 9:30 AM A.A. 7:00 PM Friendship Bible Study 5 7:45 PM Narcotics Anonymous 8:00 PM A.A. 6 9:00 AM Diakonia 9:00 AM Food Pantry 9:00 AM Property Work Day 11:00 AM WELCA Christmas Lunch at Dawson's Too 2:00 PM Celebration of Life Service for Kyle Kania 5:30 PM Worship 6:00 PM Christmas Under the Stars Parade 7 "Intermission" - between services Blood Pressure Testing - between services 8:15 AM Worship 9:30 AM Children's Sunday School 9:45 AM Adult & Sr. High Sunday School 9:45 AM Choir Practice 9:45 AM Confirmation 11:00 AM Worship 11:05 AM Grace Worship Service 8 10:00 AM Sew Good Quilters 7:00 PM Joanna Circle - Cookie Exchange 7:00 PM Men's Bible Study 7:00 PM Rebekah Circle 9 9:30 AM Mary Martha Circle 6:30 PM Christian Ed Board 6:30 PM Girl Scouts 1567 7:15 PM Handbell Choir 10 Advent 9:30 AM Adult Bible Study 9:30 AM Women's Morning Bible Study 5:15 PM Advent Worship Service 6:15 PM Advent Meal 6:45 PM Advent Worship Service 7:00 PM Adult Choir Practice 11 9:30 AM A.A. 10:00 AM Ministerium 6:30 PM Executive & Finance Board 7:00 PM Friendship Bible Study 12 6:30 PM Dining Out 7:00 PM Council Get Together at Nicole Corder's Home 7:45 PM Narcotics Anonymous 8:00 PM A.A. 13 9:00 AM Diakonia 9:00 AM Food Pantry 9:00 AM Worship & Music Board 11:00 AM Memorial Service for Dorien Sendelweck 12:00 PM BBSC 5:30 PM Worship 14 8:15 AM Worship 9:30 AM Children's Sunday School 9:45 AM Adult & Sr. High Sunday School 9:45 AM Choir Practice 9:45 AM Confirmation 11:00 AM Worship 11:05 AM Grace Worship Service 12:00 PM Pizza with the Pastor 12:00 PM Sr. High Gift Wrapping 4:00 PM Sabbath Pause 15 Deadline for Newsletter submissions 10:00 AM Sew Good Quilters 5:30 PM Sr. High Mission at Wheeler 6:30 PM Mission Group 7:00 PM Circle of Esther 7:00 PM Men's Bible Study 16 8:00 AM Men's Breakfast 6:00 PM Scrapbasket Quilters - Christmas Party 6:30 PM Girl Scouts 1248 7:15 PM Handbell Choir 17 Advent 9:30 AM Adult Bible Study 9:30 AM Women's Morning Bible Study 5:15 PM Advent Worship Service 6:15 PM Advent Meal 6:45 PM Advent Worship Service 7:00 PM Adult Choir Practice 18 9:30 AM A.A. 7:00 PM Friendship Bible Study Christmas Program 7:00 PM Stewardship Board Meeting 19 Sr. High at the movie theater to see The Hobbit 7:45 PM Narcotics Anonymous 8:00 PM A.A. 20 9:00 AM Diakonia 9:00 AM Food Pantry 9:00 AM Kids Program Practice - Drop & Shop 5:30 PM Worship 21 No Sunday School classes today so all can attend the Children's Christmas Service 8:15 AM Worship 9:30 AM Children's Christmas Service 9:45 AM Choir Practice 11:00 AM Worship 11:05 AM Grace Worship Service 3:00 PM Christmas Dinner 22 10:00 AM Sew Good Quilters 7:00 PM Men's Bible Study 23 7:15 PM Handbell Choir 24 Christmas Eve Worship Services 5pm, 7pm, & 10:30pm 25 26 Church Office Church Office Closed closed 7:45 PM Narcotics Anonymous 8:00 PM A.A. 28 No Sunday School Due to Holiday 8:15 AM Worship 9:45 AM Choir Practice 11:00 AM GRACE & Traditional Worship join together in the sanctuary for lessons & carols 29 Sr. High Lock-Out 10:00 AM Sew Good Quilters 7:00 PM Men's Bible Study 30 Sr. High LockOut 7:15 PM Handbell Choir 31 Messiah Lutheran Church, 801 South Green Street, Brownsburg, IN (317) 852-2988 27 9:00 AM Diakonia 9:00 AM Food Pantry 5:30 PM Worship— Lessons and Carols
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