HAPPENINGS at the PALMS LUTHERAN CHURCH of the PALMS 2250 Nebraska Avenue, Palm Harbor, Florida 34683 (727) 784-4119 www.lutheranchurchofthepalms.org Email: lcop2006@verizon.net December 2014 Issue 12 PASTOR’S PONDERINGS Advent and Christmas Greetings LCOP family and friends, When I saw Santa “Ho Ho Hoing” commercial Christmas in the little Santa village in the mall way early in November, I was so disappointed. Actually I was saddened. Don’t get me wrong I love Santa and North Pole Christmas, it’s a wonderful and just plain fun part of the holiday. But early November – give me a break. And long before that, the big box stores were sporting Christmas sections where I could buy my tree trimmings in October. Alright so that’s how American consumerism likes it. But I don’t. Thankfully, we in the church are waiting for Advent so we can be in anticipation of the real event of Christmas. In Advent we purposefully watch and wait for the coming Christ. Sure we already know God in the flesh was born in Bethlehem in the First Century A.D., but still we anticipate meeting him again. And at the same time we also wait and watch for the Christ who said he would come again in glory. We wait for heaven and earth to coexist in amazing glory and splendor. As people of Christ we watch and wait. That’s Advent, and that’s what Christmas is all about for us. So, you are invited: Advent Dinner is on Wednesdays at 6:00PM Advent Worship is on Wednesdays at 6:30PM Church Choir Cantata is on December 14 at 10:00AM Sunday School Program is on December 21 at 10:00AM Christmas Eve Worship is on December 24 at 4:00PM and 7:00PM Be sure to bring a friend or two. See you there. May your anticipation be blessed with the amazing Grace of the Christ. Blessed Advent and Merry Christmas. Pastor Greg COMMUNITY PRAYER BOX Thanks to all of you who join us via the internet, whether members or not, welcome! We are so glad to share our news with you and welcome your comments at any time. A service we are happy to offer you, is a sharing of your concerns, whether for your family, friends or yourselves, sometimes it’s great to have someone pray along with you. In order to make this as convenient as possible, and as anonymous, if that is a concern, we have a box at the front entrance of the church. It is labeled “Community Prayer Box” and is there at all times for your use. Simply drop your request in the box and it will go directly to our Prayer Ministry. This is a large group of people dedicated to helping others through intermediary prayers to our Lord on behalf of others. There is no charge for this, of course, and you need not be a member to participate. We have found wonderful results again and again, through united prayer. In addition, on the first Sunday of every month, immediately following 10 o’clock service, in the small chapel inside the church, a group meets with anyone desiring personal prayer. Again, you need not be a member, all are welcomed with joy! _____________________________________________________________________________________ FIRST TIME AUDIT The Lutheran Church of the Palms has completed its first ever audit. A committee consisting of Gwen Bartles, Evelyn Keenan, and Jake Reisinger examined financial records, personnel files and financial procedures and processes. Using a format from the synod, the committee spent many hours auditing records and writing a report, made all the more difficult because it was the first and no previous base line existed. The committee made several recommendations for the church which were discussed during council meeting and are currently being addressed. DECEMBER CALENDAR Click on the link below to see the current calendar of scheduled events. http://lutheranchurchofthepalms.org/Calendar.html _______________________________________________________________________ Newsletter articles and announcements for the JANUARY NEWSLETTER are due on Monday, December 15th. Please email your articles and announcements to the church email address at lcop2006@verizon.net. __________________________________________________________ WANTED WANTED WANTED!! The Youth Group of LCOP is now collecting your garage sale items for our 2015 annual sale! We need LOTS of stuff so we are starting early! Please, no BIG furniture or fat back TVs! Call Gayle Austad at 727-741-0262 COUNTERS NEEDED As a result of the church audit, there is a recommendation of having additional counters for collection after each Sunday service. There should be at least two counters present. Counting usually lasts about an hour and assignments will be shared each month. If you are interested and would like to give an extra hour to the church, please contact Jim Kauffman. NEW MONDAY LUNCHEON MEETING PLACE There will be a new meeting place for our second Monday of the month lunch group. We will be meeting on Monday, December 8th at Perkins Restaurant on Curlew Road and US 19. (It is on the south west corner near Home Depot.) Our speaker will be Cyndee Hayden, a realtor with Premier Sotheby’s International Realty. She will talk about our local real estate, tips for downsizing and suggestions for great local areas for many different needs. We hope to see you at noon on the 8th. Woman’s Breakfast 2015 After all the hustle and bustle of the holidays, it will be time to treat yourself to an hour and a half of good coffee or tea, good friends, good food, and good conversation at the 6th Annual Woman’s Breakfast, Saturday January 3rd from 9:00 – 10:30. How does the New Year speak to you? Do you feel rejuvenated; is it a new beginning for you? Do you look forward to not having so many demands on your time? Are you looking for new ways to see God in your life? Come and join other women of Lutheran Church of the Palms and let’s share our joys, wishes and comforts. See you on the 3rd!!!! SOCIAL CONCERNS November was a busy month! We have been collecting shoes for women in third world countries to sell (and paying we also received 40 cents per pound)! We collected money to buy piglets through the Lutheran church international outreach. We began our visitation ministry for shut-ins. We are still in need of other “visitors”. The time commitment is less than an hour, 2 times per month. Please call Karen Skiratko at 727-224-2638 if you would like to volunteer. We need YOU! December’s outreach will be centered on Healthy Families of Pasco and Hernando. The families have filled out their Christmas wish lists and they will be hanging from the tree in the Narthex. The LCOP congregation has generously and enthusiastically embraced this mission. It provides a happy Christmas for those who would go without. This has been a great year! It is such an honor to serve on the board and be able to witness the truly sincere caring and generosity of our congregation. Thank you for supporting our missions and being so wonderfully concerned about God’s people both near and far. Merry Christmas! Karen Skiratko Book Club News Next Meeting is DECEMBER 8th AT 6:00 PM BOOK LIST FOR 2014 – 2015 December The Counselor’s Stories by Barbara Brunk Shipley January Wait Till Next Year by Doris Kerns Goodwin February The End of Always by Randi Davenport March Mrs. Lincoln’s Dressmaker by Jennifer Chivinhni April Americanah by Chimanda Ngozi Adichie May I Am Malala by Malala Yousafzai HEALTHY FAMILIES PASCO-HERNANDO CHRISTMAS GIVING TREE 2014 Lutheran Church of the Palms will be sponsoring 25 Healthy Families Pasco-Hernando participants and their families by providing Christmas gifts. Lutheran Church of the Palms has provided this assistance for 13 years in a row benefiting families and children and remains one of HFPH most long standing community partners. On the first Sunday of Advent, November 30th, there will be a tree in the Narthex decorated with 25 envelopes. The envelopes will have printed on them the family number and also how many people are in the family. A list will be found near the tree with a space to write your name and phone number NEXT TO THE NUMBER OF THE FAMILY YOU SELECTED. Inside the envelope will be a list where the family has noted gift suggestions. They are suggestions only to guide you in your shopping. Please have all gifts wrapped and returned to the church by Sunday, December 21 st. Healthy Families staff will be picking them up for delivery on Monday, December 22nd for delivery to the families. All families will receive the gifts before December 24th. It’s helpful to put all of the family’s gifts together in a box or bag. Attach the envelope to the box or bag to assist in sorting them. Church members can partner up in selecting a family or if you don’t wish to shop contact Mary Sandvik and she will see that it all gets done on time. She can be reached on her cell phone at 727-243-6748 or at her office at 727-861-3436. She is also available to answer any questions you might have. DECEMBER BIRTHDAYS 12/03 William Moser 12/14 Donna Kangas 12/04 Arlene Zimmermann 12/16 Gary Griffith 12/04 Ronnie Pilch 12/16 Karen Skiratko 12/05 Jim Gorman 12/16 Michael Jones 12/07 Dolores DeCoster 12/22 Gabriel Dollmont 12/07 Tammy Abremski 12/23 Susan Dollmont 12/11 Dave Felix 12/27 Elva Malott 12/11 Faith Rupkalvis 12/27 Nicole Gorman DECEMBER ANNIVERSARIES 12/29 Ron & Sue Richardson If your birthday or anniversary is incorrect or accidently left off the list, please notify Pam Bauch THE HAVEN OF RCS VA DONATION WISH LIST WISH LIST The Haven has a container in the Narthex for any items that are donated. Their needs are numerous so anything that you can give would be greatly appreciated. If you need additional information or have any questions, please contact Joan Tack at (727) 938-5221. · Emergency Safe House Needs: Twin-size bed linens, towels & wash clothes (all sizes), plastic dinnerware/tumblers, cooking/baking pans, toilet paper, paper towels, facial tissue, laundry & dish detergent, shampoo & hair products, deodorant, razors, feminine hygiene, toothbrushes and toothpaste. If anyone is able to donate any of these items, please put them in the blue plastic container located in the Narthex. If you have any questions, contact Len Fruehwald. · Disposable razors · Body wash · Toothpaste/toothbrush · XL white stretchy socks (in sealed bags only) · Hair brush · Bed throws (3½’ x 5½’) · Caps with ear flaps · Wheelchair gloves (no fringe) Alarm clocks, sleep shirts. Strollers, car seats, diapers, baby formula. · Small zippered wallets · Cell phones Coffee, peanut butter & jelly. · Telephone calling cards Outreach Needs: Grocery gift certificates, gas cards, gift certificates for shoes. · Small folder to keep appointments · RCS Thrift Store Needs: Gently used clothing and household items in good clean condition. Pick-up for furniture is available. Call the RCS Thrift Store Manager (727) 531-6266. · Used Cell Phones: Even without service, cellular phones may be used to make 911 calls. These are given to our participants so they can get help when they need it. · Small notebooks/pad (various sizes) · Pocket calendars · Pens · Magnifying glasses · Greeting cards · Large print magazines · Sports recreational magazines · Books (soft & hard cover) · Crossword puzzles (large print) · Picture frames (11”x14” or 12”x18”) · CD player · CD’s from the 60’s, 70’s & 80’s · Tickets to any local community events (baseball, shows, concerts) LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE PALMS December 2014 Sunday Monday 1 Tuesday 2 Wednesday 3 Thursday 4 Friday Saturday 5 6 12 13 19 20 9am Morning Prayer 9:30am Sewing Group 7 8 9am Adult Bible Study 10am Children Sunday School 10 am Worship 11am Prayers for Healing 11am Fellowship 12pm Luncheon-Perkins 5pm Confirmation Class 6pm FCT 6pm Book Club 14 15 9 10 5:45pm Youth Choir 6:30pm Bells Choir 7:15pm Adult Choir 11 9am Morning Prayer 9am Adult Bible Study 10am Children Sunday School 10 am CANTATA 11am Fellowship 5pm Confirmation Class 6pm FCT 6pm Men in Action 21 22 6pm Advent Dinner 6:30p Advent Worship 16 17 5:45pm Youth Choir 6:30pm Bells Choir 7:15pm Adult Choir 18 9am Morning Prayer 9:30am Sewing Group 23 6pm Advent Dinner 6:30p Advent Worship Time TBD for Council Meeting 24 4pm Christmas Eve Worship 9am Adult Bible Study 10 am Worship - Children Sunday School Program 11am Fellowship 28 6pm Advent Dinner 6:30p Advent Worship 7pm Christmas Eve Worship 29 9am Adult Bible Study 10am Children Sunday School 10 am Worship 11am Fellowship 6PM AL-Anon (Every Sunday) 30 31 5:45pm Youth Choir 6:30pm Bells Choir 7:15pm Adult Choir 25 11am Barlow Christmas Program in Sanctuary 26 27
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