CELEBRATING OUR HERITAGE YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY MPC Young Adult Gathering Charlotte Triebl and Rachel Truelove cordially invite you to share an informal evening of food, fellowship and fun during winter break. All young adults are welcome. The party will take place at Charlotte's home, 25 Hedgerow Drive, Morrisville, on Friday, January 9, 2015 at 7:30 pm. Soda and pizza will be provided. Please bring a snack or dessert to share, and come celebrate the New Year by catching up with your MPC friends, or making some new ones. RSVP to Charlotte's mom at akalsomom@verizon.net. 6 ADULT EDUCATION at MPC SUNDAY MORNINGS at 9:30 am in the Conference Room Light of the World – An Advent Bible study With Elders J’Ann Ellis and Drew Hunger November 30 - December 21 Advent is all about darkness and light. We may see the encroaching darkness of winter as a metaphor for our human sin, doubt and despair and we long for the light of Jesus’ coming. In this Advent study, we will examine different scriptural passages from the Old and New Testaments as well as hymns and poetry, exploring together the depths of meaning in God’s Redeeming Light. There will be no Education classes on December 28, 2014. Instead, please join us in Fellowship Hall for pancakes between 9:00 and 10:00 am, with thanks to the Children and Family Committee. Epiphany Sunday - January 4, 2015 Come to Fellowship Hall on January 4, 2015 at 9:30 am and join young and old for an intergenerational Epiphany celebration with singing, activities and a light breakfast. DEACONS Deacons’ Christmas Angel Tree The Deacons Christmas Angel Tree will once again be set up in our lounge beginning on Sunday, November 30th. With help from The Ivins Outreach Center our Angel Tree gifts will benefit local children right here in our Morrisville Community. Our tree will be up from Thanksgiving weekend until just before Christmas. Each angel tag will state the age and gender of the child along with some gift suggestions. You may pick out the tag(s) of your choice and deliver your unwrapped gifts (gift bags are fine) to church to be placed under the tree. Please deliver your gift(s) no later than Wednesday, December 17, 2014. Thanks to your generous giving last year we were able to put smiles on the faces of many local children on Christmas day. We hope to make Christmas special again this year for more local families. ONGOING EDUCATIONAL OFFERINGS Brown Bag Bible Study led by Pastor Bruce Weekly on Wednesdays at Noon in the Conference Room If we want to grow in faith, we make choices that allow us to spend more time in worship, personal devotion and Bible study, mission and spiritual fellowship. You are invited to grow in faith! Take a lunch break with the pastors and members – learn to read between the lines of the text! There’s a seat for you – and bring a friend! Weekly Prayer Group All Welcome - Men, Women, and Children Sundays from 8:30 am to 9:15 am in the Conference Room Formerly known as the MPC Men's Prayer Group, we are undergoing renewal and are striving to become more inclusive—ALL ARE WELCOME! Each week, after offering our prayers for those on the MPC Prayer list, we will discuss the scripture readings from that morning's worship service, how they relate to our everyday lives, and, time permitting, will try to anticipate how our Pastor may interpret the same passages during the sermon. Book Discussion Groups Two evening book groups have now formed, one discussing Gilead and Home by Marilynne Robinson, and one exploring C.S. Lewis’ Narnia books. There is current interest in forming a daytime group and other books are being considered, including The Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd. For further information on current or future groups, contact Susan Light (susanklight@verizon.net) or Carol Carpenter (carol.w.carpenter@gmail.com) or access the Adult Education tab on the MPC website. PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN Thank you to everyone who helped with the Presbyterian Women's Craft Fair on October 25th. Whether you are a member of the staff, a craft fair volunteer, or a shopper you supported PW's endeavor to raise funds for mission work. Again, thank you , to all! Additionally, it was another successful year - $2400 was raised. This money will be distributed among the numerous missions and community needs that PW supports. A very heartfelt thank you to Joan Barley for organizing this event. 7 Morrisville Presbyterian Church 771 N. Pennsylvania Ave. | Morrisville, PA 19067 Phone: 215-295-4191 | web: www.MPCusa.net Staff E-mail Office@MPCusa.net BruceBallantine@MPCusa.net DebbieHeffernan@MPCusa.net LindaSeaman@MPCusa.net LaurieJacobson@MPCusa.net SteveMcBride@MPCusa.net RichDrabb@MPCusa.net MPC Currents (USPS#204-040), is published monthly. Periodical mail postage paid at Levittown, PA 19055. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Morrisville Presbyterian Church, P. O. Box 240, 771 N. Pennsylvania Ave. Morrisville, PA 19067. The Evangelism & Communications Committee is committed to keeping church news up to date. It is our goal to print and distribute “Currents” by the 3rd Sunday of the Month. Therefore we ask that you please submit articles for the January 2015 “Currents” by December 1st. Currents@MPCusa.net COMING E VENTS NOVEMBER 27 29 30 11:00 am 10:30 am 4:00 pm Happy Thanksgiving Teen Choir Reunion First Sunday of Advent & Communion Advent Celebration DECEMBER 7 14 20 21 24 28 10:30 am 10:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 9:30 am 10:30 am Second Sunday of Advent Third Sunday of Advent Children’s Christmas Pageant Rehearsal Fourth Sunday of Advent Christmas Eve Pancakes & Pajamas First Sunday of Christmas CHRISTMAS EVE at MORRISVILLE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 5:00 pm 7:30 pm 10:30 pm 11:00 pm Family Worship with Children’s Pageant Candlelight Worship with Communion Special Prelude Music Candlelight Worship with Chancel Choir, Chancel Ringers, and The Festive Brass
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