SUNDAY November 30th November 30th, 2014 Cordova Bay United Church MUSIC LEADERSHIP Pat Shumka & The Choir TECHNICAL SUPPORT Peter Gray SCRIPTURE READER Pat Taylor HOSPITALITY TEAM COMMUNION SERVERS 813 Claremont Avenue Victoria, BC V8Y1J9 Phone: 250.658.5911 Website Rev. Bill Cantelon Minister for Children, Youth and Young Adults Nancy Walker Music Director—Pat Shumka 250-652-1505 Chair of Council—Tom Pringle Custodian—Debbie Adkins Office Administrator—Jane Shumka Office Hours: Monday —Thursday, 9am—2pm REGULAR WEEKLY EVENTS Mondays: 7:00 pm—8:00 pm: Chime Choir Practice —new members welcome— Wednesdays: 11:00 am—12:00 pm: Unserious Coffee Thursdays: 7:00 pm—8:30 pm: Choir Practice —new members welcome— Household Prayer: Morning Thank you, God, for the gift of life today. I give thanks that your face shines upon me— for you are my salvation. Lead me like a shepherd through this day. Strengthen me for whatever lies ahead. Grant me the spiritual gifts of peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, for I want to show your love, in word and deed, to others. In Christ’s name. Amen. Marge Baker, David & Jeanie Cooke, Stephen Godfrey, Barbara Shobbrook, & Nancy Walker Greeters Karen Hughes & Yvonne Forbes USHERS Jane & Rick Nuttall REFRESHMENTS Caring Ministry POWER POINT TECHNICIAN Jiemei Li UPCOMING EVENTS Wednesday, December 3rd 9:30 am: Advent Bible Study—Friendship Room Saturday, December 6th 6:00 pm: Youth Group—Tillicum Mall 8:00 pm: Bluegrass Concert—Hall/Sanctuary ANGEL GIFTS 2014 For all those who volunteered to be angel gift donors, please pick up the name and number of your angel in the Narthex before or after the service or in the office mid week. Gifts should be delivered to CBUC by Sunday, December 14th. Thank you. Household Prayer: Evening Though you have told us to keep awake, O God, you have also blessed us with rest and sleep. Grant me such rest in the hours ahead that I awaken with eager longing for a new day, ready for you to be revealed in mundane moments and ordinary encounters. By your grace prepare me, whether awake or asleep, to greet you: in the evening, or at midnight, or at cockcrow, or at dawn. All times are in your hands, and I, too, am in your hands, faithful God. In Jesus’ name I rest and pray. Amen. THE LIFE AND WORK OF OUR CHURCH “We are an inclusive community of Christians called to know and serve God faithfully through love for the world and its people.” people.” Our journey through Advent begins…. November 30th 10:00 am—First Sunday of Advent—Hope Celebrating the Sacrament of Communion December 7th 10:00 am—Second Sunday of Advent—Peace Hymn Sing, M&S Birthday/Anniversary Sunday December 14th 10:00 am—Third Sunday of Advent—Joy Choir Cantata: “Christmas Today” Angel Gifts Due December 21st 10:00 am—Fourth Sunday of Advent—Love White Gift Sunday Celebrate the completion of our Advent preparations with our Christmas Social following the service Wednesday, December 24th 4:00 pm—Christmas Eve Service 8:00 pm—Christmas Eve Service—Communion Sunday, December 28th 10:00 am—Celebration of the Season of Christmas SING YOUR FAVOURITES On Sunday, December 7th, we will be hosting our monthly hymn sing, starting at 9:45 am. Come early and sing your favourite hymns. Have a request? Forward your requests to Pat Shumka or the office by Tuesday, December 2nd. M&S BIRTHDAY/ ANNIVERSARY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7TH December 7th is M&S Sunday. In honour of a birthday or anniversary in the month of December, you are invited to make a donation towards the United Church of Canada Mission & Service Fund. Envelopes for M&S are available in the pews. “ALIVE IN THE ADVENTURE OF JESUS” Come join our Advent Bible Study: November 26, December 3, December 10 & December 17 (9:30am-10:30am) in the Friendship Room. THE AFTERNOON WOMEN’S FRIENDSHIP GROUP has been invited to an Ecumenical Advent Service at First Met on Monday, Dec. 1. We are invited to meet at 10 am in their Fellowship Hall for coffee or tea, Christmas treats and conversation. The service will be at 11 am in the Chapel. The theme this year is to reflect on the Hebrew and Christian scriptures, while asking ourselves the question, “What’s It All About? We would like to get a group together to attend. Phone Pat MacLeod 250 479 8848. YOUTH GROUP, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6th Meet at 7:00 pm near Santa Claus at Tillicum Mall. We will be purchasing two Angel Gifts and doing a scavenger hunt. Please bring $10 for the gift. Friends welcome. Pick up will be at 8:30 pm. If you need a ride and to RSVP, contact Nancy (250-658-5911 or CHRISTMAS BLUEGRASS CONCERT AND BENEFIT SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6TH John Reischman and the Jaybirds will be presenting a Bluegrass benefit concert at Cordova Bay United Church on Saturday, December 6th at 8:00pm. $5 of every ticket sold will be donated to Our Place Society. Tickets are $25 and can be purchased online or the church office. For more information visit “OUT LOUD!” SingYourJoy in Concert Friday December 5, 2014: 7 pm First Metropolitan United Church Tickets: $15 General/$10 Students Information and Tickets email: or phone 250-213-1948 or 250-882-5668 BOOK CLUB To all readers and potential readers: Dec. Book Club is cancelled. Jan. 16th- The Girl Who Saved the King of Sweden by Jonas Jonasson Feb. 20th- A House in the Sky by Amanda Lindhout and Sara Corbett GIFTS WITH VISION; A GIVING CATALOGUE Searching for new and meaningful gift ideas this year? You’ll find something for everyone on your gift list in ‘Gifts with Vision, 2014-2015’, a giving catalogue from The United Church of Canada. A vision is a dream of possibilities. Gifts with Vision bring possibilities to life. We dream of a world in which human needs are met. Gifts with Vision are your opportunity to improve lives in Canada and globally. Gifts range from $25—$300. Catalogues are available in the Narthex. FLOWER COORDINATOR It has been a long time since the flower schedule has been shown on our bulletin board. Cordova Bay United Church has been fortunate to have fresh flowers beautify the sanctuary, mainly to a few who donate generously from their gardens, and other groups and individuals who leave their flower arrangements following a special church service. But the church missed the more regular donations of flowers. Barbara Shobbrook has volunteered to co-ordinate flowers for the sanctuary. A sign-up sheet will be posted on the bulletin board close to the doors of the sanctuary. She invites you to sign up on a particular Sunday, which may be In Memoriam of a family member or close friend, or just a Sunday of your choice. Most flowers are wonderful for displaying. Some may have too strong a scent and may cause some congregants irritation. If you do offer your support to donate flowers on a particular Sunday, please check with Barbara re suitability of choice of flowers. As Worship Chair I thank Barbara for coming forward and offering to help. The church has not had a coordinator for some time. Please support the renewed endeavour with your support. Thank you. Stephen Godfrey Worship Chair – 250-658-5811 Barbara Shobbrook – 250-479-3235 CBC Radio & Our Place present a dramatic reading of Charles Dickens’ Classic Tale A CHRISTMAS CAROL Music by Open Door Choir @ Our Place, The Victoria Good News Choir, & Victoria Conservatory of Music Suzuki Violin Students Wednesday, December 10th 7:00 pm/ Doors: 6:30 pm SHADY MOUNTAIN invites you to enjoy our annual Carol Sing at Shady Creek United Church, 7180 East Saanich Road, Saanichton, December 14th. There is no cost, although donations to the food bank are always welcome. Tickets $15 Adults/$5 Children. Tickets available at Our Place Society, Lyle’s Place or Buy online at: More information: All proceeds benefit Our Place Society. ADVENT QUIET DAY, Saturday 6 December, 9:30am – 1:30pm, UVic Interfaith Chapel. A contemplative retreat with songs in the style of Taizé, lectio divina, labyrinth meditation, and walk in the solitude of Finnerty Garden. Refreshments and a simple soup and bread lunch provided. To register: By Donation. Offered through the United Church Campus Ministry. WORKSHOP: MEDITATE THE LABYRINTH – Monday December 1, 6:30 – 8:30pm. UVic Interfaith Chapel Come learn about the history of the labyrinth, how to meditate while walking the labyrinth, and to reflect on your own spiritual journey, all in the restful and rustic beauty of the Interfaith Chapel FREE! To register: Offered through the United Church Campus Ministry. HALIBURTON FARM OPEN HOUSE Saturday Dec 6 from 10 - 2 741 Haliburton Road Produce, Preserves, Gifts, Tours, Seeds, Refreshments. See you there!
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