As the Body of Christ, we are called and sent to love and serve the world. November 23, 2014 WORSHIP PRAY/ENCOURAGE Christ the King Lutheran Church offers the following opportunities to worship: Please keep these members and friends in your prayers: David, Doris, Damien, Char- Sunday: 8:15, 9:30, and 11:00 am lie, Collin, Brianna, Wendy, Sean, Brian, Ann, Sandy, Sue, Sarah, Ron, Jan, Megan, David, Jacob, Bryan, Conner, Kathy, Eric, Jeff, Katie, Earl, Chris, Marianne, Landon, Tom, Susanne, Chris, Bruce, Bernice, Mark, Tina, Susan, Paul, Bob, Brenden, Mark, Lori, Chloe, Susan, Bonner, Dick, Connie, Christine, Angie, Courtney, Gayle, Audrey, Lorrie, Betty, Dean, Julie, Sarah, Jenna, Kylee, Ally, Barbara, Karl, Betty, Harry, Dale, Jackie, Catherine, Lilla, Louann, Cynthia, Don, Pat, Don, Kenneth, Karen, Louis, Jon, Avery, Mike, Peg, Don, Sandy, Jim, Gene, Paul, Al, Anne, Dan, Jennie, Marvin, Colton, Julie, Ralph, Ruth, Michelle, Rebecca, Miriam, Dale, Jack, Marge, Moles family, Dylan, Connie, Pitcher family, Katie, Gary, Don, Bob, Shari, Greda, Mike, Connie, Susan, Annie, Ryan, Katie, Ryan, Gaynetta, Ned, Luise, Andy, Allison, Geraldine, Natalie, Susan, Bob, Lorrie, Peg, Alan, Virginia, John, Art, and Alyssa. Third Sunday of each month: 1:30 pm at Michiana Rehab. Center on Douglas, with Pr. Terri Monday: 6:30 pm Wednesday: 11:30 am Mid day prayer Second Friday of each month: 3:00 pm at the Hearth at Juday Creek, with Pr. Terri TODAY Commitment Sunday, November 23: If you have pledged already to the INTO campaign, thank you! If you haven’t, but intend to do so, you are invited to turn in a pledge card today, which also happens to be Christ the King Sunday. The INTO campaign will enable us to deepen our commitment to God’s mission and enhance our ministry now and into the future. This commitment to mission through the INTO campaign is borne out in the components of this campaign: 1. Taking care of our primary mission location by providing for major (and overdue) maintenance needs (furnaces, pavement, carpet, sanctuary lighting, etc.) and renovating some areas of the facility to better serve the needs of our ministry (narthex, music rehearsal area, youth room, storage, fellowship hall). 2. A Mission Fund that will impact lives in this community and beyond for the next decade. 3. Providing for staffing that will enhance our ministry and foster continued growth – growth of faith and skills of members, growth of membership, growth of ministries. Adult Forum: On November 23, at 9:30 am in room 504, we will discuss The Story, chapters 17 and 18. What is discussed on Sundays will be discussed on the following Wednesday. PRAYERS FOR MILITARY Please pray for those in the military: Senior Master Sergeant Jeremy Yates (Langley AFB/stateside); US Navy Lt. Cmdr. Bill Krueper, son of Elly; Joshua Thompson (Royal Air Force, Scotland), son of Jon & Marilyn Thompson; Captain Jacob Della Pia (Stateside), nephew of Sue Koski; Scott Esler (Air Force), son-in-law of Mike & Sandy Hollowell; Daniel Rudisel (Army), nephew of Donna Gradeless; Staff Sergeant Brian Beal (Army/Stateside), son of Chris & Katie Schlotfeldt and grandson of Dee Schlotfeldt; Stefon Allen (Army/ Afghanistan), brother-in-law of Bryant Vande Kolk; Doug Smith (USAF/Afghanistan), son of Diane Guerrant; and Nathan Granlund, nephew of Andy Trundle, serving in Saudi Arabia with the Coast Guard. SUNDAY SCHOOL NO SUNDAY SCHOOL: There will be no Sunday School on November 30 because of the holidays. We encourage you, as a family, to name all the ways God has blessed your family this past year, and give thanks. Take some time and think, “How can I share God’s love with others, and be a blessing to them?” Sunday School will resume on December 7. CAPITAL CAMPAIGN In the New Testament we read in Luke 6:38, that when you are obedient to THE WORD OF GOD in your TITHES AND OFFERINGS, then you should expect an abundance of blessings …… “Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over, shall be put into your bosom. For the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.” Visit to view the INTO video on the home page (top right corner). CHRISTMAS Poinsettias for Christmas: This Christmas we would like to offer an opportunity for people to purchase poinsettias or choose to have their donation go towards the purchase of livestock through the ELCA Good Gifts program. We would still like to decorate the altar at Christmas with poinsettias but since we seem to have an abundance of flowers left, we would also like to include the option of allowing your donation to go towards another worthwhile cause. Cost of the flowers is $6.00/each for 6” pots and $12.00/each for 8” pots with three plants. Poinsettias are available in white, red, or pink. Order forms will be available as bulletin inserts and are due by December 1. ADVENT Around Thanksgiving, the Social Ministry committee will put up our Angel Tree in the narthex to give all of us at CtK the opportunity to make a merrier Christmas for those in need in our greater community. The 9 organizations that will receive our gifts include: AWS Group Homes (serving adults with developmental disabilities), BABE (providing children's things for parents in need), Children's Campus (serving severely emotionally disturbed youth), Golden Living Center (nursing home), Healthwin (nursing home), Muessel Primary Center (S.B. elementary school with many low-income families), Portage Manor (serving those with mental disabilities), Real Services (serving families and seniors), and YWCA (serving women and children in need). All you need to do is take an ornament (or several!) off the tree, buy one or more of the gifts listed on the tag, attach the tag to the gift, and bring the wrapped gifts back to CtK no later than Sunday, December 14. Any questions, call Cheryl Stuckey 574-272-3821 or email her at What a wonderful way to begin the Advent season! Advent Services: On Wednesday, December 3, 10, & 17, from 7:00 - 7:30 pm, come and worship in the sanctuary as we wait for the birth of our Savior. Advent Family Activities: On Sunday, November 30, December 7, 14, & 21, from 4 - 6 pm (includes a meal) families of all ages are invited to: November 30: Make Advent Wreaths December 7: Sights & Sounds of the Season December 14: Interactive Christmas Program with Art Gorman December 21: Interactive Christmas Program with Art Gorman MISSIONAL EXPERIMENTS Mission Africa, How You Can Help: Pray for the people of West Africa, for an end to the ebola crisis, and for ongoing assistance to alleviate poverty and improve the lives of those who struggle and suffer throughout the world. Our Mission Africa group is a small group and we could use a number of additional people to work with us-- to assist us in developing additional networking connections, in helping us to develop a mission proposal to present to the congregation, and assisting with managing and sustaining the program once it is developed. Contact any member of the team: Lorrie Bjornstad, EJ and Tewah Fenner, Tom and Deb Frecka, Ruth Munneke, and Catherine Shilue. Dismas House: Monthly dinners are being provided and served by CtK volunteers on the fourth Tuesday of every month. Tuesday, November 25, will be the next opportunity to help serve dinner to the residents and staff at Dismas House, 521 S. St. Joseph St., a local, nonprofit organization offering housing and programming for both women and men returning to the community following incarceration. Any questions or interest in this service may be directed to Bill Montgomery. NEW WOMEN’S GROUP PARENTS’ NIGHT OUT Sunday, December 13, 10 am - 2 pm: CtK is again hosting a “Parents’ Night Out.” Parents can drop off their children (ages Preschool through 6th Grade) from 10 am 2 pm on December 13. Join us for a day of singing, games, Bible study, crafts, service projects, and lunch. Please register online by December 7. Contact Craig Swendsen or Jessica Lala with any questions. SPECIAL WORSHIP SERVICES Invite your neighbors and family to... Sights & Sounds of the Season Sunday, December 7, at 4 pm Light hors d'oeuvres reception to follow in the narthex. Can you help? Sign up sheet on the kiosk. “Blue Christmas” Celebrating The Birth while Mourning Loss Stay At Home Moms Or Working Women: Are you a woman needing to connect with other women? Are you a woman seeking to strengthen your faith? “Women’s Journey” is the name of the new women’s group. Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, November 26 at 10:00 am in room 303. We will be studying the book, “When The Heart Waits,” by Sue Monk Kidd. Please join us for a time of fellowship, study, and coffee. The group will end with Wednesday mid-day prayer which starts at 11:30 am and ends by noon. Contact Jessica Lala, Jill Harms, or Kara Clark with questions. In a time of comfort and joy for most, we reach out to the sad, displaced and lonely. This service is for those who have suffered a significant loss, are ill, or are not interested in the sometimesforced happiness of the season. Please join us or extend an invitation to others. Monday, December 22, 2014 at 6:30 pm Christ the King Lutheran Church SERVING TODAY Preaching/Presiding: Pastor Steve Schwier and Pastor Terri Peterson 8:15 Ushers 9:30 Marie & John Warsko Acolytes 11:00 Greg Sautter Mike Hollowell Karen & Doug Small Mikaleyn Kosac Caroline Dell Kevin Trimboli Assisting Minister Amy & Matt Dowd Rita Kurtz Amy & Matt Dowd Readers Gene Case Annette Johnson Bill Montgomery Communion Servers Amy & Matt Dowd Pam & Bill Montgomery Carla & Mark Meekhof Greeters: David Smail PowerPoint Projector (9:30 service): Sarah Henderson Communion Bread was baked by: Rachael Peterson Communion Setup: Freda & Larry Scheibelhut, Julie & Bob Freske, Pam Montgomery, Karen Wendling and Accamma Koshy Altar flowers donated by Tom & Margie Yarger in celebration of their anniversary Ushers, Communion Servers & Communion Bread Bakers: Ushers, communion servers and bread bakers are needed for December. Ushers are needed at all three Christmas Eve services: 4 pm, 6 pm, and 8 pm. Please sign up on the kiosk. **THIS WEEK** Monday, November 24 12:00 pm 6:00 6:15 6:30 7:00 Honker’s Alleluia Quintet Rehearsal Fit & Faithful SCC Board Meeting Worship Alleluia Ringers Rehearsal Stephen Ministry Tuesday, November 25 6:30 pm 7:00 Boy Scouts Adult Choir Genealogy Wednesday, November 26 10:00 am 11:30 5:00 pm 6:00 7:00 Adult Study Group Women’s Fellowship Group Mid day Prayer No-Evening Meal “The Story” Adult Forum No-K - 6th Grade Choir No-Confirmation No-Adult Choir Rehearsal *AA Thursday, November 27 THANKSGIVING OFFICE CLOSED 7:00 PM No-Xalt Rehearsal Friday, November 28 OFFICE CLOSED 7:00 PM *AA Saturday, November 29 8:00 am *AA Meeting Sunday, November 30 First Sunday in Advent 8:15 am 9:30 11:00 4:00 PM 7:00 Traditional Worship Contemporary Worship No-Sunday School – all ages Adult Forum - “The Story” Traditional Worship Advent Family: Make Advent Wreaths * AA Meeting * indicates a community activity held at CtK Christ the King Lutheran Church 17195 Cleveland Road, South Bend, IN 46635 574-272-4306
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