the weekly announcement sheet

December 27-28, 2014
St. Francis Sharing & Caring food items for the
month of December-toilet paper, bar soap,
instant hot cocoa & peanut butter. Donations
may be placed in the basket in the narthex.
Office Hours
Monday-Friday: 9 AM-3 PM
Office # 479-4110
Attendance for 5:30 PM -15; 8 AM- 33 & 10:30
AM-93 for a total of 141. Offering included the
$4,940.00; Unified (Local Only) $140.00; Sunday
Renovation $75.00; Youth Fund $80.00;
Poinsettias $70.00; Military Support $5.00.
Pastoral Needs:
Church Office: 814-479-4110
Pastor Van Dyke is in the office Sunday
through Thursday and is otherwise available
for emergencies and/or special needs.
pastoral care is needed after office hours, call:
Pastor Van Dyke: (814-322-6933).
9th Annual St. David’s Cup
Pinewood Derby Race / Covered
Dish Dinner
The Altar Flowers today are given for
Saturday February 14th, 2015
Weigh-ins 10:30am-11:00am
… 2 Divisions
St. David’s Cup (16 and under - 5.0oz cars)
Red Solo Cup (Adult Division – 4.0oz cars)
Kits (with rules sheet) on sale beginning in January in
the Narthex following Services. ($5.00 each)
The Allegheny Synod 25,000 Can Challenge
Advent (November 30) to Super Bowl (February 1)
We can work together to make a difference!
As of today, December 19, we have received a count of
10,463 for the 25,000 Can Challenge! THANK
YOU!!! Please note that due to vacation time and the
holidays, the next count will be sent out after the first
of the year.
the Glory of God in Honor of all of the
Musicians who continue to give of their
talents to
the Music Ministry of St.
David’s. from the ACA@StDavid’s.
2015 Offering Envelopes will now be
mailed bi-monthly to your home address.
UNTIL 2015 most numbers have been
changed. If you need to update your address
or would like to know your number for next
year please contact the church secretary at
479-4110 or you can email her at
Schedule of Upcoming Events in the Parish
Saturday 12/27:
Sunday 12/28:
Monday 12/29:
Thursday 1/1:
Saturday 1/3:
Sunday 1/4:
5:30 PM
Worship/Communion Service
7 PM
3rd Annual Candlelight Christmas Concert
8 AM
Worship/Communion Service
10:30 AM
Worship/Communion Service
6:30 PM
Bible Study
Happy New Year~ Office Closed
5:30 PM
Worship/Communion Service
8 AM
Worship/Communion Service
9:15 AM
Sunday School/Catechism
10:30 AM
Worship/Communion Service
 December 28 (I)
Acolytes- Renee Eash (8); Aaron Griffith (10:30)
Altar-Jan & Emil Bolha (8); Debra Gindlesperger & Sis Barabas (10:30)
Communion Assts-Katie Naugle & Ed Hart (8); Barry Springer & Jane Helmers (10:30)
Lectors- Bill Bergman (8); Pat Rullo (10:30)
Greeters- Kerry Horner (8); Craig Sprock (10:30)
Ushers- Kathy Carnahan & Jean Magdelinic (8); Lew & Jodi Tresnicky, Bob & Carol Yoder (10:30)
Worship Captain-Sarah Worst (10:30)
Counters: Team 3-Marsha & Von Parkins, Wayne Adams, Craig Sprock & Steve Lindberg (VOLUNTEERS NEEDED
The ACA@StDavid’s is rounding out the year with
our 3rd Annual Candlelight Christmas Concert. The
concert is planned for Saturday December 27, 2014
at 7:00 pm at St. David’s Lutheran Church 401 N
Main Street Davidsville, PA 15928. This concert
gives that special holiday feeling during the peak of the Christmas Season. You will hear
Christmas favorites old and new. St. David’s will feature a fellowship meal before this year’s
concert “A Who Ville Christmas Dinner” from the book of “How the Grinch Stole
Christmas.” Culinary delights like, roast beast, who hash, who-pudding, Grinch punch and who
knows what else. Dinner starts at 6:00pm and will be served through 6:30pm with the Concert
starting at 7:00 pm. Who Ville candy and cookies will be served at the reception following the
concert in the Fellowship Hall. This event is a Christmas Gift to the Congregation and the
Community from the ACA@StDavid’s; information can be obtained by contacting 724-3882273 or A free will offering will be collected at the concert for the
benefit of the ACA@StDavid’s Jackie Young-Flack Memorial Concert Series.