October 18-19, 2014 St. Francis Sharing & Caring food items for the month of October-cereal, oatmeal & canned vegetables. Donations may be placed in the basket in the narthex. Hospital visitors this week are Tom & Joanne Ravenscraft (10/23). Attendance for 5:30 PM -25; 8 AM- 49 & 10:30 AM-87 for a total of 161. Offering included the following designated amounts: Unified $4,301.00; Unified (Local Only) $70.00; Sunday School $59.00; Altar Flowers $120.00; Renovation $85.00; World Hunger $10.00; Overtime $175.00; Military Support $50.00; Seafood Bake $356.00; Youth Gravy Boat $120.00. Congratulations St. David's! For the 2nd year in a row, our St. David's Laps of Light team won the Church Challenge and have received the Golden Lantern at Laps of Light. We also collected enough funds for Camp PARC to earn the 2nd place team for the entire event. Trophies aside, this was a great group effort by St. David's to pull together and help this wonderful camp for special needs. The 4th, 5th and 6th grade class sincerely thanks everyone who helped us achieve our goal to not only win the prize but also learn the life lessons on our journey there. Thank you for supporting Laps of Light a benefit walk for Camp PARC. Office Hours Monday-Friday: 9 AM-3 PM DEADLINE FOR WEEKLY ANNOUNCEMENTS IS MONDAY Altar flowers today are given to the Glory of God in honor of Lois & Ron Tessari’s 37th Anniversary. Jerome Volunteer Fire Company is sponsoring a basket party on Sunday, November 9th at St David’s Fellowship Hall from 2-4 PM. Doors open at 12:30 PM. Cost is $7.00. See Sis Barabas for tickets or call 479-7112. The youth will be making apple dumplings on Saturday, October 25th, starting at 8 AM. Please plan to attend and join in the fun. Volunteers are needed; please see Pastor Greg or Sis Barabas. Apple dumpling will then be for sale following worship on Saturday & Sunday. St. David’s Evangelical Lutheran Church Staff Members & Emails Part one of the St. David’s annual meetings will be held on Sunday, November 2, 2014 between services. The purpose of part one shall be to present the nominees for Congregational Council to the congregation and to allow for additional floor nominations. Additionally the proposed annual budget will be presented and discussed. Part two of the St. David’s annual meeting will The Rev. N. Gregory Van Dyke, Pastor pastor@stdavidslutheran.org Michael Busija, Minister of Music flcpnoboi@yahoo.com Brian Byer, Financial Secretary finance@stdavidslutheran.org Jessica Brewer, Office Secretary secretary@stdavidslutheran.org Don Eppley, Custodian be held on Saturday, November 8 & Sunday, November 9, 2014. The purpose of part two shall be to elect members to the Congregation Council and to vote on the annual budget. Voting will take place after each service. St. David’s Council Members 2014 Melanie Byer - Gail Berkebile -Patty Rullo 2015 Marvin Gindlesperger-Steve Lindberg Angela McKool-Craig Sprock 2016 Michael Grose-Doug Shrader Ron Tessari-Sarah Worst Copies of the Council Minutes can be picked up from the bulletin board across from church office. Resurrection Parish Ladies Auxiliary will be sponsoring a Basket Party on Sunday, November 9, 2014 at Christ the Savior Reception Hall, 307 Garfield Street. The doors will open at 12:30 PM the cost is $10.00 which will include lunch, 25 changes and eligibly for door prizes. For tickets call the Resurrection parish office at 539-5788. We Need Your Help! When someone goes to the hospital or is in need of pastoral care, please don’t assume that the Pastor or church office automatically know about it. In many situations our local hospitals do not call us to inform us of a person from St. David’s Lutheran being hospitalized. In a similar way, if you read something of concern in the newspaper (the death of a relative of a member) call us 479-4110. We rather hear about it too many times than not at all. October 26th Cantata DON’T DODGE THE FUN…. HAVE A BALL!!!!! UNITY YOUTH DODGEBALL: Just for the fun of it and to share our Unity in Christ Jesus! 6th -12th Grade Students from East Hills, Johnstown area churches (5 Co-ed Team Players) SO BRING YOUR YOUTH AND JOIN US! Sunday, November 2nd 5:00 – 7:00pm Mount Calvary Lutheran Church Gymnasium 1000 Scalp Ave. in Richland Cost: $2 per person (includes pizza, drink, and prizes for the winning team) First I would like to sincerely thank all those who have been FAITHFUL FRIENDS, visiting our homebound members!! Keep up the great work! As the days grow shorter and colder weather approaches, I can't help but wonder if you may enjoy the company of a Faithful Friend or know of a member who would. If so, please phone me - Jan Bolha 255-2346. The planning for the Grand Concert Event of the 175th Anniversary Celebration of St. David’s Evangelical Lutheran Church is underway. The Cantata entitled “God’s Holy Church Triumphant” was commissioned by the ACA@StDavid’s and written by local composer Terry Osman to commemorate this monumental event and to honor all those who comprise the many ministries of St. David’s both past and present. This is the place to be on Sunday October 26th as it will be the premiere performance of this beautiful piece. On October 26th a social gathering and meal is planned in Fellowship Hall with hors d'oeuvres starting at 4 pm; the meal will be served at 5 pm and the cantata will be performed in the Nave at 7:00 PM. “Pink and his crew” are going with an Octoberfest theme; our youth will be preparing the dessert; and we are asking the congregation to prepare Hors d’oeuvres of your choice. (Dips, chips, veggies, cheese, hot, cold, anything you would like to share during the fellowship before for the meal) We hope you will mark your calendar and plan to join us in our 175th Anniversary Celebration Cantata. It is an event that will be one of a kind. Reservations may be necessary for the meal please stay tuned as the date approaches for more details. A suggested ticket donation of $10 for Adults and $5 for Students benefits the ACA@StDavid’s Jackie YoungFlack Concert Series. Please Contact the acastdavids@wpa.net or call 724-388-2273 for ticket reservations. If there is a need for complementary tickets please contact us. We are hopeful that many will want to attend as it is a concert honoring.. YOU!!! Feeling creative? Announcing: St. David's Busy Hands. Many have been gathering on a consistent basis for help throughout the year and it's time to make it official! This new group meets the first Tuesday of every month from 7-8 pm, here at St. David's. The first goal is to support one another in creating lap blankets and shoulder wraps for distribution in December. The plan is to extend warmth and love from our congregation during what can be a difficult time of year. Anyone is encouraged to drop in for simple fellowship without concern for starting/ending time, skill level, formal program, gender, or ability to commit every month. We hope you'll stop in! Who knows what we'll be "busy" with next! Schedule of Upcoming Events in the Parish Saturday 10/18: Sunday 10/19: Monday 10/20: Tuesday 10/21: Thursday 10/23: Saturday 10/25: Sunday 10/26: 5:30 PM 8 AM 9:15 AM 10:30 AM 2 PM 6:30 PM 6 PM 6 PM 6:30 PM 10:30 AM 7 PM 8 AM 5:30 PM 8 AM 9:15 AM 10:30 AM 7 PM Worship/Communion Service Worship/Communion Service Sunday School/Catechism Worship/Communion Service ACA Rehearsal (S) Bible Study LP Board Meeting Cub Scouts (FH) Girl Scouts (SR) ThUMBS (JR) JSO Community Strings (FH) Apple Dumpling (K & FH) Worship/Communion Service Worship/Communion Service Sunday School/Catechism Worship/Communion Service ACA Concert ( S & FH) October 19 (I) Acolytes- Nicole Moyer (8); Logan Collins (10:30) Altar-Jan & Emil Bolha (8); Sis Barabas & Debra Gindlesperger (10:30) Communion Assts- Linda & Doug Shrader (8); Brian Law & Deron Lintz (10:30) Lectors-Debra Hart (8); Mary Jane McCready (10:30) Greeters- Doug Shrader (8); Scott Fetterman (10:30) Ushers- John & Natalie Haines (8); Wayne, Barb & Connor Adams, Sis Barabas (10:30) Worship Captain-Sarah Worst (10:30) Counters: Team 5: Bill & Sherri Andrews, Tim Telenko, Mark & Jana Von Lunen, Scott Fetterman & Alan Mankamyer Sequanota Lutheran Conference Center Upcoming Event Phone: (814) 629-6627 contact@sequanota.com Fall Benefit Auction: October 25, 2014 (*Date and Time Change!) 5:00 PM Appetizers and Silent Auction begins 6:00 PM Auction begins Cost: $10 per person for Tapas (appetizers) Join us for a fun evening of Tapas and supporting Camp Sequanota! This auction will be entertaining with emcees Revs. David Bowman & Nathan Pile. We will auction more than just quilts this year. Look for sports tickets, pottery, Christmas cookies, get-a-ways, Nathan’s favorite chair and more. Please contact us if you have an auction item!
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