HJ THIS WEEK AT FAITH! november 2, 2014 Faith Lutheran Church of Castro Valley - ELCA 20080 Redwood Rd. Castro Valley, CA 94546 (510) 582-0818 All Saints Sunday During the past year, and earlier, the following members and friends of Faith Lutheran Church have entered God’s Kingdom triumphant. This being All Saints Sunday, it is fitting to take a special moment to remember and give thanks for them: Alice Kutz, Kathy Kutz Ragg, Clayton Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. Wesley and Ruth Cleveland, Mrs. Betty Lee, Carolyn McSwain Johnson, Betty Henderson and Matt Henderson, Beth Price, Rita Hotchkiss, Christine Bennett, Lynn Lobenhoffer, Aline Bistiron, Barbara Bugal, Kari Peterson, Lucy Roth, Adele Pimentel, Don Haedicke, Al Kaady, Pauline Massie, Mitch Guzik, Perry Noonan, Mildred Schaffer, Luis & Ruth Trueba, Virginia Lyster, Earle Davis, Emily Kluball, Charles & Victoria Peterson, Bill Kipper, Shirley Kuller, Arthur Squires, Gloria Baughman, Clarice Grimstvedt, Jon Nelson, June Murphy, Lynn Joseph, Lorraine Schandelmeier, Louis Morgan, Orlie & Gloria Reitan, Margaret Jensen, Candissa Calhoun, Jody Warner Penhold, Robert Grady, Bruce Moser, Richard & Hisako Borton, Edward Reuling, Dorothy & Sitton Tyler, Satako & Weldon Sitton, Roy Sitton, Lillian Degler, Louis Degler, John Degler, Patricia Sharon Degler, Jeanette Degler Cardoza, Ethel & Woodrow Cowart, Anna & Joseph Kvistad, Arthur “Artie” Lucero, William Espeseth, Hester & John Degler, Mila, Mario, Theresa Alves & Ed Alves, Joseph Durbin and Violetta & Carl Nelson. Sunday School Note: From now until the Christmas Pageant (December 14th) the Sunday School students should go directly to Sunday School and not into the 9AM Service. They have started rehearsals for the Sunday School Christmas Pageant and need the entire hour in class. Save the date: December 14th Sunday School Christmas Service WELCOME BACK... to Pastor Ken Mikulasek who is preaching and presiding at both services today! He's a good and familiar friend to Faith Lutheran Church and it’s great to have him with us today! Looking ahead... Next Sunday, the 9th, Jeffrey Johnson is preaching and presiding. He has been given permission by the Bishop to preside over Holy Communion. November 2, 2014 Page 2 Weekly Calendar Today 8:00 Praise Team rehearsal 9:00 Contemporary Worship Service and Sunday School 10:00 Traditional Worship Service Fellowship Times follow Worship tuesday 10:30 Staff Meeting 12:00 Noon - Deadline for Bulletin & TWAF information & articles 7:00 Board of Worship & Music - WEDNESDAY - ALL DAY Wonderful Wednesdays 5:30 Sonshine Singers 6:00 Light Supper in Jensen Hall 6:30-8:00 Confirmation Class (includes meal) 7:00 Adult Bible Class Handbell Choir rehearsal 8:00 Chancel Choir rehearsal Thursday 7:00 Emergency Food Distribution saturday - Altar Guild/Sanctuary STEWARDSHIP EMPHASIS “For where your treasure is, Continued from Page 1 Looking ahead... On November 16th & 23rd - Rev. Kemp Segerhammer - will be here to preach and preside at both services. And, on November 23rd, Pastor Lyle Beckman, from the San Francisco Night Ministry, will be here to preach and preside. There will be a Thanksgiving Day Service, but it is not yet settled as to who will be preaching. There is normally no Communion on Thanksgiving Day. November is covered for preaching and the celebration of Holy Communion. And, our Interim Pastor should be here at the end of November, so we're in pretty good shape for Sunday Worship Services. Changes with Jeremy’s departure... Confirmation Class - John Graaf will be teaching this class on the first Wednesday of the month, beginning this Wednesday, November 5th. Youth Group - We are looking for adult volunteers to facilitate the Youth Group on Wednesdays (except the first Wednesday of the month). This entails a half hour of games and a half hour of Bible conversation. If you’re interested, or have questions, please talk to Jeff Johnson. there your heart will be also.” Matt. 6: 21 We’ve enjoyed two Stewardship Skits and today we’ll have the third and final one during the service. The Stewardship Packets are available this morning in the Narthex. Please pick up yours from a member of the Board of Stewardship. Over the next couple of weeks, please take time to look over the information and prayerfully consider how you might support the many ministries of Faith Lutheran Church. Your Faith Promise Cards will be presented as part of worship on “Promise Sunday” November 16th. THANKSGIVING DAY WORSHIP Thursday, November 27, 2014 at 10:00AM This is a wonderful time to join together, sing our favorite Thanksgiving Songs and give thanks for our many blessings! The offering on this day will go to support Lutheran Indian Ministries. November 2, 2014 Page 3 Celebrating Birthdays: Mary Konigsberg Glen Davis Ian Fryer Robert Shaffer Arvid Moe Bethany Bostrom Marsha Donat Wedding Anniversaries: ! Rolf & JoAnn Schoenweiler 11--1-52 Rodney Fraser & Katherine Korda 11-3-12 Brad & Laura Suchanek 11-5-90 Need a Desk? The desk that was used in the Church Office (by Margot) until this past March, is available to anyone who can use it. We really want to get it out of the garage! Interested? please talk to Margot. The Church Sign and Kiosk... Wayne Nelson maintains the sign on the front lawn, changing it for special services and as often as possible. He also regularly updates the Announcement Kiosk in the center of the patio. BUT, with the weather changing... he’ll start skiing as soon as the white stuff starts falling and he needs to know that someone will take care of these duties while he’s flying down the slopes! Altar Flowers are given by Bill & Diane Anderson in celebration of Genny and Alicia’s Birthdays! ! “Thank You” to our Fellowship Hosts... After 9AM Worship Bonnie Nentwig After the 10:30 Service Glen & Julie Davis in honor of Glen’s Birthday! The sign-up chart to host Fellowship Times is in Jensen Hall. Don Reince is the coordinator of the Sunday morning Fellowship Times. You can contact him at: (510) 695-5323 (cell) (510) 727-0733 (home) Alter Guild The Altar Guild is reaching out to all FLC members to join our team ~ bring your talents and energies to this important ministry at Faith Lutheran Church. The purpose of the Altar Guild is to care for the sanctuary of the church and to prepare it for each service. The members work directly under the direction of the pastor. This work is one of the essentials in the life of every church. Altar Guild members set up for communion, baptisms, place altar flowers in their proper place, fill the candles with oil, replace the eternal light, and generally see that the sanctuary is in order. Currently, Altar Guild prepares for the Sunday services on Saturday, at a time convenient for those who are scheduled that week. On Sunday, after the later service, the communion vessels are washed and put away, the altar linens are also put away, candles are extinguished, and the altar flowers are prepared for pickup or delivery. Questions? Contact Susan Nelson at nelson.susan1@gmail.com or cell 510-918-5110 November 2, 2014 Page 4 HELP (is still) NEEDED... Financial Secretary Faith Lutheran Church is in immediate need of a Financial Secretary. Information and the job description are on the Narthex Counter. This is not the job that Mary Vieregge does she is our Bookkeeper. This is a volunteer position. Report on Undesignated Offerings for 1iscal year May 2014 to May 2015 5-‐1-‐14 through 9-‐28-‐14 (22 weeks) $114,103 October 5, 2014 $8,040 October 12, 2014 $4,994 October 19, 2014 $5,634 October 26, 2014 $4,844 ___________ 5-‐1-‐13 through 4-‐27-‐14 (52 weeks) $137,615 _______________ _______________ “Thank You” for your contributions! Attendance Last Sunday: 154 Ave. Attendance: 141 Thanksgiving Food Distribution Each year the Food Pantry provides Thanksgiving meals. We need to purchase many of the food items needed for the boxes. If you can help support this program please indicate "Food Pantry Thanksgiving Box" on your donation check. Box contents: (We also accept food items) Turkey, Dressing, Potatoes, Vegetables, Fruit, Sugar, Cranberries, Dry Milk, Bread, Tuna, Soup, Macaroni & Cheese, Pie Filling, Condiments ! Feed a family for Thanksgiving Donation Levels: Cost of a turkey - $10.00 Help with the meal - $15.00 Entire Thanksgiving Box - $35.00 Meal donations (any amount) $__________
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