The Messenger News from Saint Paul Lutheran Church March 1, 2015 FACING the CROSS Come Face-to-Face with Christ and the Cross in Our Lenten Worship Services March 4th - Facing Fears March 11th - Facing Worldliness March 18th - Facing One Another March 25th - Facing Suffering Holden Evening Service (All Services Start at 6:00 p.m. in the nave.) Experience Your Lenten Journey This Year by Facing the Cross This Week’s Calendar Sunday, March 1, 2015 Second Sunday in Lent 8:00 Holy Communion 9:15 Coffee Fellowship in the Welcome Center 9:30 Sunday School 10:45 Holy Communion 7:30 AA meeting Monday, March 2 9:30 Circle #1 5:00 Amend 6:00 Girl Scouts 6:00 Boy Scouts 6:30 Zumba Tuesday, March 3 8:00 Quilters 12:00 Peanut Butter Egg day 5:30 TOPS 6:00 Daisy Scouts 6:30 Crossfire meeting 6:30 Post Prison Ministry Bible Study Wednesday, March 4 7:30 Holy Communion 12:00 Lent Lunch & devotion 5:00 Amend 5:15 Wednesday Night dinner 6:00 Wednesday Worship in sanctuary 6:30 Cub Scout Committee 6:45 Bell Choir 7:30 Sr. Choir 7:00 Moms & Tots Bible study Thursday, March 5 8:00 Peanut Butter Egg day 1:00 Bible Study 6:00 Cub Scouts 6:30 Committee night 7:00 Circle #3 Friday, March 6 Saturday, March 7 5:15 Holy Communion Sunday, March 8 8:00 Holy Communion 9:30 Coffee Fellowship in the Welcome Center 10:45 Holy Communion 7:30 AA meeting 5:30 BOLD meeting 5:30 Parent Meeting Within Our Faith Community At the time of this printing we have the following disciples in the hospitals: None known at this time. Altar Flowers The altar flowers today are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Dorothy L. Good by Mike & Barb Good and family. Envelope Packet Note Contained within your regular packet of envelopes for the year 2015 you will find one Capital Campaign envelope per month that you can use if you choose to do so. That choice is up to you. Church office email: churchoffice@ Email Address Do you have an email address? Did your email address change? Do you have more than one email address? If so, we would really like to have it. Soon we hope to be sending the monthly Epistle out electronically, and communication is so much quicker with email now. Just let the church office know your current or additional email address. Thank you. so… Look for more changes coming soon! The Living Water Dental Health Ministry This important ministry is again in URGENT need of soft-bristle toothbrushes (single unit, not multipack), full-sized toothpaste (not sample size) and dental floss. Please leave any donations you feel led to make in the appropriate bin in the Welcome Center. Toiletry Items Needed St. Paul Facebook Page Did you know we have a Facebook page? We do have one now thanks to Greg Guenther. So if you’re on Facebook, look up St. Paul Carlisle and see what’s happening. stpaulelcacarlisle We are also on Twitter! You can also follow us on Twitter now… StPaulCarlisle Greg is also in the process of designing a new website for us, Ongoing donations of toiletry items are needed for our Wednesday evening community – toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, etc. These will be distributed once a month. Please bring donations to the designated box in the office. Thank you. Altar Flowers 2015 The price for Altar flowers will remain at $44 for 2015. Altar flowers for 2015 can be ordered in the church office. Altar flower forms are in the church office. Please stop by during office hours Monday through Friday to reserve the date you would like. Fill out the form and pay for your flowers at that time. The following dates are open for 2015 (As of Thursday, February 26, 2015): March 29 May 10, 24 & 31 June 7, 14 August 2, & 30 November 1, 8 December 13 Zumba Class on Mondays Our weekly Zumba class will continue this Monday, March 2 at 6:30 p.m. in Stock Hall. The cost for each class is only $5.00. The classes will continue each Monday evening from 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m., unless otherwise announced. Don’t worry if you think you can’t dance or can’t keep up, we all just move at our own pace according to what our individual bodies allow. (If you have a particular joint problem, just adapt what you do or don’t do and Greg Guenther is provided for a charge of only $1.00, which will be donated to the church. Come join the fun! Spiritual Support Group for persons with Disabilities This group meets from 4:00 p.m. -5:30 p.m., generally on the third Sunday of each month. They meet in the Conference Room at Forest Park Nursing Home. Refreshments are served. Our next meeting date is Sunday, March 15. Our April date is Sunday, April 19th. Topics include “What CAN I do,” “Advocacy for others” and “Dealing with Systems.” See Holly Hoffman for more information. Young Adult Ministry accordingly.) The music is great and motivates you to move! Dress in comfortable clothing for activity. All ages can benefit and have fun with Zumba!! Adult babysitting by Matt Myers If you have things to share and talents to offer, for the young adult ministry, please feel free to send us a message at Fundraiser for Youth Gathering 2015 in Detroit We have 10 youth (so far) who wish to attend plus 3 adults. Ongoing Fundraiser: Donate your used cell phones, tablets and MP3 players (donation box is located in the Welcome Center) Contact: Rachael Hoch or (717)385-6001 Adult Sunday School Opportunities class meets in Stock Hall during the Sunday School hour. (9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.) Augsburg Adult Bible Studies The Augsburg adult class continues to meet and explore the different books of the Bible and how they influence and interact in our lives. Starting March 1st the class will be studying “God, the Holy Spirit” and the different books of the Bible that speak about the Holy Spirit. The class meets in Room 204 during the Sunday School hour. Thursday Bible Study 1:00 p.m. Pastor Rob’s Class Pastor’s class on the book of Revelation concludes this Sunday. Starting this Sunday, March 1, we will begin a new class on World Religions. We will start with an overview of the most popular worldwide religions. Then we will take a detailed look at some specific ones (for example, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, etc.) The The pastor has a mid-week Bible Study on Thursdays at 1:00 p.m. in Room 201. The study will continue each week unless otherwise announced. Everyone is welcome to join this Bible study. Peanut Butter Egg Time Is Winding Down Now This is our 18th year of making Peanut Butter Eggs. It takes many hands to make this ministry run smoothly. This ministry creates fellowship between the people who attend all the different worship services, who may otherwise not know each other. This project allows us to help the needs of the church, the community, and the world. We all share a meal together at the end of the day and we certainly share a lot of laughs while we work. We would love to have you join us this 2015 season. You’ll find the schedule hanging up around the church and in the Epistle and Messenger. If you have any questions contact Diane Shughart or Dana Gelinas. The schedule for this week is: Tuesday, March 3, and Saturday, March 7 On Tuesdays we begin to work at 12 noon until completion. On Thursdays we begin at 8 a.m. On Saturdays we begin at 8 a.m. Hearing Assistance Devices If you cannot hear during our worship services, please remember that we have hearing assistance devices at the welcome desks for your use. Please pick one up on your way into the service. ABC Channel 27 (WHTM) Snow Watch It’s that time of year. As in years past, please watch “ABC Channel 27 (WHTM) Snow Watch” for closings and cancellations of St. Paul events. (Check your own channel line-up for the number on your cable or dish network.) We will be listed with the “Churches” and the name will appear under the heading for “Cumberland County” as “St. Paul ELC” Carlisle. Please use your best judgment, even if we are still open, if you are not comfortable driving, please don’t come out. Your safety is the most important consideration to us. Building Use Forms We ask all church groups and outside groups to fill out Building Use forms for uniform accountability, safety, and insurance issues. Our building is used every day and most evenings, and we need to have an accurate accounting of who is in the building when. For building use, please contact Bill Hemminger at: Hospice of Central PA Hospice of Central PA is preparing for their spring 2015 volunteer training programs. Their primary need at this time is for caring, compassionate volunteers to become part of the patient care team. The volunteer opportunities are in these three areas: 1. Patient Care/Family Support. 2. Nursing Home specific patient/family support & hospice residence. 3. New program for Veteran to Veteran visitation. Please see the flyers on the bulletin board for details if you are interested in these training programs for volunteers. Thank You I would like to thank everyone for the beautiful cards and remembrances for my birthday. Julia Myers Choir News The schedule beginning on Wednesday, March 4th, for Wednesdays during Lent: 6:00 — Holden Evening Prayer (nave) 6:45 — Bell Choir (room #201) 7:30 — Sr. Choir ( choir loft) Women of the ELCA Lenten Luncheons. The Women of St. Paul invite you to our Lenten Luncheons each Wednesday at noon in Stock Hall. Please join us for a light lunch, a lesson, and fellowship. Everyone is welcome. Circle 1 will meet on Monday, March 2, at 9:30 a.m. in the Welcome Center. Circle 2 will meet on Thursday, March 12 at 1:30 p.m. at the home of Miriam Kelly, 1010 Dale Place, Carlisle. Circle 3 will meet on Thursday, March 5 at 7:00 p.m. in the new Parlor. Don’t forget to direct Thrivent Choice Dollars® Grant funding from Thrivent Financial through its Thrivent Choice® program can help support organizations you care about. Don’t let designated Choice Dollars expire. Eligible Thrivent Financial members who have been designated Choice Dollars have until March 31, 2015, to direct any remaining 2014 Choice Dollars. Help support St. Paul Lutheran Church. Go to to learn more and find program terms and conditions. Or call 1-800-847-4836 and say “Thrivent Choice” after the prompt. ST. PAUL RELAY FOR LIFE TEAM SELLS HOAGIES. St. Paul will have representation in the American Cancer Society's Carlisle Relay for Life this spring. We have several upcoming fund-raising activities and would appreciate your support. We are planning our third annual dance and two hoagie sales. Our team will accept orders for hoagies after worship services in the new Gathering Room on February28 and March 1, 7, and 8. Turkey, ham, Italian, and cheese hoagies will be offered on 8" white rolls. Payment will be accepted at time of order. Cost is $6 each and proceeds will benefit the American Cancer Society. Distribution will be made in the Gathering Room after worship services on March 14 and 15. A limited number of extras may be available. Please contact the Team Captain, Susan Wise at: or 2430221, if you have any questions regarding our dance, hoagie sale, or the Carlisle Relay for Life. Book Cart “In the parlor where the coffee hour is held is a cart of books near the young children’s play area. They can be checked out for a month by signing the yellow pad of paper on the shelf underneath the books. Here is a sampling of books on the cart: Martin Luther’s The Bondage of the Will, Billy Graham’s Angels, Robert Fulghum’s All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten, On Death and Dying (another classic), several Chicken Soup series’ books, Rick Warren’s The Purpose Driven Life, and Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Religion. If you have any questions about checking out books or what books are available, direct your query to Jon De Young at TABS UPDATE Almost Time for Tulips Guess what! Just this past week I made ANOTHER tab delivery of 80 pounds to our Ronald McDonald House! Thank you so much. The basket is now located in the Welcome Center on the table on the inside wall. You can also place them in my mailbox. You are so wonderful for adding to my Kids' effort to donate so many pounds of tabs to our wonderful House. Please keep them coming! Thank you so much.. Nancy Miller I know it’s hard to believe, but Lent has begun and that means Easter isn’t very far away. So it’s time to begin planning ahead and think about the tulip orders for Easter. The price is $12.50 each this year. You will find both a tulip order form and a form for “In Lieu of Flower” order form in your March monthly Epistle newsletter when it comes out. The forms will also be available in the office, Welcome Center and narthex. Man Talk Thank You The Men of Saint Paul meet at 8:00 a.m. every second Saturday of the month at the Walnut Bottom Diner, 936 Walnut Bottom Rd, Carlisle. Our meetings are informal and we talk about topics ranging from sports to home repair. No reservations are required as there is always room at the Table of Fellowship. The next meeting will be on Saturday, March 14 and we hope to see you there. For more information call or text Joe Tomkiel at 717-4403456 or you can email him at I would like to thank Pastors Rob and Carol for their visits during my recent hospitalization and recuperation time. Thanks also for all the cards and notes from the members of St. Paul. Your kindness and attention are greatly appreciated. Blessings, Helen Warrington Directory Update If you did not already pick up your church directory update, you may do so in the church office during the week, between the hours of 9 am —12 noon and 1—4 pm. Lutheran World Relief Health Kits This Lenten season, our congregation is taking part in LWR’s Baskets of Promise appeal. Our youth group has graciously agreed to coordinate this very meaningful way to reach out to others. Each week in Lent, we are asking the congregation to donate the items listed in this announcement. These items will make up LWR Personal Care Kits that help impoverished people stay healthy in life’s most challenging situations. There will be bins/baskets in the Gathering Room designated for the following items: Towels – light-weight, between 20”x40” & 52”x27”. Dark color is recommended. Soap – bath-size bars (4-5 oz.), any brand in original wrapping. Toothbrush – adult-size in its original packaging Comb – Sturdy comb, remove packaging Metal nail clippers – attached file optional, remove packaging. We are starting the campaign and the ball is now in your court, let’s see how many kits we can provide by working together. Calendar Sunday, March 8: BOLD meeting at 5:30 p.m.— 7:30 p.m. in the Youth room. (We will also have a Parent Meeting on Sunday, March 8th at 5:30 p.m.) Sunday, March 15: “Super Soup Cook-Off” 12:30 p.m. in Stock Hall. BOLD meeting at 5:30 p.m. in the Youth room. Questions about Youth Activities? Contact Moses Kavishe at, or Holly Hoffman at, or Jody Hafner at, March Epistle The March monthly Epistle newsletter is available now in the Gathering Center, the narthex and the church office. Please take a moment to pick one up for yourself today before you leave the building. Vote for St. Paul's Peanut Butter Eggs as Your Favorite in Central PA! Here is your chance to vote St. Paul Lutheran Church Peanut Butter Eggs as your favorite. Vote every day! And Let Central PA know the eggs at St. Paul are the best! Please tell your friends who love St. Paul PB eggs to vote! On your computer go to: index.ssf/2015/02/ peanut_butter_eggs_candy_eggs Music from the Cathedrals Trinity Concert Choir St. Paul’s Brass Chamber orchestra of strings and percussion John Eaken, concertmaster Timothy Koch, conductor Brian Rotz, organist Parry: I Was Glad Mendelssohn: Hear My Prayer Franck: Psalm 150 Gabrieli: Come, Let Us Sing Bortniansky: Cherubim Song … and other works by Bach, Vivaldi, Mozart and more. Date: Sunday, March 15, 2015 Time: 4:00 pm Free Admission Location: Trinity Lutheran Church 2000 Chestnut St., Camp Hill PA Third Annual Relay for Life Dance Once again our St. Paul Relay for Life team is sponsoring a dance with all proceeds going to The American Cancer Society. The date is Saturday, March 14, 2015 from 7:00 10:00 p.m. and the cost is $10.00 per person. As in the past we are asking for the help of the congregation to make this a successful event. First we are asking anyone in the congregation if you would be willing to donate something for our silent auction. Gift cards are especially good, or it could be a gift basket made up with a theme. Items are usually valued at $25 and up. Second, we need photos of people who have had cancer and/or their caregivers. This year's Relay theme is "Heroes" and these people are our heroes! This can be anyone who has dealt with cancer, whether they have won or lost their battle or are still fighting it, they are a "Hero". We are We'll have the sign-up sheet for that ready in a few weeks so keep watching at the Welcome Desk. Your support is so important, as we have all been touched by cancer in some way. Last year our dance raised a total of $1645 for the American Cancer Society. Let's see if we can top that this year. With your help I know we can! If you have any questions, you can contact Carol Weaver (2493383), Susan Wise (243-0221) or Charlyn Larson (243-0873). Moms & Tots Bible Study We began a Mom & Tots Bible study class this month! Pastor Rob’s wife , Lorraine, is leading the discussions in the nursery. We’ll keep you posted about dates and times in March. We will email and or call each other. Please feel free to invite friends to join us for this time of study and fellowship! Lutheran Camping News Summer Lutheran Camp registration is now open for Camp Kirchenwald or Camp Nawakwa! For more information go online summer. Lutheran Camping Corporation Events February—April 3/11: Bible study at the Wittel Farm 3/13 through 3/15: Women’s Quilting weekend at Kirchenwald 3/22: Summer Camp Open House at Nawakwa & Kirchenwald 3/28: Lenten Pilgrimage at the Wittel Farm 4/8: Bible study at the Wittel Farm 4/12: Summer Camp Open House at Nawakwa & Kirchenwald 4/25: Work Day at Kirchenwald, Nawakwa & Wittel Farm 4/26: Earth Day at Kirchenwald & Nawakwa Peanut Butter Egg Workday Schedule 2015 Only 9 workdays left for the Season! March Dates: Tuesday, March 3 Saturday, March 7 Tuesday, March 10 Thursday, March 12 Tuesday, March 17 Saturday, March 21 Tuesday, March 24 Thursday, March 26 and the last day is: Saturday, March 28 Work Times: Tuesdays: 12 noon—? Thursdays: 8 a.m.—? Saturdays: 8 a.m.—? Concert at Zion Lutheran in Newville, March 8 The Good News Singers present: “The Anchor Holds” compiled by Phil Barfoot, arranged & orchestrated by Larri Goss, on Sunday, March 8th at 3:00 p.m. at Zion Lutheran Church, 31 W. Main St., Newville, PA. A free will offering will be received. Refreshments will follow the concert. Thank You I wish to thank Mary Ann Henry, St. Paul Lutheran Church and Georges Flowers for the beauti- ful rose I received on my birthday. I am really blessed to belong to such a loving and caring church family. Super Soup Cook-Off The next fun fundraiser to help send our Youth to the Youth Gathering in Detroit!! Put on your Chef's hat and join the challenge! Enter your best soup in the " Super Soup Cook-Off" held in Stock Hall following the late service on Sunday March 15. All you have to do is sign up and bring your best soup in a crock pot or electric roaster to enter. The congregation members that attend will be the Judge. ATTENTION ALL MEMBERS! You have the fun part. Purchase a ticket for your lunch of sandwich making, dessert and beverages for only $3/person. Taste as many soups as you want. Tickets will be on sale for your voting choices. 1 ticket for $1, 8 tickets for $5 or 20 tickets for $10. Join us for Lunch!! Vote Early! Vote Often! Benefit Concert for Safe Harbour This benefit concert is sponsored by Fine Arts at First and will be presented by organist Karen Electra Christianson on Sunday, March 22 at 3 P.M. at First Lutheran Church, 21 South Bedford Street, Carlisle. Karen, age 19, attends Harvard in Cambridge, MA where she is President of the Harvard Organ Society. She is coached by Alan Morrison, chair of the organ department at the Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia. Karen has composed three choral works for youth choirs In 2013 she became the youngest soloist ever to give an organ recital at Westminster Abbey. Karen made her organ performance debut at age 7 on Christmas Eve, 2002 at historic Christ Church in Philadelphia. At age 10 she performed at First Lutheran Church as part of a Young Peoples Concert for Fine Arts at First. Admission to the concert is free. A freewill offering will be received to benefit the work of Carlisle's Safe Harbour, a non-profit organization whose mission is to provide shelter for the homeless. Additional funding for the concert will be provided by Thrivent Financial. For more information, contact the church, 717-249-3310 or Unrestricted Funds (Mission Plan) Report 2015 Date: Total Expenses: $50,100 Net : Cumulative Net:_ 1/31: Total Income: $44,908 ($5,192) ($5,192) YTD: $44,908 $50,100 ($5,192) ** The following capital purchases were made in 2015 and not reflected in the above expenses: _$0_ _$0_ Weekly Attendance Wednesday, February 18 7:30 a.m. - 21 12 Noon: 68 6:00 p.m. - 110 Saturday, February 21 5:15 p.m. - no service—snow Sunday, February 22 8:00 a.m. - 67 10:45 a.m. - 75 Sun. School - 57 Counting Team Schedule February - March March 2: March 9: March 16: March 23: March 30: Doug Myers Harry Schuettler Bob Rowe Larry Deihl Jackie Gusler Janet Doherty C. Kingsborough Brian Nelson Janet Doherty Saturday 5:15 p.m. Worship Assistants February 28: Asst. Min.: Wine Dist.: Carol Woods Elizabeth Brink Mike Heishman Ushers: Chas. & Nancy Shaffer March 7: Asst. Min.: Wine Dist.: Ushers: March 14: Asst. Min.: Wine Dist.: Ushers: Mary Ann Ernst Nancy Shaffer Karolyn Shellehamer Chas. & Nancy Shaffer Barb Woods Nancy Shaffer Karolyn Shellehamer Chas. & Nancy Shaffer Bible Readings for This Week Day Old Testament New Testament Sunday Genesis 17: 1-7, 15-16 Mark 8: 31-38 Monday Genesis 21: 1-7 Hebrews 1: 8-12 Tuesday Genesis 22: 1-19 Hebrews 11: 1-3, 13-19 Wednesday Jeremiah 30: 12-22 John 12: 36-43 Thursday Exodus 19: 1-9a 1 Peter 2: 4-10 Friday Exodus 19: 9b-15 Acts 7: 30-40 Saturday Exodus 19: 16-25 Mark 9: 2-8 Sunday Exodus 20: 1-17 John 2: 13-22 Worship Assistants Schedule March 1 March 1 March 8 March 8 8:00 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 10:45 a.m. Assisting Minister Cynthia Christenson Dottie Warner Barb Woods Patti Schuettler Crucifer Charlene Mahoney Evan Madeira Jeremy Hafner Beth Leonard Acolytes Celia & Sean Christenson Lauren Jamie Hafner Madeira Carol Woods Alexa Shughart Danny Stone Helen Burdick Lector Mary Nicholson Judy Gross Karen Clark Bill Shearer Distribution Assistants Sam McKeehan Gloria Mullen Larry Clapsadl John Brenner Lissy Weirich Holly Cleck Jon & Emily Miller Communion Assistants Bob Henry Clarence Kingsborough Ethan Nicholson Les Thumma Communion Helpers Bruce & Kate Lemmon Phyllis Myers Pat Beittel Harold & Jane Boldosser Lisa Betts Need 1 more Ushers Phil Good Robert Henry Victor & Carolyn McQuillen Carol Weaver Don Haertter Bob & Betsy Rowe Phil Good Robert Henry Victor & Carolyn McQuillen Carol Weaver Don Haertter Bob & Betsy Rowe Greeters Brian & Nancy Nelson Lisa Betts Need 1 more Barry & Mary Lou Parks Jim & Tammy Jones Welcome Desk Virginia Giordano Susan Wise Virginia Giordano Susan Wise Council Bankers Woods, C. / Kulik Hendrix / Tomkiel Woods, C. / Kulik Hendrix / Tomkiel Altar Flowers ___________ Mary Ann Ernst ____________ Pat Boyne Altar Set Up Sandy Weibley Wanda McCoy Alice & Ken Walsh Betsy Rowe Kay Rowe Altar Linens ___________ Lisa Adams ____________ Gloria Mullen
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