St Mary the Virgin and All Saints Potters Bar 19th October 2014

St Mary the Virgin and All Saints
Potters Bar
19th October 2014
The Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity
A warm welcome to St Mary’s,
especially if this is your first time here.
We have a Family Room at the back of church (with toys &
books) for parents to use with their children, if they so wish.
Refreshments are served after Family Communion.
We look forward to meeting you and seeing you again.
We welcome Canon Michael Burns, Vicar of
King Charles the Martyr Church and Area Dean of
Barnet, as our celebrant
Old Testament Reading: Isaiah 45 vv 1-7 The prophet
proclaims the total and ultimate authority of God over all
creation and all peoples, even over Cyrus, King of Persia.
New Testament Reading: 1 Thessalonians 1 vv 1-10 St Paul
greets the Christians in Thessalonica and expresses his
gratitude that they have remained faithful.
Gospel: Matthew 22 vv 15-22 The Pharisees try to trap Jesus
by asking a question about the payment of taxes to the Roman
We welcome the Revd Matt Graham, Curate of
Christ Church, Little Heath, as our celebrant and
preacher on his first visit to us
Hymns: 418, 113, 12, 133, 25, 248
Evensong at Christ Church, Little Heath
This week’s flowers have been arranged by Pearl Shepherd
and donated by David and Christine Hancock
The Week Ahead
No service of Holy Communion today
Wednesday 9.30am Church cleaning session – all
help gratefully received
8.00pm Churches Together meeting at St
John’s Methodist Church
9.30am Holy Communion from the
Reserved Sacrament
Next Sunday is the Last Sunday after Trinity, also
observed as BIBLE SUNDAY
8.00am Holy Communion
Celebrant & Preacher at both services: Fr Gareth
Randall, Priest-in-Charge of St Bartholomew’s,
Dinard, France
The readings will be: Nehemiah 8 vv 1-6, 8-12;
Colossians 3 vv 12-17 and Matthew 24 vv 30-35.
Parish Notices
The Knit and Natter Group meets on Tuesday 28th
October at 12 noon.
We shall remember our departed loved ones at a
Service of Thanksgiving on Saturday 1st November at
3.00pm. This will be a service of hymns and prayers,
followed by refreshments, to which the relatives of all
those whose funeral Fr Peter has taken during the past
year will be invited. If you can help with providing
cakes for the refreshments at this service, please let
Jenny Pearce or Richard know.
Our All Souls’ Requiem Eucharist will take place this
year on Tuesday 4th November at 9.30am.
Please note any names you wish to be remembered on
the sheet at the back of church, noting at which service
you would like the names read out.
Our Quiz Night will take place on Saturday 22nd
November, 7.00pm for 7.30pm. Please sign up for
tickets (£10) on the noticeboard at the back of church.
Supper will be included in the ticket price.
Concert for Cats will return on Sunday 23rd November
at 4pm. Please join us for this organ recital by James
Matley to raise funds for The Scratching Post Cat
Rescue in Waltham Abbey. Refreshments will be
available before and after the performance along with
crafts for sale. Free entry but donations of money, cat
food and cat litter are always welcome!
Christmas cards sold in aid of The Children's Society
are now available at the back of the church.
Also available are Christmas cards & some generic ones
produced by Rebecca Matley in aid of St Mary’s. There
are a few available at the back of church; please speak
to Rebecca or James if you would like to purchase them.
Planned Giving New weekly envelopes are available
at the back of the church. If anyone else would like to
join this scheme, please contact Pearl Shepherd, email or tel: 655062
Watchers & Welcomers Please let Heather Hawkes
have any holiday dates during December and January.
John Gamby wishes to thank those who sent cards,
letters and messages following his recent fall and spell in
hospital. He is now glad to be home and on the mend.
For your prayers :
The sick
Geof Masters, John Gamby, Sheila Wiggins,
Dominic Hilton, Joan Charlton, Audrey Penn, Marjorie
Schofield, Ivor Stringer, Geoff Fletcher, Linda Higgins, Fr John
Cuthbert, Hilary Joel, Pam Glenister, Ben Kuschel, Chris
Murphy, Maisie, Dorothy Bishop, Colin Woodford, Margo
Gough, Myrtle Lisk, Sally & John Honeychurch, Annette, Hazel
The recently departed Jane Grant, Graham Edwards
Those whose anniversary of death falls this week Phoebe
Devereux, Charles Middleton, Gertrude Rayworth, Ada Bray,
Lois Tabernacle, William Chandler, Dora Stratton
A reminder that the church is open for visitors from
12 noon to 2pm every Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday
Our parish We remember those who live in Coningsby Drive,
Coopers Lane and Coopers Lane Road
Fr Peter Bevan, Vicar Tel: 644539
The prayer lists for the sick will be updated at the start of
November. Please ensure names are ticked/added to the
list on the notice board.
Items for next week’s sheet to Richard Osborn (Tel: 07803 756088 / e-mail: by Thursday
While Fr Peter is away, Richard would be grateful to be informed about illnesses or any emergencies affecting parishioners.