Saints of the Week St George, Martyr, Patron of England 23rd April 19th April 2015 3rd SUNDAY OF EASTER Cycle B for Sunday & Solemnities Year 1 for Weekdays Since the fourth century Saint George has been venerated in Lydia, in Palestine. Tradition holds that he was a soldier who died for the faith and his cult spread throughout the East and the West. He was adopted as Patron on England during the Crusades. OUR LADY IMMACULATE & ST MICHAEL BATTLE with ST TERESA OF LISIEUX NORTHIAM Lord, Hear the prayers of those who praise your mighty power. as Saint George was ready to follow Christ in suffering and death, so may he be ready to help us in our weakness. St Mark, Evangelist 25th April Mark went with St Paul on his first missionary journey, along with his cousin Barnabas. He made later journeys with Barnabas alone. He was in Rome with Paul, and with St Peter. His Gospel is based on Peter’s teaching in Rome: its concise, direct and vivid style tells us something of Mark’s personality. Tradition dating from the third century says that he founded the Church in Alexandria. God Bless The Presbytery, 14 Mount Street, Battle, East Sussex TN33 0EG MASSES FOR EASTER WEEK: SAT 18th – SUN 26th APRIL 2015 SAT: SUN: 18th 19th MON: 20th TUES: 21st WED: 22nd THURS: 23rd FRI: 24th SAT: 25th SUN: 26th 6.00pm INTENTION OF HELENA LOBO 9.00am ETHNEA LUCY NIGHTINGALE, R.I.P. – ST TERESA’S 10.45am BERNARD CHASTY, R.I.P. – BATTLE 10.00am HOLY SOULS 10.00am CELEBRATION OF HOLY COMMUNION NO MASS 10.00am HOLY SOULS 10.00am ROGIE BROWN, R.I.P. 10.00am PEOPLE OF THE PARISH 6.00pm BEATRICE MARY DURRELL, R.I.P. (F.M.) 9.00am TONY MURPHY, R.I.P. – ST TERESA’S 10.45am MICHAEL COOMBS, R.I.P. – BATTLE Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday 9.30am – 9.50am Arundel and Brighton Trust is a Registered Charity No. 252878 Introduction to the Scripture Readings First Reading: Acts 3:13-15. 17-19 The words of the prophets have been fulfilled: despite the ignorance of the people and their leaders, the Lord’s saving work has been accomplished. Second Reading: 1 John 2:1-5 Jesus is the advocate who interceded for us sinners through his sacrifice; and now by our obedience God’s love “comes to perfection” in us. Gospel: Luke 24:35-48 On Easter Sunday Jesus appears to his friends, showing them his wounded hands and feet and explaining that as the Messiah he had to die and rise again. Events and Feast Days This Week Tuesday is the memorial of St Anselm, Bishop and Doctor of the Church. Thursday is the solemnity of St George, Martyr, Patron of England. Friday is the memorial of St Fidelis of Sigmaringen, Priest and Martyr. Saturday is the feast of St Mark, Evangelist. We Pray for the Sick and Housebound Members of our Community: From Our Lady Immaculate & St Michael: Elsa Oliver, Margaret Thunder, Jane Bergin, Ingrid Reeves, Jo Cooper, Stephen Bould, Jenifer Keeling, Paula Dempsey, Daphne Kilner, Pauline Fraser, Robert Roberts, Martin & Pat Guiver, Jean Jameson, Stuart Hale, Douglas Ashing, Dreda Mahoney, Richard Grun, Jack & Brenda Morgan. From St Teresa’s: Derek Robinson, Joan Englefield, Pat Hoskins, Keith Bourne, Roland Frank, Barney O’Neil, Audrey Evans. Offertory The collection for the weekend of 11th & 12th April was £305 in Battle and £101.50 in Northiam, £189 was collected for Holy Places. Thank you all for your generosity. Next week there is a Retiring Collection for the Education of Future Priests. First Communion The next meeting of the First Communion Group is on Thursday, 23rd April, at 6pm in the presbytery. Parish Organisations UCM – Union of Catholic Mothers, Parish Ladies’ Group Our next meeting will be on 21st April at 2.15pm for 2.30pm. Terri Coombs will be talking to us about her UCM pilgrimage to Fatima last September. All ladies of the parish are invited to come along. Parish Book Club Our next meeting is on Thursday, 23rd April at 2pm, in the Parish Room. We will be discussing ‘The Lodger’ by Charles Nicholl. Our New Bishop Our Bishop Elect Richard Moth will be installed as the Fifth Bishop of Arundel and Brighton on Thursday 28th May. Please remember him in your prayers. The Bishop Elect invites the whole diocese to the Amex Stadium, Brighton from 10am – 4pm for the celebration of the Diocese Golden Jubilee on Sunday 5th July. The climax of the day will be the Jubilee Mass at 3pm. Bishop Richard Moth will be with us celebrating the pilgrims’ commissioning Mass at Arundel Cathedral on Friday 3rd of July at 09:30. Thank You Fr Tony wishes to thank again all those who sent Easter cards and presents, and for your very generous Easter Offering. Future Events In the Parish First Communion Thursday, 23rd April – First Communion meeting, 6pm. Thursday, 7th May – First Communion meeting, 6pm. Thursday, 14th May – First Communion Celebration rehearsal. Sunday, 17th May – First Communion Celebration. Ordination Anniversaries Fr Tony celebrates 30 years of Priestly Life, on Sunday 31st May. Fr Wilson celebrates his Diamond Anniversary on Sunday 7th June. The Mass for his 60th Anniversary will be at 5pm on this day. Jubilee Celebration Sunday 5th July at the Amex Stadium, Brighton from 10am – 4pm. With a Celebration of Jubilee Mass at 3pm. Mass for the Sick Sunday 2nd August, 3pm, Mass for the Sick at St Teresa’s. Encounter Evening (for 15-30s) This Friday, April 24th, in Crawley These are evenings of Live Music, Adoration, and inspiring talks, which usually happen on the last Friday of the month. This month, the guest speaker will be Jo Gilbert from the Wellspring Community. The evenings will be at St. Wilfrid’s School (RH118PG) and will run from 7-9pm. Feel free to join us in the pub afterwards. It’s totally free, and there’s no need to register. New people are always very welcome. For more info search ‘Two:42 Young Adults’ on Facebook.
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