Pew Sheet - Wareham Churches

Sunday 8th February 2015
Welcome! If you are visiting, please make yourself known to one
of the clergy or the welcome team, who will be happy to help you.
Large print sheets are available from our Welcome Team
Services Today
Readings: Proverbs 8: 1, 22-31; John 1: 1-14
Lady St Mary
8.00am Holy Communion (BCP)
9.30am Communion
11.15am Family Worship (Parish Hall)
Sandford St Martin’s Community Worship Centre
9.30am Holy Communion
St John’s, East Holme
9.00am Holy Communion (BCP)
For details of church services, themes of worship and events in the
parish, please see this month’s diary sheet available at the back of
church, call the Parish Office or visit our website.
(Readings for Sunday 15th February: 2 Kings 2: 1-12; Mark 9: 2-9)
Today’s Collect
Almighty God, you have created the heavens and the earth and
made us in your own image: teach us to discern your hand in all
your works and your likeness in all your children; through Jesus
Christ your Son our Lord, who with you and the Holy Spirit reigns
supreme over all things, now and for ever .
Wareham Parish Contact Details
The Reverend Canon Simon Everett Team Rector (289236)
The Reverend Jackie Maw
Team Vicar/Community Missioner (556796)
The Reverend Michael Young
Curate (554207)
The Reverend Suzie Allen
Curate (550142)
Mrs Hilary Bond
Schools’ and Children’s Worker (551219)
Mrs Pat Cherrett
Churchwarden (552087)
Mrs Jean Dixon
Lay Pastor Co-ordinator (556005) Please contact if you
Mr Peter Fry
Home Communion (01202 623814) would like a visit
The Parish Office, Church Green, Wareham, BH20 4ND
Open Daily: Mon - Fri 9.30am until 12.30 pm
Tel: (01929) 550905
Reminders this week
Mon 9th Feb 1.30pm Hospital Service
Tue 10th Feb 9.45am Morning Prayer at Arne
Wed 11th Feb 7.45am Communion at LSM
11.00am Communion Service at SMOW
7.00pm Prayers for the Parish in LSM
7.30pm *Purbeck Open Lecture in the
Parish Hall. ‘Normality, Art and Ecstasy’
Thu 12th Feb 8.00am Celtic Morning Prayer
at Sandford St Martin’s Community Worship
Fri 13th Feb 12.30pm Parish Hall Lunch Club
(details from 556761)
Sat 14th Feb 8.30am Men’s Breakfast at
Sandford St Martin’s Community Worship
Centre - Come with your questions for
Bishop Paul from South Sudan, register with
John 551675
10am Parish Hall Coffee Morning
Services - Sunday February 15th 2015
The Sunday Before Lent
Lady St Mary
8.00am Holy Communion (BCP)
9.30am Communion
11.15am Family Worship
Sandford St Martin’s
Community Worship Centre
9.30am Valentine’s Breakfast Church
St Nicholas, Arne
10.30am Holy Communion (BCP)
*Purbeck Open Lecture - Wednesday 11th
February at 7.30pm. ‘Normality, Art and
Ecstasy - Quietude in an increasingly changing world’. The lecture is to be held in the
Parish Hall.
The Licensing Service for the Reverend Andy
Bowerman in his new Appointment as Associate Priest in Hardington Vale will take
place on Saturday 14th February at 2pm at
Prayer Focus - The Lord Jesus spent much time St Laurence, Rode. All are welcome.
Beatrice Smith wishes to convey her heartin prayer. He taught his disciples to pray too,
felt thanks for all the prayers, friendship and
and calls us to follow him.
loving care that has kept her going over the
We thank God for enabling Bishop Paul Modi
past months - thanks be to God.
from our link Diocese of Terekeka in South
Joyce Boulding would like to say a big thank
Sudan, to come to the UK. We pray for him as
you to all the people who helped her
he arrives in the Parish tomorrow for a week.
celebrate her 90th birthday.
We pray that we would be mutually
Please note that the Pancake Races,
encouraged as we build our partnership in the originally planned and advertised in the
Gospel together.
Diary of Events for Tuesday 17th February at
Please pray for troubled parts of the world, for Hauses Field in Northmoor, will no longer be
the hungry, those without work, those who are taking place.
Please note that ‘Open House’ at Sandford
lonely, those suffering hardship or without a
will be held on Thursday 26th February and
home and those with addictions
not the 19th, as advertised in the Diary of
Those of our congregation asking for Prayer:
Events for February.
Peter Breakingbury, Doris Heys, Helen Reed, Snowdrop Day on Saturday 28th February
Richard Scott, John and Janet Fisher, Heather 2 - 5.00pm at Hilfield Friary, Dorchester,
Preston, Brian Wilkins, Olive Lane, June Tay- admission £2.
lor, June Benham
Those who have died in recent days and
those who mourn for their loved ones
Catherine Grynyer, Maria Curtis (k/as Marysia)
Lithuanian Artist, Birute Nomeda Stankuniene
is travelling all the way from Vilnius in Lithuania
with a collection of her paintings for an exhibition, in Sherborne Abbey from 21st February to
28th March, opening hours Monday - Sunday,
8am - 4pm FOC