Feb 2015 - Vale of Pewsey Team

Alton Barnes
Charlton St Peter
Milton Lilbourne
Easton Royal
North Newnton
Stanton St Bernard
Wootton Rivers
The Messenger
February 2015
Rev Deborah Larkey, Team Rector, The Vicarage, Woodborough, Pewsey, SN9 5PH (01672) 851746
Rev Jennifer Totney, The Rectory, Church Street, Pewsey, SN9 5DL (01672) 562886
Rev Mark Windsor, The Vicarage, Wilcot, Pewsey SN9 5NS (01672) 564265
Rev Canon Gerald Osborne, Associate Priest and Rural Dean, Lower Farm House,
Milton Lilbourne (01672) 563459 gerald.osborne@lawnfarm.co.uk
Licensed Lay Ministers
Mrs Margery Jones, Le Marronier, Bottlesford, Pewsey (01672) 851627
Mrs Libby Turner, Sheldon, Woodborough, Pewsey, SN9 5PG (01672) 851141
Parish Priest: Father John Blacker, Marlborough (01672) 513267
Minister: Rev Heather Cooper, Marlborough (01672) 512457
Church Contact: Mrs Greta Longson (01672) 563171
Ricky Flint
Est 1997
Friendly Local Service
Professional Work at Sensible Prices
Call for a No Obligation Quote
Mobile: 07799 215837 / Tel: 01672 871414
Telephone: Marlborough (01672) 563440 / 562883
Independent Family
Funeral Directors
24 Hour Caring &
Professional Service
Private Chapel of Rest
Providing a Complete & Dignified Funeral Service
Our first letter of 2015 is by The Reverend Mark Windsor
In his New Year message Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury, reflected on
2014 as a tough year around the world.
He lamented the fact that each day seemed to bring its toll of bad news and
disasters inflicted, often on the innocent, by war and disease.
Amongst other things there was the horrendous massacre of schoolchildren in
Peshawar, the devastating fallout of the Ebola outbreak and the catastrophic rising
death-toll in the war in Syria.
Nevertheless, he cautioned against the temptation to despair.
He speaks as someone who has experienced personal tragedy; the death of his
daughter Johanna aged 7 months in a car crash in 1983. He reflects on that terrible
incident as a reminder of the uncertainty of life and has reached the conclusion that
the only certainty in life is Christ.
A few years ago I came across a flyer advertising Christmas services in church that
had a picture of the nativity scene with the words ‘A stable relationship in an
uncertain world.’
We live in an uncertain world; often in the midst of a great deal of uncertainty in
our own lives as Justin Welby reminds us. However, he like millions of others
around the world today has discovered the stability that comes through putting his
faith in Christ.
The Apostle Paul puts it this way in Romans 8v38-39:
“For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things
present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in
all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our
That is a wonderful promise for those who put their faith in Christ to hold onto,
whatever 2015 may
I do wish you every blessing and God’s peace for the coming year,
Mr F Burrow
Mr C Lucas
01380 848556
Mrs R Cunningham 01980-630321
Mrs H Hollinsworth 01672-811984
Mrs R Langfield
Mrs D Strong
Mrs M R Sampson 01672-563736
Mr D Andrews
Mr A Barne
Mrs J Barnard
Mr W Wilks
Mrs M Giddings
Mrs B Rice
Mr G Olsen
Mrs L Fleming
Mrs A Prince
Mr R Youens
Mr B Bracher
Dr V Thorne
Mrs K MacAuslan
Major L Bond (rtd) 01672-851403
Mrs A Swift
The Messenger Committee
Team Administrator,
Sheena Marsh, Team Office, Bouverie Hall, Pewsey SN9 5QE
01672 562221 administrator@valeofpewsey.org.uk
Editor Derek Bull editor.derek@btconnect.com 01672564409
Distribution Manager
Mrs M Smith
Mrs J Thomas
Mrs H Hollinsworth 01672-811984
Mrs S Hughes
Miss P Dorling
Mrs S Brass
Mr M Mason
Mrs M Riding
Mrs B Haddock
Mrs S Haley
Mrs L Newman
Mrs J Hunt-Watts 07884171923
Mrs A Prince
Mrs C Larken
Mr B Bracher
Mrs P Bracher
Mrs S Davis
Mrs P Bouch
Mrs P Dark
Mrs C Phillips
Mrs A Parry
Rev Deborah Larkey …Friday
Rev Jennifer Totney … Thursday
Rev Mark Windsor ... Thursday
Clergy are available via:
telephone, email, mobile phone,
or visit to their home.
The Prayer Tree is a confidential network
of people who pray daily for the people and
parishes of our team and beyond.
To ask for a prayer, please speak to the
coordinator Joan Dunford on
(01672) 851323 or Pauline Dark on
(01672) 851405.
The winners of the 100 Club in November
and December were:- " C. Barnett, E. Haynes, J. Harris and R. Devlin,
E. Haynes and M. Taher." (Some people
have all the luck - E. Hayes)
01672 851965
Diane, Jenny, Kathryn, Arthur,
Janet, Alan, Pam and Ray
Treasurer and Advertising,
Richard Evans, Hunters Close,
The Gardens, Upavon, Wilts, SN9 6FA 01980-630878
This QR Code is for the
Online version of
the Messenger
If you haven’t got the app to
read it, take a trip to your
App Store, its usually free.
I use NeoReader and there
are others available too.
Lay Pastoral Assistants
Jenny King
The online version has more
content and includes colour.
If you don’t have a smart phone or iPad you can access
The Same Great Content on your PC at:
To Receive Your Messenger In PDF By Email
Just send an email to the Editor to be added to the
colour and soon to be extended version
Volunteer Printers Always Required
If you think that you might be able to help with the
printing operation, please ring Alan West on
564131 to find out more.
The Next Collating Day
is on February 26th 2015
Everyone is welcome to join us
9 am start but we don’t clock on.
10.30-11.00ish finish with a cuppa tea
In the middle!
Feel free to pop in and see how it’s done
Ÿ No Bending Or Lifting Involved
(And No Rushing About!)
Help Needed please, for St. John's Church,
Brass Cleaners
Spaces Available on the Monthly Rota
Taking approx. One and a half hours per year,
You can pick the month that suits you best.
Please phone 563474 if you can help.
Church Services in the Vale of Pewsey for February 2015
St John the Baptist
Pewsey *#
1st February
Presentation of Christ in
the Temple—Candlemas
8th February
2nd Sunday before Lent
15th February
Sunday next before Lent
1st Sunday of Lent
Malachi 3. 1-5
Hebrews 2. 14-end
Luke 2. 22-40
Proverbs 8. 1, 22-31
Colossians 1. 15-20
John 1. 1-14
1 Kings 2. 1-12
2 Corinthians 4. 3-6
Mark 9. 2-9
Genesis 9. 8-17
1 Peter 3. 18-end
Mark 1. 9-15
8.00am Holy Communion
11.00am All Age Worship
St Mary
Alton Barnes
St Stephen
9.30am BCP
Holy Communion
(by extension)
6.00 pm
(at Le Marronier, Bottlesford)
Holy Trinity
Easton Royal
St Andrew
Wootton Rivers
St Mary #
Church of the Holy
Family *#
Morning Prayer
Parish Communion CW
6.00 pm,
Evensong BCP
Holy Communion BCP
in the Village Hall
Candlemas Evensong
Morning Service
Holy Communion BCP
Holy Communion BCP
Evensong BCP
Parish Communion
Parish Communion
Morning Prayer
6.00 pm
Parish Communion
Evening Worship
Holy Communion BCP
Holy Communion
(by extension)
Parish Communion
Parish Communion
All Age Worship
Pewsey Methodist *#
Evensong BCP
St Peter
Charlton St Peter
St Matthew
Family Communion
Holy Communion
Holy Cross
St Peter *#
Milton Lilbourne
11.00am BCP
Family Communion
(by extension)
9.30am BCP
Morning Prayer
St Nicholas
Holy Trinity
Parish Communion
Parish Communion
Family Service
All Age Communion
St Peter
Manningford Bruce
St Mary Magdalene #
Holy Communion
All Saints *#
Stanton St Bernard
St James *
North Newnton
Parish Communion
22nd February
Matins BCP
Parish Communion
Holy Communion BCP
Holy Communion BCP
Morning Worship
Morning Worship
Parish Communion
Mass is on Saturdays at 6.00pm.
Mass at St Thomas More Church in Marlborough is at 11.00am on Sundays.
Ash Wednesday - February 18th
Service of Communion with Imposition of Ash at 10am Pewsey or 7.30 pm at Upavon.
6.30 pm Weekday Eucharist at Alton Barnes for Ash Wednesday
* Access for Wheelchairs # Loop system for the hard of hearing BCP Book of Common Prayer All other services Common Worship
WEEKDAY SERVICES: Holy Communion on Wednesdays at 10.00 am at St John the Baptist, Pewsey
Weekday Eucharists— For further weekday Eucharists, please see the Altons and Honeystreet village news.
Morning Prayer
Monday: St Peter, Charlton St Peter 7.45am
Tuesday: St John the Baptist Pewsey 8.30am
Wednesday: St Matthew , Rushall 8.30 am Thursday: no service
Friday: St Mary the Virgin Upavon 9.30am
These services are open to everyone, so please come for this important prayer time.
May they rest in Peace.
News from the Registers
David John Hart of Wootton Rivers, died on 8th November.
Graveside Service on 26th November in Wootton Rivers churchyard.
John David Perry of Easton Royal, died on 29th November.
Funeral Service on 12th December at West Wilts Crematorium.
Peggy Hoyle of Upavon, died on 19th November. Funeral Service on 9th December at Salisbury Crematorium.
Eric George Marshall of Pewsey, died on 8th December. Funeral Service on 16th December at Woodborough,
followed by cremation at West Wilts Crematorium.
Margaret Anderson of Pewsey, died on 3rd December. Funeral service on 18th December at Pewsey,
followed by burial in Pewsey Cemetery.
Sylvia Patricia Thompson of Oare, died on 15th December. Funeral service on 5th January at Oare
followed by burial in the churchyard.
Poppy Clare Brennan on 22nd November at Wootton Rivers.
Ivy Deborah Smith on 30th November at Oare.
Laurie Wigg on 14th December at North Newnton.
Spencer Taft Nolan on 21st December at Beechingstoke
Caitlin Ruby Smith on 21st September at Oare
Ivy Deborah Smith on 30th November at Oare
Josh Gleave and Rosie Thompson on 6th December at Huish.
Confirmation May 2015
Calling any young people and adults who are wanting to take a next step in their journey of faith
and/or exploring confirmation. We are planning to take a group to the Cathedral Confirmation
service on 9th May (availability to be confirmed).
If any young people or adults are interested in confirmation, please contact Jennifer, Mark or Deb.
A group for those considering confirmation and wanting to explore their faith will be starting in
February. The first meeting will be Monday 9th at 7.15pm at The Rectory, Pewsey. Further
meetings are planned for Mondays and a Saturday, but if those dates are not convenient do get in
touch as they may be rearranged.
Monday Compline St John's Church 6.30pm
Join us each week for a short service (up to 30 minutes) of 'night prayer' in the Lady Chapel with
readings and silence to reflect on the day.
Shrove Tuesday Film: Babette's Feast
Tuesday 17th February 6.30pm The Rectory, Pewsey
Come along to celebrate pancake day with a classic film!
We will discuss (with pancakes!) themes of fasting, forgiveness and feasting.
This will ne particularly helpful as an introduction to the Pilgrim Lent course on Worship and the Eucharist, but all
are welcome!
If you know you are coming please let Jennifer know (jennifer.totney@gmail.com; 01672 562886).
Depending on numbers we may need to move the venue so look out for details in the pewsheet. But
if you forget to reply please feel welcome to come along!
George Herbert Day Friday 27th February
On this day the church remembers George Herbert, priest and poet. We will mark the day with a
pilgrimage to his church of Bemerton with an opportunity to reflect on his life and poetry.
We will begin the day at 10am with Holy Communion at St Andrew's Bemerton, share a packed
lunch with discussion of the poetry during the afternoon, and conclude with cream tea in Salisbury
Cathedral refectory and Evensong at 5.30pm.
There will be the option for a walk in Herbert's footsteps across the water meadows.
Cost : about £10
For more information and to sign up please contact Bob Simmons (simmons.bob@btinternet.com;
01672 562281) or Jennifer Totney.
Renewing Hope
You are invited to a discussion with The Bishop of Salisbury
At Pewsey Vale School, Wilcot Road, Pewsey, SN9 5EW
on Wednesday 4 February 2015
at 7.30 pm
You do not have to RSVP but it makes catering much easier if you do.
Send RSVPs to Hilary Hollinsworth
01672 811984
Bishop Nicholas will visit all 19
deaneries in the new year to discuss the
overall theme of Renewing Hope,
with three areas of focus:
pray, serve, grow.
Day of Prayer for the Team
On Friday 6th February at St. John the Baptist, Pewsey.11am to 1pm,
The Church will be open for prayer in order to help us prepare for Lent, and also to take time to reflect and pray for God’s guidance in response to the visit of Bishop Nicholas on February 4th. He will
be speaking about ‘Renewing Hope’, which ties in very well with our Team Vision. In waiting upon
God, praying around the three main areas of the Team Vision and offering our concerns and hopes to
God, we would like to encourage a time of ‘fasting’ (from business or from food) and – at 2.30pm the
Mother’s Union will be holding their ‘Wave of Prayer’ for the whole of our Archdeaconry, so those attending the morning might also like to join in with their prayer for the world.
Lent Courses
As we go to press, the two Lent courses being offered are:
1. Worship and Eucharist Pilgrim Course
2. A Life Worth Living
Venues are still being finalised. Please see weekly pewsheets or contact the Team Administrator or any of
the clergy for more details.
Advance Notification
on Saturday 21st March at St John the Baptist Church, Pewsey
conducted by Chris Totney
Charges will be £5 per singer, and donation please, to watch the concert. Please provide your
own music copy This is open to all singers, but please contact Chris Totney on
christotney@gmail.com or 01672 562886 to register your name and voice part. The plan is to
rehearse at 4pm, with a tea break and a picnic tea followed by the performance at 8.00 pm.
of Swindon
are offering 13 to 19 year olds from across the Pewsey Vale Area a FREE session to create a short film
called a Multi Media Mash Up on Thursday February 5th at 6pm in the Community Room at the rear of
Pewsey Fire Station, North St , Pewsey. All the technical equipment is provided.
Check out the Create Studios short films and animations on http://vimeo.com/createstudios to see
the animation on Car Crash created in just 2 hours in December!
This taster session will be followed by regular weekly evening sessions during February and March for
those who want to join in.
Contact Karen Brown Community Youth Officer on 07795665756 or visit the Pewsey Local Youth
Network Facebook Page.
Also starting on Friday February 6th the all new Pewsey Youth Group on Friday Nights from 7pm
for 13 to 19’s in the Community Room at the back of Pewsey Fire Station in North Street, Pewsey.
There is a £1 fee but there is WiFi, Xbox, crafts, music and other activities.
Valentine Day on Ice! Plans are ongoing to bring an ice rink to Pewsey on Feb 14th. Karen can
support applications for funds for other activities.
Pewsey Methodist News
1st Feb
Following our morning worship we invite you to stay for a time of
fellowship over coffee.
Worship Leader
Sandra Wylie
8 Feb
15th Feb
Godfrey Room
Rev Heather Cooper All Age Worship
22nd Feb
1st March
David Alderman
Susan Bothamley
GIVING ALL OUR EVENTS VISIT www.pewsey-methodist.org.uk
Did you know that you can hire the Wesley Hall Pewsey? - Contact us on 07771 279790 to make a booking"
Ladies Breakfast
Saturday 14th February 2015 10am – 11.30am
Join us in the Wesley Hall at Pewsey Methodist Church – Enjoy
Breakfast and our February Speaker will be Jackie Lampard
“BRIGHT HOUR” THURSDAY FELLOWSHIP. We meet in the Wesley Hall Pewsey at
2.30pm. It is open to all denominations, so why not bring a friend to Share in our Fellowship.
A warm welcome awaits you followed by a refreshing cup of tea over fellowship..
Pewsey Churches together Community
Church with Tea and Cake
Community Lunches are held on the 3rd
Saturday of every month at the
Methodist Church Wesley Hall. If you would
like more details
please contact Mike on 564024
At Woodborough Church
On Sunday 1
A short service, with Bible story, prayers,
A collection Box is located in the
Wesley Hall Link Entrance Open
School term morning only from 10 12 noon and on Sunday
morning from 10am – 12 noon.
Songs, activities and fun
All Welcome
Contact Rev’d Deb Larkey
On 01672 851746
A big thank you to everyone who supported this year’s box wrap held on Saturday 15th November, you all
helped to fill and packed over 547 Boxes, a fantastic achievement. I would also like to thank all those
individuals who have given so much support and help over the years both on the day and in all of the
background tasks I never thought that from such small beginnings how this project developed and touched
the lives of so many children who have received the gift boxes filled with love by people throughout our
community. This year I was encouraged by Rev Jennifer Totney and her encouraging email at the start of
this year’s box event so again thanks.
Moving Forward - For me it has been about working in a quiet way, and I so value
those who have helped me over the past 14 years, however, over the past few months
with much thought, and some factors which have influenced my decision, I have
decided that 2014 will mark my last Shoebox day. So with all my sincerity I thank
everyone who has given me so much help, it is down to each of you that the day has
Thank you all, Stephen
What’s on in Pewsey?
Pewsey Country Market
Car Boot sales in the Bouverie Hall
car park will resume on Sunday 8th
March. Thereafter they will be held on the 2nd
Sunday of every month, unless otherwise advised.
Please keep an eye out for notices in the local press,
the Parish Council website and the Messenger.
The vast majority of dog owners are very careful to
clear up after their dogs and they are to be applauded
for that. HOWEVER there are a few thoughtless and
inconsiderate owners who just leave the mess where it
falls for everyone else to step in. Please clear up after
your dog.
On the subject of rubbish please put your domestic
rubbish in your own bins not the public waste bins.
We have a flourishing Speedwatch group in our village.
If you wish to stop thoughtless motorists speeding
through our village contact Howard on 01672 564511.
Speedwatch is very well supported by the Wiltshire
police and they devote a lot of time and money to
keep it growing. As a result there are now almost 100
teams in Wiltshire supported by appoximately 1500
trained volunteers. This has resulted in 280 speeding
motorists having a visit from the local police in one
month alone.
Interested in what’s going on in our village?
Then why not come along to one of our meetings.
They all start at 7-30pm and are held in the Parish
Office at the Bouverie Hall.
Pewsey Country Market held from 0930 - 1100 am
on Tuesdays in the Bouverie Hall. As spring
approaches there are lots of festivities to celebrate
so do come and see the interesting array of gifts on
our craft stall many can be personalised or made to
order just ask the helpers on the stall.
First comes Valentine's Day, followed by
Mothering Sunday then Easter, Why not get our
cooks to take the strain and make you a family
favourite or special cake?
There will soon be plants and flowers on the
garden stall. for a comforting meal there are
always local free range eggs and honey.
All our jams are made with fruit and sugar, no
added chemicals you can ask about ingredients in
any product just see our market manager June. if
you would like more information about the market
or are considering joining as a helper or producer
please ring me anne swindale 01672 562121
Pewsey Vale Gardening Club
We always meet at the Bouverie Hall on the first
Tuesday, and new members are always welcome.
The annual subscription is £5 and covers the
family at one address. For more details, ring
or Alan (564131).
Womens World Day of Prayer
Friday 6th March in St John’s Church Pewsey, 2pm,
Agendas and minutes for all meetings are available on
www.pewsey-pc.gov.uk , the noticeboard by the police
station, and in the library. If there are any issues that
concern you in the village please come along to
the Full Council Meeting held on the third Tuesday of
each month where public questions can be raised. It
starts at 7-30 and is held in the Parish Office.
There will be a speaker and refreshments
All are Welcome
Jumble sale March14th at 1pm
in The Bouverie Hall Pewsey
Open the Book
funds to Alzheimer's ,
any jumble etc you may have bring along,
from 10am Saturday 14th
or I can collect! phone 01672 563872
Thank you ..
If you would like to be part of the team that goes into
schools to read Bible stories to children,
please come and join us.
We read to the children in Oare, Pewsey and
Woodborough schools.
We work in pairs two or three times each term.
Training is given, and you can watch a presentation.
Interested? please contact Linda Fleming
Pewsey Heritage Centre Trustees present:
(01672) 564709.
A History of the Victorian Village Schools of the
Vale of Pewsey
by Richard Giles
Helps you get to the help you need, in a private car
with a friendly, reliable driver.
Make use of this invaluable service.
Ring 01672 564930. All we ask is
for a donation towards running costs.
We’re your local volunteer driving
force. Pewsey and District Link.
Saturday 7th February 2015
Pewsey Methodist Church, 7.30pm
Tickets £4 from Woottons or from Around the World
both in North Street, Pewsey
What’s on in Pewsey
Having a spring clean ?
Why not sell your unwanted clutter at the
Pewsey Prospect Hospice Support
Group invite you to BINGO at The
Bouverie Hall Tues.24th February.
at the Bouverie Hall on Saturday 14th February
9.30 am. till 1pm.
to book a table at £6 tel 01672 563583
admission for buyers free
refreshments on sale
The Bouverie Hall belongs in Trust to the residents of Pewsey
and is managed by a committee of volunteers. It is this committee
that is running the event to raise funds for the hall.
Entry tickets £5 from Pewsey
Butchers. (Refundable on the door)
Eyes Down 7.30pm.
Refreshments. Raffle.
Come to play Bridge
and Eat and Drink,
February 20th, Scout Hall, 7pm
£8 each,
In aid St. Timothy’s school and
other projects
in South Sudan.
Please contact Virginia on 01980
630830 to book a place
17th Feb
The 100 Foot Journey
Helen Mirren is at her acerbic best in this delightful film,
as the proprietor of a Michelin starred classical French
restaurant in a picturesque and elegant French village.
She seeks to rid herself of an interloping Indian family
who dare to set up their own restaurant only 100 yards
from her own revered establishment. Eventually the
contrasting cultures are stirred into a happy blend, as
the love of good food and the power of personality
conquer all.
St. John’s Church Medieval
Fayre 2014
An enormous thank you to all those who
came to support the event. A big thank you
to all those who helped set up the stalls,
contributed to them and ran them. Once
again thanks to the Methodist Church for
More info?
loaning us their tables. Thank you to our
Martin Clifton
music makers - the Recorder Group, the
01672 810436
Hand Bell Ringers and the U3A Singing for
Pleasure Group. Thank you to the Pewsey
Vale Youth Group who waited at table and
generally helped, and to those who generally
added to the wonderful atmosphere. At the
end it took no time at all to put everything
Stonehenge and Pewsey Vale back ready for the Sunday service – so many
willing hands. Just over £2,000 again was
raised to help the running expenses of
THANK YOU to everyone for your continued support
this beautiful church. Well done everybody.
throughout 2014 and for making it such a successful
year. With your help, we have been able to send £8,000
to Cancer Research UK for their ongoing research
in the Bouverie Hall
Friday 13th February 7.30
T�� C�ur�h�it��rs
The three virtuoso musicians from England and France
will strut their stuff on a stage that bristles with instruments.
Plus- homemade soup on sale from 7pm
tickets - The Gallery & Around the World, Pewsey or reserve 01672 562584
Friday 10th April – FLOOT STREET
News Continued
The next meeting of the Pewsey WI will be on
February 10th at 7.00 pm in the Bouverie Hall.
The talk will be by Karen Williams and is
called Easter Art. This is all about painting
ceramics and you will get the chance to paint a plate
to your own design. Tea and biscuits are
laid on and the evening is informal and friendly.
Please come.
Training will have re-started in January, but the Range
Office have issued a timely reminder that access is
regulated by Salisbury Plain Militrary Lands Byelaws. Acess
is welcomed on sections which are not live danger areas
(Red Flagged), however please comply with local signs
denoting Restricted Byeways and Footpaths; cars, bicycles
etc are allowed on open hard tracks, particularly on the East
of the Plain and the Ridgeway where the views are
spectacular on a good day.
Walking Works!
The other day, I saw a "tiding" of 16 Magpies at Chisenbury
Warren - one of my favourite bird areas on the Plain - I am
afraid that they will affect the successful breeding of small
birds when the predate their eggs .
During hard weather, hundreds of Fieldfare have stripped all
the Hawthorne berries, so it is now a dull brown colour
instead of dark red. Also the other day we saw another old
collective noun: a "congregation" of Plovers - Lapwings - at
May I take this opportunity to thank those who contact me
with reports - it is very reassuring to to know that some
people do read what I write, even though it may be the only
section of the Messenger that you read!
But please read much more because it tells you about what
is happening in 16 villages in the Vale.
In early January, I saw about 10 Shorteared Owls up on the
Plain hunting low on a sunny evening which is
the best time. More locally, in my garden we saw a Song
Thrush, which are relatively rare nowadays, as well
as 2 Bullfinches with their white rumps moving through fruit
trees by the raiway at the bottom of the
Are you looking to the New
Year as an opportunity to
Increase your physical
activity and improve your health?
Inactivity now rivals smoking as one of
the nation’s biggest health problems and is
responsible for 17% of early deaths in UK and
6% globally.
Being inactive can increase the chance
of developing cancer, heart disease or
having a stroke by 25-30%!!
We could prevent 37,000 deaths a year
simply by walking regularly.
Yes walking has been established as a
key activity to conquer many health and
physical problems in addition to its beneficial
effects upon mental wellbeing.
Don’t be a statistic! Join up with one of our
free walks now
and discover for yourself that
In the fight against all these overwhelming
health issues Wiltshire Council launched its
“GET WILTSHIRE WALKING “project two years
ago-providing FREE weekly led walks to
enable everyone to increase physical activity.
Aged 12 _ 18?
Interested in joining the
Vale of Pewsey Youth Group?
We are a Christian led youth group.
We meet at the Scout Hall, Pewsey
usually on the 2nd and 4th Sunday
at 7pm till 8.30pm.
An opportunity to meet up with friends,
play table tennis, badminton, pool,
share snacks, play music and
discuss what's on your mind.
Feel free to drop in and check it out.
please contact;
Rosie Golding on: 07917 599964
Sarah Sims 07846100233
Email: rosie.golding@wiltshire.gov.uk
For more information ring:
Rev Jennifer Totney on (01672) 562886,
Rev Mark Windsor on (01672) 564265
or Jan Hunt-Watts on 07884171923
We are very grateful for all the bottle tops which continue to appear in their thousands! (can be left at Pewsey Library).
Please keep them coming! For those interested, they are shredded in the UK and then made into children’s patio
furniture, toys and Wellington boots.
Can we just mention that we can only accept plastic milk carton tops (any colour) and no other tops. Unfortunately,
not all plastic tops are suitable for recycling and if there is a mix of different plastics then the whole sackful will be
rejected. It would be helpful too if the inner seals could be removed please.
Once again, thank you to everyone for your contributions – all monies raised will be for the benefit of the
Wiltshire Air Ambulance.
‘Kathryn & Viv’
Answers in the next edition
1. Lane where the Great Fire of London started (7)
5. Goes nicely with gin! (5)
8. “Thou shalt not seethe a ...... in his mother’s milk”
[Deut.ch.14 v.21 AV] (3)
9. A character/symbol, especially in shorthand used to
represent a speech sound (9)
10. A priestly residence (8)
11. Fairy in Eastern mythology (4)
13. Toppled dictator of Iraq (6,7)
15. Ancient Hindu scriptures (4)
17. Product of human skill (8)
20. Residents of a house (9)
21. Evergreen climbing plant (3)
22. & 16.dn. The ..../.... - Western region express train which once
ran from London to Penzance (5,5)
23. Oily hydrocarbon derived chiefly from coniferous plants (7)
1. City in Russia, scene of abdication of Tsar Nicholas II in March
1917 (5)
2. Inferred (7)
3. Relating to an empire (8)
4. Priest and poet commemorated in the Church calendar 27th
February (6,7)
5. Ancient city, whose first settlements were in 2870 BC (4)
6. The old Scandinavian language (5)
7. Edmund ......, English Jesuit and Roman Catholic martyr (7)
12. Person who evaluates insurance claims (8)
13. “For unto you is born this day in the city of David, a ....., which is
Christ the Lord” (7)
14. “.....me, O Lord, and prove me” [Psalm 26 AV] (7)
16. see 22 across
18. Herb (5)
19. Gem (4)
Answers to Crossword no. 70
Across: 1.A Christmas Carol
8.Manifesto 9.Magic 10.Caesar
Augustus 12.Bee 14.Silence
17.Groaner 18.Egg 22.Charles
Dickens 24.Blurs 25.Like water
26.Ebenezer Scrooge
Down: 1.Arms 2.Hangar 3.Infuse
4.Methane 5.Come unto 6.Rogation
7.Loust tree 11.Despicable 12.Bee
13.Egg 15.Ligature 16.Noblesse
19.Godlier 20.Skewer 21.Anatto
The Altons and Honeystreet
At St Mary's Church
Mon 2nd Feb: 6.30pm Presentation of Christ in the Temple, Candlemass.
Wed 18th Feb:
6.30pm Ash Wednesday
The St Mary’s Saxon Church Roof Appeal, Alton Barnes.
Sat May 9th
Wildlife Walk 9.00am meet at Knapp Hill car park
Sat May 16th
Wildlife Walk 9.00am meet at St Marys Church
Led by Eddie Smith, (Farm Breeding Bird Surveyor for RSPB). Please contact Eddie on 01672851429.
Numbers will be limited, children are free. Donations for the St Mary’s Roof Appeal, on the day.
Roof tiles
Stone roof tiles have been sourced from the original quarry and will cost between £10 and £100
each. You are all invited to purchase one and there will be a record of donors kept.
For further information, or contributions please contact Eddie on 01672851429
At the Coronation Hall
Sat 7th Feb:
Village Coffee Morning 10.00am-12.00pm with a selection of delicious homemade cakes!
Wed 11th Feb: Good Companions 1-4pm. This is a social club for the senior members of our local
community with a different focus each month and a scrumptious afternoon tea. Newcomers are welcome.
Phone Julie 01380 860093
Sat 21st Feb: Curry Evening 7.30pm This is a popular event and places are limited so please book
Tickets £8.00 from Liz Kellett (01672 851920) or Deborah Husk (01672 851233
Fri 20th March National Parks of America 7.30pm Presentation by Peter Elliott who is a former resident
of Alton Priors and has an excellent collection of slides and stories.
Refreshments and retiring collection in aid of the St Mary’s Roof Appeal and the Coronation Hall.
I appreciate that by the time you receive this it will be February but as this is my first
opportunity to say it- Happy New Year to one and all and I hope you had a good
Christmas and New Year. December was, as usual, frantic and the village came
together on numerous occasions.
Firstly, thanks need to go to all those who organised or contributed to events:- Jenny
Harman and Chris Rudd for the Bazaar, Elizabeth Lynch-Staunton for the Bazaar,
carol service and helping me with the wine and mince pies at the carol singing, Philip
Hiscock and the Band (with additional guest players) and Mark Banham for great
music at the village carol singing. Thanks too to Marjorie for leading the Carol
Service and Deborah for Christmas Day and the Team Service.
As ever special thanks must go to Jonathan and Marilyn Fry for their generosity in
hosting the “after-party” following the carol singing. As usual it was great fun and a
good village get together with the “Twelve Days” the usual highlight.
The number of gifts given to Andrew Pye for the Salvation Army to distribute
following the Toy Service was simply astonishing and especially when one considers
the size of Beechingstoke so thank you to all who donated something.
There are no events yet for me to notify you of but as we head towards the spring we
will start to plan for the Fete!
If you have anything you want to put into the Messenger please let me (Sally
Banham) know by the 5th of the month as the entry needs to be in on the 10 th for the
following month’s entry (Please note the new dates for information). My details
are: 01672 851406 or sally.banham4@tesco.net.
Easton Royal Heritage Group
Wednesday 18th February at 7.30 p.m. in the Village Hall
'Easton Royal in the 14th Century'
An illustrated talk by historian Graham Bathe
All welcome - members free, visitors £3 - more information from Liz Johnson on 01672 810289
Milton Lilbourne
Christmas began when The Transeamus Chamber Choir, conducted by Jules Addison, sang
Britten's Ceremony of Carols.at St Peter's. Harpist Elizabeth-Jane Baldry delighted the the large
audience with a variety of music and songs. It was a lovely way to begin the Christmas season.
£250 was raised for the organ fund. Thank you to everyone concerned with this event.
Large congregations attended The Service of Carols and Lessons,the Crib Service, and
Christmas Holy Communion.
The PCC would like to thank all those who contributed to the services by decorating the church,
joining the choir, or reading the lessons. We also thank the bell-ringers who rang at each of our
services and welcomed the New Year in. The three service collections have been given to
children's charities.
Village residents were again invited to the Manor House by Jamie and Esther Cayzer-Colvin to
join in carol singing. The occasion was thoroughly enjoyed and the refreshments very much
appreciated by those who attended. We offer many thanks to Jamie and Esther for their
Our final fund raising event this year for the organ fund was a Punch and Judy Show for grownups. We laughed a lot and enjoyed the supper provided by Jackie Butler. £375 was raised and
all those present enjoyed a really good and unusual evening.
North Newnton
Community Coffee Morning Saturday, 21 February - a warm welcome to all especially new
comers to the area.
The Scarecrow Trail for 2015 will be on 1st and 2nd August - theme Childrens Television,
past & present. It is proving to be a popular theme and some households have already
thought about their scarecrows. If there is a programme that you would like to represent please
register it with Matthew Wilson on 01672-851063 so that we do not have duplications. Any
offers of help over the weekend would be gratefully received, from taking a turn at car park
marshalling or in the village hall, to cake baking.
For services at St James' please refer to Service page.
Dates of Parish Council meetings, agendas and minutes are posted on the three
noticeboards around the parish and on www.pewsey.ourcommunitymatters.org.uk
. Members of the public are welcome to attend.
The North Newnton Flood Plan has now been completed and published as an
annex to the North Newnton Emergency Plan. Thanks to all for your help.
Oare with Huish
Many thanks to the Rothschild family once again for the lovely Christmas tree
provided for Huish.
It was up and decorated in time for the Oare School St Nicholas
Service, the Patronal festival which is traditionally held at Huish and gifts donated by
the children.
The presents are afterwards distributed by Social Services to needy children. The Children, Staff and
parents filled the church for a lovely service which was opened by the Rev Mark Windsor.
The tree also took pride of place alongside other seasonal decorations for the lovely
December marriage of Rosie and Josh the following day.
Our Christmas Day communion service at 9.30 was a change for Huish but proved
very successful and the Church filled for a lovely service with some excellent singing
aided by some visitors from Wales we believe! During December the infants’ classes
from the School performed their nativity play in Holy Trinity Church to an audience
of parents and family members.
We also hosted the Cluster Carol Service which was very well attended. A big thank you to all the
readers and singers who took part and to Richard Marsh for organising the soloists.
Please note that Huish Evensong will continue at 4 p.m. until Easter.
Report from Rushall School
The beginning of this month sees our annual themed week ‘World of Work’ week when we invite
people to come in and talk about their occupations and professions.
Our After school clubs are continuing with Key Stage 1s’ Explore a Story and Key Stage 2’s
on Mondays, Stitching on Tuesdays and Netball on Thursdays.
On February 3rd the school will be making Christingles and taking part in the service. Within a
fortnight it will be the end of term 3 with school recommencing on February 24th.
For more information please see our website, or to contact the school: Tel no 01980 630360 or
email: admin@rushall.wilts.sch.uk.
Carol Singing: Thank you and well done to the carol singers who raised
£179.58 for The Trussell Trust Foodbank based in Devizes. A great achievement
– well done and thank you to all those who gave so generously. Thank you too
to all those who organized and contributed towards the refreshments in the
village hall at the end of the evening.
Bingo: Eyes down for a full house on Wednesday 4th February at
7.30pm in the village hall. Good prizes and refreshments. Proceeds in aid of
village hall funds.
For further information about events and clubs in the village as well as a
chance to contribute to the village blog, please visit
St Mary the Virgin, Church. Upavon
Events in Upavon
Thank you everyone who helped at our Christmas Services and made them so special to so
many, it was wonderful to see so many people celebrating the birth of Jesus at St Mary's.
Lent Lunch
Wednesday 11th March 12.30 in Upavon Village Hall.
A lent Lunch will be held in aid of "The St Timothy Foundation" which supports people in the Nzaire
district of South Sudan. Queries to Virginia Thorne 01980 630830
Lent Course
Thursday 19th February 7.00pm at 37, Fairfield. Our Lent course will start and continue until
Thursday 26th March inclusive. Queries or for booking a place, please contact, Bill
Bracher 01980 630173 email pamandbillbracher@tiscali.co.uk or the Team Office.
Annual Church Meeting
The Annual Parochial Church Meeting of St Mary the Virgin will be held on Monday 16th March at
7.00pm in Upavon Village Hall.
Please come and support your local Church. Light refreshments.
Services in February are Morning Eucharist at 11am on Sunday 8th February and
Evensong at 6pm on Sunday 15th February.
Still Waters will recommence on Friday 6th March (not Feb!) at 6pm in Wilcot
Church - half an hour of quiet for reflection with music , readings and silence.
A report that missed the December Messenger: Maureen Giddings with the help of
Teresa Clancy collected £156.24p for the British Legion Poppy Fund.
“Tessa Inge held an event on November 18th, in aid of the Macmillan Nurses and
raised £530 “
December News from Woodborough Club The club has enjoyed a good year. December beginning and ending with festive activities and events.
The WI started the month with their Christmas Party followed by the Club’s short mat bowls starting off with their
usual game and then Christmas buffet. In the second week the Kennet Gateway Club enjoyed their annual Carol
and Christmas songs evening thanks to the Phoenix Band ending with refreshments. It is with pride we can say
the Kennet Gateway Club has enjoyed the facilities of Woodborough Club for over forty years. Anyone interested
in finding out more about the club please call the number below.
The next evening was the member’s children’s Christmas party including refreshments and a visit from Father
Christmas, anyone who is a member can ask for their children or grandchildren to attend this traditional party.
On Saturday 20th it was the member’s party and the previous evening Alton Mummer’s entertained us, albeit, to a
small audience - it was a very enjoyable, amusing performance. Members and guests saw the New Year in dancing
to” Cat and Mouse” with refreshments.
One unfortunate event was thieves trying to beak into the premises during December causing
considerable mess and repair costs.
The Club aims to be a more focal point of the community and we hope to have more members
from Woodborough.
We now have the community defibrulator outside on the wall of the club.
The parents of children at Woodoborough School have access to our large car park at least twice
a day for the small cost of ten pounds a year enabling us to help maintain the car park.
The Area Board uses the club regularly. Proposed new facilities - Possible use of club for youth events
Village computer facility.
We wish you all a Happy and Prosperous New Year
PH Hisock MBE - 01672851567
Woodborough WI
Woodborough WI had a full house for their Christmas party held at the Social Club.
The food was wonderful with a salmon taking pride of place cooked and boned by Dorothy.
Everyone got in the mood for Christmas with a musical Quiz by Michael Gamble.
The next meeting will be on Chalk White Horses 3rd February 2015
contact Elizabeth 01672 851086
The Wednesday coffee mornings will be starting up again as from WEDNESDAY 4th FEBRUARY 2015 ,
from 1030 am . All are welcome , please come .
On 7th February, our Parish Room is holding their next fund-raising dinner - Theme: Downton Abbey please book and support our Parish Room. On 15th, we have our Morning Service at 11.00am, and then we
have our Evensong Service at 6.00pm on 22nd February.
News from Woodborough School
December was busy and fun-filled! The children’s Christmas performances were excellent and
the Christmas Service at Woodborough Church, with Reception children taking part in a nativity
tableau was a fitting ending to the year. The parents and PTA’s support was vital and much
Mrs Brewis regularly shows prospective new families around our school. Many compliments
have been received about our school facilities, our innovative curriculum and the opportunities
available to the children. Please phone 851305 if you would like to view our school with Mrs
Music Bugs, a fun, friendly and interactive music class for children aged 6 months to 4 years is
now held every Wednesday at 10am. Contact Maria on 08445781014 to join the class.
The mobile library will visit the Woodborough Club car park on Wednesday 4 th
and 18th from 2.55 –3.45pm.
Term 3 ends on 13th February and Term 4 begins on 23rd February.
So much has happened since the previous drafting of my articles in early November for the
December/January edition, and we were then thinking about Christmas and Church activities. We had a
happy Carol Service on 21st December, then an innovative "pop-up" Crib Service on Christmas Eve
involving all the children - Libby explained that age does not matter when choosing Mary and Joseph, luckily
I did not have to do anything other than to sit there. Then we moved on to our Midnight Eucharist at 11.00pm;
numbers were actually down at all services from the previous year athough the service details were in the
Messenger and on notice boards. However our thanks are due to so many people who were involved both in
preparation and participation - we could not do without you.
Your PCC held a quarterly meeting on 18th November and discussed, among other items, the Team Vision
and the recent arrival of our 5 yearly Quinquennial Report - thankfully there is no major expense, it is mainly
maintence work.
On 14th December, a number of Parishioners from Woodborough attended the wonderful Advent
Communion Service at North Newnton and enjoyed talking to Bishop Edward about future plans for our
Woodborough School came to the Church for their own Carol Service on19th December.
Looking ahead to February, in addition to our first Sunday Communion Service at 8.00am on 1st, we are are
holding, in Church, our first "Families@Four" at 4.00pm on that day. Those who attend our Church Services
and those who may not, and who have children, please come to what promises to be a fun half hour, plus
League Skittles every Wednesday
Tues 3rd W. I. at 7 30pm
Thurs 5th “Gateway” at 7pm
Fri 6th “Family Film Night” from 7 30pm
Sat 7th “PRIZE BINGO” Doors Open at 7pm
“EYES DOWN” at 8pm
Sun 8th Country with “The Thrillbillies” at 7 30pm
And Meat Draw 9pm (in Lounge)
Mon 9th “Short Mat Bowls” at 8pm
Tues 10th “Railway Meeting” at 7 45pm
Sat 14th Wedding Party
Thurs 19th “Gateway” at 7pm
Fri 20th Family Night from at 7 pm
Sat 21st “3-Aside Skittles” at 8pm
Sun 22nd “Country with Fools Gold” at 7 30pm
Mon 23rd “Short Mat Bowls” 8pm
Thurs 27th “Gateway” at 7 pm
Fri 28th “Family Night Skittles at 7 30 pm
Sat 28th “Dave’s Quiz Night” at 8 pm
For Details contact 01672852269/851579 or
Wootton Rivers
St. Andrews Church
Christmas Fair
This event in early December raised over £1700 for church funds, helping to restore our reserves after the
major expenditures on rewiring and the resulting redecoration, now completed
Carol Service
Our thanks to Trish Unwin for organising this years service. The congregation, which absolutely packed the
church, responded with some lusty singing of all our favourite carols. Our thanks also go to our readers, the
Wootton Rivers Male Voice Choir and our local branch of the Pewsey Belles, as well as Trish herself for
three musical interludes. Once again Josh played the organ for us for which we are grateful and after service
mulled wine and mince pies were provided by Gavin with support on the mince pie front from numerous
Carol Singing around the Village
Trish and Max again organised this event for which we thank them. It was all the better attended this year,
following last year’s cancellation due to foul weather. We would like to thank all who took part and especially
Robert and Clare who invited us into their home for drinks and eats after (definitely not just nibbles!) Our
thanks also to our donors, who raised £85 for church funds.
Christmas Eve Communion
This was again celebrated with a large congregation. We would like to thank Gerald Osbourne who lead the
service and all who contributed to decorating the church. Members of the congregation commented that the
new lighting arrangements brought a new uplifting experience to the service.
We would like to wish all our readers a Happy and Healthy New Year