SUNDAY 28th DECEMBER 2014 HOLY INNOCENTS FIRST SUNDAY OF CHRISTMAS 8.00am 10.00am 6.30pm Holy Communion Parish Eucharist Evening Prayer (Said) We welcome everyone at our services. Families, please make use of children’s corner at the back of church. We usually have a Sunday School for children aged 4-11 in Church House during the Parish Eucharist in term time. Morning Prayer is generally said Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8.30am (entry by St. George’s door). N.B. Evening Prayer is not said during January and February. THIS WEEK Tuesday Thursday Friday Saturday 8.00am 9.30am 11.00am 12 noon 9.30am 2.00pm Holy Communion MU Corporate Communion in St. George’s Chapel Holy Communion at St Margaret’s Chapel – St. Stephen Lunch and Chat in Church House Lounge New Horizons Prayers Interment of the ashes of Brian Dillingham in God’s Acre NEXT SUNDAY: 4th JANUARY 2015 EPIPHANY SECOND SUNDAY OF CHRISTMAS 8.00am 10.30am 6.30pm Contacts: Holy Communion Joint Covenant Service at the Methodist Church Parish Eucharist for Epiphany The Rector : The Revd Canon Vanessa Herrick: Parish Office: Vergers: 01202 882340 01202 884753 01202 886667 MINSTER MATTERS THE SICK: We pray for those known to us who are sick and suffering: Katie Lowden, Justin Edwards, Philip Shea, Samuel, Euan Bassett, Joan Roopanarine, Eileen Thorpe, Rachel, Tony Skidmore, David Mould, Isabel Marks, Melanie Fawcett, Pat Collier, Peter Tame, Di Sibley, Felicia Heath, Lisa Sims, Janet Day, Mike Downton, John Carpenter, Sylvia Daffern, The Revd Judith Henderson. Joan Elgar and family would like to thank everyone at the Minster for their love and prayers at this time and for John over the years of pain he endured with such courage. Carols in the Cornmarket. Thank you to all those who participated in this event held on Friday 19th December, and all who attended. The collection raised £445 for the Mayor’s Charities, Wimborne Minster and The Priest’s House Museum, with a donation also being given to the Salvation Army. Grateful thanks to all those who have helped with so many different jobs over the Christmas season, but also throughout the year, With our best wishes for the New Year, Anthony Oliver and Francis Vine, Churchwardens. Penny would like to thank everyone for the Christmas greetings she received, and to wish you all a happy and healthy 2015. The annual Joint Covenant Service is to be held at the Methodist Church next Sunday 4th January 2015 at 10.30am. There will be a ‘bring and share lunch’ afterwards and all members of the Minster congregation will be very welcome. Greenbelt Group – next Sunday 4th January 2015, 4.15 – 6.00pm. Downstairs in Church House. The Corrymeela film ‘UPStanding’, features diverse accounts of people who stood up to violence, discrimination or prejudice in Northern Ireland. It prompts us to consider what choices we ourselves make, and why. What can we learn from other people’s decision-making? How might we be upstanding? Led by John Spatchet, this session poses timely questions at the beginning of 2015. Do join us. Mike and Rosemary Lunt, 01202 889487. The 2014 ‘Aspects of Spirituality’ series raised £515 for Minster funds. Penny would especially like to thank all members of Minster groups who helped. Donna Gosney has been appointed as the new Administrative Assistant, a temporary post for one year which will commence on 1st January 2015. Donna is currently Shop Manager here at the Minster, and this role will run alongside her present position. Part of the new role will be cover for Penny in the Parish Office on Friday mornings, following the retirement of Georgina Arnold. We wish Donna every success in her new post. The proceeds from Lunch and Chat sessions on 2nd and 16th January 2015 will be given to help towards the costs of Sheila Soper’s projected visit to the Sudan. Offers of verger cover would be gratefully accepted for 8th - 11th January and 15th – 18th January when Ashley will be on leave. Please sign the list in the Children’s Corner, or have a word with Ashley or John. We are arranging a photographic competition, for scenic views and pictures of Wimborne and the surrounding area, to produce a calendar for 2016. There will be 3 categories, schoolchildren, local photographic clubs and the Minster congregation. The competition runs from now until 31st January 2015, and judging will be on 1st February 2015. Entry forms are available from the shop. Entries should be in the form of prints, 10” x 8” and left in the Parish Office marked, ‘For the attention of Donna Gosney’. We look forward to receiving sponsorship for altar flowers for 2015. As you will remember, we ask for a donation of £20 per week sponsored, and details of your dedication will be placed in that week’s news sheet if you so wish. Please speak to Penny in the office. WIMBORNE AND AROUND THE AREA. Looking ahead: The Rural Dean has invited Gerald Osborne, Rural Dean of Pewsey Vale to take part in the Deanery Lenten programme on Monday 16th March 2015 at Canford Church, where he will present St. Mark’s Gospel without notes as the Evangelist.. Please contact if you would like to go, as space will be limited . Oakley Friends, a support group for those caring for someone with dementia, meets on the last Wednesday in the month, except in December, at Canford Magna Centre. More details from,, Judy James 01202 880114, Judy Ward, 01202 021705, Ann Nicoll, 01202 690554. There are also flyers at the back. CONTACTS Rector: The Revd Canon Vanessa Herrick 01202 882340 Curate: The Revd Belinda Marflitt 01202 886694 Associate Priests: The Revd Dr Brenda Gibson 01202 881472 The Revd Dr Lorelie Farmer 01202 801470 01202 888703 The Revd Elise Harding Churchwardens: Mr Anthony Oliver Mr Francis Vine 01202 885538 Website: e-prayer circle: 01202 881102 Friends’ Secretary: Mr Peter Cook 01202 885470 Finance: Mrs Karen Manneh 01202 884753 01202 884753 01202 886667 01202 886667 Parish Secretary: Mrs Penny Baxter Vergers: Mr John Hughes Mr Ashley Coombs
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