NOTICES It was ANNOUNCED last week that after 9 years here Jo has been appointed as Canon Precentor of Portsmouth Cathedral. Her last Sunday here will be the Patronal Festival, 9th August. We wish Jo and Kit well in Portsmouth. BEATING THE BOUNDS Sunday 10th May leaving at 11.15 am Walking 11 miles (or parts of it) of the parish boundary - all welcome. ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS are available at the back of church; a contribution towards the cost of printing would be appreciated or visit our website: to view a copy. The series of SPRING CONCERTS in St Lawrence during May continues on Saturday 9th May at 11.00 am (Southorn/Strat ton); refreshments from 10.30 am. Tickets £5 each (children free) available on the door. See the handout for all concert dates and details. All proceeds towards the Organ Restoration Appeal. Offers of homemade cakes/ biscuits for the remaining concerts would be appreciated - speak to Pam. LIVING GOD’S LOVE - inside out! A diocesan roadshow to explore local mission - St Luke’s, Watford on Saturday 9th May from 9.00 am to 1.00 pm. OUTLOOK (church magazine 40p) is available for May. Please take a copy. Find us and Like us on THE PARISH OF ABBOTS LANGLEY CHRISTIAN AID WEEK (10th16th May) - offers of help delivering and collecting envelopes would be appreciated. Please speak to Pam or phone the office 261795. Churches Together has organised a QUIZ in aid of Christian Aid in St Saviour’s Parish Centre on Saturday 9th May, 7.00 for 7.30 pm. Tickets are £10 each to include fish and chips tables of 8, so why not get a group together? Tickets from the church office (261795) - need numbers by Tuesday 5th May. FRIENDS’ OPEN GARDEN with BBQ and live MUSIC on Saturday 6th June in the Abbots House Garden from 11.30 am to 4.30 pm see May Outlook for more details. Wendy Meldrum is going on the Christian Aid CLIMATE CHANGE WALK in London on Wednesday 17th June, please speak with Wendy if you would like to find out more. CONTACT NUMBERS Vicar: The Revd Dr Jo Spreadbury 01923 263013 Curate: The Revd David Warner 01923 518262 Assistant Priest: The Revd Angela Milton 01923 519453 Assistant Priest: The Revd Guy Buckler via the Church Office Reader: Mrs Sally Sanderson 01923 265963 In an emergency please contact Jo or David directly at anytime, day or night, if someone needs the ministry of a priest. StLawrenceChurchAbbotsLangley and TheTinChurchBedmond St Lawrence the Martyr, Abbots Langley with the Church of the Ascension, Bedmond 3rd May 2015 THE FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER TODAY WELCOME 8.00 am Holy Communion President & Preacher: The Revd Jo Spreadbury Reader: Dennis Spooner 9.30 am President: Preacher: Hymns: Intercessions: Parish Communion with Seekers The Revd David Warner The Revd Jo Spreadbury 18 - 195 - 321 - 67 - 255 - 427 Wendy Meldrum 11.00 am Holy Communion at Bedmond followed by congregational meeting President & Preacher: The Revd Jo Spreadbury Hymns: 427 - 220 - 321 - 228 Reader: Anne Goldsmith 12.30 pm Sunday Lunch Club 6.30 pm Hymns: Choral Evensong 33 - 162 - 475 SERVICES THIS WEEK Holy Communion 10.15 am Wednesday 9.30 am Friday (inc. Morning Prayer) Morning Prayer 9.30 am Monday to Friday Evening Prayer 5.15 pm Monday to Friday including prayers for peace on Monday and prayers for healing on Tuesday Prayer Extra 8.15 am Thursday: prayers for the parish and local community Welcome to everyone at our worship today especially to those who have come to hear their Banns of Marriage read, visitors and newcomers - please introduce yourself if you are new or a visitor. If you have been confirmed or usually receive Communion in your own church, please do so here. If not, you are welcome to come to the altar rail for a Blessing, and if you carry a book with you the priest will know not to offer you the bread and wine. Please tell a sidesman before the service if you would like a gluten-free wafer. A T-loop is provided for hearing aid users. For our younger members at 9.30 am: Crèche - there is a room in the church hall with suitable toys (0-3 years) Seekers in the church hall (3-10 years) except Second Sundays (the Church Hall is at the end of the car park) Quiet Children’s Corner in Church Before the service, listen to God; and after the service, listen to each other. If you have come to the service at 9.30 am please stay for a cup of tea or coffee and a chat in the church hall. A collection is taken at each main service. (If you are a tax payer, please use a gift aid envelope.) This money is fundamental to the life of the church: its ministry, mission and charitable giving. You may notice that some people put nothing in the bag; this is because their giving is made by standing order. JustTextGiving - a new way to give - text STLA12 followed by the amount to 70070. THE PRAYERS AND BIBLE READINGS COLLECT: Almighty God, who through your only-begotten Son Jesus Christ have overcome death and opened to us the gate of everlasting life: grant that, as by your grace going before us you put into our minds good desires, so by your continual help we may bring them to good effect, through Jesus Christ our risen Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. FIRST READING Acts 8.26-end Pew Bible page 123 That God's chosen Messiah should suffer and die seems almost incomprehensible, so it is not surprising that the Ethiopian courtier asks the apostle Philip to help him understand Isaiah's prophecy about the Suffering Servant. Eununchs were not admitted to the Jewish community, but Christ's blood was shed for all, even outcasts and those at the farthest ends of the world. Starting from the man's own questions, Philip so convinces him about the good news of Jesus that he asks to be baptised at once, and is given new life through faith in him who died. SECOND READING 1 John 4.7-end Pew Bible page 238 God is love: God's whole nature and being is best summed up in the word 'love'. God's love for us calls out an answering love in us - for God and for one another - and the Incarnation of Christ is our proof of how deeply we are loved by God. Therefore we need not fear judgement, if we can love and be loved, but unless we learn to love our brothers and sisters - God's children - we will not truly love God. GOSPEL John 15.1-8 Pew Bible page 106 Jesus uses God's name of himself in the seven 'I am' sayings recorded in John's Gospel. At the Last Supper, Jesus proclaims 'I am the true vine' - he is the essential source of life and growth and fruitfulness for us who are the 'branches'. Being part of the vine does not mean we will escape hardship: dead wood is cut back to make room for new shoots, and even fruitful growth will be pruned to give greater fruitfulness. But if we dwell in him and let him dwell in us richly, sustained by his presence in word and sacrament, our prayers will be in accordance with God's will and our lives will be fruitful for good, as his was. POST COMMUNION PRAYER: Eternal God, whose Son Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life: grant us to walk in his way, to rejoice in his truth, and to share his risen life; who is alive and reigns, now and for ever. Amen. READINGS NEXT SUNDAY Acts 10.44-end 1 John 5.1-6 John 15.9-17 AVAILABILITY Jo - away Wed-Thur; day off: Friday David - day off: Thursday LIVING GOD’S LOVE PRAYER Living God, draw us deeper into your love; Jesus our Lord, send us to care and serve; Holy Spirit, make us heralds of good news. Stir us, strengthen us, teach and inspire us to live your love with generosity and joy, imagination and courage; for the sake of your world and in the name of Jesus. Amen. FOR OUR PRAYERS GIVE THANKS FOR » those you love, and those you find it hard to love » the ways God's love has borne fruit in your life PRAY FOR » understanding and mutual love for our brothers and sisters of different faiths » the people of Nepal following the earthquake and for the DEC Appeal » the peoples of Ukraine and Nigeria, Iraq and Syria, Palestine & Israel; and all seeking to end terror and conflict » all those standing for Parliament this week » James and Katy Strachan on their First Wedding Anniversary » those who worship at St Lawrence Church » Seekers (Sunday school) and its leaders » those who live in Hammer Parade, Harlech Road and Harthall Lane THOSE WHO ARE ILL OR IN NEED » Joyce Leadley : Owen Nelson : Bernard Besch : Tom Stuart : Ellis Haggith : Sally Lawrence : James Stevens : Lesley Durtnall : Chris : Michael Beadle : Beryl Russell : Christine Corners R.I.P. » Alan Dicker * * * * Amongst the charities we support financially and with our prayers, this week we pray for the work of the ORBIS. The charity dedicated to preserving and restoring the sight of the poorest people in the poorest communities across the world. Through innovative training programmes and partnerships, ORBIS creates long term, lasting solutions to prevent and cure blindness worldwide. Over 90 countries (including our own) have experienced support from ORBIS, whether it be training (e.g. local healthcare workers) advocacy (e.g. with local government or working with the World Health Organisation) research and telehealth (e.g. cybersight which enables eye care professionals in developing countries to connect with expert mentors anywhere in the world). THE COMING WEEK MONDAY 4th English Saints and Martyrs of the Reformation era. Bank Holiday 7.30 pm Bell Ringing practice TUESDAY 5th 10.15 am Tuesday Coffee in St Lawrence 7.00 pm Finance Committee followed by Fundraising working group 7.45 pm Dynamite Youth Group WEDNESDAY 6th 10.15 am Holy Communion THURSDAY 7th Election Day 8.15 am Prayers for the local community FRIDAY 8th Julian of Norwich, Spiritual Writer, 1417 70th Anniversary of the end of the War in Europe - VE Day 9.30 am Morning Prayer with Holy Communion 10.00 am Heart for Abbots Langley Coffee in the Henderson Hall 12.00 noon Bell Toll for World War I Soldier William Edward Sadler 3.00 pm Two minutes silence at the War Memorial - VE Day 6.15 pm Youth Choir practice SATURDAY 9th 10.00 am Burial of the Ashes of Mary Hunt 11.00 am Spring Concert in St Lawrence with Southorn and Stratton family 7.00 for 7.30 pm CTAL Christian Aid Week Quiz in St Saviour’s Parish Centre NEXT SUNDAY THE SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER 10th May 2015 8.00 am Holy Communion President & Preacher: The Revd Guy Buckler 9.30 am Second Sunday Service Led by: The Revd Jo Spreadbury & Wendy Meldrum 11.15 am Beating the Bounds - walkers leave 6.30 pm Evening Communion President & Preacher: The Revd David Warner
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