NOTICES A NEW GREEN ALTAR FRONTAL and vestments will be in use from next Sunday. These have been made possible by a generous donation, to replace the set which has served for many years but is now somewhat tired and faded. Thanks be to God for this generous gift to enhance our worship. The company building the CHURCH EXTENSION have moved in this week - there will be a site office, extra vehicles and building materials etc. please be aware of this when using the church car park. CTAL is entering the ‘stroller’ section of the ABBOTS LANGLEY CARNIVAL procession on Saturday 13th June. The theme will be ‘Noah’s Ark’ so we need lots of people, in pairs, to dress up as animals. Please sign the list if you can join in or speak to David for more information. You need to be at School Mead at 10.45 for judging at 11.00 am. COFFEE MORNING at Abbeyfield, 11 Greenways on Tuesday 16th June between 10.30 am and 12.00 noon. All welcome. Wendy Meldrum is going to the Christian Aid CLIMATE CHANGE EVENT in London on Wednesday 17th June; please contact the office if you would like to join her and others, or for more information. OUTLOOK (church magazine - 40p) is available for June. Please take a copy. QUIZ in aid of the Organ Restoration Appeal - Saturday 20th June at 7.00 pm. Tickets from the church office: £12 per person, including a fish and chip supper; BYO drinks. Tables of 8 if you would like to get a group together. Ian Bond, as part of “TEAM NEW HOPE” is pleased to say that they completed the tough 25 mile Three Peaks Challenge walk in the Yorkshire dales in under 12 hours on Saturday 31st May. Great thanks to all those who pledged sponsorship money, which Ian will be collecting. The team have raised over £1,400 towards New Hope services at a time when a rising number of people are rough sleeping. CONGRATULATIONS to Katie (nee Edgerton) and Matt Shaw on the birth of Freya on 4th June a sister for Beth. Find us and Like us on THE PARISH OF ABBOTS LANGLEY OPEN CHURCH SUNDAY Sunday 21st June 2015 Both churches will be open between 11.00 am and 4.00 pm. ST LAWRENCE CHURCH FETE Saturday 27th June 2015 Please sign the list in church to indicate what stall you can help with and also if you can make a cake; donations are needed for the Tombola please pass them to Marcus Coultrup or the office. All proceeds shared between New Hope and Watford Town Chaplaincy. The small wooden CRUCIFIX which hung in the chapel in the East End of St Lawrence has gone missing - does anyone know of its whereabouts please? Peter and Sue Tomson are hosting the highly acclaimed local band, CON-FUSION, for an evening of harmony, humour and swing in the Abbots House Barn on 4th July, at 6.00 pm. There is a suggested contribution of £15 per person, which includes a glass of wine and nibbles. Proceeds to the St Lawrence Organ Restoration Appeal. Places by application to Sue only - please pick up a form from the back of church. CONTACT NUMBERS Vicar: The Revd Dr Jo Spreadbury 01923 263013 Curate: The Revd David Warner 01923 518262 Assistant Priest: The Revd Angela Milton 01923 519453 Assistant Priest: The Revd Guy Buckler via the Church Office Reader: Mrs Sally Sanderson 01923 265963 Church Office: 01923 261795 If anyone needs the ministry of a priest or in any emergency at anytime, day or night, please contact Jo or David directly. StLawrenceChurchAbbotsLangley and TheTinChurchBedmond St Lawrence the Martyr, Abbots Langley with the Church of the Ascension, Bedmond 7th June 2015 THE FIRST SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY TODAY WELCOME 8.00 am Holy Communion President & Preacher: The Revd Angela Milton Reader: Dennis Spooner 9.30 am Parish Communion with Seekers and Crèche President: The Revd David Warner Preacher: The Revd Angela Milton Hymns: 293 - 167 - 295 - 342 - 208 - 565 Intercessions: Bill Sanderson 11.00 am Holy Communion at Bedmond President & Preacher: The Revd David Warner Hymns: 293 - 167 - 208 - 565 Reader: John Noonan 12.30 pm Sunday Lunch Club 6.30 pm Leader: Evening Prayer The Revd David Warner SERVICES THIS WEEK Holy Communion 10.15 am Wednesday 9.30 am Thursday 9.30 am Friday (inc. Morning Prayer) Morning Prayer 9.30 am Monday to Wednesday & Friday Evening Prayer 5.15 pm Monday to Friday including prayers for peace on Monday and prayers for healing on Tuesday Prayer Extra 8.15 am Thursday: prayers for the parish and local community Welcome to everyone at our worship today especially to those who have come to hear their Banns of Marriage read, visitors and newcomers please introduce yourself if you are new or a visitor. If you have been confirmed or usually receive Communion in your own church, please do so here. If not, you are welcome to come to the altar rail for a Blessing, and if you carry a book with you the priest will know not to offer you the bread and wine. Please tell a sidesman before the service if you would like a gluten-free wafer. A T-loop is provided for hearing aid users. For our younger members at 9.30 am: Crèche - there is a room in the church hall with suitable toys (0-3 years) Seekers in the church hall (3-10 years) except Second Sundays (the Church Hall is at the end of the car park) Quiet Children’s Corner in Church Before the service, listen to God; and after the service, listen to each other. If you have come to the service at 9.30 am please stay for a cup of tea or coffee and a chat in the church hall. A collection is taken at each main service. If you are a UK tax payer, please use a gift aid envelope. This money is fundamental to the life of the church: its ministry, mission and charitable giving. As we receive no income from the Government or any other external body, we are reliant on the generosity of the community and our fundraising endeavours to ensure that the important work of the parish continues. If you would prefer to set up a standing order, as many others are, please contact Marcus Coultrup (334387). THE PRAYERS AND BIBLE READINGS FOR OUR PRAYERS COLLECT: O God, the strength of all those who put their trust in you, mercifully accept our prayers and, because through the weakness of our mortal nature we can do no good thing without you, grant us the help of your grace, that in the keeping of your commandments we may please you both in will and deed; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. GIVE THANKS FOR » our families » this community in which we live » the mystery and joy of creation FIRST READING SECOND READING GOSPEL PRAY FOR » those who chose to ignore God and not accept his invitation » the peoples of Ukraine and Nigeria, Iraq and Syria, Palestine & Israel; Nepal and all seeking to end terror and conflict » Mark and Tracey Catlin on their Wedding Anniversary Blessing yesterday » those who worship at The Methodist Church » Seekers (Sunday school) and its leaders » those who live in Hillside Close, Hilltop Road and Hunters Lane Genesis 3.8-15 2 Corinthians 4.13-5.1 Mark 3.20-end Pew Bible page 3 Pew Bible page 177 Pew Bible page 35 Sorry, we don’t have a stock of explanations for these readings so this is an abbreviated version of that written in the Church Times by the Revd Rosalind Brown: This is the first time in his Gospel that Mark has mentioned Jesus’ family. When reading Mark, we have to forget what we know from the birth narratives of Matthew and Luke because, for Mark, Jesus is a charismatic young man who appeared on the scene in a whirlwind of activity, with no background information except that he came from Nazareth and lived in Capernaum. The pace of Mark’s story is breathtaking. Jesus drew crowds wherever he went: this is the ninth time in three chapters that Mark has reported enormous crowds around Jesus, or that he had no privacy, or was too busy to eat. He performed miracles, including exorcisms, and people flocked to be healed. Local life was turned upside down as news spread. This frenetic pace of life was unsustainable, and took its toll on Jesus; so people questioned his mental state. Whereas the Scribes placed themselves outside God’s family, Mary tried to close the natural family around Jesus for his protection. We can picture this strong Jewish mother, bringing her other children with her for support, arriving on the scene to tell her eldest son off. Any mother of a young man who appears to be going off the family rails will understand. This miracle-worker had a family history, was human, and his mother was concerned. But she could not get into the house, and so resorted to sending a message. Jesus was not to be distracted, and his brusque response was the passion of a young man caught up in the intensity of his mission. His answer was not to reject his family as his nearest kin, but to expand his family circle, drastically, to include anyone who did the will of God and wanted to follow him. This was not easy for Mary. In pairing the Gospel story of Mary seeking out Jesus with the poignant episode in the creation myth from Genesis, the lectionary draws our attention to the pain of rejected love. Mary searched out her son with his well-being at heart; God searched for the man to whom he had given life with his well-being at heart. We read that God missed the close fellowship for which Adam was created, and which brought joy to God as well as to Adam. Mary sought Jesus because she wanted to protect him from his popularity; but his impulse, like that of God with Adam, was and is to seek human company, and to include more people than might be on our invitation list for family events. If we find that disconcerting, so did the religious leaders of Jesus’ day. From the other perspective, some people find it hard to believe that they are welcomed, and, like Adam, may hide for shame. God’s presence among us today may be equally disturbing to our way of life before it can be liberating. POST COMMUNION PRAYER: Eternal Father, we thank you for nourishing us with these heavenly gifts: may our communion strengthen us in faith, build us up in hope, and make us grow in love; for Almighty God, the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. READINGS NEXT SUNDAY Ezekiel 17.22-end; 2 Corinthians 5.6-10, 14-17; Mark 4.26-34 AVAILABILITY Jo - day off: Friday David - day off: Thursday we pray for the family of the Church; that all Christians may work together in harmony for the spread of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and the building up of your peace. Amen. THOSE WHO ARE ILL OR IN NEED » Owen Nelson : Tom Stuart : Ellis Haggith : Lesley Durtnall : Chris : Michael Beadle : Christine Corners R.I.P. » Betty Crook (Jenny Sanders’ cousin) : Mary Ballinger (Dave’s mother) : Barbara Taylor : Ian Holmes THE COMING WEEK MONDAY 8th Thomas Ken, Bishop of Bath and Wells, Non-Juror, Hymn Writer, 1711 7.30 pm TUESDAY 9th Columba, Abbot of Iona, Missionary, 597 10.15 am Tuesday Coffee in St Lawrence 7.30 pm Finance and Fundraising Committee meets 7.45 pm Dynamite Youth group WEDNESDAY 10th 10.15 am Holy Communion including MU Corporate Communion 3.30 pm Messy Church at the Methodist Church THURSDAY11th Barnabas the Apostle 8.15 am Prayers for the local community 9.30 am Holy Communion 10.30 am Home Communion at Hanover Gardens FRIDAY 12th 9.30 am Morning Prayer with Holy Communion 6.15 pm Youth Choir SATURDAY 13th 11.00 am Burial of the Ashes of Mollie Bailey 12.00 noon Abbots Langley Carnival procession leaves School Mead Amongst the charities we support financially and with our prayers, this week we pray for the work of Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB). The CAB provides free, independent, confidential and impartial advice to everyone on their rights and responsibilities. They value diversity, promote equality and challenge discrimination. Give thanks for the CAB and its volunteers who help the 2 million people who turn to them for advice each year. Pray for those who have economic hardship, debts, housing problems and those with divorce and separation issues. Bell Ringing practice NEXT SUNDAY THE SECOND SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 14th June 2015 8.00 am Holy Communion President & Preacher: The Revd David Warner 9.30 am Second Sunday Communion Service President & Preacher: The Revd Jo Spreadbury 12.00 noon Baptism of River Boland 2.00 pm Burial of the Ashes of Alfred Wray 6.30 pm Evening Prayer Leader: The Revd Jo Spreadbury
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