NOTICES WATFORD DEANERY SYNOD meets this Wednesday 20th May at 7.45 for 8.00 pm at Soul Survivor in Watford - if you’ve ever wanted to find out what Soul Survivor is about this is your chance. It’s an OPEN MEETING so all are welcome. If you’d like a lift please contact Pam in the office - 261795. The first three SPRING CONCERTS have all been extremely good and very successful; the penultimate one is in St Lawrence on Saturday 23rd May at 11.00 am (please note not the evening as originally advertised) when Peter Holder, Sub-Organist, St Paul’s Cathedral will play a varied programme including TV and film themes - a delight for all ages; refreshments available from 10.30 am. Tickets £5 each (children free) available on the door. All proceeds to the Organ Restoration Appeal. New Hope COMMUNITY MARKET OPEN DAY on Saturday 23rd May from 10.30 am to 3.00 pm at 64 Rickmansworth Road, including music, storytelling, children’s craft activities, light refreshments and plants. Ian Bond supervises the Market Garden speak to him to find out more about it. Ian is one of a group from New Hope undertaking a CHALLENGING WALK on Saturday 30th May - climbing the three highest peaks in the Yorkshire Dales in 12 hours, walking around 25 miles to reflect the charity’s 25 year history - sponsor form on the table. CORPUS CHRISTI - Thursday 4th June - Choral Eucharist in the Cathedral at 8.00 pm; if you’d like a lift please sign the list; if you’d like to give a donation towards the Abbey communion wafers (see separate sheet) please give it to one of the clergy, Marcus or the office - gift aided if possible. FRIENDS’ OPEN GARDEN with BBQ and live MUSIC on Saturday 6th June in the Abbots House Garden from 11.30 am to 4.30 pm. Come along for fun and games! Find us and Like us on THE PARISH OF ABBOTS LANGLEY CHRISTIAN AID - if you didn't receive an envelope through your door during this last week please take one from church and return it to the office as soon as possible. Wendy Meldrum is going to the Christian Aid CLIMATE CHANGE EVENT in London on Wednesday 17th June; please contact the office if you would like to join her and others or for more information. QUIZ in aid of the Organ Restoration Appeal - Saturday 20th June at 7.00 pm. Tickets from the church office: £12 per person, including a fish and chip supper; BYO drinks. Tables of 8 if you would like to get a group together. OUTLOOK (church magazine - 40p) is available for May. Please take a copy. Carol and Nigel Higgs have sponsored the FLOWERS this week in recognition of their 9th wedding anniversary on 13th May congratulations to them - and thanks! SHIRLEY HAMMOND died last month; her ashes will be buried in the Garden of Remembrance here at St Lawrence next Saturday, 23rd May, at 10.00 am - anyone who wishes to come to this short service will be most welcome. CONTACT NUMBERS Vicar: The Revd Dr Jo Spreadbury 01923 263013 Curate: The Revd David Warner 01923 518262 Assistant Priest: The Revd Angela Milton 01923 519453 Assistant Priest: The Revd Guy Buckler via the Church Office Reader: Mrs Sally Sanderson 01923 265963 Church Office: 01923 261795 If anyone needs the ministry of a priest or in any emergency at anytime, day or night, please contact Jo or David directly. StLawrenceChurchAbbotsLangley and TheTinChurchBedmond St Lawrence the Martyr, Abbots Langley with the Church of the Ascension, Bedmond 17th May 2015 THE SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER TODAY WELCOME 8.00 am Holy Communion President & Preacher: The Revd David Warner Reader: Linda Bullock 9.30 am President: Preacher: Hymns: Readers: Intercessions: Parish Communion with Seekers The Revd Jo Spreadbury The Revd David Warner 432 - 480 - 26 - 173 - 103 Helen Sheppard and Mark Palmer Nikki Williams 11.00 am Family Service at Bedmond with Bedmond School Choir The Revd David Warner 337 - 138 - 235 - 571 Debbie Herrington Leader: Hymns: Reader: 12.00 noon Baptism of Darcy Ginder 12.30 pm Sunday Lunch Club 1.00 pm Baptism of Olivia Powell 6.30 pm Leader: Evening Prayer The Revd Jo Spreadbury SERVICES THIS WEEK Holy Communion 10.15 am Wednesday 9.30 am Friday (inc. Morning Prayer) Morning Prayer 9.30 am Monday to Friday Evening Prayer 5.15 pm Monday to Friday including prayers for peace on Monday and prayers for healing on Tuesday Prayer Extra 8.15 am Thursday: prayers for the parish and local community Welcome to everyone at our worship today especially to those who have come to hear their Banns of Marriage read, visitors and newcomers please introduce yourself if you are new or a visitor. If you have been confirmed or usually receive Communion in your own church, please do so here. If not, you are welcome to come to the altar rail for a Blessing, and if you carry a book with you the priest will know not to offer you the bread and wine. Please tell a sidesman before the service if you would like a gluten-free wafer. A T-loop is provided for hearing aid users. For our younger members at 9.30 am: Crèche - there is a room in the church hall with suitable toys (0-3 years) Seekers in the church hall (3-10 years) except Second Sundays (the Church Hall is at the end of the car park) Quiet Children’s Corner in Church Before the service, listen to God; and after the service, listen to each other. If you have come to the service at 9.30 am please stay for a cup of tea or coffee and a chat in the church hall. A collection is taken at each main service. If you are a UK tax payer, please use a gift aid envelope. This money is fundamental to the life of the church: its ministry, mission and charitable giving. As we receive no income from the Government or any other external body, we are reliant on the generosity of the community and our fundraising endeavours to ensure that the important work of the parish continues. If you would prefer to set up a standing order, as many others are, please contact Marcus Coultrup (334387). THE PRAYERS AND BIBLE READINGS COLLECT: O God the king of glory, you have exalted your only Son Jesus Christ with great triumph to your kingdom in heaven: we beseech you, leave us not comfortless, but send your Holy Spirit to strengthen us and exalt us to the place where our Saviour Christ is gone before, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. FIRST READING Acts 1.15-17, 21-end Pew Bible page 114 Interpreting Judas’ betrayal as a fulfilment of Old Testament prophecy, the disciples decide to appoint a replacement. From this passage we can see that a key qualification for being an apostle was to have been a witness to Jesus’ ministry – from his baptism to his resurrection. Matthias is chosen by casting lots, a traditional means of determining the will of God. SECOND READING 1 John 5.9-13 Pew Bible page 239 Following on from last week’s passage, the author of this letter tells us that the Holy Spirit, the water of baptism, and the blood of Christ all testify to the eternal life which is given to everyone who believes in God’s saving actions in Jesus Christ. Whoever believes in Jesus is in relationship with God. GOSPEL John 17.6-19 Pew Bible page 108 Sometimes called the ‘high priestly’ prayer, this is part of Jesus’ prayer to the Father before his arrest. John’s gospel is notable for its opposition to ‘the world’, which is a place of persecution and unbelief. So Jesus prays for his disciples, that they may be united and know the joy of eternal life, and also that they may be strengthened and protected to fulfil Jesus’ mission in the world. POST COMMUNION PRAYER: Eternal God, giver of love and power, your Son Jesus Christ has sent us into all the world to preach the gospel of his A prayer for those caught up in kingdom: confirm us in this mission, and help us to live the good news we Tragedy or Disaster: proclaim through Jesus Christ our Lord. O Lord our God, Source of all goodness and love, Amen. READINGS NEXT SUNDAY Acts 2.1-21 Romans 8.22-27 John 15.26-27; 16.4b-15 AVAILABILITY Jo - day off: Friday David - day off: Friday accept the fervent prayers of your people; in the multitude of your mercies look with compassion upon all who turn to you for help; for you are gracious, O lover of souls, and to you we give glory, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, now and for ever. Amen. FOR OUR PRAYERS THE COMING WEEK GIVE THANKS FOR » God’s gift of grace in the sacraments » the new life God offers us MONDAY 18th 2.15 pm Tiny Tots service in St Lawrence 7.30 pm Bell Ringing practice PRAY FOR » all who are persecuted for their faith » greater unity among Christians » the people of Nepal following the earthquake and for the DEC Appeal » the peoples of Ukraine and Nigeria, Iraq and Syria, Palestine & Israel; and all seeking to end terror and conflict » Bishop Michael as he begins his ministry in the diocese » Darcy Ginder and Olivia Powell who are being baptised today » those who worship at St Saviour’s Church » Dynamite Youth group and its leaders » those who live in Heather Close, Helston Place and Henderson Place TUESDAY 19th Dunstan, Archbishop of Canterbury, THOSE WHO ARE ILL OR IN NEED » Joyce Leadley : Owen Nelson : Bernard Besch : Tom Stuart : Ellis Haggith : Sally Lawrence : James Stevens : Lesley Durtnall : Chris : Michael Beadle : Beryl Russell : Christine Corners R.I.P. » Elsie Fennemore (ex Abbots Langley) : Doreen Pritchard Amongst the charities we support financially and with our prayers, this week we pray for the work of Practical Action. Please pray for the work of Practical Action as they directly help the people of Nepal after the devastation caused by the massive earthquakes that have killed thousands and left more injured. Millions of people have been affected with homes being severely damaged or destroyed. Practical Action has been working in Nepal for many years and they are providing immediate relief with drinking water, hygiene and sanitation measures and shelter. Pray for their short term plans which will focus on rebuilding disaster resilient homes, with technical support and materials. In the long term they hope to rehabilitate community buildings such as schools, health posts and emergency shelters. Please keep the people of Nepal in your prayers. Restorer of Monastic Life, 988 10.15 am 7.30 pm 7.45 pm 8.00 pm Tuesday Coffee in St Lawrence MU Walk leaves for St Albans Dynamite Youth Group CTAL Committee meets in the Methodist small hall WEDNESDAY 20th Alcuin of York, Deacon, Abbot of Tours, 804 10.15 am Holy Communion 11.00 am Home Communion at Abbeyfield 7.45 for 8.00 pm Watford Deanery Synod at Soul Survivor - open meeting THURSDAY 21st 8.15 am Prayers for the local community 2.40 pm Funeral of Doreen Pritchard at the Crematorium 7.30 pm The St Albans Abbey Guides visit St Lawrence FRIDAY 22nd 9.30 am Morning Prayer with Holy Communion 10.00 am Heart for Abbots Langley Coffee Morning in the Henderson Hall SATURDAY 23rd 10.00 am Burial of ashes of Shirley Hammond 11.00 am Spring Concert in St Lawrence with Peter Holder, Sub-Organist St Paul’s Cathedral NEXT SUNDAY PENTECOST 24th May 2015 8.00 am Holy Communion President: The Revd David Warner Preacher: The Revd Jo Spreadbury 9.30 am Parish Communion with Seekers President & Preacher: The Revd Jo Spreadbury 12.00 noon Baptism of Josh and Erin Quinn and Regan Driscoll 6.30 pm Evening Prayer Leader: The Revd David Warner
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