NOTICES The ANNUAL VESTRY MEETING and ANNUAL PAROCHIAL CHURCH MEETING are on Tuesday 28th April at 8.00 pm following Holy Communion at 7.15 pm. Guest speaker: Emma Woollon, Head Teacher of Bedmond School. Copies of the ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS are available at the back of church, a contribution towards the cost of printing would be appreciated or visit our website: to view a copy. ELECTORAL ROLL - this is the membership list for St Lawrence and Bedmond please speak to Pam if you would like a form to complete to become a member. PCC - there is one space for a PCC member and two spaces for Deanery Synod - see list displayed. The funeral of ALAN DICKER is on Monday 27th April in Bedmond Church at 12.00 noon. GENERAL ELECTION HUSTINGS Thursday 30th April at 7.45 pm in the Methodist Church Hall. Come along and quiz your local candidates. If you wish to send a question in advance e-mail: This event is organised by CTAL. The ‘HERBAL BED’ by Peter Whelan will be staged by the Abbots Langley Players in the grounds and the church of St Lawrence from Tuesday 21st to Friday 24th April at 7.45 pm and Saturday 25th at 5.30 pm. Tickets: Standard ticket £10 in covered, heated tiered grandstand; V.I.P. ticket £15 in heated V.I.P. enclosure with free hire of blanket, glass of wine or juice and free programme. To book online go to or call the Box Office on 0844 504 5354. A taste of France in Abbots Langley FRENCH MARKET today (19th) in Manor House car park from 10.00 am to 4.00 pm. CHRISTIAN AID WEEK (10th-16th May) - offers of help delivering and collecting envelopes would be appreciated. Please speak to Pam or phone the office 261795. OUTLOOK (church magazine - 40p) is available for April. Please take a copy. Find us and Like us on THE PARISH OF ABBOTS LANGLEY ABBOTS LANGLEY TRANSITION TOWN COMMUNITY MARKET - Saturday 25th April from 10.30 am to 1.00 pm in the Henderson Hall. We have a table at this event. Offers of homemade/grown produce welcome or to help on the day - please contact Jane McHugh (264280) and don’t forget to pop in and support the Market! Order forms are available at the back of church if you wish to place an order for BEDDING PLANTS - this year we are using a garden centre in Chipperfield and completed orders should be returned by 26th April to Jane McHugh or the church office, delivery of plants early May. Contact Jane McHugh on 264280 or e-mail: for more information. Come and hear the DAWN CHORUS in our churchyard on Saturday 2nd May at 5.00 am. An expert will help you to identify the birds from their songs. The walk around the churchyard lasts about an hour followed by refreshments in the hall. If you want to know more contact Carol 01923 678457. Churches Together has organised a QUIZ in aid of Christian Aid in St Saviour’s Parish Centre on Saturday 9th May, 7.00 for 7.30 pm. Tickets are £10 each to include fish and chips - tables of 8, so why not get a group together? Tickets from the church office (261795). CONTACT NUMBERS Vicar: The Revd Dr Jo Spreadbury 01923 263013 Curate: The Revd David Warner 01923 518262 Assistant Priest: The Revd Angela Milton 01923 519453 Assistant Priest: The Revd Guy Buckler via the Church Office Reader: Mrs Sally Sanderson 01923 265963 In an emergency please contact Jo or David directly at anytime, day or night, if someone needs the ministry of a priest. StLawrenceChurchAbbotsLangley and TheTinChurchBedmond St Lawrence the Martyr, Abbots Langley with the Church of the Ascension, Bedmond 19th April 2015 THE THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER 8.00 am President: Preacher: Reader: TODAY WELCOME Holy Communion The Revd Jo Spreadbury The Revd Guy Buckler David Staines Welcome to everyone at our worship today especially to visitors and newcomers - please introduce yourself if you are new or a visitor. 9.30 am Parish Communion with Seekers President & Preacher: The Revd Guy Buckler Hymns: 181 - 280 - 103 - 220 - Organ Music - 31 Readers: Peter Sanders and Anne Donald Intercessions: Marcus Coultrup 11.00 am Hymns: Reader: Family Service at Bedmond 503 - 25 - 571 John Noonan If you have been confirmed or usually receive Communion in your own church, please do so here. If not, you are welcome to come to the altar rail for a Blessing, and if you carry a book with you the priest will know not to offer you the bread and wine. Please tell a sidesman before the service if you would like a gluten-free wafer. 12.00 noon Baptism of Thomas Shephard 12.30 pm Sunday Lunch Club 1.00 pm Baptism of Lexi Hammond 2.00 pm Burial of Ashes of Florrie Vidgeon 2.30 pm Abbots Langley Players rehearsal 6.30 pm Leader: Evening Prayer The Revd Jo Spreadbury SERVICES THIS WEEK Holy Communion 10.15 am Wednesday 9.30 am Thursday 9.30 am Friday (inc. Morning Prayer) Morning Prayer 9.30 am Monday to Wednesday & Friday Evening Prayer 5.15 pm Monday to Friday including prayers for peace on Monday and prayers for healing on Tuesday Prayer Extra 8.15 am Thursday: prayers for the parish and local community A T-loop is provided for hearing aid users. For our younger members at 9.30 am: Crèche - there is a room in the church hall with suitable toys (0-3 years) Seekers in the church hall (3-10 years) except Second Sundays (the Church Hall is at the end of the car park) Quiet Children’s Corner in Church Before the service, listen to God; and after the service, listen to each other. If you have come to the service at 9.30 am please stay for a cup of tea or coffee and a chat in the church hall. A collection is taken at each main service. (If you are a tax payer, please use a gift aid envelope.) This money is fundamental to the life of the church: its ministry, mission and charitable giving. You may notice that some people put nothing in the bag; this is because their giving is made by standing order. JustTextGiving - a new way to give - text STLA12 followed by the amount to 70070. THE PRAYERS AND BIBLE READINGS FOR OUR PRAYERS THE COMING WEEK COLLECT: Almighty Father, who in your great mercy gladdened the disciples with the sight of the risen Lord: give us such knowledge of his presence with us, that we may be strengthened and sustained by his risen life and serve you continually in righteousness and truth; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. GIVE THANKS » for the reality that we are children of God » for freedom to read and study the Bible » that we shall see Jesus and be like him PRAY FOR » those who translate and interpret Scripture » all who are hungry, physically and spiritually » those who doubt God's power to bring healing and wholeness » the peoples of Ukraine and Nigeria, Iraq and Syria, Palestine & Israel; and all seeking to end terror and conflict » Peter and Joan Sanders, celebrating 60 years of marriage » Thomas Shephard and Lexi Hammond who are being baptised today » those who worship at The Church of the Ascension, Bedmond » Tiny Tots and its leaders » those who live in Greenways (inc Abbeyfield), Griffin Way and Grosvenor Avenue THOSE WHO ARE ILL OR IN NEED » Joyce Leadley (Doreen Wilson’s sister) : Owen Nelson : Bernard Besch : Tom Stuart : Ellis Haggith : Sally Lawrence : James Stevens : Lesley Durtnall : Chris : Michael Beadle : Beryl Russell : Christine Corners R.I.P. » Lorraine Potiuk (nurse, Vine House Surgery) : Alan Dicker : Joan Floyd : Jill Partridge Amongst the charities we support financially and with our prayers, this week we pray for the work of the The Leprosy Mission, particularly in South Sudan. Pray for the leprosy community in Malek, Jonglei State, living in abject poverty with high levels of malnutrition and no regular sources of income, that they will be able to help increase food production and generate income through agricultural and fishing activities. Give thanks that monies raised will also improve healthcare and increase educational opportunities. Pray for people affected by leprosy in Jonglei, Upper Nile and Unity States, that TLM will be able to engage more with those people in livelihood and empowerment projects and better access to integrated leprosy services. Pray for wisdom, strength and grace for Yousif, country leader and Wilson, operations manager, as they engage with people affected by leprosy and encourage them to speak up for themselves. MONDAY 20th 10.30 am Handbell Ringing practice 2.00 pm Funeral of Jill Partridge at the Crematorium 2.15 pm Tiny Tots service in St Lawrence 7.00 pm Abbots Langley Players full technical rehearsal TUESDAY 21st Anselm, Abbot of Le Bec, Archbishop FIRST READING Acts 3.12-19 Pew Bible page 117 In Jesus' name, Peter and John have just performed their first miracle, curing a man lame from birth. This is the first sign that Jesus' followers have inherited his power to heal, that the age to come has already dawned. The ancient promises of God to his covenant people are fulfilled in Jesus, and the blessings of repentance and wholeness of life are offered us by the Author of Life. SECOND READING 1 John 3.1-7 Pew Bible page 237 We are God's children, not just in name only, but in reality. If this 'family resemblance' is not as clear yet as it might be because we still sin and fall short, the more we abide in Jesus, the less we will be prey to our sins, until at the last we will both see Jesus in the fullness of his glory, and be fully like him. GOSPEL Luke 24.36b-48 Pew Bible page 87 Like John's account of Jesus appearing to Thomas, Luke emphasises the physicality of the resurrection as Jesus appears to the eleven and their companions and the two disciples who have just returned from Emmaus on the evening of Easter day. Though he appears strangely and suddenly, he invites them to touch him and be sure of his living presence. He eats some grilled fish, a staple food of the time like bread and wine, which recalls how he once fed the multitude and feeds us still today. As on the Emmaus road, he helps his disciples to interpret the scriptures, and sends them as his witnesses to all nations. POST COMMUNION PRAYER: Living God, your Son made himself known to his disciples in the breaking of bread: open the eyes of our faith, that we may see him in all his redeeming work; who God our redeemer, is alive and reigns, now and for ever. whose Church was strengthened by the blood Amen. of your martyr George: READINGS NEXT SUNDAY Acts 4.5-12 1 John 3.16-end John 10.11-18 AVAILABILITY Jo - day off: Friday David - away until 25th April so bind us, in life and death, to Christ’s sacrifice that our lives, broken and offered with his, may carry his death and proclaim his resurrection in the world; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. of Canterbury, Teacher of the Faith, 1109 10.15 am Tuesday Coffee in St Lawrence 7.45 pm Abbots Langley Players production of ‘The Herbal Bed’ also Wednesday, Thursday and Friday WEDNESDAY 22nd 10.15 am Holy Communion 2.45 pm Home Communion at Margaret House THURSDAY 23rd George, Martyr, Patron of England, 304 8.15 am Prayers for the local community 9.30 am Holy Communion 8.00 pm Abbots Langley Youth Project AGM in the Community Centre FRIDAY 24th 9.30 am Morning Prayer with Holy Communion 10.00 am Heart for Abbots Langley Coffee in the Henderson Hall 6.15 pm Youth Choir restarts SATURDAY 25th Mark the Evangelist Caring for God’s Earth Conference at St Albans Abbey 10.30 am Transition Town Community Market in the Henderson Hall 10.30 am County Ringers’ in St Lawrence 11.00 am Burial of the Ashes of Mary Hunt 2.00 pm Abbots Langley Players Show Case in St Lawrence Church grounds 5.30 pm Abbots Langley Players production of ‘The Herbal Bed’ NEXT SUNDAY THE FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER 26th April 2015 8.00 am Holy Communion President & Preacher: The Revd Jo Spreadbury 9.30 am Parish Communion with Seekers President: The Revd David Warner Preacher: Kate Carter 12.00 noon Baptism of Henry Marshall-Clarke 6.30 pm Evening Prayer Leader: The Revd David Warner
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