26th October 2014 (Bible Sunday) Please join us for coffee after the 10am service. If you are a visitor or new to the area please make yourself know to a service leader or to someone at the back of church. Collect for today: Blessed Lord, who caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning: help us so to hear them, to read, mark, learn and inwardly digest them that, through patience, and the comfort of your holy word, we may embrace and for ever hold fast the hope of everlasting life, which you have given us in our Saviour Jesus Christ, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. 8am – Holy Communion Celebrant: George Preacher: Graham Server: Graham 10am – Holy Communion Celebrant: George Readings: Readers: Intercessions: Prayer Ministry: Music Introit: Gradual: Preacher:Graham Neh.8:1-4a, 8-12 Page:449 Kathleen Mary Rosemary 446 831 Offertory: Communion: 629 872 Final 590 Leader: Jane Matt.24:30-35 Page:26 Ann Frank Lord, thy word abideth God has spoken by his prophets Tell me the stories of Jesus Jesus, Jesus, holy and anointed one Seek ye first 6pm – Healing Service Leader: Rev. Sergiy Diduk Preacher: Malcolm Handley Prayer focus for the coming week: For the nations of the world and their leaders, that they may work together to uphold peace and justice, and fight evil and corruption. Give them all the desire to find peace and harmony. We continue to pray for all who are suffering from the Ebola virus and for those taking care of them and those developing drugs to relieve it. For all the schools in Hucknall, for the children and parents, help them to grow in knowledge that they will need for the future and also knowledge of you. For all the staff at their schools as they face Ofsted inspections and all the many changes they face. Father help them to feel your love and presence in their lives. For all who are suffering in body, mind or spirit, who need a healing touch from you in their lives. Especially we pray for those known to each one of us. Prayers for Burundi: Pray for Celestine, Emmanuel, Chantal and Cyriaque, the Baho Team. For Pascaline (9), Beatrice (20), Aristide (8), children of Baho. For the health and wellbeing of the team and all the children. Those bereaved of: Pat Henshaw, Joan David, Janet Watson. Those in particular need: Carol Woodward, Ann, Doug & Grace Healey, Lindsay, Olivia Meads, Ann Dove, Susan Moor, Jack Bust, John Henshaw, Anne Bettison, Betty Johnson, Richard White, Gladys Dobb. To be married: Stuart Platts and Marie Chamberlain Those who give thanks: Ann - I would like to thank everyone who has given me cards and gifts for my licensing, and also those who contributed to the lunch afterwards. It was a really special day and it was lovely to have so many people to share it with. But even more I would like to thank people for praying for me over the last three years. It's been quite challenging at times, and so please keep praying as I begin the fourth year and last bit of formal reader training. Your prayers and support really help and mean so much. I would also like to thank Kathryn not just for what she has taught me, but also for the way she has supported me, and continues to do so. And finally, and the last is the first, I do thank God for his call and the privilege of serving. I pray that we all continue to get closer to him. What’s on this week Monday Tuesday 2.00 pm 9.00 am 10.15 am 6.45 pm 7.30 pm Wednesday 9.00 am 11.00 am 7.00 pm Thursday 9.00 am 9.30 am 6.00 pm 7.00 pm Friday 11.30 am Saturday 8.30 am 9.00 am 2.00 pm Sunday – 4th before Advent 8.00 am 10.00 am 11.30 am 6.00 pm Home Group – 149 Beardall St Morning Prayer Holy Communion – Kathryn WOW – Church Bible Study Group - JGC Morning Prayer Wedding Blessing Wedding rehearsal Morning Prayer WFA planning meeting Baptism and Wedding Bookings – JGC SMT Co meeting Funeral of Janet Watson Quiet Prayer Church clean up morning Wedding Holy Communion Holy Communion Burundi group planning meeting Hope and Remembrance Dates for your Diary Wed 29th Oct 10am-12noon The Big Draw – JGC Wed 29th Oct 11am Sarah and Andrew Wheatley’s Wedding Blessing in Church Sat 1st Nov 9am-12noon Church clean up morning Sat 22th Nov Christmas Fair & Open Tower Notices Prayer Ministry If you would like to share a joy, a sorrow, a concern, then people will be available to pray with you in the north aisle after you have received communion or after the service. Christmas Raffle Tickets are in church. Please take a book or so & sell them to family & friends. The money raised makes a huge contribution towards the general running costs of our beautiful building, so please help. Christmas Fair - Saturday 22nd November. Thanks to everyone who has offered to help on the day. We would be very grateful for donations of Tombola prizes or other items which can be sold. Please leave in church clearly marked. Burundi update for the latest information please see the notice board or the church website. Craft Group meeting this Tues 28th Oct @ 10am in the JGC. Rota copies of the new rota are available at the back of church. Planning meeting for Advent Activities, Mon 3 Nov @ 7.30pm at Jane's house. Advent Activities will be on Sat 29 Nov in JGC 10am-12. Drop in and Draw on Wed 29 Oct, please drop in and draw (and help) if you can. Cinema screening (StP&P’s) Sat 8th Nov, @ 2pm - ‘Maleficent’. The Big Draw If anyone could please donate any colouring pens/pencils, stickers or craft materials/items for this event we would be very grateful, please see Kim at the JGC, Thank you. Church Clean up Morning On Sat 1st November, all hands to the deck for a clean up of Church and grounds. 9am-12noon. Please come even if you can only offer half an hour. 2015 Church Diaries now for sale in Church, just £1 each. Ideal stocking fillers or to slip into pocket or handbag. Detached Youth Project. Eleanor Rice is the new Keyworker for Nottingham Youth for Christ working in Hucknall. Churches Together are setting up a detached youth project to reach out and build relationships with young people who are out on the streets on Friday evenings. Volunteers are needed from 7 – 9 pm on Friday evenings and we are hoping to get two or three volunteers from each church. If you are interested and/or would like more information please come to a meeting at Central Methodist Church on Tuesday 7 th October at 7:30, or contact Eleanor at eleanor@nottinghamyfc.co.uk St Peter & St Paul’s Please see the notice board for all the upcoming events. Forthcoming events at the John Godber Centre: A Night at the races Sat 1st Nov @ 7pm, tickets £5 includes picnic supper. 50% of the proceeds from the races will be donated to the JGC. Christmas Fair and Market Weds 3rd Dec @ 5pm, part of the Hucknall Christmas Carnival Night. Countdown to 2015 Party Weds 31st Dec @ 6-10pm, Adults £3, children free, bring your own picnic or pre-order a party platter. For more details on all events and booking please call Kim 9639633 Contact Details Revd Canon Kathryn Herrod – 0115 964 1499 (day off Monday) Email: revkathryn@talktalk.net Curate: Revd Sergiy Diduk: - 0115 998 4385 (day off Friday) Email:sergius_nd99@hotmail.co.uk Associate Priest: Revd. George Knowles – 0115 955 9822 georgeknowles3@sky.com Church Wardens: Mr. Ian Raynor – 0115 953 5949 raynorshine@ntlworld.com Dr. David Hosking – 01773 812721 d.hosking@pobroadband.co.uk Church Website: www.hucknall-parish-church.org.uk Notice sheet: Chantelle Barnett:stmarymh@freenetname.co.uk - 07926 540193 Team Rector:
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