www.stmaryshitchin.org.uk The Last Sunday after Trinity Sunday 26th October 2014 Welcome to St Mary’s. If you are a newcomer please introduce yourself to one of the clergy or fill in and hand to one of us the detachable section of our new Welcome Bookmark. Do come and join us for coffee in Church House (opposite the North Door) after the 9.35am service. The Collect Blessed Lord, who caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning: help us so to hear them, to read, mark, learn and inwardly digest them that, through patience, and the comfort of your holy word, we may embrace and for ever hold fast the hope of everlasting life, which you have given us in our Saviour Jesus Christ, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. 8.00am – Holy Communion President: Canon Michael Roden 9.35am –Sung Communion President & Preacher: Organist: Setting: Processional Hymn: Lesson Readings: Gradual: Gospel: Prayers are led by: Offertory Hymn: The Revd Hilary Oakley Matthew Harrison Appleford 156 Come down, O Love divine – Down Ampney Deuteronomy 34:1-12 read by Tony Read 1 Thessalonians 2:1-8 read by Rosemary Read Psalm 119:9-16 (see page 4) Luke 10:25-37 Gina Abbatt 423 Thanks to God, whose word was spoken – St Helen 1 Please take your bulletin home Waiting for the word – Skellern (see page 4) 166 Lord, thy word abideth - Ravenshaw 180 Thou, whose almighty word - Moscow Anthem: Communion Hymn: Recessional Hymn: 11.15am Holy Communion (BCP) President & Preacher: Introit: Offertory Hymn: Final Hymn: The Revd Hilary Oakley 156 Come down, O Love divine – Down Ampney 166 Lord, thy word abideth - Ravenshaw 180 Thou, whose almighty word - Moscow 6:30pm Evening Prayer Officiant & Preacher: Responses: Psalm: Old Testament Lesson: Cancticles: New Testament Lesson: Canon Michael Roden Said 119:89-104 Ecclesiastes 11,12 read by Stephen Holland Said 1 Timothy 2:1-7 Forthcoming Services Morning Prayer (9:05am) and Midday Prayer (12:15pm) is said on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays th Tuesday 28 October 10am Holy Communion th Thursday 30 October 12.15pm Holy Communion nd Sunday 2 November 8am Holy Communion All Saints 9:35am Sung Communion 11.15am Storyteller 6:30pm Evensong for All Souls “In Loving Memory” th Tuesday 4 November 10am Mothers’ Union Corporate Communion th Thursday 6 November 12.15pm Holy Communion th Sunday 9 November 8am Holy Communion Remembrance Sunday 9:35am Sung Communion 11.15am Holy Communion (BCP) 2:30pm Royal British Legion Remembrance Service nd Readings for 2 November: Morning Services: Revelation 7:9-end; Psalm 34:1-10; 1 John 4:1-3; Matthew 5:1-12 Evening Service: Psalm 23, Ecclesiastes 3:1–8, NT: Romans 8:35–39 2 Please take your bulletin home Prayers for people We pray for all those who are to be married, including: Donata Huggins & Timothy Lees We pray for all who are ill, and by name for: Julia Stocker, Alan and Jean Bailey, Colin Atkinson, Adrian Lucas, Liz Hughes, Bernie Bottesch, Ron Walters, Charlotte Sabey-Corkindale, Paul Rushby, Paul, Katherine. …and we pray for all who love and care for them. We pray for church members at home or in residential care: Sheila Axtens, Dennis Cole, John Coxall, Roma Greenaway, Adrian and Sanda Haigh, Cameron Harrison, Alice Hazelwood, Edith Ingram, Mollie Jenkins, Angela McNally, Cynthia Myers, Sheila Pay, Joan Randall, Shirley Robinson, Peg Saunders, Bill Shinn, Mark Vincent. …and we pray for all who love and care for them. We also pray for: Ann, Anna, David, John Dyson-Cannon, Ethel Edwards, Mary Foster, Margaret Gorman, Jenny Hall, Helen, Clive Holmes, Jacquie, Jill, Brian Jones, Emily Kilby, Hanna King, Michael Laurens, Alan Lawson, Linda Menzies, Dot Milton, Agnes Emmanuel Odiachi, Orla, Jean Pay, Jane Peace, Ian Stewart, Paul Street, John Toll, Eileen Warren, Bob West, Lewis Willis, Jenny Yateman. …and we pray for all who love and care for them. We remember before God those who have died: Margaret Warwick, Ted Hone, Marie Tudball, Beth Buffett, Eileen McLeod …and we pray for those who mourn. Prayers for the World Church The capital town in Belize, Belmopan, (Central America), was rebuilt after a hurricane in 1961, along the lines of Welwyn Garden City. A parish priest from England has had a 9 month placement there, (arranged by US). She was serving as a parish priest at St Ann's Church, in Belmopan, and found an interesting mixture of cultures, languages, food and music. She writes of the great privilege she felt in taking up that ministry, and the enrichment she gained. Let us pray for all volunteers who take up US placements, and for their witness on return to the UK. (Belize is one of the 4 Caribbean linked dioceses with St Albans.) 3 Please take your bulletin home Psalm 119: 9-16 9. How shall a young man’s / path be / pure: un/ less he / keep to . your / word? 10. I have sought you with my / whole / heart: let me not / stray from / your commandments. 11. I have treasured your / words . in my / heart: that I / might not / sin a/ gainst you. 12. Blessèd are / you Lord / God: O / teach me / your / statutes. 13. With my lips I / have been / telling: all the / judgements / of your / mouth; 14. And I find more joy in the way of / your com/mands: than in / all / manner . of / riches. 15. I will meditate / on your / precepts: and give / heed / to your / ways; 16. For my delight is wholly / in your / statutes: and I will / not for/get your / word. Glory to the Father and / to the Son: and / to the / Holy / Spirit; as it was in the be/ginning is / now: and shall be for / ever. / A/men Sung Communion Anthem Waiting for the Word – Peter Skellern (b.1947) I could follow you, I could be so true, I’m just waiting for the word. I could join the flock, I could be a rock, I’m just waiting for the word. Let me know you’re here, call me loud and clear for as yet I have not heard, I could shine a light, I could fight the fight, I’m just waiting for the word. I would heed the call, I would give my all, I’m just waiting for the word. I would be a flame, I would blaze your name, I’m just waiting for the word. Though my voice is weak, if you would but speak I would shout what I have heard, I would sing to you, I would cling to you, I’m just waiting for the word. 4 Please take your bulletin home I will walk the way, I will kneel and pray while I’m waiting for the word. I will do what’s right, I will seek the light while I’m waiting for the word. Though I’m full of doubt do not turn me out, we are lost who have not heard, I will strive to be what you want of me while I’m waiting for the word. Future Events nd 2 November 6.30pm Evensong for All Souls “In Loving Memory” The names of those who have been in the bulletin over the past year will be read out at this service. If you would like other people remembered, then do write their names on the list at the back of the church. This will be placed on the altar at the beginning of the service. th 6 Nov 7:30pm Wives’ Group Charity Quiz in Church House including a Ploughman’s Supper, bring your own drink and glass. Tickets £6.00 from Susan Franks 643691 or Eileen Turney 451050 th 13 Nov 8pm Mothers’ Union Meditation with Revd Jane Mainwaring in Church House. th 15 Nov St Mary’s Autumn Fair (see notice) th 20 Nov 8pm Wives’ Group “Jewellery” by Di Mitchell in Church Autumn Fair - Saturday 15th November The Autumn fair will soon be upon us so I am asking you to sign up on the list at the back of church if you are able to help on the day, even if it is only for an hour or two. The Summer fair was a great team effort so I am hoping that the Autumn fair will be as well. We are going to hold the fair in the church this time. Just to reassure you our next church fair will be in Spring 2015. Many thanks, Derry Charman 5 Please take your bulletin home Notices The pulpit flowers are given today by Joan Burton for the glory of God and in loving memory of Violet Burton Morning and midday Prayer These services are now taking place. Morning Prayer is at 9:05am, and Midday Prayer at 12:15pm on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays. You will be very welcome to come and join us in this part of our prayer life at St Mary’s. These are short services, Morning Prayer is about 20 minutes and Midday Prayer about 15 minutes. We look forward to seeing you. Pauline Sadler Paid accompanist required for training choir. Rehearsals Tuesdays 4.305.15 and occasional Sunday service performances term time only. Competent music students considered. Contact Ros Woodin 01462 453187. 07929 492886. ros.woodin@musictrain.co.uk. 50 Years a Reader! A big thank you to everybody for congratulations, kind words and a rose for our garden on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of my being admitted as a Reader in Wells Cathedral. I've been licensed in three dioceses, Bath and Wells, St Albans (twice) and York where I was a Reader in the College Chapel at what is now York St John University but also took a lot of services in other York City churches and in the surrounding towns and villages in interregnums and for clergy holidays in the College vacations. I also devised and co-taught the first Diocesan Reader training programme and helped with the York Readers association including candidate selection and continuing ministerial education. It's good now to be a member of the Hitchin Reader team. Thank you for welcoming me so warmly. David Sellick Very many thanks to all who kindly voted for Hitchin Shopmobility! nd We’ll let you know when Lloyds Community Fund tell us (wk beg: 2 Nov) how we got on with your much appreciated help. Thanks again, Ann Norman (Chair of Hitchin Shopmobility). 6 Please take your bulletin home 7 Please take your bulletin home St Mary’s Contacts Team Rector and Vicar - Canon Michael Roden 452758 in the first instance, otherwise 434017. Please send all mail to Church House. Michael’s day off is Wednesday. Parish Office 452758 email: hitchinparishoffice@btinternet.com Team Rector's Secretary - Dorothy Grieves 432951 Churchwardens – Michael Taylor 459611, Robin Sternberg 684588 & Derry Charman 420665 Verger - Stephen Holland 07904 305743 Director of Music – Alan Childs 01582 883420 email: a.j.childs@btinternet.com St Mary’s Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/StMarysChurchHitchin All other St Mary’s contacts are published on the first Sunday in the month in the Bulletin Supplement. St Mary’s, through its Charitable Giving Group, supports AquAid Lifeline Fund’s Philip Veale Children’s Centre in Malawi caring for over 150 orphans in Gomani. AquAid can provide a whole month’s child care for just £8. Ask Robin Sternberg 684588 for more details, or look on the Church House noticeboard. All communicant members of the Christian Church are welcome to receive the bread and the wine at a celebration of Holy Communion. Others are welcome at the altar rail to receive a blessing. If you wish for a blessing please ask. For very young churchgoers: Please feel free to be in church during the services, but if you feel very distressed the choir vestry (at the back of church) also doubles as the "early years gurgling room". In there you will find a cabinet of toys. The room has glass doors so that you and your parents can see and hear services, but it also has an environment where you can feel at ease to be yourself and gurgle away. Words and music printed under CCL Licence No 224366 Details of future notices are needed by Wednesday and should be sent ideally by email to home@tracyandrobert.net or left in the “Bulletin Editor” pigeon hole at Church House. The e-bulletin If you wish to be included in the email distribution of this bulletin, please send an email as above. Tracy Watson 8 Please take your bulletin home
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