Morning Prayer
JG: Big Ideas from the Bible
Evening Prayer
Morning Prayer
Holy Communion
Evening Prayer
St. David’s Singers Dinner
Grief and the Holidays
Episcopal Veterans Fellowship
St. David’s Singers Rehearsal
Morning Prayer
Holy Communion
Children’s Choir Rehearsal
Bedtime Story Brigade
Sabbath in the City
Bible Study
Youth Group
Parish Choirs Rehearsal
JG: Christian Journey
Handbell Choir Rehearsal
Morning Prayer
Thursday Morning Prayer Group
Holy Communion and Healing
Young Adult Downtown Lunch Intercessory Prayer St. Benedict’s Workshop
Evening Prayer
Morning Prayer
Friday Moms Group
Evening Prayer
8:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m.
5:30 p.m. Grace Chapel
Grace Chapel
8:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m.
12:15 p.m.
5:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
Grace Chapel
Guild Room
Grace Chapel
Grace Chapel
Holy Grounds
Crail C
Room 015
Choir Room
8:30 a.m.
5:30 p.m.
5:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
6:45 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
Grace Chapel
Grace Chapel
Sumners Hall
Bethell Hall
Grace Chapel
Vestry Conference Room
Room 170
Historic Church
Crail A
Bell Choir Room
Bethell Hall
8:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
11:45 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
12:00 p.m.
12:00 p.m.
5:30 p.m. Grace Chapel
Brides Room
Historic Church
Grace Chapel
Sumners Hall
Grace Chapel
8:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
5:30 p.m. Grace Chapel
Guild Room
Grace Chapel
VISITORS: If you are new to St. David’s, please fill out a Guest Card,
give us a call at 512-610-3500, or email Jennifer Gerber at
jennifer.g@stdave.org to introduce yourself. Red Newcomer Folders are
available outside of Bethell Hall and the Historic Church.
SUBMIT ARTICLES: To submit an article for Looking Ahead, email
it to communications@stdave.org.
“For the rendering of this ministry not only supplies the needs of the saints but also
overflows with many thanksgivings to God”
2 Corinthians 9:12
Have you seen this verse on the stairwell leading to the Historic Church? It
refers to our endowment which provides meaningful, needed enhancements
that are important to our ongoing vitality, but are beyond the capacity of our
annual operating revenues. We honor the saints who contributed to the Sumners
Legacy Society. These saints have been in our midst, and we continue our walk
with them. All who love St. David’s are warmly invited to consider a legacy gift
to their parish, as part of their giving journey. Every household among us is
called to think deeply about how to live our faith and to believe that as we are
given, we can give. Legacy gifts are potentially for all of us – something to be
thought of proportionately to our means, rather than as a matter of how much
wealth we do or don’t have. To learn more, contact April Kerwin at 512-3103546.
November 9, 2014
and cookies, stories and crafts with homeless children staying at the Salvation
Army. Meet in the St. David’s lobby a few minutes before 6:30 p.m. We’ll walk
to the shelter and return by 8 p.m. Interested in providing cookies or milk? Let
Diana Dawson know: diana.d@stdave.org.
BUNCH: Meets at 11:45 a.m. at How Do You Roll on 2nd Street. Contact
Amy at amy.m@stdave.org for more details.
(those who are 50ish and older) are invited to a potluck dinner at the Gorychkas’
(8301 Twilight Terrace Drive, 78737) from 5-8 p.m. Chris and Gordon will
provide ham, and guests are asked to bring an appetizer, salad, veggie/side dish,
or dessert to serve 8-10, and the beverage of their choice. Water and iced tea will
be provided. Register via our web site by Thursday, November 13.
NOVEMBER 19 WED. WELCOME DINNER: All newcomers are invited
to dinner in Sumners Hall at 6 p.m. Contact Jennifer Gerber at jennifer.g@
stdave.org for more details and to register.
and fellowship at the home of the Rev. David Boyd (4720 Eagle Feather Drive,
78735), beginning at 6 p.m. Register at www.stdave.org, or by contacting
Catherine Roberts at catherine.r@stdave.org. The cost is $15, which can be paid
during online registration, at the Giving Kiosk in the lobby, or to David at the
event. Bring the beverage of your choice, and you are welcome to bring a friend.
NOVEMBER 21-23 FRI.-SUN. YOUTH TRIP: High school youth will
travel to Houston to participate in Happening, a Christian experience presented
by teenagers for teenagers with the help of clergy and lay adult leadership. There
will be fun and community-building activities and a series of talks by youth and
clergy to logically present the elements that define a mature profession of faith
and the catechism process. Contact Duana Cisney at duana.c@stdave.org for
registration information, or go to www.epicenter.org/happening/.
NOVEMBER 22 SAT. ADVENT WREATH PREP: 9-11:30 a.m. We will
prepare supplies for our annual wreath-making event. Child care and breakfast
provided. Questions? E-mail Amanda at amanda@stdave.org.
Bishop Andy Doyle to dream of the next five years in one of four Town Hall
meetings being held across the state. This format will use poll texting to capture
responses, although you may chime in verbally or by email as well. Be part of
the vision! 7 p.m. in Crail Hall.
in Sumners Hall at 10:25 a.m. for our annual all-church wreath-making
extravaganza; all supplies provided! We will have Advent meditation booklets
available for adults and children. Please decorate one wreath per family (and
bring back last year’s wire frame if you have it!). A $5 contribution is suggested.
A weekly digest of parish announcements
VOLUME 19, NO. 44
St. David’s offers many opportunities to give back this Advent season. Please
find one (or several!) opportunities that interest you and your family. Email
Diana Dawson at diana.d@stdave.org with questions or to volunteer.
Sundays Nov. 9-Dec. 8: Look for the Advent Giving Table in Sumners
Hall where you may: purchase Simple Gifts (an alternative gift opportunity
benefitting local non-profits); contribute $20 to sponsor the gift of a hooded
sweatshirt and a blanket for our Trinity Center neighbors; select a low-income
AISD student for whom to provide clothing and a toy; donate a knit winter cap
and gloves (adult size only, gender-neutral colors) for our homeless neighbors.
Nov. 23: St. David’s volunteers host the Trinity Streets meal and service. Great
opportunity for families with children age 10 and older. 2-4:30 p.m.
Dec. 10: Christmastime at Bedtime Story Brigade: 6:30-8 p.m. Meet at St.
Dec. 13: Youth decorate Trinity Center and wrap presents for our neighbors’
party. 10 a.m.-2 p.m. We’ll provide pizza!
Dec. 13: Sort, bag, and balance children’s donated Christmas gifts. 8:30-10:30
a.m. at St. David’s.
Dec. 13: Annual Posada, recreating Mary and Joseph’s search for lodging. 6-8
p.m. Trinity Center.
Dec. 14: Trinity Center Christmas party for our homeless neighbors: 3-5:30
Dec. 18: Laundry Love: 6-8 p.m. at SpinZone, 2424 S. Congress.
Dec. 19: Youth Christmas Caroling Evening for Cans. Food pantry drive
benefits H.A.N.D. 6 p.m. at Duana Cisney’s home.
Dec. 20: Christmas Brunch for Foundation Communities’ Arbor
Terrace: 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Extra hands needed to decorate,
play music, and make it festive!
Want to volunteer? Email Diana Dawson,
Director of Community Engagement, at
NOVEMBER 9, 2014
TODAY: PROPER 27: Joshua 24:1-3a, 14-25; Psalm 78:1-7;
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; Matthew 25:1-13
NEXT WEEK: PROPER 28: Judges 4:1-7; Psalm 123; 1 Thessalonians
5:1-11; Matthew 25:14-30
ADULT FORMATION: “Sacramentum Militare: Walking with Combat
Veterans on Their Pilgrimage Back to the Church,” with the Rev. David
Peters, Episcopal priest and author, at 10:25 a.m. in Crail Hall.
WISDOM WAYS: A spiritual discussion for young adults. Meets in Crail
A at 10:25 a.m. Led by Amy Moehnke (amy.m@stdave.org).
MEN’S BIBLE STUDY: Meets in the Library at 10:25 a.m. All are
welcome. Led by Mark Wells (mark.w@mwells.org).
CENTERING PRAYER: A method of silent prayer in which we experience
God’s presence within us. 10:25-11:10 a.m. in the Brides Room. Led by Paul
Skeith (pskeith@rrfirm.com).
PARENTING IN CONNECTION: A group of parents with young
children gathering for discussion, support, and friendship. 10:25 in the
Vestry Conference Room. Led by Amelia Canally (adcanally@gmail.com).
MOVIE GROUP: We are discussing “The Overnighters” and “Pride” in
the Vestry Conference Room at 11:15 a.m. All welcome.
WRITERS GROUP: For writers and hopefuls. 1 p.m. in the Library.
For more information, contact Jenny Meadows (meadowsjen@aol.com).
CHILDREN’S CLASSES: Drop-off is 10:15-10:25 a.m. Class is 10:2511:10 a.m.
Weaving God’s Promises
Preschool (Age 3 & up) Room 114
2nd–3rd grades Room 166
Kindergarten–1st grade Room 162
4th–5th grades Room 015
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
Good Shepherd Atrium (Ages 3-6)
Room 017
True Vine Atrium (Ages 6-9)
Room 164
Youth Forums are a form of Christian Formation that takes into consideration
not only scripture, but what’s happening in the world around us. These
culturally relevant conversations are ways we can ground ourselves in prayer
to be who God has called us to be. Join us in Room 170 at 10:25 a.m.
The flowers on the High Altar are given in celebration of the marriage of
Shelia Allee and Tom Kershaw { The flowers in Bethell Hall are given
in thanksgiving for their grandchildren, Matthew, Madeleine, Zach, and
William, by Connie and Dan McLendon { The flowers on the Baptismal
Table are given in loving memory of Donna Dengg Mudge and Terry
Amerson by Jonathan Mudge and Alex Almodovar { The flowers in Grace
Chapel are given in thanksgiving for her granddaughter, Lily, on her first
birthday by Elaine Noton Miller { The flowers in the Good Samaritan
Chapel are given in loving memory of his parents, Lois and Earl Haynes,
by Dodd and Clara Haynes { The flowers on the Holy Angels Altar
are given in loving memory of Gerry Tharp on his birthday by his wife,
TODAY: ALTAR TABLE: In recognition of Veteran’s Day, all are invited to
bring pictures and mementos of those who have served as we honor our heroes, past
and present. Label your items so they can be returned to you.
TODAY: WREATH SALES: The fundraiser for youth missions is well under
way! We are selling wreaths this year beginning at $35. Each wreath is 25” in diameter
and has different decorations depending on the style you select. They come with their
own carrying bag and will be treated with “Greenzit” to ensure that your wreath stays
beautiful and green for the entire Christmas season. You may purchase your wreath
outside of the Historic Church each Sunday before and after morning services, at the
Giving Kiosk in the Lobby or at Holy Grounds. The deadline is November 17. The
wreaths will be available for pick-up beginning on December 14.
TODAY: CANDY TITHE: Children and youth, don’t forget your candy! Set
aside the first piece of every 10 to bring to church. Collections will be accepted
through November 16. Proceeds will be donated to the Capital Area Food Bank.
TODAY: THANKSGIVING TURKEYS: Today is the deadline! Forget the
hassle this year and purchase a Chef Ray smoked turkey to benefit Warm Heart
International. A whole turkey is $100; a breast is $50. You can pay in person today
in the lobby, via the Giving Kiosk, or by calling Nancy Parish at (512) 610-3549.
Turkeys will be available for pick-up November 23-26.
TODAY: ENVIRONMENTAL GUILD: Meets 12:30-1:30 p.m. in the Guild
Room. This is our last meeting of the year! All welcome.
NEXT SUNDAY: COMMUNITY OF HOPE: Join us for a pastoral care
training program designed to help lay people learn and practice the skills needed
to serve in various pastoral care ministries. An information session will be held
November 16 at 10:25 a.m. in Crail B. Training is set to begin in early February.
Come learn more! For more details, contact Amy Moehnke at amy.m@stdave.org.
many children in Austin who lack a positive role model – a reliable, consistent person
in their lives who makes them feel important. Through the Kids Hope outreach
program, St. David’s church has paired up with Travis Heights Elementary school to
provide mentors to such children. Having someone show up for one hour every week
has a HUGE impact on their lives. This year there were 10 children nominated who
need a mentor, who need YOU. Come for coffee in the Guild Room on November
16 at 11:15 a.m. to meet our current mentors and learn more about this opportunity!
FOR LAY LEADERS: We all have a role to play assisting long-time members,
newcomers, and all those in between in finding ways to deepen their connections to
this community and their walk with God. If you serve as a greeter, usher, small group
leader, Welcome dinner host, and/or lead any outreach, children’s, youth, or adult
ministry activities, this training is for you! The class will be November 16, 12:452:30 p.m. (lunch provided, as well as child care and activities for kids of all ages). It
will be led by Mary Parmer, Project Consultant for the Diocese of Texas Newcomer
Ministry Project. Register on our online calendar and note any dietary restrictions.
Contact Rebecca Hall at rebecca.h@stdave.org for more details.
JAMES, THE JOHNS, AND JUDE: Wednesday Evening Bible Study
(lovingly referred to as the WEBS) will be venturing into this new topic of study.
All are welcome – experts and newbies to the bible! We share dinner together at
5:30 p.m. in Sumners Hall for those who can make it. No registration necessary.
Just show up! Vestry Conference Room, 6:30-8 p.m. Led by Lori Gainer.
GRIEF AND THE HOLIDAYS: The holiday season can be a time of increased
loneliness and stress when you are grieving a loss. The festive decorations, songs of
good cheer, family gatherings, and shopping countdown may only remind you of
what you are missing. Join the Rev. Nancy Chester McCranie, Director of Volunteer
and Bereavement Services for Hospice Austin, for a conversation about how to help
yourself or someone you love survive the holidays in the midst of grief. Tuesday,
November 11, 6:30-8pm in Crail C. Register on our calendar at www.stdave.org.
Nouwen says, “A waiting person is a patient person.” In society today, patience is
not a virtue, and waiting has become a useless distraction. We wait in lines, we wait
in doctors’ offices, we wait in traffic, we wait for results from a medical test, and
we get tired of waiting. It doesn’t seem to make us more patient but rather more
stressed and anxious. In this Advent season, we are encouraged to watch and wait.
Let’s spend a little time together with Henri Nouwen as our guide. Roger Temme, a
member of St. David’s and the Outreach Coordinator for The Care Communities,
will facilitate our time in the “Waiting Room” of life. Sundays, December 7-21,
5-6:30 p.m. Register at www.stdave.org.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Holy Grounds is seeking a few cheerful, energetic
volunteers who enjoy good coffee and interacting with people to help out a few
hours each week or month. If interested, contact Anna Quattrochi, Holy Grounds
Manager, at anna.q@stdave.org.
FRIDAY MORNING MOMS: This casual and fun group meets each Friday 10
a.m.-noon in the Guild Room. It’s a great opportunity to connect with other moms,
support one another in personal and spiritual growth, and share in the parenting
journey. Free child care is provided on the first floor, and everyone is welcome!
Contact Amy Nordhausen at ameliaclaire@hotmail.com for more information.
ST. AGNES GUILD PROJECT: If you can knit a hat or two for the St.
Agnes Guild by November 14, it would be appreciated! The St. Agnes Guild is
a service organization at St. David’s with the current project of knitting hats and
scarves for the women at the Trinity Center. They will be blessed at the services
on Sunday, November 16, and distributed before Thanksgiving. We have plenty of
scarves, but need more hats! Hats can be left in the Guild Room cabinet with the
others. Contact Judith Cayton at judithcayton@sbcglobal.net for questions.
HANDS FOR HOPE: El Buen Samaritano’s Hands for Hope provides the
ingredients for a home-cooked Thanksgiving meal to low-income families. On
distribution day, El Buen needs scores of volunteers to hand out turkeys and fixings
and to help carry the bounty to their cars. Our families find this service opportunity
sets a tone of gratefulness as they head into the holidays. If you’d like to help fill St.
David’s morning shift of 8-10 people, email Diana Dawson at diana.d@stdave.org.
Holy Communion
8:00 a.m.
Holy Communion
9:00 a.m.
Family Holy Communion
9:10 a.m.
Holy Communion
11:15 a.m.
Holy Communion with Austin Vibe 11:15 a.m.
Trinity Street Worship and Meal
3:00 p.m.
Holy Communion with Healing
5:00 p.m.
Choral Compline 8:00 p.m.
Historic Church
Historic Church
Bethell Hall
Historic Church
Bethell Hall
Trinity Center
Bethell Hall (with incense)
Historic Church (with incense)
Morning & Evening Prayer TUESDAY
Holy Communion
8:30 a.m. & 5:30 p.m.
12:15 p.m.
Holy Communion with Healing
5:30 p.m.
Holy Communion with Healing
11:00 a.m.