Midweek Services List Monday 10th November 3.30pm Youth Café Tuesday 11th November 9.15am Holy Communion 11am Act of Remembrance 11am Act of Remembrance 11am Act of Remembrance 11am Act of Remembrance 8pm Compline Thursday 13th November 10am Holy Communion BCP in the Tring Team Parish St Peter & St Paul Revd Huw Bellis 01442 822170 huwbellis@btinternet.com Team Vicar Revd Joanne Wetherall 01442 851200 joanne.wetherall@btinternet.com Team Vicar & School Revd Jane Banister 01442 822170 Chaplain (voluntary) jcbanister@btinternet.com or for school matters jbanister@tring.herts.sch.uk Curate (voluntary) Revd Didier Jaquet 01296 660961 didier_jaquet@hotmail.com Parish Coordinators Ted Oram 01442 824575 ted@oram-home.net Roy Hargreaves 01442 823624 roy.hargreaves@btinternet.com Rector St Peter & St Paul St Peter & St Paul St John the Baptist St Cross All Saints St Mary’s St Peter & St Paul Parish Hall Bookings - Please contact Janet Goodyer (01442) 824929 if you wish to enquire about , or book, the Parish Hall. Services for Sunday Services next Sunday 16th November 2014 2nd before Advent 8am 10am 10am 10am 10am Holy Communion bcp Holy Communion cw Holy Communion cw Morning Prayer cw Holy Communion cw St Peter & St Paul, Tring St Cross, Wilstone St Peter & St Paul, Tring All Saints, Long Marston St John the Baptist, Aldbury Prayer Ministry is available after the 10am service at StP&P. If you would like to talk, or pray, with us, we each wear a blue badge. We can talk wherever in the church you prefer. Dystonia read Rebecca’s blog on http:// dystoniaandme.com or find out more about the work of The Dystonia Society at www.dystonia.org.uk Gift Aid If you are a taxpayer, please use a gift aid envelope for your collection donation! To receive this pewsheet by e-mail, please send your details to pewsheets@tringteamparish.org.uk CALM - the Campaign Against Living Miserably - is a registered charity which exists to prevent male suicide in the UK. Male suicide accounts for 77% of all suicides in the UK and is now the single biggest cause of death in men aged 2049 in England and Wales Weekly notice sheets CONCISE articles for the next pewsheets should either be left in the pink folder at the rear of Tring church OR emailed to pewsheets@tringteamparish.org.uk by lunchtime on Wednesday 12th November 2014 9th November 2014 Remembrance Sunday 8am Holy Communion cw 8.15am Holy Communion bcp 10am Worship for All 10am Holy Communion cw 10.45am Remembrance Remembrance 12noon Holy Communion bcp 6pm Celtic Evensong St Peter & St Paul, Tring St Mary’s, Puttenham St Peter & St Paul, Tring All Saints, Long Marston St John the Baptist, Aldbury St Cross, Wilstone St Peter & St Paul, Tring All Saints, Long Marston Readings etc set for today (not all have to be used) Wisdom of Solomon 6 12-16 page 238 (638) in the NT section Psalm 70 page 496 (543) in the OT section 1 Thessalonians 4 13-18 page 194 (202) in the NT section Matthew 25 1-13 page 27 (27) in the NT section Collect Almighty Father, whose will is to restore all things in your beloved Son, the King of all: govern the hearts and minds of those in authority, and bring the families of the nations, divided and torn apart by the ravages of sin, to be subject to his just and gentle rule; who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever Amen Alternative Collect God, our refuge and strength, bring near the day when wars shall cease and poverty and pain shall end, that earth may know the peace of heaven through Jesus Christ our Amen Post Communion God of peace, whose Son Jesus Christ proclaimed the kingdom and restored the broken to wholeness of life: look with compassion on the anguish of the world, and by your healing power make whole both people and nations; through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Amen www.tringteamparish.org.uk Registered with the Charity Commission St. John the Baptist - Aldbury, All Saints - Long Marston, St. Mary’s - Puttenham, St. Peter & St. Paul - Tring, St. Cross –Wilstone NOTICES Commemoration There has been a huge public response to the Tower of London poppy display. Millions have visited the ‘art installation’. I wonder if this because the response to the commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the beginning of World War One can only be marked in a spiritual way. There have been critics of the sea of poppies, saying that in some way it glorifies war, or becomes nationalistic and does nothing to display the horror of war. It makes me think that the only way in which we can mark Remembrance, or any of the other events surrounding this anniversary, is through our worship. It is only in the context of the cross and resurrection that we can make sense of our humanity. These events above all show us a side of humanity which is repugnant. We see our ability to destroy each other. We should be celebrating that in 2014 British troops have left Afghanistan, but the reality is it means we have been fighting fairly continuously since the beginning of the First World War and we will probably go on doing so. Looking at the 100 years since 1914 would be unutterably depressing if all we could focus on is this aspect of humanity. Instead we are called to look to the cross which takes seriously our human failings and also points us to a new hope. We need the art and the spiritual dimension of our lives to lift us to new possibilities. As a parish we will be continuing our commemoration of the beginning of WW1 with a concert on Saturday 15th November at St Peter & St Paul. The Oxford Welsh Male Voice Choir will perform a concert IN PEACE AND REMEMBRANCE. The concert will feature inspiring and moving pieces in the unique fourpart harmony that makes this choir truly Welsh. The concert will also feature talented young soprano Hannah Nye together with readings on the theme of peace and remembrance. Please join us for this very special and unique occasion. HUW The Quiet Hour returns 8 - 9pm at St John the Baptist, Aldbury on the 3rd Monday of every Month and throughout Advent. Future dates are: Monday 17th November, and 1st, 8th, 15th (and possibly 22nd) December. Reading , reflection and time just ‘to be’ or to express yourself with varied art or writing materials. Warm drinks provided, warm clothing advisable Remembrance Day At 11am on Armistice Day each church has a service apart from Puttenham which has compline at 8pm. RIP - Richard Stephenson. Please keep his family in your prayers NEEDED - somebody to clean a small area of StP&P. Please contact Margaret Wilson (01442) 890241 if you can help. Thank you to all those who clean regularly In Peace & Remembrance - Saturday 15th November A concert for parish funds in Tring Church by the Oxford Male Welsh Choir. They have an excellent reputation and it should be a great concert for this season of remembrance. The next book group book is The Cleaner of Chartres by Sally Vickers which we will be discussing on Sunday 23rd November at 6.45pm at St Peter & St Paul. Please contact Didier for more information The next meeting of the Justice & Peace Group is at Corpus Christ Church Hall in Langdon Street at 8pm at Wednesday 26th November. Please come along – you would be made very welcome. Tring Christmas Festival - Friday 28th November Tring Church is at the heart of the festival. If you can help with refreshments or a stall please speak to Huw Christingle - Sunday 30th November We mark Advent Sunday with Christingle Services at Tring and Aldbury at 3pm. These are one of the larger fundraisers for the Children’s Society, one of our important charities. Purses are available in church. If you would like to help organise this service next year, please speak to Jill Smith. Community Christmas Concert is being organised by the Justice & Peace Group on Saturday 6th December at 7.30pm in the Victoria Hall, Tring. The choir from Bishop Wood School and London Heritage Brass are providing the entertainment. There will also be refreshments available for sale at the interval. This year proceeds will go to local charity DENS. Tickets at £3.50 are available for sale from Beechwoods in Frogmore Street from 10th November. Buy early – we didn’t have room for everyone who turned up last year! Children under 11 have free entry. Please support this wonderful event. Iain Rennie Service Tring Church will host the annual service for Iain Rennie Hospice at 3pm on Sunday 7th December, followed by their Light up a Life service at 4pm Musical Revue at the Victoria Hall - 20th & 21st February 2015. Tickets costing £15 including wine and canapés, are now on sale. Available from Helen Dunford (01442) 891377 or Grahame Senior (01442) 822770 Christmas Traidcraft and FairTrade goodies - are now available to order. Of note is the ‘The Real Advent Calendar’ which at £3.85 is filled with Fairtrade chocolate and a storybook about the Christmas story. It is a great way to bring the Christmas story to life for children. For more information and to place an order, please contact Moira Hargreaves at moira.y.hargreaves@btinternet.com
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