SUNDAY 11th JANUARY 2015 BAPTISM OF CHRIST FIRST SUNDAY AFTER THE EPIPHANY 8.00am 9.45am 11.15am 12 noon 6.30pm Holy Communion Parish Eucharist Matins Holy Communion Procession for the Baptism of Christ We welcome everyone at our services. Families, please make use of children’s corner at the back of church. We usually have a Sunday School for children aged 4-11 in Church House during the Parish Eucharist in term time. Morning Prayer is generally said Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8.30am (entry by St. George’s door). N.B. Evening Prayer is not said during January and February. THIS WEEK Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 9.30am 8.00am 10.00am 2.30pm 7.30pm 7.45pm 9.30am 2.15pm 7.15pm 11.00am 12 noon 2.30pm 9.30am Staff Meeting in the Lounge Holy Communion MU Prayer Group in the Crypt ‘Getting to know St. Francis’ Group at St. Margaret’s Chapel ‘Mums Today’ at 2 Eden Grove Prayer Group in Church House Lounge Holy Communion Mothers’ Union meets in Church House Lounge PCC meets in the Lounge Holy Communion at St Margaret’s Chapel Lunch and Chat in Church House Lounge Funeral of Kenneth Mills New Horizons Prayers NEXT SUNDAY: 18th JANUARY 2015 SECOND SUNDAY OF EPIPHANY 8.00am 9.45am 11.15am 6.30pm Contacts: Holy Communion Parish Eucharist – Preacher: The Revd Gwynneth Owen Informal Service Evensong The Rector : The Revd Canon Vanessa Herrick: Parish Office: Vergers: 01202 882340 01202 884753 01202 886667 MINSTER MATTERS THE SICK: We pray for those known to us who are sick and suffering: Katie Lowden, Justin Edwards, Philip Shea, Samuel, Euan Bassett, Joan Roopanarine, Eileen Thorpe, Tony Skidmore, David Mould, Melanie Fawcett, Pat Collier, Felicia Heath, Lisa Sims, Janet Day, John Carpenter, Sylvia Daffern, The Revd Judith Henderson, Jean Harvey, Janie MacFarlane, Anne Richards. Also recently departed: Rachel Stevens. Today the flowers at the altar are dedicated to the choir. The anonymous attribution reads – ‘For the beautiful sounds produced by the loyal Minster Choir, Organist and Director of Music’. This evening at 6.30pm: Congregational Procession for the Baptism of Christ. We will need 3 people to read – please see the blue folder on the vergers’ desk, sign up, and take your copy away. We will also need people to move small items during the procession, and a fairly strong person to haul a jug of water and pour the contents into the font! Please sign up on the list in the blue folder. Many thanks. Brenda. The next meeting of the ‘Getting to know St. Francis’ group is at 2.30pm on Tuesday 13th January at St. Margaret’s Chapel. The theme for the meeting is ‘St. Francis forms the Third Order Franciscans’. All welcome. Donna Gosney has been appointed as Administrative Assistant and commenced duties on 1st January 2015. Her role will also give cover for Penny Baxter in the Parish Office on a Friday following the retirement of Georgina Arnold. The new role will run alongside that of the Shop Manager post which Donna already holds. We are sure that everyone will support Donna over the coming months to provide an effective team to move us forward in 2015. The Minster Governors have allocated funds for the temporary appointment of a Personal Assistant to Vanessa, initially for one year and for four hours per week. Brenda Gibson has been appointed and commenced work on 1st January 2015. Over the Christmas period some 2000 people attended the various services held in the Minster. They gave generously to the three special charities being supported: The Coach in the Community, The Alzheimers Society and The Rotary Crocus Project, raising over £2600 to divide between the three. A message from the Churchwardens: may we thank everyone, volunteers and staff alike, for all the help and support which was given not only over the very busy Christmas period but also throughout last year. It enabled the Minster to be kept open as a welcoming place for all visitors and members of the congregation. We would also like to take this opportunity of sending our very best wishes for the New Year and look forward to working with you all in the months ahead. Anthony Oliver and Francis Vine, Churchwardens. A special thank you to all those who helped to decorate the Minster for Christmas. Thank you also to all who helped clear the flowers in the Minster on 5 th January and tidy the cupboard – help very much needed after my recent hip operation. Christine Oliver The Wednesday Prayer Group regroups this Wednesday in the Lounge at 7.45pm. ‘It is just three weeks until I go to Yambio, South Sudan, and I am very grateful for the support given so far. Please continue to pray for me, for safe travel and for the relationships and links which will be built and reinforced, and the projects in which I’ll be involved. I’ve already filled two suitcases with donations, but would still be happy to receive reading glasses of any strength (which can be bought from supermarkets), bras and money to support my trip. All can be left in the office. Thank you very much’. Sheila Soper. Lunch and Chat - Friday 16th January 2015 – Church House – 12 noon to 1.30pm. All proceeds will be given to help finance Sheila Soper’s visit to the Sudan. There will be a raffle and items for this will be very gratefully received. Do join us for a friendly lunch and support Sheila. Your Christmas cards can be recycled in aid of South Sudan so please cut off the backs and put into the box at the back of the Minster. Many thanks. Sheila. Next Sunday at the 9.45am Parish Eucharist we welcome our friends from Wimborne Methodist Church to join us in worship. Our preacher will be The Revd Gwynneth Owen. Please make them all very welcome. The Rector. Next Sunday’s Informal Service at 11.15am will focus on our link with the Diocese of Yambio in South Sudan. Sheila Soper, who is visiting Yambio next month, will be telling us of her plans and helping us to pray for our brothers and sisters in the Episcopal Church of Sudan. We will also be making greeting cards for her to take with her to give to individuals and groups in Yambio. The season of Epiphany focuses on the Good News of Jesus Christ for all nations and it seems appropriate to focus our informal worship next Sunday in this way. Please come and join us. The Rector. Happy New Year to all from the Food Bank! In December 55 people (including 22 children) were fed, yet stocks generally remain good. We are low on UHT milk, 1litre and 500ml semi-skimmed tetrapaks, tea bags, coffee, drinking chocolate, washing up liquid and shower gel, and have run out of toothbrushes. Thank you so much to all who give so generously. Sue Slydel. Lent 2015. If you’ve had a look at the Course Programme for 2015 (which was distributed in December, and further copies of which are available at the back of the Minster) you will have noticed that we plan to follow a study course on the Lord’s Prayer. There will be two ways to do this - either by coming to the Minster on a Tuesday evening at 7pm when the Rector and Brenda Gibson will ‘teach’ the course in lecture form; or in home groups/study groups. In order to plan ahead, The Rector would be grateful to hear from those who are already in home groups whether they plan to follow the Lord’s Prayer course, as well as from anybody who would like to do the Course as part of a ‘one-off’ study group (but who isn’t already a member of a home group). This is because we hope to put in a bulk order for the Pilgrim Course Module 2 booklets and we will need to do so in good time for Lent, which begins on 18th February. To that end: a) If you are part of a home group and your group wishes to follow the course, please let the Rector know how many booklets you require (one per person, plus a leader’s booklet) b) If you would like to be part of a study group for Lent, please sign the list at the back of the Minster before the end of January. Rector Our congratulations to Mike Downton and Hilda Butler who were licensed as Lay Pastoral Assistants last Thursday. We welcome them to the team. If anyone is free to help out on the Saturday morning shift in the shop – that’s 10am to 1pm – to the end of February, please have an urgent word with Donna. We look forward to receiving sponsorship for altar flowers for 2015. We ask for a donation of £20 per week sponsored, and details of your dedication will be placed in that week’s news sheet if you so wish. Please speak to Penny in the office. WIMBORNE AND AROUND THE AREA. Wimborne in Bloom Annual Meeting takes place in the Town Hall, 37 West Borough, on Monday 26th January at 7.30pm with a report on 2014 and plans for 2015, when the Town has been nominated to enter the National Britain in Bloom Competition following its win in the 2014 Regional Competition. Everyone most welcome to attend. CONTACTS Rector: The Revd Canon Vanessa Herrick 01202 882340 Curate: The Revd Belinda Marflitt 01202 886694 Associate Priests: The Revd Dr Brenda Gibson 01202 881472 The Revd Dr Lorelie Farmer 01202 801470 01202 888703 The Revd Elise Harding Churchwardens: Mr Anthony Oliver Acting Churchwarden: Mrs. Deirdre Ashton 01202 889385 Website: e-prayer circle: 01202 881102 Friends’ Secretary: Mr Peter Cook 01202 885470 Finance: Mrs Karen Manneh 01202 884753 01202 884753 01202 884753 01202 886667 01202 886667 Parish Secretary: Mrs Penny Baxter Administrative Assistant: Mrs. Donna Gosney Vergers: Mr John Hughes Mr Ashley Coombs
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