“A place where you can be who you are” Christ Lutheran Church November 2014 3260 Nationway Cheyenne, WY 82001 (307) 632-8429 email: CheyenneChristLutheran@gmail.com http://christlutherancheyenne.org http://www.akidemy.org NOVEMBER HIGHLIGHTS Sunday, November 2, 9 am—All Saints’ Sunday; Adult Bible Study; 10 am— Worship & Sunday School & Holy Communion; 11 am—Pot Luck Wednesday, November 5, 10 am— Women’s Study Group Sunday, November 9, 9 am—Adult Bible Study; 10 am—Worship & Sunday School & Holy Communion; 11 am— Church Council Tuesday, November 11—Veterans’ Day Friday, November 14, 7 pm—Men’s Group Saturday, November 15, 10 am to 1 pm— New Member Class Sunday, November 16, 9 am—Adult Bible Study; 10 am—Worship & Sunday School & Holy Communion; 11 am— Ladies' Group Wednesday, November 19, 10 am— Women's Study Group Saturday, November 22, 6 pm—New Member dinner Sunday, November 23, 9 am—Adult Bible Study; 10 am—Worship & Sunday School & Holy Communion, Reception of New Members Thursday, November 27—Thanksgiving Sunday, November 30, 9 am—First Sunday of Advent; Adult Bible Study; 10 am—Worship & Sunday School & Holy Communion TABLE OF CONTENTS PASTOR’S PENNINGS THANK YOU! AKIDEMY UPDATE NEW MEMBERS’ CLASS BAPTISM & FIRST COMMUNION DIRECTORY CHANGES STEWARDSHIP CAMPAIGN ALL SAINTS’ SUNDAY FALL MISSIONAL GATHERING REFORMATION SUNDAY 2 3 4 5 COUNCIL HIGHLIGHTS WE KNEW WE COULD! 6 RUMMAGE SALE 7 WOMEN’S STUDY GROUP MEN’S GROUP CONNECTION MINISTRY PARTNER 8 9 OCTOBER - NOVEMBER WORSHIP ASSISTANT SCHEDULE 10 CALENDAR 11 COUNCIL & COMMITTEES 12 PASTOR’S PENNINGS I have a friend whose favorite holiday is Thanksgiving. When I asked her why, she responded “because it is a time to value and appreciate family gathered together.” she went on to say that it is that one time all year when people consciously stop to remember the love, the joy, all the many blessings that we have received from our gracious God. I thought, how beautiful! All I can remember from my family was hours in the kitchen cooking, hours in the kitchen cleaning, and the blaring of the incessant football games on the TV in the living room. As John and I had our family, we decided that we would do Thanksgiving differently. We had no family around and so, each year, we drove four hours to a most unusual place in Texas. People always complained about the fact that there were no seasons in Texas, but that’s because they had not discovered our special holiday “get away.” When the earthquakes and volcanoes and the ice age were happening, by some strange fluke of nature, a stand of maple trees had been left in one little place in Texas — Lost Maples State Park. So every Thanksgiving, we went to Lost Maples to camp, to enjoy the beauty of the gorgeous orange and red maple trees, and the peace of the gently flowing stream. My friend had a point. That was a special time of family and praise and thanksgiving for the beauty of God’s creation. I pray that this Thanksgiving might be a time when each of you will say a special “Thank you” for the blessing of family and friends, of health, of Christ Lutheran church, and of God’s greatest gift—Jesus. “Every day may not be good, but there’s something good in every day.” THANK YOU! 'Then our mouth was filled with laughter and our tongue with shouts of joy.' Psalm 126:2. This nicely sums up my reaction when at our Celebration Sunday dinner I was told what you all had so generously pledged to our Capital Campaign to reduce our debt to Thrivent. Many thanks and my heartfelt appreciation to each of you who worked on it: planners (Lisa, Nancy, Shawna, Pastor), telephoners, cottage meetings hosts, attendees/participants at those meetings, meal planners, preparers, kitchen volunteers. To 'Temple Talkers' Carol, Nancy and Shawna: your passion for this church was inspiring. Betty White 2 AKIDEMY UPDATE October has been another crazy month at the AKIDemy. Our theme was Columbus Day and Halloween. The toddlers had a wonderful time making jack-o-lanterns with paper pumpkins and marshmallows for the eyes and nose. As you may know, the AKIDemy is hosting the annual “Trunk or Treat” this year. We are having great fun preparing for “A Ghoulish Journey to Oz.” Please see the article in the newsletter and just come enjoy the fun. If you would like, you are invited to supply a car “trunk” and treats. The preschoolers have been working on their shapes and continue working with their letter of the week. Our teacher who was out on maternity leave has returned with her new son, Jeremiah. He is adorable. And, oh, Grandma Michele is very pleased with her first grandson. One of the children who entered kindergarten came in to visit this week. She is doing very well and the family attributes it to her excellent preparation at the AKIDemy. So be proud of this wonderful center that you have created. Oh! Almost forgot! We passed our Biennial Inspection with flying colors! Be sure to thank the staff for their good work when you see them. NEW MEMBERS’ CLASS A number of people have recently expressed an interest in joining Christ Lutheran. We are planning a new member class for Saturday, November 15, from 10 am to 1 pm. We will explore what Lutherans believe about God, sin, the sacraments, etc. Even if you’ve been a member for years, you would enjoy this refresher course. The new members and their sponsors will share a meal together on November 22 and join the church on November 23. BAPTISM AND FIRST COMMUNI0N After the beginning of the new year, be watching for news about Baptism and First communion classes. We have some children waiting in the wings. Children in 2nd grade or higher are invited to attend First Communion Class even though we are willing to commune any child at a younger age if their parent desires. CHANGES TO YOUR CHURH DIRECTORY New Phone numbers: Richard Dunn: 307.369.2334 John O’Malia: 307.287.4825 New Address: Isaiah Colbert 703 E 18th St Cheyenne, WY 82001 3 STEWARDSHIP CAMPAIGN “Oh no! We just completed the Capital Campaign, and you’re talking about money again?” Yes, guilty as charged! We have to keep up with the regular bills. Our desire is to have you maintain your current level of giving for the next year. You have blessed the church with your generosity. Keep up the good work, good and faithful servants! ALL SAINTS’ SUNDAY If you haven’t already signed up, but would like to have someone remembered during worship on November 2, please write their name on the sheet by the door. We remember those family and close friends who have passed away since last November 1. 4 FALL MISSIONAL GATHERINGS ARE SCHEDULED THROUGHOUT THE RMS Bishop Jim Gonia to meet in every conference around “Lutheran Spirituality” The focus of the 2014 Missional Gatherings will be on “Lutheran Spirituality” with special breakout sessions on networking with other congregational councils and your local community All rostered leaders, council members, outreach and evangelism committees, and congregation members are invited. Youth and young adult participation are encouraged. Our church has already been registered for the Sunday, November 2, 3 pm event. This will be held at Faith Lutheran Church in Eaton, Colorado. Come and learn what others are doing. Last year was a great experience for all who attended. REFORMATION SUNDAY Reformation Sunday is October 26. Plan to dress in red to celebrate this special day. Our service will be unique and we will have special music to add to your worship experience that day. Don’t miss out. 5 COUNCIL HIGHLIGHTS The Church Council met on October 4. we learned that through the month of August for the entire year, the church is only $413.00 in the red. Property reported that Phoenix Fire had come and done their annual inspection which we passed. Stewardship announced that following the Debt Reduction Campaign, a Stewardship letter would go out to all members regarding their regular commitments for day to day operations of the church. Pastor Karen reported that the AKIDemy wants to host “Trunk or Treat” this year and are planning the event with a few new ideas. Pastor Karen also presented the Council with a variety of fundraising activities and various members of the Council volunteered to investigate them further. There was brief discussion about the progress of the Capital Campaign which is pulling together. The meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer. WE KNEW WE COULD! What a phenomenal congregation we have here at Christ Lutheran Church! Our little capital campaign had pledges of $18,085! And they aren’t all in yet! We know there should be half a dozen more coming. And thanks to the graciousness of the Ladies Group, the proceeds from the Rummage Sale and Bake Sale will also be added to the debt reduction. If you haven’t turned in your commitment card yet, we are still accepting them. Just put it in the plate on Sunday. We can reach our goal of $25,000. God has truly blessed Christ Lutheran Church with faithful, loyal members … and we are growing in number. We will be adding seven new members before the end of the year. It’s true. You can’t outgive God! 6 RUMMAGE SALE The Ladies’ Group Rummage Sale outdid itself again. There were incredible bargains to be found and business was good. We want to thank the Ladies’ Group for all their hard work in making it a success. Every person shared willingly in the work. But there are a few who diligently came every day all week to set things up. We would like to mention the following: Aina Stoen, Stacy Rea, Carol Pralle and Lisa Cahoon. Also, a huge thank you to Mike Rea who did so much of the hauling. DIVINE DOLLARS NOT JUST FOR GIFTS: Use them for everyday purchases. If you spent $600 on groceries and gas at Safeway each month (4% discount), $100 on clothing at Penneys (5% discount), $50 for Applebee's (10% discount), and $50 at Pizza Hut (8% discount) you would earn $38 for the church for the month. If 25 people did the same, we would earn $950 a month for Christ Lutheran. 7 WOMEN’S STUDY GROUP CHANGES The Thursday morning “Women’s Study Group” is starting up again, but moving to Wednesdays. This year, we will meet the first and third Wednesdays of each month. The study begins at 10 am at Pastor O’Malia’s home and ends by 11:30. Our topic last year was prayer. We learned a number of helpful and different ways to pray. Our next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 5. At that time, we will determine our topic for this year. If you were unable to join us last year, come give it a try. Not only do we grow in knowledge, but we also grow in our relationships with other women. Please bring guests who might enjoy this opportunity. They do not have to be members. See you on the 5th! The coffee pot will be on! MEN’S GROUP The Men’s Fellowship group meets again Friday, November 14. Meetings are held at the church the 2nd Friday of each month. It’s a time to just kick back and enjoy a little male companionship. See you soon, guys! WORSHIP ASSISTANT SCHEDULE IS IN THE NEWSLETTER Please note that each month, near the end of the newsletter, you will find the Schedules for Worship Assistants, Altar Guild, Counters, Coffee Hosts and Hostesses. Pull this out and put them near your calendar with your own volunteer dates noted. 8 CONNECTION Piglet sidled up to Pooh from behind. “Pooh!” he whispered. "Yes, Piglet?” "Nothing," said Piglet, taking Pooh's paw. “I just wanted to be sure of you.” —A.A. Milne Many of you may be wondering what Pooh and Piglet have to do with Resilience and how the above quote relates. This quote speaks to the importance of relying on others. Connection to others is critical to resilience. It is about knowing you have an abiding, caring relationship with at least one person you can really count on. Self-reliance and strong relationships are important, but it’s not either/or. Both matter! So who is your Pooh? There comes a time in your life, when you walk away from all the drama and people who create it. You surround yourself with people who make you laugh. Forget the bad, and focus on the good. Love the people who treat you right, pray for the ones who don’t. Life is too short to be anything but happy. Falling down is a part of life, getting back up is living. José N. Harris MINISTRY PARTNER The Rocky Mountain Synod has paired up churches within the Synod as ministry partners. Believing that we are “Better Together,” they are urging partner churches to support and be in prayer for one another. It is suggested that during Advent we have some sort of an event together and have a pulpit exchange one Sunday during Lent. Our new ministry partner is Holy Trinity in Laramie. This is the church that Arden and Betty White attended for years when Arden was a professor at the University of Wyoming. Coincidentally, they have just called Rachael Larson as their new pastor. She and Pastor Karen actually knew each other and still have common friends from when they both lived in Houston, TX. This will be a new adventure and strengthening of our ministries and we are looking forward to it. 9 10 PLEASE HIGHLIGHT YOUR ASSIGNED DATES PLACE MAGNET HERE AND PUT THIS ON YOUR REFRIGERATOR Worship Assistants, Altar Guild, Counters and Coffee Hostesses 11 10 am-Worship & Sunday School & open communion 30 9 am-Bible Study 10 am-Worship & Sunday School & open communion 23 9 am-Bible Study 24 25 18 17 16 9 am-Bible Study 10 am-Worship & Sunday School & open communion 11 am-Ladies Group Day 11 Veterans’ 4 Tuesday 9 am-Bible Study 10 am-Worship & Sunday School & open communion. 11 am-Church Council 9 ALL SAINTS’ DAY 10 3 2 9 am-Bible Study 10 am-Worship & Sunday School & open communion 11 am- Potluck 3 pm Missional GatheringEaton, CO Monday Sunday 26 19 10 am-Women's Study Group 12 5 10 am-Women's Study Group Wednesday 21 Group 14 7 pm-Men’s 7 Friday Day 27 Thanksgiving 28 20 13 6 Thursday November 2014 29 22 2-5:30 pm– Wideworld Church of God 6 pm New Member Dinner member class 2-5:30 pm– Wideworld Church of God 15 10 am-1 pm—new 8 2-5:30 pm– Wideworld Church of God Church of God 1 2-5:30 pm– Wideworld Saturday CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH COUNCIL & COMMITTEES Church Council President – Be<y White Vice President – Lisa Cahoon Treasurer – Nancy Heller Secretary – Carol Olson Women’s Group/Fellowship President – Paula Egan-Wright Vice-President – Lisa Cahoon Treasurer – Elaine Hein Secretary – Shawna Cahoon Council Chairs and Members Building /Property – Norm Pralle Chris@an Educa@on – Carol Olson Evangelism — Carol Pralle Fellowship — Nancy Heller Worship/Music – Lisa Cahoon Stewardship – John O’Malia Financial Ma'ers Financial Secretary – Elaine Hein AKIDemy Finances – John O’Malia Other Leadership Altar Guild– Stacy Rea Communion Bread Bakers—Cathy Lokes Publicity– Carol Olson Christ Lutheran Church 3260 Nationway Cheyenne, WY 82001 12
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