Why Don't they Return your Calls? Page 1 of 4 H i, just a rem inder that you're receiving this em ailbecause you have expressed an interest in Connexia G roup. D on't forget to add pm cclurea@ cox.net to your address book so w e'llbe sure to land in your inbox! You m ay unsubscribe if you no longer w ish to receive our em ails. August 2013 IN THIS ISSUE DON'T ASSUME ANYTHING TWO DOMINANT REALITIES Why Don't they Return your Calls ? Dear Patrick, QUICK LINKS MORE ABOUT CONNEXIA COACHING SERVICES FREE WHITE PAPERS BOOK PATRICK TO SPEAK We've all had it happen to us, and it's one of the most frustrating experiences in business. You met with your prospective client, and it was an exciting and productive meeting. You established good rapport, you listened well and learned their major issues, you talked about your unique value propositions, and you felt confident that this sale would move forward to signature. You followed up with a thank you note, and you proceeded to the next step in your sales process. And then the prospect went "dark" on you. Several days of emails, voicemails, and calls not returned ensue, and you are now tearing your hair out in frustration. What happened? Why aren't they returning your calls? What did you do wrong? How can you recover the sale? Why did they go silent? There are many potential "reasons why" and this month's newsletter will deal with some of the major causes for "clients gone silent." Read on..... https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=11143226... 8/14/2013 Why Don't they Return your Calls? Page 2 of 4 DON'T ASSUME ANYTHING If our calls are not being returned, we automatically assume the worst. I think it's in our natures that when there is no logical explanation we begin to invent one. I have no idea why the human mind is wired this way, but we somehow have a knack for assuming the worst and worrying ourselves to death about it. The prospect is not returning your calls/emails, so what does this mean? Often times it means NOTHING. I can report that hundreds of times clients of mine called me back out of the blue, after several days or weeks of no communication, and told me about how excited they were to be working with me. I was worrying about it, thinking I had done something wrong, counting on the worst case scenario when in actual fact the customer was: -- on vacation -- consumed with more important business issues -- tied up in out of town meetings -- someone in the family had a huge emergency -- death in the family, marriage in the family, divorce -- whatever.... In my experience, about 40% of these "gone silent" cases are nothing to worry about. A little patience is required. Better yet, spend the time prospecting to 10 more new clients and stop worrying about the one that may be slipping away. Focus on creating positive motion forward! CAREFULLY REVIEW YOUR SALES PROCESS https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=11143226... 8/14/2013 Why Don't they Return your Calls? Page 3 of 4 Almost every modern sales organization has a documented sales process which should be based on Best Practices that are followed by their highest performing professionals. If you don't have it documented, that should be your first step. Find out what your very best are actually DOING to close so many deals, and get it documented and disseminated to the rest of your team. In most companies, just doing this simple step leads to at least a 10% increase in sales results.....immediately! Next, review the steps you took in your sales process with the "gone dark" client and find out what vital step was either missing, skipped, or not completed thoroughly. It helps to discuss this with another person to get an objective viewpoint of the situation. Our human nature ensures that in most cases we will justify our behavior to ourselves, and we'll make excuses for any shortcomings. That's why you need an outside, independent observer to help you look at what you actually did. It's really hard to take a critical view of ourselves, so that's where an associate can be very helpful. You could take the problem to your manager for an outside viewpoint, but that depends on how experienced they are at managing salespeople. The good ones are supportive, and the bad ones are punitive and threatening. Use your judgment! The reasons why the prospect or current client doesn't return your call almost always come back to VALUE, or the lack thereof. You didn't establish enough value in the previous meeting, and therefore there's no compelling reason for them to take your call or pick up the phone and contact you. Think about it this way: if their very LIFE depended upon talking with you, they would absolutely take the call. The fact they don't call back indicates it's simply not that high of a priority for them...ergo not enough value was established in the previous meeting. Here's a workable approach to creating value, and it's also how to ensure they'll return your call. In your earlier meeting, you must: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. establish trust and rapport ask questions and listen carefully, taking notes find out what is their real problem/issue/need briefly discuss the VALUE of what you do (services, product) CONNECT the value you deliver to their core issue indicate you may have some ideas to help resolve their problem, creating a storm of interest and demand 7. schedule the next meeting to present these ideas 8. confirm the next meeting with them on the spot Try this on your next call, and you'll see some great results! MAKE IT BIG: The Ultimate Profit Generator https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=11143226... 8/14/2013 Why Don't they Return your Calls? Page 4 of 4 We're delighted to announce that our revolutionary, spectacular, eagerly-anticipated, and proven online Sales Training System -- MAKE IT BIG: The Ultimate Profit Generator -- will be debuting this fall. This system is based on my first two books (Precision Selling and Find Lost Revenue), which have been greatly expanded and enriched by over 10 years of additional research, discoveries, and case histories with my clients. This online web-based training system will include audio and video training sessions, accompanied by interactive exercises, homework and coaching. Within a very short time, you'll be selling, influencing and persuading like a Master! The system could also be called "Persuasion and Influence for the non-Salesman." After all, in today's world Everyone Sells, and the lessons we've learned from professional salespeople apply just as well to doctors, accountants, housewives, lawyers, firemen and business owners. Several Webinar Preview sessions are currently being scheduled. If you haven't yet been invited, just email ptmwiz@gmail.com to reserve your spot. Or call (949) 858-0755. Here's to everyone's success! Why we do what we do We believe in the unlimited potential of human beings to be, do, or have whatever they desire. We believe that sales is not only about what you're doing, but rather who you are being. Our job is to help you tap into your core strengths, to re-ignite your belief in yourself, and to take your performance to the maximum ! Sincerely, Patrick McClure Connexia Group Forward this email This em ailw as sent to patrick@ connexiagroup.com by patrick@ connexiagroup.com | Update Profile/Em ailAddress | Instant rem ovalw ith SafeUnsubscribeâ„¢ | Privacy Policy. Connexia Group |10 Via Candelaria |Coto de Caza | CA | 92679 https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=11143226... 8/14/2013
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