Cardinal Pacelli Post March 25, 2015 4/29/15, 1:53 PM Quick Links Our Lord Christ the King Church PTO website Athletics Website Calendar Headmaster March 2015 Lunch Menu Tech Center Talk Important Dates: March 26th Just Try It - During K-8 Lunch Periods Reports Cards go Home 8th Grade Musical 7:00 PM March 27th 10:00 am Arrival for 8th Graders only 12:15 3rd Grade Stations of the Cross Market Day Pick-up Fish Fry April 1st First day students are permitted to wear uniform shorts to school PreSchool Easter Egg Hunt April 2nd 1:45 All School Stations of the Cross Altar Server t-shirt day April 3rd - 10th Easter Break April 15th Box Top Family Spirit Wear Day April 16th K-3 Field Trip to Taft March 25, 2015 From the Principal Successful 2015 Hoops 4 Hunger Basketball Tournament In the News! On Saturday, $3,100 was raised for St. Joseph's Orphanage to help replace their roof! Winners were: Aidan A., Jack D., Jai'dien P., and Zach S. Congratulations and thank you to all who helped make this such a success, especially Mrs. Mandy Kirk and Mr. Dan Steffen who coordinated this event! Both Channel 9 & 19 News were here to catch the action! Click here to see our HOOPS 4 HUNGER news coverage! Mark your calendars now to be sure, you aren't left outside behind the stage door! The 8th grade has been working so hard you can see, so we invite you on this magical adventure to-be! March 26, 2015 You'll be taken away to a land you've never seen! The show starts at 7:00 PM, so please don't be late! The Cat in the Hat just simply won't wait! Musical will be held in the school gym and Page 1 of 10 Cardinal Pacelli Post March 25, 2015 4/29/15, 1:53 PM Fashion Show 7:00 PM admission is FREE! April 17th Spirit Wear Day April 18 Jesus Day for 2nd Graders SPECIAL NOTE FOR ALL 8TH GRADERS: Due to the performance, 8th Graders will have late arrival of 10:00 AM on Friday, March 27th! Come to the Fish Fry Friday evening, March 27th and have the TEACHERS serve YOU! White Envelope Bid & Buy Donor Form The NCAA Tournament Games Will Be Televised throughout the Evening! Beginning Wednesday, April 1st, Students are Permitted to Wear Uniform Shorts (see handbook for details). OVER $150k in Scholarships Offered to Cardinal Pacelli Scholars Many of our 8th graders received Scholarship offers and/or Admission with Honors to High School. In addition, Quin R., 7th grader, received a Scholarship from a local High School. Way to Go, Quin! Read about it here: Virtus Training is mandatory for all parents who volunteer, coach, or participate in any school or church activities with students. You must also keep up to date with the monthly bulletin reading. The next Cardinal Pacelli / Christ the King Virtus Training Sessions will be: Saturday, March 28 at 9:00 AM You must pre-register and do a background check a before attending. Walk-in's are not permitted. If you have any questions, please contact Tracy Anderson FROM THE SCHOOL NURSE Spring seasonal allergies are almost here. Now is the time to prepare by making sure any allergy medications your student needs are at school. These may include inhalers, eye drops or allergy medications. Over-the-counter medication only requires a parent's signature and forms are on the Nurse's website. Prescription medication requires both the physician and a parent's signature. HEALTH & WELLNESS "JUST TRY IT" IS BACK! Page 2 of 10 Cardinal Pacelli Post March 25, 2015 4/29/15, 1:53 PM Back by popular demand Health & Wellness is bringing back the "Just Try It" program this Thursday March 26th during lunch periods for grades K8. For those who aren't familiar with this program, the Health & Wellness committee will be offering students samples of healthy snacks and recipes on a monthly basis. They will get a sticker that says "I Tried It" to remind parents to ask them how they liked the food they sampled and we encourage families to try these simple recipes at home! Our recipes will be all natural and try to have 5 or less ingredients. Just like last year, the food samples will vary and just like many groceries/restaurants our ingredients will be nut free BUT may have been exposed to facilities that handle nuts and eggs so if this is a concern, we don't recommend students with these allergies to sample the food at this time. Any questions please email This Month's "Just Try It!" Brownie makeovers! Forget about the eggs, oil and/or butter. Substitute it with a can of all natural pumpkin! Look in your child's backpack THURSDAY for this simple recipe along with the health benefits from adding more pumpkin to your diet. Stay tuned, Pacelli getting healthy! PTO NEWS Fishes & Loaves (Week 5) - Tomorrow, March 26th Each student is being asked to bring in CANNED MEATS (ex. Chicken, Hash, Stew, Chili). These items will be collected at morning prayer and then delivered by our student volunteers to the Eastern Hills Food Pantry after school. For information on volunteering or to see the list of needed items Click Here Questions? Contact Becky Overbay at Father Son Event Thank you to all the FATHERS and SONS that joined us at Stone Lanes for an afternoon of bowling fun! The inaugural FATHER/SON event was a huge success! Thank you to the following families who participated in this year's event: Elsner, Rubick, Hummel, Taul, Molinsky, Howe, Deremo, Miller, Cox,Bulla, Altmix, Smyth, Brannock, Nelson, Fitzpatrick, Gilg, Hodge, Park, Davidson, Schrenk, Giles, King, Bunker, Caruso, Craft, Schell, Uhl, Underhill, Thurman, Glennon, Fulton, Castellini, Knight, Wallpe,Grefer, Redpath, Weinrich, Bower, Burson, Schwendeman, DiBattista, Homan, Petrocelli, Gunter,Hudepohl, Mitchell, Turner, Perkins, Steinert, and Hooker. WHAT FUN!!! Volunteer to be a Buddy Family Join us in our effort to welcome new families to the wonderful Cardinal Pacelli community. Serve as a contact for one, incoming family by reaching out to them, answering questions and offering them your wealth of Panther knowledge. Show them what Pacelli is all about! We celebrate your efforts in August with a cocktail party - all "buddy family moms" and "new moms" are invited to get together to kick off the upcoming school year! Contact Katie Greenwell with any questions. Page 3 of 10 Cardinal Pacelli Post March 25, 2015 4/29/15, 1:53 PM Lands' End SaleLands' End is offering 30% off all Full Priced Items from March 27th through March 31st. You can stock up on uniform shirts for next year or new shorts for the warmer weather to come! Click Here for the Lands' End uniform website for the promo code and pin. If you would like to purchase Lands' End gift cards to put toward your order, please contact Charlotte Steinert at Pacelli receives 20% of all gift card purchases! Mother/Son Event Don't Miss the Fun at Camp Ernst for the 2015 Mother Son Event! For a SNEAK PEAK AT OUR ITINERARY, Click Here Be sure to RSVP by April 1st via the White Envelope. If you need a copy of the invitation previously sent home, Click Here for the electronic copy of your invitation. Have a sport or other conflict that day? You can come late or leave early - no worries! Payments should be returned via the White Envelope. Make checks payable to CPS PTO (please put "Mother/Son event" on the memo line). Please RSVP by April 1st. Questions? Email Lisa Glennon at REMINDER: Sign Up for the FASHION SHOW! Pacelli at the Derby...Seersucker and Silks! Thursday, April 16th 7-11pm Cardinal Pacelli Gym $25 includes appetizers, dinner, and 1 drink ticket. You'll also get to see wonderful spring fashions from local retailers, as well as get the opportunity to win exciting raffle prizes. To register CLICK HERE Please RSVP by March 31st. We are looking for volunteers to help with various aspects of the Fashion Show including set up, check in, appetizers, desserts, and clean-up. If you are interested in helping, please Click Here to sign up. If you have any questions, please contact Julie Florio at Market Day pick-up is this Friday, March 27th at 2:30 PM in the school cafeteria. Thank You to the following families who placed an order this month: Bashor, Beirne, Bossart, Custer, Fitch, Roy, Solomon, Steinert, Texter, Zerhusen. Page 4 of 10 Cardinal Pacelli Post March 25, 2015 4/29/15, 1:53 PM Quarterly Box Top Winner: The Zerhusen Family Congratulations to the Zerhusen Family for winning the quarterly drawing of a $25 Gift Card To Meijer's! Special Box Top Promotion at Meijer Going On Now! Buy 10 box top items and receive a register receipt for 60 Bonus Box Tops! Offer ends 3/28/2015! Pacelli Fine Arts Cafeteria Concert Series On Friday, March 27th, Brian and Jennie Malone will be treating us to their steel drum performance during our Cafeteria Concert Series. Take a peek at their upcoming performances here: What a great way to usher in spring! Fine Arts Committee The 1st and 2nd Graders have completed their JellyBelly Bean Easter masterpiece, depicting the Lamp of God! This is the 4th in a series of Paschal scenes created under the artistic direction of Helen VonHolle and the support of the Fine Arts Committee. They are all on display on the wall next to the cafeteria. Pope Francis Service Award/Scholarship Community Service Scholarship - 8th graders attending a catholic high school next fall are eligible to apply for the Pope Francis Service Scholarship funded through the PTO. Applications are due in the office no later than 5/15. Click Here for a copy of the application. JUNEFEST 2015 Thanks to many volunteers and the parish office, our 2015 JuneFest website is live! Please go to to check out all things JuneFest. Visit our new sponsorship page, register for RunFest, review the weekend Schedule of Events and much, much more! Check back often for updates, volunteer opportunities and new information. We would like to give special thanks to Mike Langer, Hunter Thurman and Pam Boston. Their collaboration created an awesome, informative and interactive site! Page 5 of 10 Cardinal Pacelli Post March 25, 2015 4/29/15, 1:53 PM We can't wait to see you at JuneFest! Bridgitt & Sandy Pauly, Jamie & Matthew Schwendeman and Mary Beth & Doug Hines COUNTDOWN.... 11 Weeks until the Friday of Junefest! ORDER YOUR JUNEFEST T-SHIRT NOW! T-Shirt orders are due tomorrow! Order forms are to be returned to school by Thursday, March 26th! Click Here for Electronic Copy of Order Form Hard to believe that JuneFest is just around the corner! We are actively seeking donations for Bid & Buy. We would love tickets to events, gift certificates, unique items or monetary donations to fill our catalog. Be on the look-out for the donor form in the March 25th White Envelope. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact: Sally Heidelberg: OR Shannon McAffry-Davidson: (or call Shannon at 513-680-4956). Bid & Buy is in need of your gently used Pacelli related t-shirts. We are hoping to create a memory quilt to be auctioned at this year's event. We would like to have any gently used spiritwear, JuneFest, altar server, Hoops for Hunger, and any other shirts from memorable parish and school events. Due to the time involved in making the quilt, we request that your shirts be turned into the office by Friday, March 20th. You can email me at with any questions or ideas. Thank you so much for helping make this project a success! YES!!! JuneFest Parties Are Back!!!! You are cordially invited to host a party for Junefest 2015. Gather some friends and start thinking about hosting a party for our upcoming Junefest 2015. It's very simple and a lot of fun! Click Here for Letter Click Here for Sign Up Form 5K RunFest May 30, 2015 8:30 AM 8:20 AM - PreRace warm up powered by Fleet Feet Sports 8:30 AM - 5K Run/Walk 9:40 AM - Post Race Stretch - to "Get Your Yoga On" RunFest is looking for a donation of post race water bottles for our runners and walkers. Do you know anyone who would be willing to donate bottled water for our runners and walkers? If so, please contact Rebecca Ronnow Share the news via Facebook, Instagram, or by a random Tweet! Whatever your preference is to be socially connected to the community! rf5K Page 6 of 10 Cardinal Pacelli Post March 25, 2015 4/29/15, 1:53 PM Registration will be up and "Running" soon! Watch for details! Your help is needed with the coordination of entertainment, water stations, and food sponsors. Please reach out to Calling All Photographers! Junefest 2015 is looking for help in capturing our sense of community, promoting our parish, school and community at large. We have many events leading up to our festival weekend that we want photographed and shared with those around us. Please consider helping as we move toward a great weekend. THANK YOU to our lead photographer, Lindsay Cooley, for organizing. Contact Lindsay at 703-7144 or e-mail to get involved! CAPITAL CAMPAIGN UPDATE FROM FR. ED Dear Parents, It has been a while since we have reported on our building program that will: remedy our problematic hillside, create a large and beautiful gathering space for the church, add office and meeting space for the parish staff and volunteers, construct a new cafeteria and practice gym for the school, and, unite all our buildings in one major project! Well, it's time to update you on the exciting developments that have been going on as we have met with the engineers, the architects and the contractors for this job. Please come to an update meeting this Tuesday, March 31st at 7 p.m. in the Parish Center Gym. I invite our school parents especially to join us as we discuss this wonderful opportunity for our parish and school. Fr. Ed CHURCH NEWS COME TO OUR FINAL LENTEN FISH FRY FRIDAY MARCH 27TH to be hosted by Principal Roy & and Pacelli Faculty! Yes.....the NCAA games will be televised throughout the evening! We do still need some volunteers this week to do the following: Thursday evening prepare vegetables from your home, drop them off Friday at school Friday 5pm-6:30, help grill salmon Friday 6:30-8pm, help grill salmon, Friday 8pm-9:15, help clean up after the fry is over To volunteer: Page 7 of 10 Cardinal Pacelli Post March 25, 2015 4/29/15, 1:53 PM E-mail with the time you can volunteer OR Signup online by: Clicking Here or copying and pasting the follow web address into your web browser: Dine in or carry out for $10 for adult meals, $6 for Seniors, $5 for K-6th graders, and Preschoolers and under eat free! Drink costs are: domestic beers $2, imports $4; and water, lemonade and milk are free. STATIONS OF THE CROSS This Friday, join our 3rd graders as we reflect on the Passion of Jesus at 12:15 PM in the church. We hope you will walk the Stations of the Cross with us. There will be no Stations on Monday, March 30th at 7:00 PM. Lenten Service Project - Volunteers Needed Did you know the Freestore/Foodbank provides 4,000 Power Packs to local school children each Friday and 20 million meals annually in the Tri-State area? Christ the King is sponsoring a parish service project on Saturday, March 28th from 1:00pm - 4:00pm at the Freestore's Mayerson Distribution Center in Bond Hill. Come and join your fellow parishioners to sort food donations and assemble Power Packs. Contact Mary Persinger, 378-8936, to volunteer or for more information. Volunteers should be 12 years old and must be accompanied by an adult if under the age of 16. Holy Thursday Mass - The Washing of the Feet Holy Thursday Mass, April 2nd at 7:30pm is a beautiful celebration of Jesus' First Mass, the Last Supper. During this Mass, Father Smith washes the feet of 12 parishioners, symbolizing Jesus washing the feet of his disciples. We need 12 volunteers to take part in this tradition. Please consider taking this role. Click here to sign up and for more information. Volunteers needed - Parent & Child Parish News - Spring Edition If you have not already done so, you will be receiving the Parish News in the mail very soon. Click here to see our Parish News. Become a Social Media Ambassador for our Parish and School. If you already enjoy checking your Facebook feed or are involved with other forms of social media, we need you! Please help us get the good news out about our Parish and School. We are creating a group list of dedicated individuals to become our ambassadors by simply viewing, linking, and/or sharing posts from our Our Lord Christ the King/Cardinal Pacelli School facebook page. We will contact you when information has been posted so you can share our good news. It's that easy! Please contact Emily Daley at or 321-4121 to volunteer or learn more. We Page 8 of 10 Cardinal Pacelli Post March 25, 2015 4/29/15, 1:53 PM welcome your suggestions! ATHLETIC NEWS Girls Volleyball & Boys Basketball Uniforms Turn In It is time to turn in the Girls Volleyball and Boys Basketball uniforms. Please have them turned in to your coaches or to Tracy Anderson by Thursday April 2nd. There will be a $35 charge for any uniform that is not turned in. If you have any questions please contact Tracy Anderson at Congratulations to our 4th grade girls' team on winning 1st place in their CYO volleyball division. Team Members: Blair B., Kathleen D., Elizabeth F., Momo G., Kate H., Ainsley O., Lauren S., Caroline T., Coaches Maureen Davin and Courtney Talty. Christ the King Cubs Soccer Registration Complete! Thank you to all that registered for this Spring's preschool and pre-kindergarden boys and girls soccer league. We have eight teams formed and are very happy to announce that two more people stepped up to be coaches last week, but we are still in need of TWO more coaches with Virtus training. Please contact as soon as possible if you are able to volunteer. Remember: It's the best coaching gig in town! All team organization and communications will come directly from the Christ the King Cubs organizers. Please Save These Key Cubs Dates: 3/30: All players will receive an email with team assignments and equipment reminders 4/17: First game 6:15-7:00pm at Otto Armsleder on the field next to the playground 5/15: Team photos taken 5/22: No game 5/29: End of Season Pizza Party for the whole family Cardinal Pacelli School | 513-321-1048 | | 927 Ellison Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45226 Text | Link Copyright © 2014. All Rights Reserved. Forward this email Page 9 of 10 Cardinal Pacelli Post March 25, 2015 4/29/15, 1:53 PM This email was sent to by | Update Profile/Email Address | Rapid removal with SafeUnsubscribeâ„¢ | Privacy Policy. Cardinal Pacelli School | 927 Ellison Avenue | Cincinnati | OH | 45226 Page 10 of 10
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