Newsletter - Chartwells Schools

Chartwells April Newsletter
Chartwells at Midland Public Schools
Issue: 3
April 2015
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Food Service Homepage
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Food Service Director:
Tina Malzahn
Assistant Food Service
Director: Matt Severson
Administrative Assistant: Caila Wellsted
Safety Note
Did you know that at any
given time, there are over
800,000 people texting and
driving on US roads?
Stay Safe!
Midland Public Schools, In this Issue we highlight our favorite moments from March as well as what
we have in store for April.
March Highlights
Smoothies and Parfaits
We celebrated National Nutrition Month
by providing free smoothie samples to
the students during their lunch periods. Nearly 3,300 smoothies were given out
to the students! Along with the free smoothies, we also
featured a free yogurt parfait bar for
students involved in the after school
program, The ROCK. The students
were able to choose between several Students enjoying smoothies
at Jefferson
types of fruit and granola to put with
their yogurt.
Nutrislice School
Click on the picture above
to view the school menus! Download the app for free
for Android and Apple! Search Nutrislice in the app
store to download!
Caila and Matt preparing to make smoothies at Dow High
Chartwells April Newsletter
Smoothies were made with yogurt, blueberries, strawberries, and milk
We were able to teach the
students about fun and tasty ways
to enjoy healthy snacks. We
realize that creating a healthy
lifestyle begins right here at school
when students start deciding what
they want to eat. Our healthy
smoothies and parfaits gave the
students something fun and
different to enjoy while also
showing them that healthy food
comes in a variety of sweet and
tasty ways.
Raegan from Northeast enjoying
her parfait
Teacher Conferences Just a quick thank you to Pam Kastl, Jeff Jaster, and Linda
Lipsitt for allowing us to set up a table in your buildings during
Conferences. We had a great time talking to parents and
answering any questions that they had!
Chartwells April Newsletter
Love Salad Promotion
Sharon Nestorak, the lead cook at Jefferson, prepared and
served a fresh Color Burst Salad for students to sample. The
response was fantastic and the students are asking for this
salad to be put on the menu!
Max, Austin, and Eric with Sharon
March is Reading Month All 7 of our Elementary Buildings participated in a reading
contest for our "March is Reading Month" promotion. This give
away is our most popular activity among the students! We had
a great time at Woodcrest drawing the student names and
awarding them with books!
Chartwells April Newsletter
From left to right: Keegan, Ben, Austin, and Adyson
Robotics This year we were fortunate enough to work with Kathleen
Schaar during the Robotics event at Dow High. We were able
to cater breakfast for volunteers on Saturday and even provide
boxed lunches for 4 teams during the tournament. Kathleen did
a great job reaching out to the teams that attended the
tournament to see if they would like us to provide them with
lunches. We were happy to provide teams with a nutritious meal
and hope that next year more teams order boxed lunches!
Looking Forward This month we are looking forward to
celebrating Earth Day with several promotions in
hopes to get the students excited about taking
care of the earth.
We also know that warmer weather increases
Chartwells April Newsletter
field trips! Please do not forget that we can still provide
students with sack lunches for their trip so their parents do not
need to worry about packing a lunch! These sack lunches are
charged the same way as a regular lunch on the students
account! We have an order form on our website, all you have to
do is click on the picture above and click on the form on the
right hand side of the page and submit it back to us!
Lastly, over spring break we received a new food truck! We are
looking forward to using this truck during our summer programs
throughout Midland. With this truck we will be able to
serve more students and ensure that they are having healthy
lunches throughout the summer. We are excited about what
this truck is going to allow us to do and are ready for the new
challenges that it brings! Carol Laux taking a seat in the new food truck!
Vending Machine Reminder
Just a reminder that the new vending machines at Dow,
Chartwells April Newsletter
Midland High, and Northeast can be used by anyone. Students
and Staff are able to charge their account as well as pay cash. Visitors to the school and parents that do not have an MPS I.D.
number are still able to purchase from the vending machines by
using cash. Erin will be stocking the vending
machine at Northeast!
Giving Back
After the last lunch period before Spring
Break, our staff collected all the perishable
food items from our kitchens and brought it to
the Chartwells office. Here we divided the
food and distributed it among several families
in Midland and also to Open Door. Our staff
felt that it was important for us to give food
to families in our community that need extra
support. We donate periodically throughout
the year and are always happy to give a
lending hand to those in need.
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Chartwells Midland Public Schools | 305 E Reardon St | Midland | MI | 48640